Juice Cleanse : Lose Weight, Detox, And Feel Great With Over 50 Recipes!

BOOK: Juice Cleanse : Lose Weight, Detox, And Feel Great With Over 50 Recipes!
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Juice Cleanse

Lose Weight, Detox, And Feel Great!




Dana Winters

Copyright © 2013



Written By: Dana Winters




Liver Cleansing Diet : The 10-Day Natural Liver Detox Program
HYPERLINK "http://www.amazon.com/Liver-Cleansing-Diet-Natural-ebook/dp/B00F9JAEKS"Raw Food Detox - Just One Week To Clearing Your Body, Boosting Your Energy, And Improving Your Health!

Vegan Slow Cooker - Easy, Delicious, Nutritious Hands-Off Cooking For Busy People

Quinoa Recipes Secrets - 30 Super Simple Quinoa Recipes

Green Smoothie Recipes - Go Green For Less Than $1 And 5 minutes Per Day


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Liver Cleansing Diet : The 10-Day Natural Liver Detox Program HYPERLINK "http://www.amazon.com/Liver-Cleansing-Diet-Natural-ebook/dp/B00F9JAEKS"Raw Food Detox - Just One Week To Clearing Your Body, Boosting Your Energy, And Improving Your Health!

Vegan Slow Cooker - Easy, Delicious, Nutritious Hands-Off Cooking For Busy People

Quinoa Recipes Secrets - 30 Super Simple Quinoa Recipes

Green Smoothie Recipes - Go Green For Less Than $1 And 5 minutes Per Day


What is juice cleanse?

The benefits of juice cleanse

Can you participate in a juice cleanse program?

The fruits and vegetables you'll need and their benefits.

7 Day Juice Cleanse Plan

How to plan your juice fasting program

How will your program look like


Carrot and Apple Juice

Blueberry and Grapefruit Juice

Melon and Mint Juice

Spinach and Carrot Juice

Beet and Cucumber Juice

Garlic and Spinach Juice

Kale and Cilantro Juice

Ginger and Spinach Juice

Broccoli and Celery Juice

Apple and Ginger Juice

Gazpacho Juice

Citrus and Kale Juice

Carrot and Sweet Potato Juice

Citrus and Celery Juice

Beet and Blackberry Juice



Papaya Tropical Juice

Pineapple and Papaya Juice

Apple and Cilantro Juice

Kale and Spinach Juice

Carrot Squash Juice

Fennel Apple Juice

Asparagus and Celery Juice

Spinach and Parsley Juice

Pineapple and Mint Juice

Pink Lemonade

Mango and Carrot Juice

Fennel and Basil Juice

Cabbage and Turnip Juice

Bok Choy and Cabbage Juice

Pear and Kale Juice

Pomegranate and Melon Juice

Zucchini and Broccoli Juice

Blueberry and Red Cabbage Juice

Blueberries and Lettuce Juice

Mango and Strawberry Juice

Apple and Cucumber Juice

Red Cabbage and Grape Juice

Banana and Mango Juice

Celery, Apple and Ginger Juice

Tomato and Basil Juice

Spinach and Lemon Juice

Apple and Butternut Squash Juice

Tomato and Citrus Juice

Strawberry and Celery Juice

Pear and Butternut Squash Juice

Cherry and Apple Juice

Peach and Ginger Juice

Pomelo and Strawberry Juice






We all have busy lives and sometimes time management can be hard to do. So often we give up on ourselves just to be able to do more work or to spend more time with the kids. Companies started to speculate this rush in doing things so they offer us various products that claim to keep us fit, help us lose weight or shape our waist. Luckily, more and more people show interest in nutritious and healthy living, despite this product bombardment and aggressive marketing that's coming through all the media, from TV to Internet.


More and more people realize that the only way to a healthy body and mind is living a balanced life and eating properly, not only healthy, but also filling enough and loaded with nutrients. Just like the saying goes: "you are what you eat". Unfortunately, our body absorbs all the toxins from our daily routine. We are like a sponge, absorbing everything around us, especially toxins and chemicals because those are the most aggressive ones. Negative experiences, stress and chaotic lives have their impact on us as well. And that is when the juice cleanse steps in as a healthy and all natural way of cleansing your body from toxins and freeing it from this burden.


This book focuses on the benefits of juice cleanse and it will guide you through finding the perfect juices for you and creating your own, customized program to fit your nutritional needs. By the end of this book you will know all you need to start a juice fasting, the reason you should do it and the way to achieve it. Keep reading and you will find the proper motivation to start this detox not in a week time or in a month, but today! There is no better moment than now!


What is juice cleanse?


Juice cleanse, also known as juice fasting, is a short detox program that involves eating less solid food, but drinking more juices which cleanse your body while bringing back the enzymes and vitamins you need. This gives the body time to do a proper detox, cleansing every cell and freeing it from toxins and chemicals. The way juice cleanse works is that by drinking only nutritional juices, the digestion improves and more and more vitamins and antioxidants are being absorbed into your blood, eliminating the unwanted compounds, such as toxins and oxidation agents.


You keep hearing that if you feel better on the inside, it will show on the outside and that couldn't be more valid. If your body is healthy and clean, your skin will look better, your eyes will be brighter, you will lose weight and you will have an elevated mood. Plus, your overall health will be improved and your energy level will be restored.


The benefits of juice cleanse


Unlike other diets, juice fasting is an all natural way to cleanse your body and it only involves drinking healthy, fresh juices. By giving up on solid food for a few days, the digestive system gets a break so the absorption of nutrients from juices is higher. The energy used to break down solid food is now used to free the cells from toxins and chemicals gathered in time because of bad eating habits, stressful lives, unhealthy drinks and even air pollution or water chemicals. Everything gets retained in our body so a complete system cleanse is good once in a while. A juice cleanse is like a complete restart of your system if you want. Our cells are being restored to their natural state.


The first benefit of a juice cleanse is that your digestion will improve. And we all know that a good, healthy digestive system is the key to a great immune system. A digestive system that works at its peaks will absorb more nutrients in a shorter period of time. This means that all those vitamins and antioxidants will get to your cells and brain quicker, triggering better responses when facing external aggressive agents, such as viruses or bacteria.


Another noticeable benefit of juice fasting is losing weight. And although you may think that this is the most important benefit from all, well, it's not. Losing weight is not the goal of juice cleanse, but it comes as a side effect. Since the digestion improves, the food will simply be absorbed, instead of depositing into a fat layer.


After taking a juice detox, you will notice a change in your body. It starts with your taste buds. You will notice a change in sensitivity and you will feel that you taste food differently. That is absolutely normal and it happens because the toxins found in your body are no longer there to alter your taste. It's like resetting your taste buds to their natural state. You can now enjoy tastes that in the past may have seemed mild, you may be surprised to start liking foods that you did not in the past. The good thing is that after a juice fasting, you will find fruits and vegetables more appealing than you did before.


I was saying earlier that if you feel good on the inside, it shows on the outside. Well, imagine juice cleanse like a flood. It cleanses everything on the way, leaving a healthy body. And that will show on your skin which will look clean and glowing. And since your liver will go through a proper, deep cleanse as well, you will notice that your eyes will look better too.


Last, but not least, after a juice fasting, you will get an energy boost because you will absorb more nutrients from food and that translates into an increased level of energy.


However, all these benefits mean nothing if after a juice cleanse you go back to your old lifestyle. Fast-food, soda drinks, lost nights should no longer find a place in your life. You will have to keep a healthy lifestyle with more fruits and veggies, with proper sleep, with lots of drinking water and enough rest for your body if you want all this to last.


Can you participate in a juice cleanse program?


As healthy as juice fasting is, this detox program is not for everyone. If you have or had stomach problems in the past, if you have low blood pressure or liver problems you may want to consider another type of detox or do a combined fasting, eating some solid healthy food as well. A glass of fresh juice a day is healthy for anyone anyway, especially if you choose the fruits and veggies that best fit your needs, fruits that aren't very acidic or vegetables easy to digest.


Other than that, everyone can follow a juice cleanse. However, keep in mind that juice fasting is not an easy program. You will need a lot of will to start it and even more will and strength to stick on it and finish it. Try to avoid temptations so you don't have to face them and try to follow the plan, drinking only what you are allowed to and only juices that are actually a good addition to your diet, even though maybe you may not be very keen on their taste.

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