Read Keep It Together Online

Authors: Lissa Matthews

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

Keep It Together (14 page)

BOOK: Keep It Together
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“I’m good with that. What are you doing up? You’re an hour ahead of me.”

“I was about to go to bed. I have been working on some things, trying to clear my head, but I wanted to hear your voice. I—”

“Clear your head of what?” he interrupted.

“I saw my mother today. Attended one of her garden club parties as cohostess.”

“And how did that go? Ready to be Miss Junior Socialite of Pembroke, Georgia?”

“I’m going to ignore that little comment, mister. You know better. She asked if I was dating anyone. I told her yes.” Chrissie heard the rustling of papers coming from the other end of the phone line. She imagined him sitting behind his desk with his hair disheveled as he labored over some problem, his tie unknotted around his neck, his top shirt buttons undone. What am image it was too. She didn’t know if he wore a suit and tie to work, or if he was even in his office at his desk, but that’s where her mind took her, and that’s where it stayed.

“Did you tell her who?”

“I did. She was both shocked and confused, and she was very concerned about how Russ would take the news. I, ah… I saw him too,” she rushed to add. Might as well come clean about it.


“After I got off work that day.” The day after the best night of her life. At least, the best sex night of her life. “He pulled in behind me here at the house and we talked. He saw the flowers you sent, asked if I had feelings for you, wondered if he was over me.”

“Are you still? Over him? Did seeing him change anything?”

“No it didn’t. I’m still over him, still happy to be over him.” She paused for a second before asking, “Is that why you haven’t called again?”

“Was giving you time.”

“You’re all about giving me time.”

“I am. I didn’t want to rush something out of you if you needed to think about it.”

“I haven’t been thinking about anything or anyone except you and I was tired of waiting for you to get around to calling me. I can’t have you forgetting the best night of sex that you’ve ever had.” She smiled to herself as she threw her own thoughts of that night onto him.

“Ah, yes. The best night of sex. Definitely don’t want to forget about it, and it was very close to slipping my mind, so it’s a really good thing that you called.”

“Ass,” she muttered into the line.

“Tease,” he muttered right back.

“What are you working on?“

“I just finished the proposal papers for the storefront on Congress Street. I was going to call you up for a night of hot, unbridled phone sex when I was done.”

“You’re buying it? I only thought you were considering it.”

“Leasing it,” he corrected her, “And I was only considering it, but when I was doing the walk-through, I thought it would be the perfect location.”

“Kind of a gut feeling?”

“Exactly a gut feeling.”

“So, what you’re saying is that I’ll be able to buy fresh-baked Corners Cookies soon?”

“If all goes well, within the year, yes.”

“Hot damn. You know, if I didn’t already love you, that would certainly seal the deal.” Chrissie immediately closed her eyes and bit down so hard on her tongue she tasted blood.

Oh God. Oh. God. OH. GOD.

“What?” The question was barely a whisper over the phone line, and Chrissie understood the loss of air in his lungs. It was gone from hers too. The stillness surrounding her in that moment was unlike anything she’d ever felt. She wasn’t uncertain about her feelings, but saying them out loud like that when she wasn’t sure of his feelings for her…

Oh God.

“I, ah… I actually said that, didn’t I?” Not that it had been planned. She wasn’t aware she’d even been thinking it at the time the words spilled out of her mouth. She couldn’t take it back either. She didn’t want to, but the option was gone.

“Yes, you did,” he confirmed.

“I… I, um… Oh boy. Colt—”

“Did you mean it?” Colt interrupted. His voice sounded as though he’d swallowed a handful of gravel and not brimming with the quiet confidence Chrissie had come to expect from him. She imagined her pause wasn’t making things any better.

“Yes. As strange as it is, yes. I meant them. I love you.” She never thought she’d say those words again. At least not to anyone but her parents. She certainly never thought she’d say them to Colt, to Russ’s brother, to a man who could hurt her and break her heart. But there she was, putting herself out there. It was just like the condom. Or rather it was slightly more important than the condom, or just as important but in a different way. She’d brought it hoping he’d take the rather obvious hint that she wanted him, and now she’d put an “I love you” out in the open.

She didn’t know what had gotten into her. She was forward and taking a huge chance when rejection could once again rear its ugly head.

In truth, she had a feeling too. A gut feeling about him, the way he had one about the storefront. They were both going for it, for what they wanted, no matter how it ended up. He was the one she thought about when she woke up every morning, and while she’d not tried to get in touch with him, when he’d shown up at her house… Well, she’d taken that as a sign that he had that same instinct about her.

“You just keep surprising me,” he said softly. Hearing his voice in her ear wasn’t as good as having him in person, but she’d take it.

“Yeah, well. I keep surprising myself,” she confirmed. She was trying to keep her voice strong, but with every heartbeat that thumped by, she was losing hope that he was in the same place emotionally as she was, at least a little, which was ridiculous. She knew he cared about her. He’d come to see her, told her he wanted to marry her. She just got the words out first. But they were real, those three little words, as real as the feelings coursing through her.

“I guess since you put it out there, I should respond in some way beyond my own gasps for air.”

His tone was almost back to normal, and she tried for a smile in her own. “That would be nice.”

“I was hoping to do so in person the next time I saw you.”

She felt a modicum of relief. “But you do feel something, right? I’m not alone in this?”

“Baby, you’ve never been alone in this. You know that.”

“I…I do. I just… I’ve never said it first, and I never meant to say it quite so abruptly.”

“I think it’s wonderful and perfect.”

“So, I shouldn’t take it back?”

“No. Not now, not ever. You should in fact say it more and say it often.”

Chrissie laughed softly. “When
you be coming back?” Did he hear how eager she was? Because she heard it, loud and clear.

“In about ten days. I have several big meetings I can’t miss, but as soon as I can, I’ll be on a plane.”

“Can we talk in the meantime? Text? Something, anything? I haven’t liked the silence.”

He chuckled, and the pang in her middle at missing him was almost more than she wanted to bear. At the same time, she loved missing him, loved that she cared enough about him to miss him, to want him with her, to need him.

“Yes. We won’t go a day without touching base in one form or another.”

“I’ve never met a man like you.”

“That’s a good thing. I like being unique, but if you’ll allow me, for just a moment, to be rather cliché… What are you wearing?”

“I’m naked,” she whispered.

“Are you really?”

“Yes.” She refused to be shy about it or lie about it.

“So, you’ve been laying in bed naked while we’ve been having this serious conversation?”

“Not laying in bed, no. Sitting on the edge, ready to bolt up and get dressed at the slightest hint that you weren’t interested in me anymore.”

“Well, clearly that’s not the case. Any particular reason you called me while you’re naked?”


“Care to tell me?”

“I missed you.”

“Miss me or my gorgeous body?”

Chrissie laughed and crawled into the middle of the bed. “Both.”

“So you want me to help you ease the ache missing me has caused?”

“I would love it if you would help me and besides, you said you were going to call me for phone sex. I just beat you to it.”

“How much?”

She was slightly confused. “How much what?”

“How much would you love it?”

“So, so much, Colt.” She’d never called a man for phone sex before, and she’d stripped, then dialed his number before she lost her nerve. She had her windows open, and a warm summer breeze floated in. Her skin tingled with anticipation. Her nipples were pointed, her pussy was wet, and both were in need of attention.

Masturbating in front of or for someone were things she’d never done, and much as she wanted to come, she hoped she could go through with it. More than that, she hoped he would take her up on it.

“Then I suggest you get comfortable. Tell me about your bed.”

“Are you going to get comfortable too?”

“You mean naked? No. There are still people milling around the office and anyone could walk in.”

Ah, so he was in his office. Something about the image in her head from earlier being validated in some small way made her smile. “You can lock the door.”

“If the door had a lock, yes, I could, but oddly enough when we moved into this building, one of the things we found was that none of the doors other than the outside doors had locks. I might look into it for the future though. Tell me about your bed.”

“It’s old. At least the frame is. It’s wrought iron, painted white. There’s very intricate scrollwork in the headboard, and the footboard is just bars. The mattress and box springs are only about a year old.”

“Has anyone else slept in it with you?”

Did he mean Russ? “No.”

“Good girl. Why don’t you tease your nipples for me? Take one and roll it between your fingers, then give it a good pinch and tug.”

Chrissie did as he told her. It was somewhat embarrassing to be doing this, but at the same time, it felt good, and she liked it. She still didn’t know if she could do it with him, in front of him, but on the phone, yeah, she could be his little puppet.

Toying with her right nipple shot thrilling sensations down through her belly to stop between her legs. She applied pressure just as he had in the hotel room, but it wasn’t as strong as his touch. She eased up, rubbed her palm lightly across the tip, and wiggled as the sensations once again flowed through her. She couldn’t stop the moan that bubbled up from her throat either.

“Sounds like you’re enjoying it, baby.”

“I am. I just switched nipples, and the sensitivity isn’t as strong in the left one, but it still feels very good.” “Good” didn’t quite cover what she was feeling both inside and out. The tingling in her nipples wasn’t even the half of it.

She felt free, sexy, playful. It was different than with other lovers, and she liked it. It felt natural with Colt. Everything felt natural with him. Even right down to calling him in the middle of the night while she was naked and evidently hornier than she’d thought.

“Now, how about going lower, lazy fingers stroking the underside of your breasts, down—”

“I thought you liked the word ‘tits.’”
Damn, Chrissie, could you be any more bold?
He chuckled and hesitated for just a split second, and she wondered if she’d said something untoward but shrugged it away. Now was not the time to worry over things that didn’t matter. He liked the word “tits.” He liked the words “breasts” and “boobs.”

“I do. Do you?”

“Doesn’t bother me. You don’t have to be so clean in sex with me.”

“Very well, but what was I saying? Oh yes, lazy fingers stroking the underside of your tits, lower to your belly, down over your hips. Don’t touch your pussy, though. Not yet.”

“Oooohhh,” she whined. “That’s where I want to touch most.”

“Exactly why I said not to, baby. How’s that feel?”

“Like a tease.” But it felt incredible too. Goose bumps covered her skin, and she couldn’t keep her legs still. She wanted to open them, spread them wide, but if she did that before he told her to, she’d dive into her pussy with eager fingers.

“It’s supposed to feel that way. It’s supposed to make you anticipate the moment your pussy is available to me, the moment my fingers or tongue might touch it and ease the ache you feel.”

“I’ve never had phone sex before, but I think this should become a nightly thing when you’re far away.”

“It can. I’ll make sure to be in my apartment next time.”

“Are there really so many people around that you might get caught?” She wanted to know he was gaining pleasure from this play too. She didn’t want him to feel like he was the only one who could talk dirty. She didn’t want him to feel it was unfair.

“My office walls are glass, no blinds. And don’t you worry your very pretty head about me. I’ll be making a very big mess when I get upstairs.”

For some reason that aroused her even more. “Promise?”

“Oh, yes ma’am, I do. I’m fucking hard in my extremely expensive pants behind my equally expensive desk inside my extremely exposed office. So yes, as soon as I hang up with you and as soon as I get this last bit of paperwork signed and taken care of, I’ll be headed upstairs in my private elevator.”

“What will you do?”

“This isn’t about me.”

True, it wasn’t, but… “What if I want it to be?”

“So, you’d rather hear me tell you how I’m going to wrap my hand around my cock, how I’m going to stroke it hard and fast? You want to hear me talk about how it drips precum from the tip every time I remember what your pretty pink pussy tastes like, how it pulls me in and surrounds me with heat and creamy wetness?”

“Oh God, Colt, yeah. Yeah, that’s what I want to hear. That’s so hot, I’ve never… I…” She wanted him to keep talking. She could listen to his voice forever and still want him to keep talking. The Texas twang. She’d heard it before, deep and low, talking sex, but there was something about hearing it over the phone that made it reverberate through her body, that made it vibrate along her nerve endings that ended with her clit.

“Dig into it, baby. Go after that orgasm. I’m right here. Spread open for me.”

“I am. I couldn’t help myself. Listening to you, I couldn’t stop my legs from parting on the sheets.”

BOOK: Keep It Together
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