Just Stay (37 page)

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Authors: Mika Fox

BOOK: Just Stay
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"That's a stupid-ass question," Evan says flatly. "And you know that."

Seb glances down at the gray fabric of the couch. Evan sighs quietly.

"I love you, you idiot," he says, some of that gruffness seeping into his voice, the kind he unconsciously uses when he's feeling uncomfortable, especially concerning feelings and such. "And when you love someone, you want to spend your life with them. As least, as far as I can tell. And after everything that's happened... I just know."

Seb looks up at him again, then. Evan looks as uncomfortable as he sounds, and Seb is reminded of that first conversation they had about this thing, the way they felt about each other, so long ago, now. When Seb confronted Evan in his dorm room, and Evan just stood there, fumbling, trying to get the words out and explain how he felt and why he had been such an ass about it.

Evan has come a long way since then, but conversations like that still make him uncomfortable, and this is clearly bordering on too emotional.

So right now, Seb is just sitting there, pretty much shocked into silence.

Evan is proposing to him. Just like that. And Seb doesn't know what to say.

"Don't leave me hanging here, man," Evan says after several seconds of silence.

The movie is still on in the background, the sound of gunshots and shouting breaking the silence at a rather low volume. Seb barely notices. He's too focused on Evan, on the way his eyes are starting to look scared again.

Seb swallows.

"I know that," he says tentatively. "I know you love me. And I love you, too."

Just saying those words is somehow more difficult than it should have been, considering how they are so completely and utterly true.

"Then, what's the problem?" Evan says.

"It's pretty permanent," Seb replies, a trace of something like sarcasm seeping back into his voice; he can't help it. "You won't be able to get out of it so easily."

"I don't want to get out of it." Both Evan's tone and expression are completely certain, as he shakes his head the slightest bit. "Why, do you?"

Seb actually widens his eyes a bit then, shocked and terrified that Evan might actually think that, even for a second.

"No," he says, shaking his head. For once, he sounds just as certain as Evan. "Never."

Evan cocks his head.

"Then, marry me," he says. He looks a bit cocky now, almost, like his old self. But Seb can still see some insecurity there, underneath it, as Evan waits for an answer.

And Seb waits. He isn't hesitating; he knew what his answer was the moment Evan asked, even before he knew it was an actual, serious proposal. He knows, and he is sure. But he still waits, as though giving Evan a chance to get out of it.

But he won't try to get out of it. He wants it. And deep down, Seb knows that, too.

"Okay," Seb says, his voice rather low. Evan raises his eyebrows a bit.

"Okay?" he asks, and Seb gives a small nod.

"Yeah," he says, but Evan just keeps looking at him. And finally, Seb sighs and glances away.

"Fine," he says, giving in. "Yes."

"Yes, what?"

Seb sighs again, not looking at Evan.

"Yes, I'll marry you."

He looks back at Evan then, slowly, as though waiting for a reaction. And when he catches Evan's eye, that beautiful, hard mouth smiles.

"You don't sound very convincing," Evan says, cocking his eyebrows, and Seb actually rolls his eyes.

"Why must you do this to me?" he says, his voice low, a smile slowly shaping his lips.

"Do what?" Evan asks, but the smile on his face takes any ounce of seriousness out of the question.

"You can't propose to me," Seb says, stuttering just the tiniest bit on the word
, making Evan's smile widen, "and then be a dick about it. I said yes, didn't I?"

"Did you?" Evan says, leaning in slightly.

"Yes, I did," Seb says stubbornly; he refuses to play along. But the way Evan eyes him up and down and watches his face makes him all warm inside, and it's kind of hard not to.

"You sure?" Evan says, his voice lower, and Seb smiles a bit as Evan's face comes even closer to his.

"Yes," he says, the tone of his voice matching Evan's.

"Didn't quite catch that." Evan's lips are just barely brushing against Seb's, and Seb swallows dryly.

"Yes." It's nearly a whisper, this time, and he feels Evan smile against his lips.

"So you'll marry me?" he says, and Seb exhales.


Evan's lips are on his then, soft and urgent, all at once, and Seb closes his eyes.

If there is one thing he feels like he will never,
get tired of, it's kissing Evan. And it doesn't take long before he's leaning into him, gripping his hair with his fingers, pushing his tongue into his mouth, Evan's fingers tracing his skin. Seb's head is suddenly spinning, his entire body buzzing with excitement and pure joy.

"Yes," he murmurs absently against those wonderful lips, pulling Evan closer and never wanting to let him go, ever again.




Chapter 23





Jake looks positively shocked, while Sophie just stands there, slowly letting her mouth fall open in surprise. Seb can't help but fidget slightly, suddenly feeling very awkward about the whole thing.

"We're getting married," Evan repeats, clearly half-amused and half-uncomfortable about the reactions from Jake and his girlfriend, at the news. "As in, we're engaged."

Jake just blinks at him, eyes wide, while Sophie reanimates and tries to form words.

"Wow," she says slowly. "That's―

Her face suddenly breaks out in a smile, then, and she launches herself at Evan, giving him a hug.

"That's amazing!" she says. "Congratulations!"

"Thanks, Sophie," Evan says with a smile, reciprocating the hug, tightly. "Nice that someone's happy for us, at least."

Jake's surprised expression morphs into a bitchface, then, and he gives his brother a look.

happy for you," he says, a bit defensively. "I'm just...
, that's all."

Seb can't help but smile as Sophie turns to hug him, too, and when they pull apart, she just beams at him.

"Tell me everything," she says. "Details. How did this happen?"

Seb gestures vaguely at Evan.

"Well," he says, "Evan proposed, and―"

"Wait, wait, wait," Jake interrupts, holding up his hand, a grin on his face. "You're saying that my
, no-chick-flicks Evan Matthews, proposed to you?"

Evan glares at him, but Seb cocks his head with a small smile, unable to resist teasing Evan.

"That's what I'm saying," he says, and Jake suddenly just bursts out laughing.

"Oh, man," Jake laughs. "That is

"Yeah, alright, we get it." Evan sounds annoyed and a bit embarrassed, at the same time. "It's hilarious. Can we move on, please?"

"Sorry, that's just not gonna happen anytime soon," Jake says, still laughing. "I mean, I'm happy for you guys, I really am. But come on."

He gestures with his hands, as though pointing out just how funny the whole thing is.

"It is hilarious."

Seb can't help but laugh along with Jake, just a little bit, mostly because what he's saying is completely true. When Evan glares at him, though, he squeezes his hand, before giving him a light kiss.

"Sorry," he says. "Can't help it."

"So, when's the wedding?" Sophie asks, ignoring her boyfriend's teasing reaction.

Seb pulls back a little.

"Uh," he says eloquently. "Haven't gotten quite that far, yet."

Sophie looks a bit disappointed at that.

"Well, anything?" she says hopefully. "Do you have rings? Where's the ceremony gonna be?"

Seb widens his eyes slightly, suddenly a bit intimidated by Sophie's apparent enthusiasm.

"Uh―" he says again, but this time, Jake comes to his rescue.

"How about we deal with that later," he suggests, looking at Sophie pointedly, but she just shrugs, with an innocent look on her face.

"I'm just curious," she says. "They're getting married, I'm excited."

She adds that last part with a smile, before looking at Evan.

getting married, right?" she asks. "Not just staying engaged, for the hell of it?"

"No, we're definitely going through with it," Evan says, without an ounce of hesitation, and Seb can't help but glance at him, a sudden burst of happy, blissful warmth building in his chest. He really can't help it; he still finds it oddly surreal that Evan is actually his
, although surreal in the very best way.

"But it's only been a few days," Evan continues, half-shrugging. "And we're not exactly rich, so a big-ass ceremony isn't really on the table."

"Not that we really want one," Seb points out, and Evan looks at him.

"Right," he says, looking back at Sophie and Jake. "We just wanna be married, really. Who gives a shit about the ceremony?"

"I kind of do," Sophie says, practically pouting, while Jake just watches the exchange, a teasing, but genuinely happy smile spreading across his face. "Weddings are always the best. And it's a great excuse to dress up and feel pretty, and there's decorations, and food..."

When her tone starts taking on a more dreamy tone, Seb raises his eyebrows a little.

"Who's getting married, here?" he asks. "Us, or you?"

Sophie makes a face, as though admitting his point, before giving her boyfriend a look just full of hints that they've had a conversation about just this, several times, already. Jake gets a look of slight terror.

"Oh, no," he says, shaking his head and holding his palms out in front of him. "Don't drag me into this. This is about them."

He gestures pointedly at Seb and Evan, and Evan cocks his head at him.

"Thanks, Jakey," he says, and Jake gives him a nod back.

"You're welcome," he says, and Sophie rolls her eyes.

"Fine," she says tiredly. "Whatever."

She gives Evan an almost stern look.

"But you'd better set a date," she says. "Or I'll have your head."

Seb pulls back a little, glancing at Evan, before glancing at Jake, who just shrugs, as if to say
isn't she adorable?

Seb isn't entirely sure he agrees.


What they said to Jake and Sophie is true; neither Seb nor Evan want a big wedding. As Evan put it, they just want to be married, and a huge ceremony is really the last thing on their minds.

It has been about a week since Evan popped the question, and in that time, they both figured that they at least should get rings. Not that Seb really needs one to be reminded of just what kind of relationship he and Evan have just entered into; they already have a deep bond, one that Seb feels that not even marriage could cement any further. But still. The thought of actually being Evan's husband makes him smile stupidly, far more often than he would like to admit.

They are having a day off, for once. For once, there is no work, no classes, and all in that blissful, extremely rare, three-day period that comes along every now and then, where neither of them has any assignments due, or exams to study for. For once, they're actually free to just hang out together and have lazy morning sex, and sleep in until noon, without feeling the weight of responsibilities looming over them like a cloud. The only thing they can think of was the wedding, which doesn't fill either of them with an ounce of dread.

"You think we should have gone all-in?" Evan asks, as he and Seb lie together in their shared bed. Seb is still slightly exhausted from their recent activities, his whole body pleasantly sore from the treatment it just received, and he hums against Evan's skin. His head is resting against Evan's chest, and he opens his eyes, only to see Evan holding up his hand and eyeing the ring on his finger.

"What do you mean?" Seb asks.

"Well," Evan replies. "They're not very extravagant, are they?"

Seb glances at his own ring, the one secured on his left ring finger. It's dark silver, almost grey, identical to Evan's. They got them the other day, on a whim, more than anything, seeing as how they barely planned out this whole engagement-thing, to begin with.

"True," Seb admits. "But I wasn't aware that you wanted gold and diamonds and swirls."

Evan's chest vibrates slightly with laughter.

"I don't," he says. "But still. They're pretty simple."

pretty simple," Seb says, planting a lazy kiss against Evan's chest. "In a good way. They're perfect, really."

"Yeah, they are," Evan says, and Seb can hear a smile in his voice.

By the time they actually get out of bed, it's well past noon, and they end up in the shower only minutes later, spending a much longer time in there than necessary. They skip breakfast and lunch, altogether, instead settling for eating cereal, and cuddling in front of the TV. Seb is barely even paying attention to what they're watching, but he doesn't care. He's just too happy, feeling like he will never,
tire of having Evan by his side, like this.

When the doorbell suddenly rings, they both almost jump, and then they glance at each other. Seb knows there is no point, though; they have this unwritten rule that whoever is closest to the door has to get it. And at the moment, Seb is a few inches closer, making Evan raise his eyebrows at him pointedly, and Seb glares back, before rising from the couch, with a huff.

"Please, don't get up," he says sarcastically, shuffling over toward the hall. "I got it."

"Love you," Evan calls, and Seb just grumbles in reply. He's just glad he's actually wearing clothes, having decided to put on a pair of sweatpants and an old, worn-out
t-shirt that belongs to Evan.

The doorbell doesn't ring again, allowing Seb to reach it, and he yawns lazily, as he opens the door.

The first thing he notices is the bright red hair, before his attention is drawn to the slightly stunned expression, and those slightly widened eyes, currently framed by rectangular, black-rimmed glassed. The girl doesn't say anything, just looks at him, and Seb blinks.

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