Just Ride: Legion of Guardians (12 page)

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She’s it for me


The next day Shay and Lori called me on three-way.

“Giirrll, spill it,” Shay started. “Spill it all.”

“Yess!” Lori chimed in. “It’s all around town about you and Razor walking into

“Oh my God, y’all are crazy!” I laughed. “It wasn’t even that serious. He’s always grabbing my hand to get to where he’s going. I guess to keep me close or something.”

“No, no, no.” It was Shay again. “I heard you said something about fucking his brains out.”

“Yeah. We heard that.”

“Oh yeah. Well, the guys were giving him shit, so I just added to the pot. Just giving something for them to talk about.”

“Well, you succeeded. It was all the way in the doctor’s office and everything,” Shay reported. “Now, I want details. On a scale of one to ten, how’s the oral, the actual, and the kinky shit? Now, start with the oral.”

That was Shay, nosey as hell, and always wanted the details.

“Okay. On a scale of 1-10, all of them were a twelve. An O.M.G. twelve. Oral, actual, and kinky,” I confirmed.

“Whew!” Lori said.

“I knew it!” Shay exclaimed. “Razor didn’t get his name by being dull.”

“What?” I asked. “What does his name have to do with anything?”

“Razors are sharp is all I’m saying.” That was Shay again.

“Okay, well. What’s the status?” Lori asked. “You still under protection and all?”

“Yeah. I’m staying with him because I was too freaked out to stay by myself and hadn’t slept for almost a week. So, in one of my delirious moments, I made Apollo drive me to his house. He told me I wasn’t going back home and to get comfortable. You know I’m not, but for now I’m here.”

“Oh yeah, girl. That’s the Razor I know,” Shay cheered.

“How’s Apollo?” Lori asked.

“He’s fine,” I answered. “Girl, why don’t you just talk to that man?”

“I can’t handle it.” Lori giggled. “He knows, but he just hasn’t said anything to me yet. So, I’m waiting for him.”

“You’ll be waiting until you’re fifty. Either pursue or move on,” Shay added.

“Yeah, this torch has been carried for how long now?” I asked.

“Four years,” Lori’s voice held a dreamy tone.

Shay sighed loudly, while I rolled my eyes. That was too damn long. I did not understand. Apollo was hot. On some level I got it, but Lori seemed to be in dreamland when it came to him. Totally lost like there was no return. I started to have the same fear that Shay did when it came to the torch she carried for her man. There was no way Apollo didn’t know, which brought him down a notch in my book. But you can’t make a man interested in you. Or can you?

When I went to see my mom the next week, she looked ten times better than I had seen in a while. Dad said the medicine was changed again, and they would go back to the doctor’s in a few weeks to do the examination to see if the laser therapy was working.

I had lunch with the both of my parents, which for once, was great. Actually, it was more than great. Mom was in a great mood and Dad was attending her ever need. It was sweet actually. They had been divorced for eight years. Mom got sick, and that was when Dad took advantage to fulfill his vows. He was always a loving husband, but Susan Rutgers was a piece of work and determined to do things her way- The Rutgers’ way.

Razor would make his rounds to
The Diamond Base
while I had two guys on me as I went about my day. The prior two days I was with him as he went to the store, the bar, or the other errands he ran throughout the day. There was no news about the job situation, but Razor said that I could work for him, and I absolutely would not be doing that.

I hated working with people who were friends, related, or I already knew. They always took advantage of the situation, even if they didn’t want to, and nobody could ever correct them, because you knew that could be your demise. This was stupid, but I did not want to be that person. It was actually a pet peeve of mine. I’m fucking the boss, so I’m exempt from shit.

I didn’t see Razor doing that, but if we kept our current situation, I had his ear, and I was in his bed. There was always power there, and there was no getting around that. Of course he was not trying to hear any of my foolishness, is what he called it, but I drew the line in the sand with the job thing.

By Friday, when he overheard me on the phone with Shay expressing my lack of success with the job search, Razor decided to try again

“Darlin’, why are you putting yourself through this shit? I told you already, you can work at the store or the bar. Fuck, I don’t even care, but you don’t need to be fucking around with this,” he reiterated, pointing to my laptop screen.

“Shay, let me call you back.” She was on the phone laughing, talking about ‘Razor strikes again.’

I hung up the phone.

“Razor, we already had this discussion. I will not work in any establishment where you are the boss. Okay? That’s not happening. End of the story.”

“Put your fucking pride aside. When I say you’re mine, that means, I take care of you. Kylie, this ain’t about owing anyone or being in debt. We’re Guardians. We provide, protect and intervene in shit that has nothing to do with us and sometimes for no payment at all. Now you’re in need, but you won’t let me help. Are you fucking serious?” He sat down in the chair opposite me.

“Razor, you don’t understand. I don’t do that. It’s not about you helping me. I’ve accepted your help. I’m here, right?”

“You’re here because I’m helping you?” He raised an eyebrow.

“No. I’m here because I want to be. I mean, I’m here accepting the help you and the Guardians are providing for me. I’m cooperative, right? So, it’s not that, but with this, this job thing, I have to do it on my own merit.”

“Pride, darlin’.”

“No, it’s a good work ethic.”

He shook his head as I walked over to him and bent down to kiss him on the forehead.

“Thanks for looking out for me, Razor. I appreciate the offer. I do, but I want to do this my way.”

He looked up at me and said, “You got it for now Kylie, but if you don’t have something lined up in thirty days, you’re coming to one of my two places. Got it?”

“Razor, that’s not a compromise.”

“Never said it was.”

“That’s what people in relationships do. They compromise. They talk and negotiate with each other.”

“We’re in a relationship?” he asked.

“Well, yeah,” I answered. “I mean, I thought.”

“So you’re my old lady,” he stated.

“Clearly, I’m not the old one in this scenario. So, no, I’m not your old lady.” I kissed him again. “Your lady? Sure.”

“I can take that.”

“Good.” I left the room.

ur daily routines
included traveling to check on Razor’s businesses, the compound, and then visiting my parents. Razor actually never came with me to visit them, which was odd since I went everywhere with him. After three weeks of him going somewhere else when it was time to see my folks, I finally asked him.

“Why don’t you ever come with me to my parents’?”

“Your parents ask for me to come over?” He stopped mixing the omelet and turned around to look at me.

“No, but you know I go over there every other day. I’ve been here for a month now, and I go everywhere with you, but you won’t even go with me to my parents’. I don’t get it.”

“There’s nothing to get.” He turned back and continued to stir our omelets.


Fine then, I’d let it go because he clearly was not ready for that conversation and neither was I. Razor was more than a godsend. He was everything. Every morning he fixed us breakfast. The night before we actually went to bed, he would ask what I wanted to eat the next morning. For dinner, we alternated cooking even though it was mostly him. If I was in the mood, I would surprise him and cook. I give it to the man though; he ate it and acted like it was edible.

During the weekday, I was with him, and in the evening, he was in me, literally. And as I soon realized, also figuratively. Razor was already under my skin, and shit, I had feelings for him. If he got up and walked away, I'd be crushed, absolutely devastated. I'd be Lori, and that was not something I wanted or needed in my life, which is why his not wanting to meet my parents officially bothered me.

I never talked to my dad about my significant others. If he knew something, it was because mom told him. I never elaborated with her, but she was smart and could read in between the lines.

During the past month, Razor and I had grown significantly; therefore, I called my dad. Maybe not being invited was a manly, bad-ass biker thing or something. It really did not matter, but I did plan to rectify the situation.

“Hey baby girl,” my dad sounded happy.

“Hey Dad. How's it going?”

“Great, since you were here just yesterday.”

“Oh, good.”

I was stalling. Why all of a sudden I was scared baffled me. It was dumb really. I'm thirty-two and way too grown to need the approval of my father. Even though he was in office and I did not want to embarrass him, we’d have to agree to disagree if he didn’t like what I had to tell him.

“Did you need something? I have to get lunch for your mother. If I don't, she’ll sneak in the kitchen and make lunch for the entire staff.” He laughed.

Wow! They sounded good back together. Well, at least in the same house.

“Uh, yeah. I'm seeing Razor.” I blurted. “H-he and I are together.”

“Figured. Everyone around town kept telling me, but I figured you'd let me know when it was real.”

Ha! That was my father! Dealt with results and truth.

“Yeah, he's, uh, been really good to me.”

“He just ought to. You deserve nothing less. The man's no fool.”

“No, dad. He isn't.”

“Well, good. Bring him over for dinner, huh? I got to run. I hear your mother in the kitchen.”

He hung up.

Then it hit me. Razor knew I hadn't told anyone about us because if I did, dinner would be the next in line.

When I came back downstairs I saw our breakfast on the table and Razor sitting there waiting.

“Hey, sweetheart. I was just about to call you,” he said when he spotted me.

I didn’t say anything, just walked over to him, and straddled him with my back to the table. I leaned down, cupped his face with my hands, and kissed him n the lips. I next kissed both cheeks, his forehead, nose, and each eye. Surprisingly, he let me do all of this without taking over or stopping me. He was not a sentimental guy. He kissed hard, fucked hard, and made me scream hard.

After I finished kissing each part of his face, I looked into his eyes. His hands flexed on my hips and ass but he did not change his blank expression at all.

“What are you doing to me?” I asked him. “You’re spoiling and ruining me for life.”

He remained silent, so I chastely kissed him again on the lips.

“My dad invited you over for dinner. Let me know when you can go.” I stood up and went to my side of the table to eat my omelet. Cold eggs were never good.

“Mmm, this is delicious,” I mumbled as I took a bite. “Thanks, Razor.”

He was staring at me from the same position he was in when I lifted off of him a minute ago.

“Razor?” I called. “You alright?”

It was his turn not to answer me. He stood up so fast that his chair fell over, but that did not stop him. He reached my side and pulled me up, snapping my body to his.

“Razor,” I breathed right before he took my mouth in a searing, tongue-filled kiss.

He backed me up against the counter, ripped off my pajama bottoms and pulled his boxers down.

“Razor!” I yelped.

“Shh,” he growled.

He switched directions, and this time, he pulled me towards the pantry door. I stepped completely out of my pajama pants and he kicked his underwear off. Razor dipped down and picked me up by my thighs as he leaned on the door. I wrapped my legs around him, and once he guided his hard cock inside of my wet channel, his strong hands gripped my hips and pulled me further down on him.

I gasped as the pressure, his filling me up, and the eroticism of it all overwhelmed me. He began to hold me still as he powered into me like a man possessed.

“God, Razor,” I exhaled.

His strong strokes were sending my body into a frenzy. I screamed and scratched his back as I wasn't sure what else to do with my hands. My tank top kept rubbing against my sensitive nipples, and along with the friction from his body, I was about to burst.

Razor stopped pumping into me, so I used the leverage of my legs wrapped around his waist and pushed myself up and down on his long cock. He used one hand to press his fingers into my ass cheek, and then used a finger on his other hand to start massaging my forbidden hole.

“Razor,” I murmured in his neck. “Yes!”

His finger bypassed the outside barrier and entered my dark channel. I slid up and down his long, thick cock while his finger followed my movements.

God, this was the life!

“Jesus Christ, you're so goddamn tight,” he moaned.

Those were his first words before he interrupted our omelet breakfast for this irregular special program. I had no problems reheating an egg.

“Yes, Razor!”

He pushed his finger in deeper, and I exploded. I came so fast, my gyrating hips completely stopped as he pumped into me repeatedly. A scream escaped my throat as my orgasm shook every part of my soul, while his teeth were nipping and grazing on my neck and sending me into another fit of ecstasy.

Usually we were in the bed, unless you count that one time on a bleacher, but he'd always go and get a damp cloth to clean me. This time though, he carried me to the bathroom, where we continued to fuck, but it was much slower, almost like making love. This wasn't typical of Razor. He was going slow, massaging various parts of my body, and kissing and biting my lips. This was something else, all the while slipping in and out of me as I was pressed against the shower wall.

It wasn't fucking.

I knew that.

That Friday, we had dinner with my parents. My mom was pensive, as if the jury was out until she’d met him in person, and I wasn't sure about my dad until we actually sat down to eat, and Razor answered his first question.

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