Just One Taste (Kimani Romance) (14 page)

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Authors: Celeste O. Norfleet

BOOK: Just One Taste (Kimani Romance)
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“Ask him. I’m sure he would.”

“Well, it’s getting late and I’m beat. Stephen’s on his way,” she said, then walked over to where Chase was and told the teens that it was time to go. They gave a collective sigh of disappointment, then began moving toward the exit.

Chase went over to where Nikita was gathering her things. “Great kids. Some of them remind me of myself at that age.”

Nikita went to pull her backpack up on her shoulder, but Chase took it instead. When she picked up the bag of kitchen supplies, he took that from her, too. “Thanks.”

Nikita led the way back to the front door. Mia was there and Stephen, her husband, had just walked up.

Stephen kissed his wife, and then hugged his cousin. Mia introduced him to Chase and the two men shook hands, then chatted a few moments as Mia locked the door.

Nikita waited with her. “So, to what did we owe that honor?” Mia asked.

“What do you mean?” Nikita asked.

“I mean Chase Buchanan of Titan Energy Corporation didn’t just happen to stop by the Teen Dream Center to flip a few crepes and hang out with a bunch of teenagers. He came to the center looking for you.”

“You know that I’m working for him as a private chef. He probably just wants to review the schedule.”

Mia laughed. “Oh, please. Who do you expect to buy that?”

“Fine, I have no idea what you’re talking about then.”

“Yeah, I bet you don’t.” Mia smirked as Stephen and Chase walked over. The couple said good-night, then headed to their cars.

“They’re a nice couple,” Chase said.

“They’re the perfect couple,” Nikita said as they walked to her car parked down the block. “I’m impressed. You have a little talent in the kitchen.”

He smiled. “I’m not just a pretty face,” he joked.

“I’m glad you came back.”

“Me, too. I missed you,” he said.


“I did,” he assured her.

“When do you want to continue the contract?” she asked as they reached her car and she opened the backseat. He deposited the bag and backpack in the car, then closed the door.

“This evening, right now,” he told her.

“What?” she said surprised. “I don’t have anything prepared.”

“Then let me take you out to dinner.”

“I’ll email you some menu suggestions tomorrow.”

Chase closed his eyes and took a deep breath and held it. “Nikita, I want you. Do you want me?”

Her heart went out to him. Every fiber in her being wanted to scream, “Yes, yes, take me now.” But she held back. “You know I do, but I can’t. I have to go. Good night, Chase.”

He nodded. “Good night, Nikita.”

He watched as she got into her car and drove away. As her red taillights disappeared around the corner, Chase turned, got in his car and headed back to the house. He pulled up in the driveway, got out and headed inside. Standing in the foyer, he looked around. The quiet stillness of the empty house was no surprise. It was just like his home in Alaska. Quiet. Still. Empty. He thought about Andre and his wife, Joanna, and then Stephen and Mia Morales. Seeing the joy in their faces made him want that happiness, too. He wanted it with Nikita.

Chase turned around and walked back out to his car. As soon as he touched the door handle his cell phone rang. He looked at the caller ID. It was Daniel. He considered not answering, but then changed his mind. If he was going to do this, he was going to do this right. He answered. “Daniel.”

“What’s going on with my property?”

“We don’t need it.”


“You heard me. I decided not to take it. We don’t need it. I’ve already contacted the Department, Senator Landis and the governor. I gave them my final assessment and assured them that the facility could be built without additional land. The Blackwell acquisition has given us plenty of land with which to continue this endeavor.”

“That additional land could still be of value. I’m still going to pursue it.”

“Then you can do it without me.”

“What are you saying?” Daniel laughed. “Tell me this isn’t what I’m hearing,” Daniel said.

Chase didn’t respond. “Damn, Chase. I hope this isn’t about the Coles woman, is it? I can’t believe you’re gonna turn your back on this family for a date. Yeah, I know all about the two of you hanging out. Oren told me. I’m surprised at you, Chase. I had such high hopes for you and your future at Titan. Now, I’m not so sure.”

“I told you not to threaten me, Daniel.”

“That wasn’t a threat. This is. I’m coming in tomorrow. I want that property’s deed in my hand by noon or…”

“Or what?” Chase said.

“Or I’m gonna have to make a very difficult decision.”

“Why don’t I make it easier for you right now,” Chase said. “Consider this conversation my immediate resignation.”


“You heard me. I’m out of Titan. I’ll finalize this with the board of directors.”

“Whoa, now let’s not take this that far,” Daniel said.

“It’s already done.”


“Goodbye, Daniel.” He ended the call with a Cheshire cat smile, turned off his cell phone, got in his car and sped away. All of the sudden he was feeling great. Losing himself and being swept up in the passion of the moment wasn’t part of the plan. Neither was feeling what he was feeling when he thought about Nikita and their time together.

Apparently, Jacob was right. Love did trump everything and Nikita Coles was the woman he couldn’t live without.

He had one thing on his mind—getting back to her.

Chapter 16

t had been a long, exhausting day and as usual Nikita ended it by coming home alone. Though she had to go to work the next day, the last thing she felt like was sleep. She knew laying her head down and closing her eyes would only mean she’d be thinking about Chase. She turned on smooth jazz, showered and changed into shorts and a T-shirt, then walked into the sanctuary of her kitchen. She turned the lights on and looked around.

This was the place that always comforted her. No matter what was going on in her life she always felt like coming home, going into her kitchen and creating something new. But tonight she just didn’t feel like it. Instead, she poured herself a glass of wine and then stepped out onto the balcony. The sultry heat of the night surrounded her in a cocoon of comfort. Still, she wrapped her arms around her body and held tight. This was the time of day when it all seemed so real. The quiet loneliness of the night fell heavily upon her heart.

Falling in love with Chase wasn’t in her plan. She’d hoped but the reality of happily ever after wasn’t in the cards for her. She was okay with it. She had a career she loved and that was more than most could say. She was happy and if she’d never have someone to share her life with, she’d be okay. She smiled, thinking she could always do what her sister did with in vitro fertilization.

She looked up at the crystal-clear sky. A billion stars shone down on her. Then out of the corner of her eye she saw a quick flash of light as it sped across the sky, and then disappeared into the far horizon. Like a child with a birthday cake and candles, she closed her eyes and made a wish.

“Chase,” she whispered. The light breeze carried his name from her lips out into the night.

Seconds later the doorbell rang. She turned, surprised by the sudden sound. Then she smiled, thinking her wish had come true. She hurried to the door and opened it excitedly. It wasn’t who she hoped it would be. It wasn’t Chase.

Natalia and Mia stood smiling at her.

“Hey, what are you guys doing here?” she asked, opening the door wider for her sister and cousin to enter.

“Hi,” both Natalia and Mia said, hugging her as they walked in.

Suddenly, Nikita worried. “Wait, what’s wrong? What happened?”

“Nothing. Nothing. Everything’s fine. We’re just here to…” Mia began, then looked at Natalia.

“Are you sure everything’s okay?”

“Yes, Niki, of course,” Natalia said.

“Where are the boys?” Nikita asked.

“They’re hanging out with Stephen for a few hours.”

“Okay, you guys want something to eat or drink?”

They nodded. “Something to drink sounds good,” Mia said.

Nikita turned to the kitchen. Mia and Natalia followed. “Okay, now, what’s going on with you two? It’s been a long time since we sat around having an all-night girl talk,” Nikita said. Just then the phone rang. “Wait a minute, let me get this,” she said, and picked up the phone. It was her sister Tatiana.

“Tia, hey girl—perfect timing. You’ll never guess who’s—” Nikita stopped. She turned back to Natalia and Mia, suddenly realizing what was going on. Her sister Tia was back in London with her new husband, but still she was in on this. “Tia, I’ll call you back.”

“Niki, just because I’m not there with Mia and Natalia doesn’t mean I’m not with them,” Tatiana said. “Listen to Nat and Mia. Call me back later.”

Nikita hung up the phone and looked at her sister and her cousin. “What is all this?” she asked.

“We’re worried about you,” Natalia said, sitting at the island counter. Mia sat beside her. She nodded her agreement.

“Me? Why? I’m fine,” Nikita said as she opened a cabinet and grabbed two glasses, then picked up the wine bottle on the counter. Then she stopped and looked at her sister and cousin and realized neither one could drink. “How about some peach iced tea instead?”

They nodded. “We know that look, Niki,” Natalia began.

“What look?”

“You’re in love with Chase, aren’t you?” Mia said.

Nikita stopped pouring iced tea and looked at the women. There was no use trying to fool them just like it was no use trying to fool herself. She
in love with Chase.

“Is it that obvious?” she said as she sat down across from them.

They nodded. Mia continued pouring the iced tea. “It started so simple and playful, like a game. It was just physical. It wasn’t supposed to get serious. You know after Reed, I absolutely refused to put my heart out there, but with Chase it was happening and I didn’t even realize it. It was all so easy and quick. What am I gonna do?”

“Does he love you, too?” Natalia asked.

“It doesn’t matter. He’s leaving.”

“What do you mean he’s leaving?” Mia asked.

“When?” Natalia added.

“I don’t know, soon probably. I have a contract to be his personal chef for the next few days. I assume he’ll be leaving after that.”

“He could decide to stay. David stayed,” Natalia said.

“David loves you, so of course he stayed. Chase, I don’t know…”

“I do,” Mia said. “I saw his face when he walked into the kitchen and saw you this evening. The man had
written all over him. Trust me. He’s in love with you, too, no mistake.”

“Still, he’s leaving. He has to. He works in Alaska. Can you see me in Alaska? And what about my business? No, my life is here. My family is here.”

“Nikita…” Natalia began just as the doorbell rang.

“Are you expecting someone else tonight?”

“No.” Nikita got up and went to the front door. She opened it and saw Chase standing there. “Chase, what are you—”


“You shouldn’t be here,” she interrupted softly.

“I know,” he whispered, “but I need to talk to you. I…” he began, then stopped, seeing Natalia and Mia walking up behind her.

“Ladies, good evening,” Chase said.

“We were just on our way out,” Natalia said. Both women grabbed their purses and hugged Nikita. “Take care, sis. And for the record, I totally agree with Mia.” She winked.

“Good night. Thank you. Drive safe. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

Chase said good-night to Natalia and Mia as they walked out and he walked in. Nikita closed the front door and leaned back against it, turning to Chase as he stood in the living room awaiting her. His eyes were filled with the same needful passion she felt in her heart. There was no way she could turn away from him tonight. Her days with him were counting down quickly. This might be their last time together.

“Just sex,” she said in a near whisper.

“What did you say?”

She slowly repeated what she’d just said. “Just sex.” She tried to smile seductively, but her barrage of emotions betrayed her.

He shook his head. “No, not this time, not ever again. This is more than just a physical connection. We both know that. We make love, now and forever.”

He came to her in an instant and took her in his arms. His last words dissolved instantly as he kissed her hard and fierce.

The intensity rocked them both. The relentless power behind his need for her took over. He wrapped her up in his arms with his mouth sealed to hers. She molded her body to his, feeling the hard, strong urgency of his arousal press to her stomach.

She rose up on her toes, then felt him reach down and grasp her rear and lift her up. He pressed her against the front door then moments later carried her into the living room and sat down on the sofa, letting her legs straddle his body. Breathless, she leaned back and grabbed the hem of her T-shirt and pulled it up.

He sat up, looking at two perfectly centered chocolate kisses. He licked his lips in anticipation. “Sweet, luscious, tender, juicy,” he said softly as he gently kissed each nipple. “For days, you were all I could think about. Everything I ate and drank was tasteless and flat.”

Nikita opened her mouth to speak, but found she couldn’t. All she could do was watch as Chase leaned in and licked her hardened nipple with the flat of his tongue. “Hmm, you are all I crave. Just one taste is all I need.”

He leaned in farther, holding her in place as he kissed and caressed her neck, shoulders, arms and chest. She was breathless from the loving assault. She grabbed and held tight to his shoulders as his tongue laved her with tantalizing licks, then he suckled her breasts, pulling and releasing in slow, deliberate pulses.

“Chase,” she muttered, “make love to me now.”

“Yes, over and over and over again,” he said.

She pulled his shirt up over his head, and his massive chest drew her in instantly. She touched him, trying to memorize the feel of his body. She needed this memory for a lifetime. She knew no man would ever make her feel like this. She leaned back farther, then stood holding her hand out to him. “Come upstairs.”

He stood and followed her to the bedroom. She walked him to the bed then grabbed a condom from the nightstand. She removed her shorts and climbed onto the bed and lay back. He dropped his pants and shorts, sat down next to her and looked at her body. “You,” he said as he leaned down and kissed her stomach, “are so beautiful.”

“You think so, huh?”

“Oh, yes.” He ran his hand over her body. He began kissing her everywhere.

She closed her eyes, feeling the sweet sensation of his lips and the slight roughness of his five-o’clock shadow. He pulled and removed her panties, then she pushed, rolling him over onto his back. She climbed on top, covered him with the condom and then slowly impaled herself on his long, forceful arousal.

She rocked her body in slow, deliberate motions. The thick, solid depth of his penis filled her over and over again. She leaned forward, brushing her tiny sex nub against him. He captured her breast in his mouth and suckled, then gathered them both to massage them.

Now the frantic friction of their body and the insanity of his mouth licking her made her want even more. But she was coming too quickly and she needed this night to last as long as possible. She pushed back and sat up, leaning back on his thighs. His hands came up to cover her breasts. His thumbs tantalized her rock-hard nipples.

She knew what this was doing to him. She only had to look in his face to see his surging passion about to explode. But he held back, too. Then she moved quicker, stroking his penis in and out of her body. Each pulsating thrust heightened their arousal more and more. He grabbed her waist and held tight, guiding her up and down. The feverish pace gave way to mindless hunger. With one last thrust down she exploded and screamed. Her body tightened, her legs trembled and her hands shook. He rolled her over and plunged into her again and again. She came once more. Then on one last fateful thrust he exploded. That was all she remembered.

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