Just Ride: Legion of Guardians (7 page)

BOOK: Just Ride: Legion of Guardians
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“You’re not home. You’re a cunt and a replaceable cunt at that. Don’t show your face around anymore and I mean that shit. All of Guardian’s locations. You’re not welcome.”

“What, Razor?” She snapped back, all traces of humor now gone. “I’ve been with the Guardians for over twenty years. You can’t do that. I’ve been with them before you even stepped foot in here. You can’t ban me for some young bitch you’re fucking. Don’t be silly. Even Shark wouldn’t do that.”

What in the hell was she talking about, and who was Shark? I tried to loosen my hand again, when Razor turned around quickly and yelled. “You’re not going anywhere!”

This time, it was my turn to jerk my head back, “Razor, I’m not sure who the fuck you are talking to, but you don’t need me here to deal with your club whore. Okay?”

I jerked my hand from him, only for him to capture me by the waist and pulled me into him.

“Fuck is going on with you women.” He said more to himself. “Bonnie, it’s done. Don’t show your face or you’ll suffer the consequences.”

He grabbed me and pulled me towards the exit with Bonnie screaming behind us. The boys were leaning on the truck looking like a pair of future bad-asses.


That was all women needed, miniature heartbreakers. Like the one pulling me towards his truck. I had been down this road before. Shit, I walked in on that shit.

I was good.

The ride home was silent. Razor kept his hand on my thigh like he did when we drove up, but I didn’t touch it. I didn’t say shit. There was nothing to say. The radio played soft rock in the background and I watched the stars do their twinkling in the sky.

When we finally arrived at the house, Razor left got out of the truck to open my door, but I was already out and instructing Will to say goodnight to Mace. Scorching, silver eyes were on me because I could feel the heat from them burning the side of my face. My heart was beating faster than normal and my panties? Yes, they were dry. The new panties that I just bought and all of a sudden felt awfully stupid for spending my money on them. I wonder if it would be in good taste to return the ones that I would never wear again.

Well, I could wear them again, just not with biker boy. Better yet, a man-whore who fucked women whores.

The things she said kept playing in my mind. She was with him last weekend. He called out another woman’s name. Same time next week.

What the fuck?

My anger surged, and I knew I was a few shades pinker and about to slide into the red zone. He needed to leave, and I needed to be alone.


Mace and Will said their goodbyes, and then said they would see each other tomorrow for the carnival.

Goddamnit to hell. The motherfucking carnival.

“Okay, thanks for the ride. Goodnight you guys.” I was holding on to Will to keep him as a buffer or just a physical barrier.

“Night, Will. Got to speak to your aunt,” Razor said as he slowly followed me to the door.

“Okay, bye Mr. Willis. Thanks for letting us tag along.” Will nodded his head and tried to turn, but I held on.

“Look, it’s late and I have some early morning appointments tomorrow, so we’ll talk later,” I said as I gripped Will’s shoulder even harder that he started to squirm.

“Won’t take long,” he said as he reached for my arm.

I didn’t react fast enough, so he had my wrist as I was forced to let Will go.

“Night, Will,” he repeated. “Get in the front of the car, Mace. I’ll be there in a minute.”

“Okay dad.”

Both boys disappeared, so it was just Razor and me on the front lawn.

“We good?” He asked.

“Yup.” I answered rather quickly.

He pulled me closer since he still had my wrist. I came, but only so this could be over and I could move on.

“That bitch just spewed some fucked up shit. Say what you got to say.”

“I’m good, Razor. You’re the president of a motorcycle club. I don’t expect different. I may be younger than you, but I’m far from naïve.” He continued to stare. “What?”

“You want me to believe this shit is cool with you. I’m forty-four sweetheart, and this ain’t my first rodeo. I know that shit ain’t cool, cause it wouldn’t be cool with me.”

Oh, he wanted me to be jealous and say how hurt I was. Well, fuck him and the horse he came in on.

“I have no claim on you or your cock, Razor. Who you fuck is not my business.” I jerked my wrist from his hand. “Same goes for me. We fooled around a bit. That was all.”

I shrugged my shoulders at him. His eyes were blazing into the deep depths of my soul.

“The fuck you mean by that?” he growled.

“What I said, Razor.” I raised an eyebrow. “You want to fuck Bonnie, then please do you. What time is your appointment this weekend, so you’ll be free for that. No need to be around a cranky man.”

“Kylie,” he hissed. “Stop.”

My hands found my hips, and I kept going, “Is it after the game on Saturday? I can watch Mace like you’ve watched Will. The boys will love that.”

Razor’s hand ran through his hair and he groaned, displaying his frustration at my words. He probably didn’t expect me to be that open, but I’d be sure to be accommodating.

“Are you at least clean?” I asked. “Because at the movie theatre, I swallowed.”

I guess Razor had enough of my mouth, because he growled, “This is why I didn’t want to fuck with your young ass. Play too many motherfucking games, and I’m too old for this bullshit.”

My head went back, almost as if he slapped me in the face. I’m sure he saw the change in my facial expression, because there was a slight hint of regret, but it was too late. The damage had been done and the coffin was sealed.

“Razor,” I got in his face. “Let me assure you of this, old man. You’ll never touch my young ass again. I’m sure you know how to stay the fuck away from me, because I damn sure will be doing the same.”

I lowered myself back to the ground, ran up the steps, and slammed the door. That slam was hard and loud. Will came running down the stairs, “You all right, Auntie?”

“Yes, I’m good.” I said. “Get some sleep.”

“Okay.” He headed back upstairs.

Why the fuck was I so stupid and being a stupid whore at that. Technically, not a whore, but swallowing non-boyfriend’s cum. A bit too much, too soon.

Fucking bastard.

I got caught up.




Fucking bitch ass Bonnie.

Fucking young ass Kylie.

Fuck me.

Having been on this earth for over forty years, with my share of women, including my own mother, I knew Kylie was not just hot, but livid. Silence from a woman is the worst fucking thing to deal with, because a man will never know what they are thinking. She was quiet for an entire twenty-five minutes on the way back from the movies.

After I lay Mace down, I went out back and called Bronx.

“Hey, brother.” He greeted me. “How’d the date go?”

“Fuck you.” He knew damn well I didn’t date. “Bonnie is banned from all Guardian’s shit, and I mean every fucking thing.”

“Shit, that’s fine by me. She always thought she was the shit because she only fucked with you.”

“Not no more.”

“What happened?”

“Some real petty shit.” I growled at how that shit went down. “Fucking!...” I stuttered. “She just…Fuck.”

I couldn’t even get that shit out. Or didn’t want to say it out loud. That bitch Bonnie fucked me, and she knew it. I was holding Kylie’s goddamn hand. Like she was mine.

It was too early for that shit, but I was already gone.

“Man, what happened?” Bronx repeated.

Bronx was my brother from another mother. We had eleven years in, and he was the first one to welcome me with open arms when I came to the Manor chapter. He wasn’t on that Shark shit, because he knew he was too jaded to be a good leader. He had my back and not just behind closed doors. Bronx said what he meant and didn’t fuck around. Not too many people fucked with him either, because he was loyal to a fault. But when he was done with you, that was it. I trusted him with my life, and that was why he was my second. Whatever Bronx said was law, because what he and I wanted for the club was the same damn thing. Therefore, I trusted him and his judgment.

“Bonnie saw me and Kylie together and mentioned a thing we had last weekend. Even went on to say I’d always come back to her. Kylie didn’t say shit, not a damn thing while Bonnie was spewing her bullshit. She was like some kind of mute on the ride home. I finally get Kylie to say something, and she says that she got no hold on my cock, and I could fuck who I want. Her ass even offered to babysit so I could be with Bonnie.”

The other line was silent.


Then there was laughter on the other end.

“Fuck is funny?!” I barked.

“This is some prime time shit,” Bronx continued laughing.


“I'm trying to figure out how to fix this shit and you're laughing.”

“Man, what shit is there to fix? Let her babysit Mace and go handle your business.”

“Fuck you mean?” I growled. “Did you not hear me? Bonnie is fucking banned. She’ll never take my cock in any hole.”

“Damn, Razor. From what you just told me, that don't sound like grounds for banning.” He said.

“What?!” I exclaimed. “Bonnie got in my face about fucking me right in front of Kylie. She crossed all lines of respect towards me and Kylie, and she started that shit in front of my son and Kylie’s nephew.”

“So, here me out, brother,” Bronx started. “The Razor I know would have asked Kylie to join him and Bonnie. It sounds like you were embarrassed, and I'm not sure why. Kylie isn't your old lady. As a matter of fact, she's younger than you, and Razor doesn’t break his own rules.”


“I'm fucked, huh?”

“Sounds like it. When’d you fall, man?” Bronx asked genuinely.

I laughed, shaking my head. “Fuck if I know.”

. “Well, she is a wild beauty, and somebody needs to tame her,” Bronx chuckled.

“That woman,” I shook my head. “I fucked up even more and told her because she was pulling that shit was the reason why I didn't want to fuck with her young ass.”

“Aww shit, man.”

“Yeah,” I puffed on my cigar.

I only smoked on days like this. Fucked up days and when I needed to calm my nerves since I had a good mind to go over her place, turn her sexy ass over my knee, and paddle it till it turned red.

“Well, I'm sure you'll think of something. Aren’t you guys going to the carnival tomorrow?”

“Yeah. Will won't let her get outta that.”

“Who is Will?”

“Her nephew.”

“Can’t believe we are having this discussion. Xander fucking Mills fell on the sword for a girl,” he teased.

“Shut the fuck up.”

I couldn’t believe it myself. I had to grab the reigns again and take control. This would definitely get out of hand if I didn’t.

he next day
crawled like a turtle with a limp. Mace was excited to see his new friend, and I tried not to be excited about seeing Kylie. Most of my evening was consumed with thoughts of the blond-haired vixen. Specifically, what Bronx said about the ‘old Razor.’ He was absolutely right. I would have made light of the situation and had them both. However, that would never happen with Kylie. Nobody would have her once she was mine. The thing was, I needed to either make her mine or leave her alone.

She apparently was attempting to make the decision for me because when I went to pick them up, she was not home. Will was, but she was not available. Instead, Shay joined us.

“Where is she?” My tone was curt as I tried to reign in my temper in front of the boys.

“Her dad’s.” Shay raised an eyebrow at me. “Yes, I tried to talk her out of it, but she’s stubborn. Just like somebody else I know.”

“She’s pissed?”

“She’s livid, Razor.” Shay lowered her voice until the truck doors were closed since the boys were in the back. “Like, really mad.”


“Hmm.” I nodded.

“Well, let’s make the best of it. I get to pick your brain about Operation Santa. Are you doing it this year?”

We discussed our involvement with the organization and talked about logistics. The boys were old enough to roam but we remained close enough to watch them on the rides and gave them money when they needed.

Shay was easy to talk with. Almost like a dude, but in a real cool way. I had no idea why she wasn’t with anyone, but more importantly, what happened between her and my brother. I probably should have kept my mouth shut, but I was curious.

“None of my business. But I’m curious. What’s up with you and Bronx?”

Shay stopped mid-sentence, slowly look up and in my eyes. “What?”

Like I said, I probably shouldn’t have said anything.

“You and Bronx.” I folded my arms over my chest.

“We fucked, Razor.” She shrugged her shoulders. “He’s not interested in me and neither am I.”


“What do you mean he’s not interested in you?” I smirked. “Are you fucking blind?”

“Fuck no, I ain’t blind. He’s the blind one.” She shook her head. “He made that shit crystal fucking clear. He wasn’t fucking with me like that. So fuck him and the air he breaths.”

“Shay, woman. I’m telling you.” I had no idea why I even put my shit in there. “Talk to that man. I don’t know what shit he was on, but I ain’t tellin’ you no lies. He regrets that shit.”

“Razor, I know that’s your brother and all, but I don't wait for any man. I got my situation. I’m doing me. Don’t worry. I get it regular. Fuck Bronx.”

Well, that was also crystal clear. I nodded, then said, “Obliged.”

“Fuck does that mean? I do not speak biker.”

“Means, I hear you, woman.” I laughed.

She was funny. Hard as shit, but she meant well. At least I was able to spend those few hours with her than Lori, the stalker. She would have peppered me with questions about Apollo and that would have made me lose my shit on her.

When I dropped off Will after we left the carnival, I was met by some movers at her mom’s house.

“What the fuck is going on?” I asked.

“Mrs. Rutgers is being relocated.” One mover said as he placed a headboard on a truck bed.

When we walked in, there was a man in a grey suit hovering over a woman in night clothes. She did not look well and he was speaking harshly to her.

“Susan, this is bullshit!” the man yelled.

“Phillip, this is not up for discussion.”

“The hell it is.” He went to run his hand through his thinning hair. “How could you not tell me something like that?”

Shay turned towards me and whispered, “Maybe we should take the boys and come back. This is a family matter.”

“Who is that?”

“That’s Kylie’s mom and dad,” she said, still whispering.

“We are divorced. It is none of your concern what I do, when I do it, or what I’m going through. Kylie had no right to tell you. It’s none of your damn business.” It seemed like her saying that took all the strength she had.

“Let the record show that it was you who divorced me. I didn’t want that. You needed your space. I took made vows, Susan. Vows that I intend to keep.” He scooped her up and headed towards the door.

“Put me down, Phillip,” she whispered.

“Good time and bad times, Susan. Sickness and in health.” He turned and saw us.

“Shay?” he asked.

“Yes, sir.”

“Tell Kylie that her mother is with me and will remain with me. All of her belongings are being delivered to my place, and I expect to hear from her when she returns.”

“Phillip, don’t do this.” Susan pleaded.

He looked down at her in his arms and said, “Hold on, Susan. We’re going home.”

The distinguished man looked at me and said, “You are?”


“Guardians?” He asked.


“Nice to finally meet you.” He took the frail woman outside and loaded her up in the car.

“O-kay,” Shay raised her eyebrows.

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