Joy Argento - Carrie and Hope (15 page)

BOOK: Joy Argento - Carrie and Hope
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She put the car in gear and pulled back onto the road and did a U turn heading back to Carrie’s house. She just hoped she hadn’t totally blown it with Carrie. She hoped Carrie would forgive her for running away.


Carrie felt like she had cried all the tears from her body. She slowly stood up, using the door for support. She walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower, undressing as the water heated up.

She kicked her clothes off to the side and stepped under the hot spray of water. She willed the water to wash away her pain. The last remnants of her tears were washed down the shower drain.

The sound of the doorbell broke through the rhythmic sound of water hitting the tiled walls. Carrie wasn’t sure she could trust her ears. She turned off the water and listened, standing perfectly still. She
her eyes as if that would make her hearing more acute. She heard it again. It was definitely the doorbell.

No, it’s isn’t Hope. Hope isn’t coming back. You’ll be lucky if you ever see her again. You really messed up with that one.
Without further thought Carrie stepped out of the shower. She toweled off her hair quickly and grabbed her white bathrobe from the hook on the back of the bathroom door. The robe soaked up most of the water that still remained on her naked skin. She tied the belt around her waist as she walked to the door.

Carrie reached for the doorknob, hesitating before opening it. She took a deep breath and was startled by the sound of doorbell ringing again, the sound close to her now. She opened the door and looked directly into Hope’s eyes.

Carrie opened her mouth to speak. “Hope, I am so
…” But her words were cut off by the kiss that Hope crushed into her mouth. Hope wrapped an arm around Carries waist and pulled her in closer with a sharp tug. Carrie melted into the kiss. She felt Hope’s tongue pushing gently at her lips until they parted, letting Hope in.
After a minute of having her way with Carrie’s mouth, Hope’s lips traveled down to her neck, kissing and nibbling their way, leaving a hot moist trail.
Carrie tilted her head back, giving Hope full access.

Hope slipped her hand into the robe at Carrie’s shoulder and pushed it back, exposing the soft skin of Carrie’s shoulder. She ran her tongue along the dip in the flesh above her collarbone.

Carrie’s body trembled as Hope’s tongue traveled from her throat back up to her lips. Hope pulled back from the kiss. Carrie felt the sudden loss of her lips. She opened her eyes to look at Hope.

“Carrie, I am so sorry for running. Please forgive me and let me explain.”

Carrie wasn’t sure she could speak. Her breath was rapid and her heart threatened to leap out of her chest. She only nodded.

Hope took her hand and led her to the living room. She eased Carrie down on the couch and sat next to her. She brought Carrie’s hand to her lips and kissed it. She held it tight as she looked directly into Carrie’s eyes. Hope brushed away a strand of wet hair from Carrie’s face.

“There is something that I didn’t tell you about myself.” She blinked, trying to keep the tears under control. “It was when I was in college. I fell in love with someone. It wasn’t Tom. It was a woman. We started out as friends and ended up sleeping together one night.” She paused to let Carrie take it all in. Carrie brushed a tear away as it rolled down Hope’s cheek. “I ran, Carrie. I ran then, just like I ran from you tonight. I was so scared. Scared of what it all meant. I went running to Tom and that is how I ended up pregnant. I didn’t love Tom. I didn’t have any real feelings for him at all, but I knew that he liked me and I used him to prove to myself that I wasn’t gay.”

“Go on,” Carried prompted her.

“Fear is a great motivator. It motivated me into Tom’s bed, into motherhood and into marriage. I put all of that fear and all of the feelings I had for Maria out of my mind as if they didn’t exist.” Hope swallowed and closed her eyes as the memories and emotions flooded over her. “When you kissed me, it brought all of those feelings back.”

“I am so sorry, Hope. I had no idea. I didn’t mean to do anything that would be painful for you. I…I…I just feel, well, I feel so…” Carrie was struggling with the words.

Carrie. I’m feeling it, too. You were just brave enough to act on it. I was the coward that ran. But Carrie, I’m not running any more. So if you still want me, I’m here. I’m here and not going anywhere. So, what do you think? Any chance you still want me?”

“Oh my God, yes.” Carrie pulled her in and hugged her tightly, almost afraid to let go. Hope pulled back enough to look into Carrie’s eyes.

“So, where do we go from here?” Hope searched Carrie’s face for the answer. She didn’t have to wait long.

Carrie whispered in a husky voice.
“To my bedroom.”
Without another word she stood and put her hand out for Hope. Hope took Carrie’s hand and allowed her to lead the way to her room.

Carrie turned to Hope and pulled her into a kiss. Without losing contact, Hope untied the belt around Carrie’s waist. She slipped her hands into the robe and touched soft skin. Hope let out a groan at the feeling beneath her fingers. Carrie felt a surge of moisture from the touch.

Hope stepped back and let her eyes sweep down Carrie’s body. A single word escaped Hope’s mouth at the sight. “Beautiful,” she said. She slowly unbuttoned her own shirt and let it fall to the floor. Her bra quickly followed.

She stepped back into Carrie’s waiting arms. Naked breasts fell on naked breasts. Carrie felt Hope’s nipples harden as they pressed against her own.

Carrie struggled to pull the snap open on Hope’s jeans. She reached for the zipper as soon as the snap relented. Hope kicked out of her shoes.

Carrie pulled the zipper down slowly and let her fingers slip inside the gaping denim. Her fingers ran over the silky material of Hope’s panties. Hope let out a small gasp as Carrie’s fingers touched her. Carrie could feel the moisture though the cloth.

Hope pushed her pants down, taking her panties with them. They hung at her ankles for a moment before she stepped out of them.

The only thing that stood in way of the two women being totally naked was the opened robe. Hope slipped her hands in between the fluffy material and Carrie’s shoulders. She pushed the robe off Carrie. It joined the rest of the discarded clothes on the floor.

Hope’s brown eyes stared into Carrie’s green eyes as she eased Carrie backwards towards the bed. Carrie sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled her legs up bringing her body completely on the bed. Her eyes never left Hope’s as Hope leaned over her until Hope’s lips touched hers. Both women closed their eyes as lips met and tongues collided.

Carrie laid back and pulled Hope down on top of her. Carrie’s body trembled with hot desire. Her arms reached around Hope and her hands settled on Hope’s rear, squeezing the flesh and pulling her in closer as Carrie spread her legs allowing Hope to settle in between them.

Hope slowed her kissing. “I don’t want to rush this,” she whispered. “I want to savor making love to you.” Her hands were in Carrie’s hair, her fingers running through the long blond locks.

Carrie wrapped her legs around Hope’s, forcing them to open wider creating more contact between Hope’s wetness and her own. She rocked her pelvis against Hope. Causing Hope let out a low groan. Carrie’s kiss caught the sound before it escaped into the air.

Hope’s lips left Carrie’s mouth and traveled to her ear. She licked the edge of Carrie’s ear before sucking an earlobe into her mouth.

Carrie’s breath was coming in ragged gasps as Hope’s pelvic movements began to match her own. Carrie’s fingers dug into the flesh on Hope’s backside as she held on tightly.

Hope’s mouth released Carrie’s earlobe, and her tongue traced a wet trail down her neck. She pushed herself up on her elbows creating space between their bodies so her mouth could work
way farther down. She rolled off Carrie to gain better access to Carrie’s breasts with her mouth. She ran her tongue across one breast and back again stopping to suck a hardened nipple into her mouth.

Carrie’s heels dug in the mattress as Hope’s fingers ran through her slick wetness and entered her.

“I love how wet you are,” Hope whispered. Her fingers moved rhythmically as Carrie’s hips rose to meet them. Hope’s mouth once again went to Carrie’s erect nipples. She tugged gently with her teeth and then let her tongue go to work. Her fingers kept a steady rhythm in Carrie’s wet center. Carrie felt her body heat rise higher as her breath quickened and held completely as an orgasm ripped through her.

Hope slowed her movement as she felt Carrie’s body react and tighten around her fingers. Hope’s mouth continued to bath Carrie’s nipples with her tongue. Carrie’s arms were around Hope, holding on tight as if she was trying to keep from rising off the bed.

Hope removed her hand slowly as Carrie’s body came down from the crest. Carrie lifted Hope’s head from her breast and brought it up to her face. She kissed her passionately, plunging her tongue into Hope’s mouth.

“Wow,” was all Carrie could say as she pulled her mouth from Hope’s.

“Wow,” Hope repeated. She wrapped her arms around Carrie and held her tight.

Carrie’s breathing and heartbeat slowly returned to normal. She lay quiet in the comfort of Hope’s arms for several minutes. Hope gently raked the back of her fingernails across Carrie’s stomach and chest.

Slowly Carrie began planting small kisses on Hope’s neck. Her hands began to wander over Hope’s body. She stroked her breast and ran her hand over Hope’s nipple, feeling it harden beneath her palm. She sucked lightly on Hope’s shoulder, as her hand found
way downward, rubbing over the dark patch of hair. Hope sucked in a sudden breath at the touch.

Carrie’s fingers slipped through the wet folds, causing Hope’s body to shudder. Carrie stopped moving her hand and whispered to Hope. “Are you okay? Is this all right?”

Hope had trouble speaking. “Oh my God, yes. This is perfect. You are perfect.”

Carried once again began the strokes, increasing the pressure as Hope’s body reacted to her touch. Her mouth found Hope’s mouth again, swallowing up the small sounds of pleasure escaping Hope’s throat.

Hope arched her back as she found her release in Carrie’s arms, letting out a small cry.

Carrie held her tight until Hope’s body relaxed and they settled into each other.

Carrie was drifting off to sleep in the afterglow of love when she heard Hope whisper in her ear. “You are my chocolate.” Carrie smiled in the dark and planted a soft kiss on Hope’s lips.

They fell asleep in each other’s arms and stayed that way until the morning light.





Chapter 16


“Good morning,” Carrie said as Hope opened her eyes to see Carrie watching her. “How are you doing? Are you okay?”

Hope pulled Carrie into a deep kiss. “What does that tell you?” she asked.

“I am thinking that you are doing okay.” Carrie kissed Hope on the nose.

“And how about you?
How are you doing?”

, wonderful,” Carrie answered.

“Can I ask you a personal question, Carrie?”

“You can ask me anything.” Carrie waited patiently while Hope thought of the right way to ask.

“Have you ever done this before? I mean been with…made love with a woman before?” The question was barely above a whisper.

“I have never been with a woman before and to tell you the truth I am not sure I ever really made love before last night.” She hesitated before continuing. “I’ve had plenty of sex in my life. But last night was so different for me. Being with
was so different for me.” She looked into Hope’s eyes trying to read her thoughts.

Hope pushed a small lock of blond hair out of Carrie’s face and tucked it behind her ear. She held Carrie’s face between her hands and kissed her again. “It was very special for me too, Carrie. I care about you so much.” She kissed Carrie with passion as her hands released Carrie’s face and began to explore Carrie’s body.

Hope was amazed at how her own body reacted as she touched her new lover. The feel of Carrie’s breast, the soft flesh and the hard nipple caused a surge of moisture. “Just touching you is making me wet,” she told her.

“Ooh, let me see.” Carrie reached down between Hope’s legs. “Oh my God, you’re right. Keep touching me and let’s see just how wet you can get. I’ll keep checking on your progress.” Carrie’s fingers began moving over Hope’s swollen flesh.

Hope made moaning sounds from deep in her throat.

“I think I need to check this out closer,” Carrie said in a husky voice. “What do you think
should I go down and check it out a little closer?” Her fingers continued to move against Hope.

Hope voice broke as she attempted to answer. She finally managed to squeak out a “yes”.

Carrie wasted no time in moving down Hope’s body, planting wet kisses along the way. Goose bumps erupted as her tongue circled around Hope’s belly button. Carrie’s kisses skipped over the place her fingers had found earlier. She picked Hope’s legs up slightly off the bed and planted kisses on her inner thighs. Hope’s legs began to tremble as Carrie continued to tease her.

Carrie’s hands ran over the smooth skin of Hope’s hips and down her outer thighs. Her mouth was inches from Hope’s sweet spot, and she let out a hot breath followed by a quick flick of her tongue, causing Hope to moan. Hope reached down and put her hands on Carrie’s head trying to gently push her down, but Carrie wasn’t done with her teasing. She gently licked the inside of Hope’s thigh, moving farther away from the spot Hope so desperately tried to direct her to.

Without warning Carrie moved forward and plunged her tongue into Hope’s wet folds. Hope let out a cry of pleasure. Her fingers pulled through Carrie’s blond hair.

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