Josie's Miracle (White River Wolves Series, #1) (5 page)

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Authors: Dawn Sullivan

Tags: #Paranormal Romance, #Romance, #Shifters, #Shifter Romance

BOOK: Josie's Miracle (White River Wolves Series, #1)
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Pulling his cell phone out of his pocket to text the council a progress report, he brought up Josie’s number instead.  He had not talked to her in one full week, and it was killing him.  She was his mate, the other half of his soul.  They had completed the full mate bond ritual and once that happened, it was hard for mates to be apart for a couple of days, let alone a full week. 

Go to her,
Storm’s voice whispered in his mind. 
I will finish up here, Ryker.  Go to your mate.  You are of no help to me.  Not like this.

Ryker and Storm had both been born with the ability to speak telepathically.  While they chose to use the gift with each other, they kept their ability secret from others.  Not even the council knew what they could do.  Storm could see into the future at times as well, but telepathy was Ryker’s only gift.

I can’t, Storm.  I won’t leave you.
  There was no way he was leaving Storm here by herself.  She was more than capable of taking care of these clowns, but if for some reason the pack they were hunting did show up, she would need his help.

You and I both know they aren’t coming here tonight. 
Storm responded. 
Just go.  You know mates can’t stay away from each other for long.  I don’t know why you didn’t wait to fully mate until our mission was over. 

The pull was too strong,
Ryker admitted. 
I couldn’t help it.  You will see one of these days, Storm.  You think you can fight it, but when your mate is standing there in front of you, you just lose control.

Yeah, I doubt I will ever know the feeling, Ry,
Storm said with a touch of sadness in her voice. 
I have waited so long, that I think I am ready to give up. 

Glancing up at Storm in surprise, Ryker watched as she took a shot, sinking the eight ball into a side pocket. 
Okay, we are done here.
She announced. 
They do not have any useful information for us. 
Blowing the men a kiss, she told them goodbye and casually sauntered out of the bar. 

Leaving his beer on the table in front of him, Ryker stood up and followed.  Outside, he walked the two blocks to where they had left his truck, his thoughts tormented once again by Josie.  Climbing inside where Storm waited, he started the truck and turned on the heater.  It was freezing out and they were calling for more snow.  It would definitely be a white Christmas.   

When they reached the rundown hotel they were staying at, Storm turned to him and grasped his arm tightly.  “Ryker, go to your mate.  She is only half an hour away.  Go.  I promise I will wait for you to return before I follow up on any new leads.”

Shaking his head, Ryker put the truck in park.  He refused to leave Storm.  He had learned his lesson the hard way with his last partner.  Although at that time, Ryker was the one that was left.  When his partner went to spend time with his flavor of the week, Ryker had been jumped by the people they were hunting and nearly killed.  He was not going to let that happen to Storm.  “I am not leaving you alone, Storm.  Not going to happen.”

Storm shrugged.  “Fine, then let’s go.  I can sleep at Nico and Jenna’s for the night.”  When Ryker stared at her in surprise, she said, “Ryker, you are my partner and my only true friend.  I would do just about anything for you.  You need a night with Josie, and I need your head back in the game. Let’s go so we can both be happy.”

Deciding Storm was right, Ryker put the truck in gear and headed toward Boulder.  As Storm placed a call to the council to let them know they had hit another dead end, Ryker’s thoughts turned once again to Josie.

It had been a week since they had spoken, but he called Slade daily to check on her.  There were no repercussions as of yet for the man’s life she had taken.  RARE found the body and it had been disposed of along with the truck that was parked on the edge of the White River wolves’ border.  As far as RARE could tell, the man had been watching the compound for weeks.  He watched long enough to figure out who was patrolling the area and when shift change was.  Chase had tightened up security after the General kidnapped Lily, but some of his guards did not think it was necessary.  It had become habit for the guards on duty to leave a few minutes early, while the next ones arrived late.  Their lack of responsibility allowed the man to sneak onto pack lands during their shift change.  All four were suspended of duty until further notice.

Hunter admitted to spotting a deer which caused him to wander further from home than normal while Phoenix was taking a shower and Serenity was napping.  He was in his human form because he and Phoenix were going Christmas shopping for Serenity.  RARE had not found any incriminating evidence on the man or in his truck, so they had no idea who he worked for or what his exact plans had been with Hunter.  The consensus at this time was that he had been working alone that night.

However, Chase was not willing to give up the protection detail on either Hunter or Josie just yet.  He also stepped up security around the far borders of his land.  Chase had a feeling something was going to happen.  There might not have been anyone with the man that night, but he obviously planned on taking Hunter somewhere to sell him.  Someone was selling shifters for money, and Chase was not going to sit around and wait for the next kidnapping attempt against his pack.

As they neared the entrance to the White River wolves’ compound, Ryker realized he probably should have called Josie to let her know he was coming.  But it was too late now.  Ryker parked his truck in front of the hospital.  He was not sure if she was working or if she was home.  It was after midnight, but that did not mean anything to a doctor. 

Grabbing his duffle bag out of the back of the truck, he headed to the hospital as Storm went to Nico’s.  Entering the hospital, Ryker nodded to the nurse at the front desk.  “Is Doc Josie in?” he asked.

“She went home an hour ago,” the nurse replied.  “The poor woman was exhausted.  She has been working way too much lately.”

Thanking her, Ryker left the hospital and went to Josie’s.  Slade stepped away from the side of the house when he saw Ryker.  “Josie got home just a little bit ago.  I have no idea how she is still moving.  She has been at the hospital nonstop since you left.  I was surprised to see her here so early tonight.  She has always worked long hours, but this is ridiculous.”

Raking a hand through his hair, Ryker closed his eyes tiredly.  His mate was in pain and was trying to drown it out with work.  He knew what she was doing, because he was doing the same thing.  He did not want this for her.  Unfortunately, right now there was nothing he could do about it.  He should not even be here tonight, but he could not stay away any longer.  Taking a deep breath, he took the key Slade offered him and walked up the front steps.

Chapter 6

osie was so tired that she fell into a deep sleep the minute her head touched the pillow.  After Ryker left the week before, she had quickly learned working herself into exhaustion was the only way she could sleep.  As she slept, she dreamt of Ryker.  In her dream, he slid into bed beside her, pulling her against his hot, naked flesh.  Running his hand up her leg, he slid it over her hip and gently cupped her breast.  Moaning, she pushed back against the warm body behind her, calling out for Ryker.  “Ssshhh, sweetheart,” Ryker whispered.  “I’m right here.”  The dream felt so real.  She wanted it to be real.  She wanted Ryker there in bed with her, touching her, loving her. 

Throwing her head back, Josie whimpered as Ryker pinched her nipple.  “Oh, Ryker,” she moaned.  “Touch me.  I need you to touch me.”  His hand slid from her breast down to the top of her pajama pants.  Sliding his hand in and over her mound, he slipped a finger inside her as he flicked her clit with his thumb.  Josie’s eyes snapped open as pleasure flooded her body.  When the scent of her mate engulfed her, tears slipped down her cheeks at the realization that Ryker was really there.  

Whispering his name on a tortured moan, Josie arched back into him.  Ryker lightly kissed her slender neck, from just below her ear down to where his mating bite showed.  Slowly he pushed her pajamas down her smooth, milky white legs, removing them.  Trailing a hand up the back of her leg, he slipped it under her knee lifting it up to slide inside her. 

“No,” Josie protested softly.  “I want to see you.”  Turning around, she pushed Ryker onto his back and straddled him.  Drowning in his dark gaze, she grabbed the hem of her nightshirt and pulled it up over her head, throwing it to the side of the bed.  Bringing her hands back down, she ran them over her breasts moaning as they skimmed over her sensitive nipples. 

“You are so sexy,” Ryker rasped.  Grabbing her hips tightly, he raised her up and lowered her onto his hot, hard length.  She gasped as he started to move slowly.  Sliding a hand down from her breast, she lightly touched her clit.  Josie groaned at the liquid fire running through her veins.  With one hand working a nipple and one her clit, she rode Ryker, panting loudly.   

“Fuck” Ryker roared as he came.  Rearing up, he sank his teeth into Josie’s shoulder, claiming his mate again.  Crying out, Josie sank her own teeth into Ryker’s shoulder as she came. 

They stayed like that for several minutes before Ryker lifted her off him and snuggled her into the covers beside him.  Cradling her to his chest, he gently stroked her soft hair.  Kissing her gently on the top of her head he whispered, “I have to leave in the morning.  I shouldn’t be here now, but I could not stay away from you any longer.  We haven’t been able to hunt down the wolf pack.  Chloe is still out there.  I have to track them down, Josie.  I have to find them.”

Leaning up on an elbow, Josie gazed down at him.  Reaching out, she lightly traced the hard contours of his face.  He was so handsome, so fierce.  “You will find them, Ryker.  I know you will,” she said.

“None of our leads have panned out,” Ryker told her.  “The longer they have her, the more likely it is that she will not make it.  I hate to think of what she is going through right now.”

“You will find her, Ryker,” Josie vowed.  “I know you will.  You will not stop until you do.  Being apart from each other is hard, but helping people like Chloe is what you do.  If you don’t find her, if you don’t save her, no one else will.  You have to do this, Ryker, and you will.  I know you will.”  Placing a kiss on his cheek, then on his lips, she whispered, “Thank you.  Thank you for coming to me.”

“I couldn’t stay away.  I needed to feel you next to me,” Ryker admitted.  Tenderly, he ran a hand down the side of her face.  “I need to know more about you, Josie.  I want to know your favorite color.  Your favorite movie.  What you like to do in your spare time.  I want to know everything there is to know about you.”

Smiling, she murmured, “I want that too, Ryker.”  Wrapped in each other’s arms, they talked well into the night, sharing their lives with one another.  Until finally, they fell asleep.

Ryker was gone when Josie woke up the next morning.  There was a dark red rose on the pillow next to her.  Her heart filling with what could only be love, she picked up the rose.  Running the petals over her face, feeling the softness against her skin, Josie smiled.  He would be back, she knew.  But right now, he had a job to do; and so did she. 

Chapter 7

yker prowled through the dark streets of Denver with new purpose.  Thoughts of Josie were constantly on his mind.  He was driven by his need to find the rogue wolf pack so he could move on with his life.  He had some difficult decisions to make, and he was ready to deal with them.  Leaving Josie two days ago had been one of the hardest things Ryker had ever been required to do.  He had never felt for anyone the way he did Josie.  Ryker was not a sweet, tender person.  He was a hard, dominant male with an alpha personality.  But when he was with Josie, all he wanted to do was care for her, cherish her, and show her how much she meant to him.  He was a goner, and he knew it. 

Ryker was going to find that wolf pack, he was going to save the young female fox shifter, and then he was going to go home to his mate.  He and Storm had a new tip they were following, and Ryker had a good feeling about it.  He felt like they were finally on the right track. 

“There’s the warehouse,” Ryker said in a low voice, motioning to the building up ahead.  They moved silently forward, making the decision to speak only telepathically now.  They were too close to their prey and did not want to give up the element of surprise.  Slowly they canvased the building, making a wide trip around the outside.  Stopping suddenly, Storm held up a hand. 
Talk to me, Storm,
Ryker ordered.  He trusted Storm.  If she sensed something, something was there.

They are here,
she said looking at him with an excited gleam in her eye. 
We finally found them, Ryker.  They are fucking here.  I can smell them.  They are rank as hell.  I can smell the fox.  She is still alive.  And she is terrified. 

Giving a short nod, Ryker ordered,
you take the south side, I will take the north. 
Silently, Storm merged into the shadows surrounding the building.  Ryker moved to the north side of the building and slipped through a broken window on the ground floor.  They needed to move fast.  They had to find Chloe before the pack scented them. 

Palming his Glock, Ryker moved swiftly down the empty hallway.  Hearing a faint noise above him, he found the stairs and stealthily made his way to the second floor. 
I hear something, Storm.  Second floor.

Already on it,
she replied. 
I’m on my way up now. 
Slowly inching the door open at the top of the stairs, Ryker peered around the corner.  Nothing.  Slipping through the door, he quietly shut it behind him.  Ryker paused and listened intently.  The noise was coming from the left. 
East side of the building
he told Storm. 
On it
was her quick response.

Halfway down the deserted hallway, Ryker found what he was looking for.  Seeing Storm moving toward him, he held up one finger and then pointed to the door.  Glancing through a window on the door, he saw a large, open room with no furniture.  Huddled in a corner was a small woman with long auburn hair curled up into a ball.  Her clothes were torn and dirty, and there were dark bruises on her skin that was exposed. 

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