Just One Taste (Kimani Romance) (13 page)

Read Just One Taste (Kimani Romance) Online

Authors: Celeste O. Norfleet

BOOK: Just One Taste (Kimani Romance)
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“I have a feeling he’ll be back sooner than that.”

“I think you’re right,” Natalia said happily. “Thanks again for watching the boys. I’ll call you tonight.” They hugged again, then Natalia left with the boys just as the lunch crowd descended and it started getting really busy out front. Everybody went back to work in a much better mood—Nikita especially.

She was thrilled for her sister and brother-in-law. They were wonderful parents and she knew that another child was exactly what they wanted. And now with her cousin Mia pregnant, too, the Coles family was growing in leaps and bounds.

She thought about her other sister, Tatiana, and her new brother-in-law, Spencer. Their wedding had been a quiet, private affair and they were currently living in London until Tatiana sold her flat.

She smiled. She was so pleased with her sisters’ and cousin’s happiness. Then a slow sadness filled her. She had hoped once that she’d find someone, but she didn’t dare dream it would happen. Love just wasn’t in the cards for her.

“Hey, are you daydreaming over there?” Darcy said.

Nikita looked up. “Huh?”

“I asked you a question. When’s Chase coming back into town?” Darcy asked a second time.

“I don’t know. He said he’d be away for a few days.”

“Yeah, but that was almost a week ago. He paid in full for your services and technically it went by the day and not by the meal. In less than a week you’re done even if you never cook another meal for him.”

Nikita nodded. Darcy was right. It had been almost a week ago. Like a teenager with her first schoolgirl crush, she’d been counting the days till he came back.

In that time he called her twice. And both calls seemed more obligatory than emotional. They talked mainly about the cottage and her connection with it. But what did she really expect? She was no match for Chase. He was obviously too good at this “just sex” thing. She’d played the nonemotional game before, but this time she got caught.

“Darcy, I think I’m gonna head out early. I need to make a stop before I go over to the Teen Dream Center this evening.”

“Sure, good idea. We have everything under control here. Are you going home?”

“No. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Nikita nodded then grabbed her backpack and left. She’d had enough for one day. She drove home on automatic. As soon as she got home she stripped down, took a long hot shower. She was headed to the kitchen when her cell phone signaled she had messages. One was from her very excited sister, Tatiana. Another from her cousin, Mia. The third was from her mom and the fourth was from Oren Davis at the real-estate office. She listened.

“Nikita, Oren Davis here. I want to meet with you as soon as possible to discuss your Stock Island property. With the taxes going up again this year it would be to your advantage to sell. I forwarded you my offer. It’s firm. I will expect your reply within the next few days.”

Nikita chuckled as she listened to the message a second time. Oren Davis was an arrogant braggart to most of the people in Key West. He boasted about everything, most especially his business and money. But this sudden interest in the cottage was totally out of the blue. It didn’t make any sense. She knew he was no longer representing the Blackwells, so why would Oren suddenly be so interested in buying her little cottage? Who was he representing now?

Chapter 15

hase arrived late afternoon, much later than he expected. Heavy turbulence over Colorado detoured the flight, and then a tropical depression extending from Louisiana across Florida’s panhandle and down the western coast kept the plane circling over Key West for an hour. Now, the same ominous thunderclouds threatening above made it seem far later than it actually was. There was a storm on the horizon and he feared it was much closer than it seemed. As soon as the plane landed he got into his car and headed into the city.

He drove the streets of Key West with the familiarity of a native. It was a long flight from Juneau to Key West, giving him ample time to think. Unfortunately, all he thought about was his grandfather’s warnings and comments. He knew Jacob was right; he also knew that there was no easy solution. There was no way he could have Nikita in his life and continue to work with his family.

He pressed the button on the steering wheel activating his cell phone. The first person he called was Nikita. The phone rang several times, then the voice mail system answered. He left a message. Then he called his assistant. He’d sent him back to Key West a day earlier. Kelvin answered his cell phone on the first ring. “Kelvin, I’m back,” Chase said.

“We have a situation.”

This was the last thing he wanted to hear. “What is it?”

“Daniel’s coming to Key West. He’s meeting with Oren Davis.”

“What? How did you find out?”

“Oren told me, or better yet he bragged that Daniel and he had a business meeting coming up. Apparently, he thinks that they’re working a deal together.”

“Oren is easily manipulated. I’m sure that’s what Daniel wants him to believe,” Chase said.

“I agree, but it’s still confirmed. He’s coming here.”

Chase slammed the palm of his hand on the wheel. This was the last thing he needed. Daniel in Key West was like a bull in a china store. Nothing good would come of it. “When are they meeting?”

“He wouldn’t say exactly. But I gather it’s soon— possibly by the end of the week. And one more thing, Daniel moved up the timetable. He had the architect go into the storefront earlier today.”

“Damn, does Nikita know?”

“I don’t see how she couldn’t,” Kelvin said. “The workmen have been in the building next to the café for the last few days. But as to your association with the project, I doubt it.”

“Okay, I’m on my way to the café.”

Five minutes later, Chase drove down Main Street. He parked his car and then headed to the café, not bothering to even glance at the building next door. He opened the front door and breezed in with swagger befitting the Buchanan name. He looked around the crowded café and spotted Darcy immediately. She was talking with a customer. She turned, seeing him, then smiled and motioned him over. “Hello, Mr. Buchanan. Welcome back.”

“Please, call me Chase. Is Nikita here?”

“No, she left early. Can I get you something from the café?”

“No, thank you.”

“Would you like to continue your schedule? This evening is already booked, but tomorrow would be doable. I can email a menu to you in the morning.”

“Yes, of course, that would be fine. But first, do you know where I can find Nikita?” he asked more anxiously than he expected.

Darcy smiled. “I’m sorry, she didn’t mention where she was going when she left this afternoon.”

“Okay, thanks,” he said, turning to leave.

“Like I said, she does have another job this evening,” Darcy said.

Chase turned back to her. “Another job, where?” he asked. A tense vein in his neck jerked and his expression was easily readable. He feared that Nikita had found out what he was doing and that meant she was furious. He needed to get to her and explain. Taking her land was a necessary sacrifice that would benefit the entire community. She had to understand that.

Darcy didn’t say anything for a few seconds. She just stood looking at him. Then, she said, “She’ll be at the Teen Dream Center this evening around five o’clock.”

Chase nodded. “Thank you. I’ll catch up with her there.”

He checked the time. It was still early. Going to the center early and waiting would be ridiculous. He hurried out and back to his car. He needed to do damage control or everything he’d worked for would fall apart. He drove to the store to grab a few things then he headed to the house. He made a few phone calls, changed clothes, then got back in the car and headed to the Teen Dream Center.

Everything seemed different in daylight. Gone was the soft jazz music, replaced with the incessant chatter and laughter of children and teenagers. Mia Morales stood in the hall talking with a few teens. She said something and they laughed. She turned when he walked up, and smiled with genuine happiness. He wondered how long that would last once everyone knew his true goal.

“Chase, hello,” Mia said with her hand extended. They shook. “Welcome back to the center.”

“Hello, Mia. You look great.”

She patted then rubbed her stomach. “Thank you. I feel great. So, how can I help you?”

“I was hoping your cousin was around.”

“Natalia is out today. Can I help you with something?”

“Actually, I was asking about your other cousin, Nikita. Is she here?”

“Yes, she’s teaching a cooking class in the kitchen.” She looked at her watch. “It should be over in about thirty minutes. If you want, you’re welcome to sit in.”

“Yes, I’d love to.”

“Sure, follow me.” Mia and Chase walked down the main corridor though the auditorium to the kitchen.

“Does Nikita do a cooking class here every week?”

“She does two. It was once a week but the demand for her class was too insane. She does a nutritional and healthy lifestyle cooking class for adults and a novice cooking class for teens. We’re so blessed to have her. She donates her time and the food. Since she’s been doing the classes we’ve had to limit the students to only ten and even that’s too many, but she does it and the students adore her.”

“I’m sure they do.”

“Chase, can I give you a word of warning?” she said very seriously.


“I don’t know what’s going on between the two of you. But know this, don’t lose Nikita’s trust. Believe me, it’s not easily gotten back.”

He nodded. “I understand.”

“Good. Now, if I’m not mistaken I believe today’s menu is lasagna rolls and garlic bread with fruit crepes for dessert. She also brings something special from the café. Today she brought watermelon salad.” As they approached the kitchen the aroma of tomato sauce perfumed the area. Mia opened the door and peeked inside just as Chase’s cell phone rang.

He looked at the caller ID. It was Daniel. “Mia, I have to take this,” he said.

Mia nodded. “I’ll meet you inside.”

“Yes, Daniel,” Chase said into the receiver.

“How do we stand right now? Do we have the property in hand or what?” he demanded. Chase didn’t reply. Daniel continued. “A Realtor by the name of Oren Davis contacted me last week.”


“He says he has the solution to our problem.”

“I’m sure he did, and of course his plan, whatever it is, will also be to his financial advantage.”

“That doesn’t concern me. We need that property secured and your time is just about up. If this Oren Davis has a solution, take it. Use him,” Daniel added.

Chase didn’t answer. He peeked into the kitchen, seeing Nikita at the stove surrounded by her students demonstrating something. She was unguarded, cheery and carefree.

“Daniel, I’m handling this,” he said, then disconnected the call and walked into the kitchen. Nikita looked up, seeing him enter. He smiled. She didn’t.

* * *

Nikita smiled with delight as she watched her students walk into the kitchen for the day’s cooking lesson. Ten eager faces instantly brightened her dismal day. She couldn’t believe that she actually considered canceling it. But she knew she’d disappoint the teens. They really looked forward to the lessons. In truth, she did, too. The cooking classes at the center always revitalized her. Today was no different.

When everyone settled down the class began. She talked about various herbs and spices and how they interacted with each other and stimulated the taste buds. Her students smelled and some even tasted basil, oregano, thyme and rosemary. They also tested three types of mint leaves, pineapple orange, lemon and spearmint. Seeing the students try and figure out which was which was nonstop enjoyment.

Afterward they browned ground beef then sautéed and sweated onions, peppers, herbs and tomato sauce over low heat to make a tomato base sauce. Then, with everything prepped and ready, the class stood at the counter assembling their lasagna rolls. Some added a creamy cheesy béchamel sauce, others omitted it. They assembled and rolled the stuffed al dente pasta, then placed them in foil pans and put them in the oven.

Thirty minutes later the cooked lasagna rolls came out of the oven. While the pasta rolls cooled the students ate watermelon salad with fresh mint and feta cheese. They ate the rolls as they watched Nikita demonstrate making crepes. Although the class centered on inexpensive complete meals, she wanted the teens to experience something special each class. Today’s menu was inspired by her cottage garden fruits. Blueberries, strawberries and raspberries took center stage in her dessert—summer fruit and mascarpone crepes.

She gradually poured a ladle of thin batter into the pan and slowly rolled it around, coating the bottom. As she described the classic technique, she looked up seeing Mia enter the kitchen. She nodded and continued the process placing the pan back on the low flame then carefully flipped the crepe to cook the other side. A few seconds later she coaxed it out of the pan, added the berry mixture with a dollop of sweetened mascarpone. “Who wants to try one?” she asked.

The students raised their hands excitedly. “Okay. Okay. Let’s make this democratic. Whoever was the last at the stove making the tomato and meat sauce will be first for crepes.”

The students lined up with small paper plates and forks. After everyone was served a crepe they went back to their seats and continued eating. Nikita glanced up at Mia again as she walked over, rubbing the side of her baby bump.

“Mmm, everything smells so good in here,” Mia said.

“Come on over and grab a crepe.”

“You don’t have to ask me twice,” Mia said. “Seriously, if you ever need a taste tester, I volunteer.”

Nikita smiled then poured a ladle of batter into the bottom of the crepe pan. She swirled it around, coating the bottom. Then she repeated the action in another pan. Just as she was about to flip the first crepe over in the pan she looked up and saw Chase walk into the kitchen. She lost focus. The crepe flipped awkwardly and fell halfway out of the pan. It immediately began burning on the open fire.

She quickly sat the pan down, grabbed a spatula and tongs and moved the unsightly crepe to the trash can. “Okay, let’s try that again,” she said as she grabbed the handle of the second pan. She swirled the crepe around a few times then with a firm grasp, jerked her wrist and flipped the crepe. This time when she flipped, the crepe turned over and fell back in the pan with elegant ease.

The students applauded. She quickly filled the crepe with the fruit mixture, then added a dollop of mascarpone cheese, folded and gently placed it on a paper plate. She handed it to Mia, then looked up as Chase approached then stood beside her. The students instantly began talking and speculating.

“Hello, Chase. Welcome back to Key West.”

“Hello, Nikita. It’s good to be back.”

“Would you like a crepe?” she asked.

“No thanks, I’m not a big crepe fan,” he said.

“They’re light, smooth and delicious,” Mia said.

“I’m sure they are, but no thanks. I’ve eaten my share, believe me. I used to make crepes at my mother’s café years ago. We stuffed them with bananas and chocolate and just about everything else we could think of. I got to be pretty good at making them.”

“Really, well, why don’t you show us your skills?”

He smiled. “Nah, that’s okay. One chef in the kitchen is enough.”

The murmuring grew louder as the students began to pay more attention to Nikita and Chase’s conversation. She placed another pan on the stove, then pushed the batter toward him. It was obvious he was up for the challenge. He removed his jacket, washed his hands, prepared his pan, and then began making his crepe.

It was a disaster. He tossed a half-cooked crepe into the air and it fell apart midair. His second attempt was a failure, as well. He flipped the crepe and glanced away. It missed the pan and flopped on the countertop. Laughter buzzed around him as he made his next attempt. It was perfect, and then he put on a spectacular show. At one point he made two crepes simultaneously flipping them in unison, then overlapping the crepes into the other pan. The students applauded wildly and Nikita nodded her approval.

The class had been over for the last twenty minutes, but the students stayed to talk to Chase. They gathered around asking questions about his travels and his business.

Nikita cleared the kitchen as Mia walked back in. “Hey, Niki, almost done?” Mia asked, leaning back against the sink as Nikita worked.

Nikita nodded. “Yep, I just finished. You ready to go?”

But laughter cut off Mia’s answer. Both women turned, seeing Chase still taking center stage with the teens. “Looks like he’s charmed the teens, too,” Mia said as Nikita dried her hands.

“What do you mean ‘too’?”

“While you’ve been working nonstop, he’s been charming most of the citizens of Key West. Half the town’s totally in love with him. He could run for mayor and win without even trying.”

“When did all that happen?” Nikita asked as she tossed the paper towel into the trash can.

“Nikita, you need to get out of the kitchen more.”

Nikita watched Chase as he interacted with the teens. They were mesmerized and seemed to hang on every word he spoke. A second later he turned around and smiled at her. “Yeah, I guess so.”

“He’s a natural with the kids, isn’t he?” Mia said. “I wonder if we could persuade him to be a guest speaker.”

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