Keeping Dallas (7 page)

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Authors: Amber Kell

BOOK: Keeping Dallas
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Dallas didn’t respond right away.

“Is there?” Laurence asked impatiently.

“May I stand, Master?” Dallas asked in a hesitant voice.

“Yes.” Curiosity had Laurence stepping back to allow Dallas room to climb to his feet.

He walked over to the window, avoiding Laurence’s eyes. “In wolf years, I’m really young,” Dallas began. Laurence caught a quick look in his direction but didn’t interrupt. “My control varies and fades almost completely the closer it gets to the full moon. If I attack, I might not be able to…” He broke off as if his next words were too painful to speak.

“I understand. You don’t trust me,” Laurence replied. His sub’s slim form held the power of a wolf. He respected Dallas’ strength but his magic would protect him even against his beautiful lover.

Dallas shook his head. “It’s not about trust. I don’t know if my wolf will recognise you when I’m under the moon’s persuasion even if you are my mate.”

“Oh, I’m your mate.” Laurence’s attraction to Dallas made perfect sense only if they were mates. “Wizards might not have mates, not like wolves, but we take our commitments very seriously.”

So seriously that most wizards didn’t even try for any type of relationship. Bonding to a magic wielder had its own set of problems.

Dallas wouldn’t look at him.

Laurence sighed. “I’m more than capable of freezing you in a bubble if you try to attack me in wolf form.”

“Really?” Hope glowed on Dallas’ face.

“Yes. How many sorcerers do you know?” Laurence asked.

Dallas’ brow wrinkled. “Is your brother a sorcerer?”


“Then…one. I know one.”

Laurence smiled. “So you’ll have to believe me when I tell you I’m the perfect partner for a young wolf who has control issues.”

Dallas laughed. “You are, are you?”

“Yes.” Laurence wrapped his arms around his lover until they had body contact from toes to chest and all the delicious parts in between. With silent spell, Laurence stripped them both naked.

“Wow. I can see all kinds of possibilities.”

Laurence kissed his sub, trying to convey all his passion and commitment in that one embrace. He didn’t want any doubts about their compatibility living in Dallas’ head. When he finally lifted his lips, he enjoyed the befuddled expression on Dallas’ face.

“You are mine just like I’m yours. We might have a relationship not everyone understands, but as long as it works for us, that’s all that’s important. Now—is there anything you want to say before your spanking?”

Dallas’ dreamy expression faded. “My what?”

“You not only withheld important information from me, but you doubted my ability to take care of you and meet your needs.” Laurence let his tone convey his disappointment.

“But you didn’t tell me you were a sorcerer,” Dallas protested.

Laurence nodded. “That is true, which is why I’m only going to give you ten swats instead of twenty.”


“Once you learned I was a sorcerer, you should’ve shown better confidence in your mate. A minimum of ten spankings.” He grabbed Dallas by the wrist and led him over to the armless chair with the high back. Laurence sat first then released Dallas.

“I don’t think I deserve ten swats.” Dallas set his mouth in a mutinous line.

“As you don’t get to choose the punishment, I’m not really concerned. Over my lap now, or I’ll add five more.”

Laurence waited. Not by a twitch did he convey the battle going inside. Part of him wanted to grab the stubborn shifter and throw him over his knees, and the other half wanted to let the whole thing go. Sadly, if he let this go unchallenged, he knew he’d lose some of the respect of Dallas’ wolf. In order to prove he could be an alpha to his mate, he needed to assert his command over him.

He could see the battle waging inside Dallas before the sub walked to Laurence’s side and gracefully draped himself over Laurence’s knees.

“That’s a good boy,” Laurence praised. He rubbed Dallas’ tight ass a few times to build up suspense and to cherish the feel of bare skin beneath his palm. “Count for me.”

After rubbing Dallas’ hard globes a few more times he raised his hand high then slammed his palm against Dallas’ ass.

“One,” Dallas hissed.

Laurence’s palm ached from the slap but he didn’t hold back. Two through five went quickly. He varied six and seven to the top of Dallas’ thighs.

“Eight,” Dallas said with a broken sob.

“Almost there, my sweet wolf,” Laurence promised. He finished the last two in rapid succession, eager to finish the punishment and go directly to the making up.

“Nine… Ten.”

“Good, so good.” Laurence carefully turned Dallas over and cradled him on his lap. A soft hiss from Dallas brought a smile to his lips. “Sore?”

“You know I am.” Dallas’ petulant tone should’ve had Laurence promising a harder spanking next time, but joy filled him instead.

“You will stay with me from now on and only return to your pack house for runs and pack events. Understand?”

Dallas nodded.


Laurence stood, lifting Dallas as he went. Walking over to the rug by the fireplace, he carefully laid Dallas on the soft surface.

“After you rest a bit I’ll remind you how good it feels to be fucked after your ass is warmed.”

“You’re not mad at me anymore?” Dallas asked in a small voice.

“No, babe. That’s in the past. You took your punishment and now we’re going to move forward. Agreed?”

Dallas nodded. “Agreed.”

The small smile he granted Laurence made him feel like a king. A knock at the door drew his attention away from Dallas.

“What?” he snapped.

“Papa wolf came to visit and he wants his pup.” His brother’s voice, muffled through the door, brought added tension to the room.

“Damn.” Dallas’ quiet curse said it all.

Laurence said a fast spell to dress them before he walked over to unlock the door.

His brother’s serious expression told him they’d better not mess around. He motioned for Dallas to join them and the trio headed towards the living room where Nate had left Rolf and Mila waiting. He heard Dallas’ footsteps behind him.

“What’s wrong?” Dallas asked. He wisely didn’t go to his alpha’s side but stayed obediently a step behind and to Laurence’s right.

“I did some research on your lover there. He’s a sorcerer!” Rolf snarled, his sharp, white canines flashing in the hall lights.

Dallas nodded. “He just told me.” His calm tone enraged the alpha further if the glowing eyes were any indication.

“Did he also tell you that sorcerers use shifters as their familiars by trapping them in cages?” Rolf growled, his wolf close to the surface. Laurence tensed, waiting for Rolf to completely transform while he worried he’d have to harm his sub’s alpha. Dallas might consider it poor behaviour for Laurence to kill Rolf.

Laurence glanced over to his sub. The carefully expressionless look Dallas sent him broke Laurence’s heart. “I would never do that to you, Dallas, you have to believe me.”

Relief struck him when his Dallas’ posture relaxed. “I do.” Those softly spoken words of support meant more to Laurence than any he’d ever heard before.

Dallas dared to step closer to him. Laurence quickly wrapped an arm around Dallas’ shoulders, cuddling him close.

“If he were going to capture a werekin for magic, he’d pick a stronger wolf,” Nate scoffed at the alpha. “He wouldn’t pick a puppy when he could capture bigger game.” Nate’s pointed look at Rolf said more than words who he thought a better choice would be.

“I’ve learned to keep out of cages,” Rolf responded.

“We were worried for you,” Mila said, stepping forward. Something in her eyes made Laurence uneasy. He didn’t think she’d harm Dallas, especially in front of the others, but she had a look about her that sent his instincts tingling.

“He’s fine,” Laurence replied. If they thought they could come and take his boy, there would be two less shifters in the world.

Before he could stop his sub, Dallas walked over to Rolf and let his guardian cup his cheeks and examine his face. Laurence clenched his hands to prevent a fireball aching to escape. The entire problem would be solved if he killed Rolf.

Nate gave him a pointed look as if his brother could read his mind.

“I want you to call and check in with me every morning when you wake up and right before you go to bed, understand?” Rolf asked.

Dallas nodded. “Yes, sir.”

Laurence gritted his teeth. He should be the only one to hear honorifics from Dallas’ lips.

“Don’t forget you have a fitting on Wednesday for your tux,” Mila reminded him.

“I’ll be there,” Dallas promised.

“Give me a hug.” She held out her arms for Dallas’ embrace.


Dallas gritted his teeth. He didn’t know if it was female wolves overall but Mila’s touch repulsed him. He’d let a few human girls hug him in college, his class friends, but none of them had set his wolf’s hackles up. Taking a quick breath, he held it while he hugged her. Her perfume seeped into his nostrils and drowned out everything else. How Rolf stood the stench, Dallas didn’t know. He’d have tossed her into the shower and scrubbed until it all washed off.

His excellent hearing picked up his master talking to Rolf.

“Can we get to the part where you tell Dallas everything is fine and you get the hell out of my living room?” Laurence demanded.

Dallas stilled beneath Mila’s touch as she rubbed her hands up and down Dallas’ arms. Dallas jerked when one of her nails scratched his upper arm.

 “Ow!” Dallas jerked back from her touch. Twisting, he could see a long mark bleeding sluggishly across the back of his biceps.

He stared at her accusingly. “That hurt,” he complained.

“Oh, sorry.” She examined her hands. “My nails must’ve gotten longer than I thought. Good thing you heal quickly.”

Rolf stepped forward to examine Dallas’ injury. “You’ll be fine.” He gave Dallas a commiserating look as if he too knew the danger of her long nails.

Dallas nodded but quickly stepped away to stand next to Laurence. He knew Mila didn’t like him but he couldn’t figure out the purpose behind injuring him. The wound would be well-healed before the end of the hour.

After a final admonition to call him twice a day, Rolf ushered his fiancée out the door.

“She really doesn’t like you, does she?” Nate asked.

Dallas shook his head. “Not really. Once they’re mated I’m thinking of finding an apartment outside the pack enclave. Rolf might give me permission in order to keep the peace, as long as I return for pack meetings and runs.” Female werewolves became almost obsessive about their mates—one reason mated wolves always had their own quarters. He had a feeling Mila would be more possessive than most. Something about her eyes always gave Dallas the chills.

“You will move in here,” Laurence ordered.

Lowering his eyes, Dallas didn’t speak. He couldn’t argue with Laurence. As much as he longed to stay with his master, Dallas would have to see how he handled the full moon.

The wound pulsed and Dallas absently rubbed at the sore.

“She got you good,” Nate declared.

Dallas sniffed. He didn’t know if he liked his master’s brother. They shared the same hair and eye colour, but their scents were completely different. Nate smelt of burnt cinnamon—not necessarily a bad smell but not one he’d want to roll around in and claim, either.

“What are you doing here?” Dallas asked Nate. He winced at his petulant tone but he somehow doubted his master’s brother had come to bring good news.

“Impudent pup,” Nate replied without any real heat to his words.

“My brother had an unpleasant encounter with a harpy,” Laurence offered.

“Ahh—trying to steal her eggs?” Dallas asked. Harpies were avidly territorial but they rarely attacked without provocation.

“A witch incited her to attack me.”


Laurence cupped Dallas’ face. “Did you get the food ready?”

Dallas nodded. “I’ll go make some for your brother.”

“Thanks,” Nate offered from the chair.

“You’re welcome.” Dallas headed back to the kitchen and quickly made another sandwich and brought it out to the brothers. He happily ate his sitting on the floor beside his master. It took him a few minutes to realise Nate was staring at him.

“Is there a particular reason you’re watching my sub as if he were going to rip out your throat?” Laurence asked. Dallas sighed at the feel of his master’s hand stroking his hair.

Nate shrugged. “I haven’t met very many werekin and the ones I’ve met have been more like his alpha. I’ve never met a submissive wolf before.”

“Make no mistake—he might not be an alpha, but he definitely can take care of himself,” Laurence said.

Dallas preened beneath his master’s words, proud that Laurence thought so highly of him.

He enjoyed sitting there by his master’s side. While waiting for Dallas to bring the food, they’d started a fire in the fireplace. The heat soothed Dallas. He hadn’t realised he was cold. His arm burned. Blinking, he tried to focus but the room began to sway. After a particularly bad twirl, Dallas crumpled to the floor as the world went black.


Chapter Four




If you call one wolf you invite the pack

—Bulgarian proverb


Dallas awoke, his body aching and his arm on fire.

A man stood above him.

His wolf half reacted, snarling at the stranger, lashing out at the perceived danger.


The commanding voice snapped Dallas out of his violent haze. He knew that voice. His head snapped around as he caught sight of his mate. Licking his dry lips, he tried to speak through their cracked surface. “Mate,” he whispered.

“That’s right. I’m your mate. Nate, go get Dallas some food. I’m sure he’s starving.”

Dallas’ stomach growled on cue. Confusion had him looking around the room for some clue. He knew this bedroom. He’d been in Laurence’s bed enough times to recognise the smell of his mate soaked into the sheets.

“What happened?” he asked.

“Drink.” Laurence pressed a glass of water to his lips.

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