Just a Little Faith (3 page)

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Authors: Amy J. Norris

BOOK: Just a Little Faith
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Walking into the LLS office, Seb fought against the desire to rub his sweaty palms against his jeans. For the first time in a long time, he was actually nervous
He couldn't remember it happening since he had asked out his ex-wife
Melissa, back in high school.
Why am I so nervous? It's like there's an overriding desire to impress this girl. What makes her different from everyone else?

He hadn't made a good impression the first time he met Pax. There was no telling what she thought about him after he and Jim left the meeting. Seb wanted Pax to know there was more to him than just being a jock with a big paycheck.

Pulling the front door of the office open, he saw Tori, phone to her ear in one hand
as she packed up her belongings with the other
Spying Seb, she greeted him with a wide grin and waved him down the hall to Paxson's office
all the while never missing a beat in her conversation. He chuckled. She reminded Seb of a miniature Yorkie pup his Mom had
when he was
growing up
Easily excited and always full of energy.

He started to enter Pax
when he saw her at her desk head bowed, eyes closed.
Is she meditating?
Her mocha hair draped over her shoulders like a curtain, shielding her face from view. Seb quickly stepped back behind the door
observing her. He held his breath when Pax raised her head, hair falling back into place
, a
smile tugging at the corner of her mouth
Fascinated, Seb witnessed her take a deep breath
her body relaxing.

He still hadn't figured out what caught him off guard about this woman. He
tried to explain his attraction to his teammates, Rangy and Linc when they met for drinks the night before. Seb knew he sounded strange attempting to tell them not just about Pax's looks, but her…way.

“Seb, buddy…did you have a drink or something before you walked into her office? It sounds like you might have been a bit tipsy
cuz you're making her out to be some kind of angelic being or something.”

Sebastian cut his eyes toward his friend across the table and snagged another peanut from the bowl they
grabbed from the bar on the way in. “No
Durango Cortez. I did not have a drink before I went to the meeting. It's like
trying to tell you, Pax just has a way about her.”

Linc laughed. “You better watch out Rangy, Seb here's getting a little testy it seems!”

“Yeah!” Rangy poked Seb in the chest
“Nobody but my
was allowed to call me
my full name.”

Seb sighed in frustration and took
another swig from the frosty bottle in his hand
He waited for the liquid to slide down his throat. “I am not testy
Linc. She's not like any other girl I ever met, at least
remember meeting.”

“That would most likely be because you didn't meet her at

Pursing his lips, Seb narrowed his eyes and looked down at the table. Trying to get a hold on his emotions
he closed his eyes and blew out a
breath. Linc was a family man
and Seb thought his friend's main goal in life was getting both
and Rangy to see the benefit in slowing down and smelling the roses
But Seb enjoyed living life in the fast lane; at least he thought he did.

He was a
lways up for a night on the town and good laugh,
Rangy's dark complexion and chocolate brown eyes were magnets to members of the opposite sex. Rangy didn't encourage Seb's partying ways, but he didn't discourage them either. Quite the trio, Linc kept Rangy and Seb in tow as much as possible.

“So, you have decided this lady is an angel on earth just from one thirty
minute meeting and one short chat about coffee?”

Sebastian lifted his eyes in time to see Durango's sideways grin at Linc. “Well, Rangy
I didn't ask you. Maybe
date tomorrow will be a total disaster
and it won't matter anymore.”

“That's the spirit Seb, just decide it won't work and sabotage it from the beginning. It's your MO.”

“What do you mean by that Linc? I don't sabotage things from the beginning. I know what I want until I realize what I thought I wanted was not what I wanted at all.”

“What?” Linc and Rangy chimed in, turning toward one another, eyebrows quirked.

“I mean when I meet
a girl
, or
a girl
meets me,
never sure what
angle is. Do
want a good time? Is
goal to be seen with ‘Sebastian Quinn, centerfielder for the St. Louis Cardinals' or
is she
looking for something serious
Who can tell these days? It's easier to go with the reasoning
a short-term no strings attached relationship and be done with it. There's a lot less baggage that way.”

Lincoln cut in. “Are you inferring Ashlynn and Maggie are baggage?”

“No… Ashlynn and Maggie are the greatest achievements in my life. It's their mother who disappointed me.”

“I for sure am not an expert in marriage
seeing as how I haven't been married.” Rangy tossed another peanut shell at the growing pile on the table in front of him. “But have you ever thought
, that
the blame in your marriage could be put on both of your feet? I mean Melissa couldn't handle the life of you being gone all the time and found Rick. You couldn't deal with being away all the time and met… well, you met a lot of people.”

Lowering his eyes he peeled the label off his bottle. “I know I messed up. But I wouldn't have messed up as much if Melissa would have been a bit more serious about sticking with me. She knew me as a “nobody” shagging fly balls at Benecia High School. When I signed my minor league contract, she went crazy. All at once
she started thinking of how our lives would change and be so wonderful. I guess Melissa thought my signing with a professional baseball team meant suddenly I'd be bringing in big money all the time. And you know that doesn't happen…”

Nudging him in the shoulder, Rangy shelled another peanut, this time leaving the remnants scattered beneath his feet. “I know, Seb. We all have stars in our eyes when we put our John Hancock down on the dotted line. We think
This is it, baby! Bring on the mansion and the Lamborghini.
We just don't know about the disgusting ball parks with the rundown buses and
twenty-five dollars
a day to live on.” Distaste grew in Rangy's tone. “Oh yes, the minor leagues will certainly bring a big money dream to a crashing halt. I remember when I told my
I got the call to go pro, the chemo robbed her voice but she cried tears of joy as she rocked herself in my Granny's big chair. I could tell Momma felt it an answer to all her prayers. And it was, it just took three years of greasy diners and cockroach infested motels before it finally happened. And even then Momma wasn't there to enjoy it.”
With disgust laden in Durango's eyes, t
he peanut
had meticulously shelled spun across the table.

Rangy's dark face collapsed. Seb knew his thoughts strayed to the struggles of his past life in Wyoming. Determined to raise him on her hotel maid's salary, his Mom had sacrificed everything for his career. During Rangy's last season in the minors
got a diagnosis of breast cancer and died a month before Rangy had his first big league at bat.

“That's just it
Linc. Why settle down with someone?
How can I be sure they are going to be there for the long haul?”

“But you can Seb, look at me and Traci. We've been married for going on eight years now. We've got two beautiful kids… It can work. You just gotta believe it can work
You know
have a little faith.”
Linc punctuated the sentence with his fist to the table.

“Maybe so
Linc. But it's going to take a whole lot more than faith for me to go down that road again.”




“Hey there... I hope
not interrupting. Tori just waved me on back.”

her head toward the
voice coming from the hall
, she smiled
. The sight of Sebastian made her heart flitter and her toes curl.
The light blue
down he wore perfectly matched his cerulean eyes. Pax knew she could lose herself in their depths
If Tori had been present, Paxson
her to pinch her

Clearing those thoughts from her mind
to form some semblance of a greeting
You aren't interrupting at all
. I was just about finished here. Come on in
if you like
while I gather up all my things.”

Pax organized her desk and packed her laptop
ut of the corner of her eye, she watched Seb
ander over toward the bookshelves on the far wall of her office

He nodded in the direction of the photos scattered among her books and binders on the shelves.

“Of course, feel free to look at anything you like.”

aking the pictures off of the shelves one by one
studied them
She stifled a laugh when his brows crinkle
frown. She knew he
must have picked up
the photo of her
with seven children of various ages.

“Those are my
two older
sisters' children. Please don't think I have a whole herd of kids at home. The only babies I have around me are little fur balls who want to be fed and petted every once and awhile.”

“Well, I was beginning to wonder if you were some sort of Super-Mom or something.”
e held up an official photo from Alabama's most recent national championship in his hand
“So I take it you
from here… or just like proven winners?”

right on both accounts.
from Alabama
and I like a winner. More than ten National Championships say ‘Winner' to me.”
grin tug
at the corner of her mouth.

“Point taken.”
in agreement, he flashed a smile as
placed the photo back on the shelf
then stuffed
his hands in the front pocket of his jeans

Checking over her desk one more time Pax swallowed back her nerves and then closed her eyes for one more quick prayer.
Here goes nothing, Lord. Help me through this
“I think I have everything if

Sebastian looked back toward her
His face, tan from spending days in the sunshine of the outfield
set off his breathtaking smile. Her heart skipped a beat.
agreeable, there is a small café just around the corner
here. In fact, you may have been there before. I
e stopped there a few times myself. The coffee is good
and they have
a nice selection of
soup and sandwiches if

“Something to eat sounds wonderful.

She started to put on her jacket
he stepped behind her and took it from her hands. “May I?” Smiling
she nodded. Slipping the coat on, his fingers
grazed her shoulders,
but left
a trail of warmth in their wake.

e outside, Sebastian pointed to
where they would be dining
“How about we walk over? It's a nice enough evening
I think the fresh air will be nice.”

Pax buttoned up her jacket to ward off the slight chill in the air
and a few minutes later they were in front of Perks, a quaint sidewalk café.
How have I missed this place? Working too hard I guess.

the sidewalk seating was
empty now,
the small wrought
tables and chairs outside filled with people milling about

Seb opened the door
Pax smile
help with her jacket
at the office
and now
her heart cheered to know
a true gentleman was
a dying breed. Funny how small things such as manners still meant so much.

Tables were scattered around
and small booths
filled with customers
lined the walls
of the café
hough a hint of daylight
still lingered
, the ambience inside warm
ed her

“Mr. Quinn. Glad you stopped in. How can I help you this evening?”
A young girl in her mid-teens held two menus. Her hands trembled.

“Hi Lana. How about a booth near the back
away from the kitchen?”

ace brighten
ing, Lana gestured to them to follow
. “Of course, Mr. Quinn.
Right this way

Pax was impressed.
f course they know him here. They'd probably know him at a coffee bar in Italy too.

walked behind her toward the waiting booth
, his hand resting
the small of her back
The touch of his hand sent sizzles of electricity throughout her system. She closed her eye
s for a moment to relish the sensation

Once seated, Lana
handed them their menus and
informed them she would return shortly to take their order.
Sebastian thanked her by name
the young waitress blushed in admiration.

's face tinted red as well
. He cast his eyes away before reverting them back in her direction.

“I come here often…more often than I realize
I guess
and remembered her from before.”

Pax smiled. “I think it's nice when someone takes the time to remember your name. It makes you feel special.
sure Lana was pleased as punch
you called her by name.”

He smirked. “Pleased as punch?”

I guess my upbringing sticks with me
I'm a country girl at heart.
” His eyes lit up as they both laughed
while picking
up the menus Lana left on the table.

coffee, with soup for Pax and a sandwich for Seb
, he
sat back in the booth
and crossed his arms over his broad chest.
“So, how does a girl from Alabama end up in Chesterfield, Missouri?”

“Well, you might say I was burned out at my old job and took a leap of faith with a new one. Believe it or not, Alabama is a great place to live. Without a doubt they have
Southern Hospitality
. The people are endearing
ut I needed a change of scenery
and St. Louis seemed like a good location.
My parents
lived here before I was born and still
have good
friends in Chesterfield
I enjoy the options
being near a big city. So far, it's been a good decision.”

“How long have you been here? I gather

Chuckling, s
he leaned forward across the table beckoning him to come closer with her finger. “How about I let you in on a little secret… You and Jim, you were the first clients I presented to without my boss
around. I was as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.”

laughter rang in her ears. “You certainly have a way with words.”

they say
…You can take the girl out of the country…”

“…but not the country out of the girl.” Seb finished the statement at the same time she did
. His smile sent
a rush of heat over her body

Lana brought them two cups of hot fresh coffee. Seb leaned back in the booth and cocked his head to the side
studying Pax
“You remind me of my friend Rangy. He's rather down-to-earth and comfortable in his boots you might say.”

“Rangy? What a unique name.”

“Rangy is short for Durango. He plays shortstop on the team and
well, everyone has a nickname… It's just the way we do it.”

“Oh sure
Durango Cortez! I didn't know everyone called him Rangy.

“Yep. Sometimes the
are silly and sometimes they are just short
ened versions of the first name

Grabbing a couple of sugar packets from the container on the table, she emptied them into her cup. “
So… if everybody has a nickname,
do you have one besides Seb

Seb laughed, giving his coffee a stir.

Just Seb. Only my mother calls me Sebastian
and that's when I
in trouble.”

Pax grinned. “I guess I thought if you had a nickname it would be something baseball related…like “Bash” or something. It could come from Sebastian.”

He took a sip of coffee,
over the rim of his cup
Setting his cup down, a smile teased the edges of his mouth.
“So it could.
I guess I've
never thought about it.”

Before the
conversation continued
Lana returned with their meal. Pax paused for a moment and looked at Sebastian.
“I'll need just a second.”

Seeing his nod, she bowed her head
in silence
God for
food and
for the fact the evening seemed to be going well.”
her head,
she saw
with h
is head cocked to the side, and
biting his lower lip.

“Were you praying?
I don't want to seem nosy; I guess
just curious.”

“Yes. I hope you don't mind. I like to acknowledge when God has blessed me.”

“Oh! Sure it's fine
It doesn't bother me
It's kind of nice.”
e took a bite of his sandwich.

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