Read Keep It Together Online

Authors: Lissa Matthews

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

Keep It Together (17 page)

BOOK: Keep It Together
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“Be my guest. I mean, we’re so busy I don’t know how I’ll manage, but you go on and have your little chat,” James urged with a roll of his eyes.

“Good. That’s the spirit.” She grabbed Colt by the sleeve of his shirt. “C’mon.”

“I love that you’re happy to see me,” he said when his stride matched her hurried one. “But where are we going?”

She’d lost her mind, but… “I want to try something, and you’re just the man to tell me if it works.”


“I don’t know about mysterious.” So maybe it was mysterious to him. After all, she hadn’t told him what she was thinking, and being manhandled through the mall probably hadn’t been high on his to-do list when his plane touched down, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

“I do. And you’re definitely it, my dear.”

“Then I’ll take it as a compliment.” She was somewhat absent in her words as she tugged him into the lingerie store she frequented. Farther inside, toward the back corner, she spotted what she’d been looking for and took it off the rack.

“What are you doing?”

“Can I help you?”

Chrissie stopped and looked from Colt, who’d gone from curious to bland in no time flat, to the uncertain saleswoman standing in front them and barring the way to the dressing rooms. Chrissie made to go around her. “No,” she said with a polite tone of voice and as genteel a smile as she could muster. Her mother would be so proud. “We’ll just be a moment.”

“Miss. I’m afraid he’ll have to wait out here. He’s not allowed in the dressing room.”

Chrissie frowned. “He’s my husband,” she pleaded. “And I’ve lost the dexterity in my fingers. I need his help. We won’t be very long, I promise.”

The sales clerk was clearly at a loss as to what to say, and Chrissie expected her to say some well-mannered version of
tough shit
. “Well, I…I guess it would be all right just this once.”

“Oh, thank you.”

“You little liar. Such a bad girl,” Colt whispered as soon as the dressing room door closed behind him.

He was smiling down at her, and Chrissie felt amazing just being able to look at him, but right now wasn’t the time to get all mushy. It should be awkward, she thought, seeing him for the first time after so many days of not seeing him. It wasn’t, though. It was normal. An odd kind of normal, like they were used to him surprising her in the middle of her work day.

She enjoyed the feeling and it settled inside her. “I didn’t know what else to say, and it’s not like I can go out into the store with just the bra on. I needed to see the look on your face when I get it hooked.”

He quirked his brow upward. “Camouflage lingerie? Is this what all the female hunters are wearing out in the woods these days?”

She nudged him in the shoulder. “Yeah. I know it’s odd, but humor me, okay?”

Colt took a seat on the bench. “I’m happy to humor you in anything, baby. How can I help?” His eyes being riveted on her chest as she changed out one bra for the next was nothing less forceful than a heat wave. She tossed the red lace bra she’d been wearing at him, and he barely caught it.

“Hey.” She snapped her fingers in front of his face. “This is an experiment, not something for you to ogle me over.”

“Sorry, but you know my penchant for pretty lingerie. What the hell did you expect me to do?”

“You’ve got a point. Maybe I should have brought James instead.”

“Nope. No way. I can do this. I promise.”

She loved the little flare of jealousy that’d sparked in his eyes at the mention of someone else seeing her boobs hanging free. She kept watching him as he watched her. Lust darkened his eyes when her breasts were naked, but when she put the new bra on, adjusted the cups, then hooked it around the back, his eyes changed from lustful to hungry. “Now, what do you think?”

He licked his lips and swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing as his throat worked to force some sound upward and out his mouth. Chrissie loved the effect she had on him. “Look at my lap. What do you think I think?”

“Keep your voice down,” she whispered roughly. “I think you like it.”

“You’d be right. Damn. If you wear that, I might take up hunting.”

“Good to know. Now, pay attention. Imagine that you are into hunting and the outdoors already. If I came home and put this on, the panties too of course, and, say, slid a gift card into the bra cup or the waistband of the panties, would you find it appealing? A good birthday present? Or would you find it boring?”

“Why are you asking about that?”

“Advice I gave to a customer earlier. She knew nothing about anything outdoors other than her boyfriend likes going hunting. She wanted to get things that were sharp, that she didn’t need to be touching, so I told her to get something like this and give him herself with maybe a gift card.”

“I think it’s a fabulous idea. Creative and sexy too.”

“You don’t think it’s dumb?”

Colt reached for her. “Does it feel like I think it’s dumb? God, baby… Ever done it in a dressing room?”

“No. Am I about to?”

“You are.” He quickly but awkwardly got his pants undone and his shirt out of the way. His cock sprang free, and she was the one who licked her lips this time. “You okay with that?”

“Uh-huh. I think I probably am.”

“Good girl.”

“Are you two all right in there? Can I help you in any way?”

“N-no,” Chrissie called out in a voice she hoped didn’t sound like it anticipated the first feel of her lover’s penis between her legs. “We’re fine. Almost finished.”

“Yes, thank you,” Colt added. “Give us just a few more moments.”

“Is that all it’s going to take?” she whispered as she shed her jeans and panties down to her ankles. Colt held her steady as he turned her back to him and tugged her down on his lap. With her hands braced on his knees, he guided her onto his cock, inch by inch from behind.

“I believe so, babe.”

“Y-you believe so?” God, she was so full of him. This wasn’t easy, but it was hot as hell. His hand snaked around her waist and arrowed down, his middle finger finding her clit with zeroed-in precision.

“How much longer do you need?”

“I-I don’t know.”

“Well”—he tapped on her clit—“let me help. Ride me, and I’ll do the rest.”

“Oh yeah.” Fiery sensations sped along her nerve endings. “Oh, right there.” The more he rubbed, the harder she fucked him. The camo bra held her boobs nice and snug, and when his teeth scraped her shoulder before latching on to one of the straps and tugging… Sex like this wasn’t pretty or, she imagined, arousing to view, but damn.

“Now who needs to keep their voice down?”

“Right, sorry. It’s just—”

“I know. I missed you, baby. I missed this. How perfect you feel on me.”

She reached out with one arm for the more firm anchor of the wall. “I missed you too.”

“I want to marry you.”

She bounced on his thighs, riding the wave of the impending orgasm. She could feel the dam about to break free and she was racing toward it. “So you’ve said.”

“What do you say?”

“I, ah… You’re serious? Right now you want to talk about this?” And his finger stopped moving on her clit.

“Never been more so. I want to marry you, Chrissie. I’ve known it since I met you. Our first kiss confirmed it. Hell, the day you walked out onto your porch with a rifle confirmed it. Marry me.”

“Shotgun. There’s a difference. Start rubbing again, please. I’m so close, Colt.”

“Answer me and I will.”

Of all the times to hold her orgasm hostage. If she had any backbone at all with this man, she’d pull herself off his very perfect dick and finish herself off. But then the rasp of his breath against her neck and the tease of his blunt fingernail across her clit, and she knew she was beat. “I don’t know what… I mean, I don’t think I—”

“Don’t think. Just say yes or no.”

“If I say no? Then what?”

“Then I keep fucking you until you change your mind.”

“What’s my incentive to say yes if you’re just going to keep fucking me anyway?”

He pinched her clit, and her breath caught in her throat. “Nothing. I’m not going anywhere. I belong to you, and you’re stuck with me. At least married, you’re legally bound to me and my money.”

“Are you two sure you’re all right? Do you need a different size?”

“Fine,” they answered in unison. The woman had to know they were having sex. Who stayed in a dressing room that long to try on one bra?

“I can get money of my own.” She leaned back against Colt. He flexed his hips under her, moving in small increments, working her clit between his fingers. She could stay like this, just like this forever. With this man. He made her feel, laugh, dream. He owned a cookie company. That alone…

He trailed kisses along the side of her neck and the top of her shoulder. “You can order me around then.”

Shivers covered her body, and the orgasm started in her toes. “I could do that if I wanted anyway.”

“Damn, woman, you’re not making this easy. What do you want me to say?”

“I…” Pleasure traveled up her legs and through her belly. Her nipples tingled inside the bra, and she bucked against him. “Th-that you don’t want anything less than being married to me.”

“Oh, baby. All I want is to be married to you. All I want is to call you mine.”

“Isn’t it too soon?” And he just kept teasing her. Small circles around her clit, and when she’d tense, ready to explode over him, he’d back off.

“Probably,” he said as though he had all the time in the world.

“Is it the bra? Has it addled your brain? Is the camo making you dizzy?”

“No, baby. It’s not the bra, or hell, maybe it is. I don’t care. I just know you planted the seed, however unbeknownst to you that I’d take hold of it, but I’m not confused. I don’t care if it’s too soon. I don’t care about anything except you agreeing to marry me. You don’t get to come until you give an answer one way or the other.”

Well, when he put it that way… “Yes.”

“Yes? Yes, yes?” He repeatedly tapped at her clit.

He was driving her closer to the edge again. “Yes, yes. Please, Colt, dear God, please…”

And he stayed true to his word. He drew wetness from where they were joined to her clit and fingered her hard and without pause. She was able to lose herself but admitted she loved the long-drawn-out tease with him. She loved everything about him. She loved…him.

“Ah, fuck, baby. C’mon… Mmm yeah…”

The tight rein on her orgasm let go, and her belly quivered, her pussy pulsed around him, and the more he rubbed, the longer she came. When she quieted, his arms were around her, holding her against him, and he was jerking inside her, his cock throbbing out his own release.

When she caught her breath a few seconds later, she said, “Guess it’s a good thing I said yes, huh?”

“Mmm. Considering I just came all inside you? Yeah, baby, it’s a damn good thing you said yes.”

“Okay.” She wasn’t alarmed like she probably should have been. “I’m not taking it back.”

“I wasn’t going to let you.” His words were punctuated by the impatient rapping on the dressing room door.

“Are you sure I can’t help you two?”

“Actually, yes, you can,” Colt spoke up as he nudged Chrissie forward and unhooked the bra. She took it off and staggered off his lap. She tried to ignore the cum running down her inner thighs but couldn’t stop the laugh that bubbled up. He took the bra from her and stood behind the door and opened it a crack, making sure the saleswoman couldn’t see into the small cubicle. He handed her the bra. “Can you get us the same size in any other variation of camouflage that you have? She’ll come and pick out the panties to go along with them in just a moment.”

Chapter Twelve

“Hold on to the headboard and don’t let go.”

“Right. Holding on.”

Colt knelt on the bed, Chrissie’s bed, their bed, behind the most perfect ass he’d ever seen. Chrissie’s ass. He couldn’t seem to stop staring at it, even as he rolled the condom down his length. Round, full, womanly. It wasn’t the kind of ass normally seen in a magazine wearing a bikini, but those asses never turned him on like this one.

“Is everything okay back there?”

Colt lightly swatted her on the hip. “Yes, baby. Everything is more than okay. I was just taking the time to admire, that’s all.”


He slid his hands up over the curve of her cheeks and tugged the camo blue panties down to her thighs. “I have to say I think the camo definitely makes me dizzy and addles my brain. It’s damn sexy on you.”

Chrissie wiggled her behind at him, and he would have sworn his cock grew another inch, he was so hard. “I should try on my camo overalls for you then. The ones I wear in the tree stand.”

“Do you have one of those? A tree stand? I’m not even sure what the hell one is, but I’m imagining all sorts of possibilities.” As he talked, he was trailing his fingers over her skin. Her back, her hips, her thighs, down her ass, and under her belly. The second he touched her pussy, fondling the wetness he found there, she started writhing. She was more sex kitten than he’d ever imagined her to be and an answer to a prayer he didn’t know he’d offered up.

“Th-there’s one out a ways into the woods. Goddamn, Colt.”

He understood exactly what she meant. He was already going to be hard-pressed to keep his cool before he got inside her, but once there… “You know, you come off as a sweet Southern country girl, but I’ve never met someone so hot in bed and unashamed of being aroused as you.”

“You’ve been dating the wrong women, then.”

“I can see that now. The city isn’t where I needed to be looking for what I wanted.”

“And what do you want now?” She slid herself around on his fingers. Her breath hitched, and her muscles started to tense. He knew she was close, and he needed to keep her on that edge, that cliff, until he got seated in her depths.

“You. Now, spread your knees as wide as you can with your panties binding you. Yes, baby. Good girl.” He didn’t stop teasing her, fingering her, just watched as her asshole came into view. His cock jumped at the sight, ready, raring to go.

He slid his fingers in a line up from her pussy to her asshole. The more he repeated the movement, the more she bucked and humped his hand. “Just do your best to stay as relaxed as you can.”

BOOK: Keep It Together
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