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Her trust had been a requirement to go this far but he needed to know her faith in him was absolute. The experiment would require her to go beyond anything she had ever experienced before. It would only work if she placed herself in his control. He would settle for nothing less than her total surrender. He would invest the patience necessary to earn it.

“Do you enjoy touching yourself like this?”

Kurt watched the muscles in her abdomen flex upon hearing the suggestive words he used. He’d never made a woman come just by talking to her but Becca tempted him to try it. These were the kinds of ideas being near her inspired.

The ripples of desire contracted the visible portion of her pussy in rhythmic pulses. He imagined her vaginal walls attempting to milk an imaginary cock. The pleasure had to be overwhelming her senses now.

“Yes,” she gasped. Pressing against her inner thighs with his forearms, Kurt urged her to spread her legs wider. She complied. He began moving his hand in a slow circle while he pressed the base of his palm against her. When the sweet scent of her arousal filled the air, he gritted his teeth against the urge to take her rough, quick, now.

To make her his.

“Have you ever had an orgasm?” He continued in his most mesmerizing voice, inviting and soothing.

“Never with a man.” She admitted it without hesitation now, her body strung tight around the pressure building inside her. Kurt dipped his fingers into her slit. He ran them up and down, accustoming her to his touch, before teasing them both by pressing one against the entrance to her pussy.

“Are you ready for me, Becca? I need to see how tight you are. I need to feel you around my fingers.”

“Yes, Doctor. Kurt.”

He groaned when his name fell from her lips, low and husky with need.

“Open your eyes. Watch me. You won’t be able to avoid it during the study.” He waited for her to comply, loving the cloudy look that proclaimed she had passed beyond her inhibitions. With firm and steady pressure, he pushed one finger inside her to the first knuckle before drawing it out again. She bucked beneath his hands then cried out her pleasure as he reintroduced the digit to the second knuckle. Kurt was so turned on his cock throbbed in his pants. He feared he might embarrass himself.

Focus. Today is about her. About proving she can trust you, taking the first step.

His finger, coated with Becca’s desire, shuttled in and out of her clinging passageway. Her muscles stretched to accommodate the intrusion as it bored deeper on every stroke. He concentrated on her pleasure, tucking a second broad digit inside her. Her flesh gripped him, so hot, tight and slick he could hardly believe it.

Making good use of all his studies in human anatomy, Kurt drove his fingers in further until they brushed her G-spot. He bent them until he pressed the sensitive bundle of nerves inside her womb against her pelvic bone. She writhed beneath his hand.

Turning back now would be impossible. For both of them.

“That’s right. I want you to come for me if you can. Do you want to, baby?” He began moving his second and third fingers in and out of her, still slow but building the tempo now. He withdrew until they poised on the very cusp of her entrance before burying them as deep as he could reach. The knuckle of his index finger, curled into his palm, rubbed against her clit. She gasped, squeezing her eyes tight, as though trying to ward off the explosion he could feel gathering deep inside her.

She was his.

“Oh! Yes, Kurt, please don’t stop. Please.”

“That’s right, sweetheart, come in my hand. I need to see how much you can feel. Don’t hold back.”

He bent low over her, chanting encouragement in her ear. His fingers thrust faster now, nudging the sensitive patch of nerves on each pass. He rubbed his knuckle against her clit in a firm rotation. “Come for me, Becca.”

“Ah, Doctor. Kurt!”

He growled in triumph as her delicate tissues spasmed around his hand. His eyes followed her hips as they thrust against him. His own release loomed near. Though he tried to abstain, her pussy squeezing him, the hot juices running between his fingers, the musky scent of her arousal and the sound of her orgasm stripping away the last of her reserve shoved him over the edge. He ground his erection against her hip on the couch in an attempt to stop the inevitable.

It wasn’t enough to keep the hot come from shooting out of his dick in an earth-shattering release.

“Oh God, Becca.” He groaned. “You’re perfect.”

Rebecca feared things would be awkward afterward. They lay still for a moment, catching their breath.

Then Dr. Foster stood, looking down at her, making her conscious of her flushed cheeks and tangled hair.
have I done?

All rational thought had fled her mind the first moment he’d touched her. Waves of pleasure had battered her body, making her helpless to do anything but flounder in the tide, all the while struggling to keep her head above water lest she drown in ecstasy.

But she still had to work with him every day. She’d hoped he would hire her after graduation and maybe even advance to working her own cases soon. Had she destroyed any chance of her dream coming true?

“You can get dressed. We’ll start work on the study tomorrow. Your normal duties are suspended. The project is most important now.”

Disappointment zinged through her. That was it? He was going to let her walk away?

Of course he was, their encounter hadn’t been personal to him. He’d simply needed to examine her. She’d nearly forgotten.

Hadn’t he come, too?

In the heat of the moment, it had seemed so but maybe she mixed fantasy with reality.

As she reassembled her clothing, he treated her with the same respect and professionalism he always had.

While that should have eased her nerves, it only made them more ragged. She hadn’t comprehended the depth of her longing until now.

Had she imprudently risked her emotions by getting involved?

He’d promised to let her stop at any time but her honor would make her see this through regardless of how vulnerable it made her to explore her sexuality with him.

Rebecca finished dressing and walked to the door but, as she opened it to leave, she sensed him close behind her. His warm breath feathered across her shoulder and his hand, his wonderful hand, covered hers on the door. She turned to look at him with questions she couldn’t voice written in her expression. Bridging some of the distance between them, he bent down to kiss her cheek.

“Thank you,” he whispered.

She started to reply but he had already turned and headed back to his desk.

Chapter Three

When Rebecca awoke to the orange light of morning, she blinked several times then tried to remember the cause of the exquisite tenderness in her muscles before it all came back to her in a rush. Oh, God! Had she really been such an idiot?

The mental image of herself in Dr. Foster’s office, contorted on the patient’s chaise, muscles tight and straining under his dexterous ministrations, snapped into focus. Lying in the comfort and security of her warm bed, she could admit the episode had nothing at all to do with her altruistic commitment and everything to do with her long-unsatisfied daydreams of Kurt.

For the past six years, Rebecca had watched the way he helped his patients face their fears and attain their dreams of sexual freedom. But, as maturity enhanced her discerning vision, she had begun to see through his easygoing mannerisms. He had an innate sense of how to dominate and cut to the heart of someone’s desires even when they remained oblivious to their own secret longings. Like a maestro playing a well-tuned instrument, he also knew when to back off a patient who’d reached their limits. He was gentle but demanding, quietly insistent, a combination that had stirred her imagination for years.

Groaning, she rolled out of bed, disgusted with herself. She’d cast herself in the role of one of Dr. Foster’s patients, which couldn’t be conducive to advancing her career. Entranced by his smoky eyes as he peppered her with questions about her sexual history, she had detected his unspoken conviction. Kurt thought she was repressed. Hell, it might be the truth but her single-minded focus had been necessary to achieve her goal.

Rebecca didn’t regret the path she’d taken. It was just that the idea of her mentor perceiving her as weak or constrained disheartened her. While she dreamed of exploring her fantasies with him, she would never accept his pity. She’d seen him convince recalcitrant patients often enough to realize he’d used some of his infamous charm to get her to proceed with his unusual experiment protocols but it didn’t matter because he’d coerced her to overcome her inhibitions and reach for something she desired.

He’d presented her with a golden excuse.

She planned to snatch it and run but she wished it didn’t mean he considered her, in some way, lacking.

Applying her scholastic knowledge of emotions to the feelings swirling inside her proved more difficult than she would have imagined. Logic couldn’t solve this problem.

Following the completion of her dissertation, Rebecca had arranged to work fulltime at the clinic until graduation. She had been thrilled but now apprehension infringed on her glee. How could she maintain professionalism when the rules of the study required her total abandon? What if she disappointed Kurt? What if she exceeded his expectations?

Could they continue to work together or would there be no going back? She hoped the unbiased empathy he demonstrated on a daily basis would extend to her as well.

Head swimming with questions, she trudged toward the shower, both dreading and eager for the day ahead.

She flicked on the water and gathered her clothes while the temperature in her apartment’s antiquated water heater crept toward lukewarm. After selecting a suit from her closet, she rifled through her underwear drawer.

Should she opt for a modest, matching cotton set because he would see it? Immediately, she discarded the idea. She was no cowering wallflower in need of his help. When she volunteered for the study, she saw it as a way to experiment a little herself. She needed experience. Who better to give it to her than the sexy man who made her feel safe, who was an excellent teacher and who attracted her as no other man ever had before?

She refused to betray his request for open and honest communication by changing her normal behaviors or hiding the heightened reactions he’d inspired. With a grin, she grabbed her most provocative lingerie, a see-through lace teddy, and her highest pair of heels. She’d noticed how often he appreciated her shoes, and the steamy look in his eyes when she’d revealed her sexy undergarments during his exam the day before.

Dr. Foster had taken her by surprise yesterday. Today, she would fight fire with fire.


Rebecca had known yesterday’s encounter would alter her relationship with Kurt but when she entered the office and stared at the dents in the carpet marking the space her desk used to occupy, she panicked. Her palms grew sweaty and she struggled to control her labored breathing.

She loved her job at the university clinic. Despite her earlier bravado, the reminder of how her participation in the Dream Machine study could jeopardize her career terrified her. Her only solace lie in her conviction she’d never excel in her field until she understood passion firsthand. Plus, her sister’s education was worth risking her career, her pride, everything she’d ever worked for. Elsa relied on her alone.

Even if she didn’t get a job in Dr. Foster’s office, her academic record ensured a prestigious position elsewhere. With the added benefit of the sexual experience this project would give her, she would be a stellar candidate. Reaffirming her earlier commitment to stay strong, she drew a deep breath and willed herself to ignore her doubts. Many obstacles had littered her path to success. She’d smash this one like all the others.

Fortunately, she didn’t have much time to brood about the situation. Kurt appeared in the doorway to his office, leaning one hip on the jamb in the relaxed pose she’d come to know so well. He looked amazing in his crisp black slacks and silk shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. The loosened collar gaped, allowing her a glimpse of the dark hair sprinkled on his chest.

Closing her eyes to block out the vision, she tried to resist the immediate reaction of her body. Sensing Kurt’s gaze roaming over every inch of her, she stilled her wringing hands. She willed herself to square her shoulders and meet his stare. Drawing a deep, calming breath, she opened her eyes. When she did, she watched a slow, sweet smile of approval spread across his face.

Without a word, he held out his hand. She obeyed his silent command. Crossing to him, she closed the gap by sliding her palm across his. The arc of the electric attraction between them caused her to gasp. He entwined their fingers before leading her down the corridor behind his office. As they made their way deeper into the facility, she wondered at the way his hand wrapped around hers. His fingers were long and strong, warm and supportive.

It seemed right.

She’d never been back to this part of the clinic since he reserved it for his personal study and experimentation. A separate branch of the building housed the general labs, leaving this area secluded. With each step, they drew further away from the bustle of the main practice and deeper into the solitude of the restricted area.

Kurt paused before the door at the end of the hallway to punch in a combination on the keypad next to the door. When the light flashed green, he turned to face her.

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