Jordan's Redemption: Bad Boy Mafia Dark Romance book (The Generals' Sons 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Jordan's Redemption: Bad Boy Mafia Dark Romance book (The Generals' Sons 2)
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Chapter 9


Jordan went back up to meet Marcus and Wilson, ignoring her shouts. He had never agreed with human traffic, it just felt too wrong, but it felt like the appropriate punishment for her, and an effective way of taking her out of his life without killing her. He simply had to silence her pleas and the cries of his heart. In his life, there was no place for a heart and he should have known better than that.

"All set?" Marcus asked when he returned to the living room where the other men were waiting for him.

"Yes, thank you." He took a seat in an armchair and accepted the scotch on the rocks Marcus handed him.

"She's quite a doll, maybe I'll keep her with me for a while, before handing her over to Ivan," Marcus suggested.

"No. I want her out of my life completely." The tone of Jordan's voice told his friend he shouldn’t insist.

"What's her story?" he asked instead.

Wilson told Marcus the story briefly, with as little details as possible, when it was obvious Jordan wasn’t going to. "And here we are now." He finished.

"Well, I'm sure Ivan will be more than happy to take her off of your hands," Marcus said, with a devious smile. "I've arranged everything for us to meet the man I told you about tomorrow night. You'll be able to arrange your plans with him."

"Good, that's what I want. I'm tired of putting up with these guys." Jordan said, getting up, and walking to Marcus' bar and pouring himself another drink, and taking it down in one single gulp. He needed that.

"I know, this is affecting all of us. But tonight is a fun night. We'll go out for dinner and then clubbing. Just like the old times." Marcus announced, with a pleased smile.

"Yes, that sounds like fun." Jordan agreed pouring himself yet another drink. "I'll take a shower, change and then I'll be ready."

"Sure, you know your way to your room, so make yourself at home."

"I'll see you in a while." Jordan stormed out of the room, heading upstairs.

When he slammed the door to his room, Marcus turned to look at Wilson.

"Don’t look at me. He has been like that ever since she tried to escape from him. Those two days she was missing he almost went nuts." Wilson said, shrugging.

"Should I call Ivan tonight? I know he would come down here tomorrow." Marcus suggested, frowning.

"My opinion is that would be a trip in vain. He won't let her go, he's just fooling himself." Wilson said with a grimace.

"Very well, I'll wait for him to suggest it." Marcus decided, with a sigh.

A few minutes later, Jordan came back down and the three men left the house with one of Marcus bodyguards.

"Where are you taking us for dinner?" Jordan asked to break the silence in the car.

"I've found this nice restaurant on Calle 8, with the best Venezuelan food around. I'm sure you'll love it." Marcus explained, with a bit too much enthusiasm.

"I'm sure we will."

Soon they arrived at the place and they entered immediately. Marcus guided them to his favorite table, and the waitress came by to take their order.

"Mariah, mamita, it's always a pleasure seeing your beautiful face." Marcus greeted her, and the woman sighed, obviously displeased.

"Mr. Perez, good evening. What can I get you tonight?" she asked in a very cold tone, clearly ignoring Marcus flirtatious tone.

"What can you suggest for us? My friends have just arrived from the homeland."

"Then I'm sure they would appreciate a totally different food, don’t you think? The restaurant in front has an amazing barbecue that I'm sure they would love." She replied, even colder.

"Now, now, mamita, I'm sure your boss wouldn’t be very pleased with that, do you think?" Marcus teased her, but Jordan was able to sense the threat behind his friend's tone, and apparently so did the woman. She sighed and started to read the menu for them.

They all ordered and she left immediately.

"The food must be really good because the server clearly would like to pour some cyanide on your meal." Jordan teased his friend.

"Oh, she's just playing hard to get. They all do and sooner or later they give in." Marcus dismissed the possibility, with a cynical grimace.

"Yes, you're probably right," Jordan said, with a half-smile.

"I know I'm right. This one is just playing a bit longer than the others."

"Maybe I should try. Maybe she'll like me better." Jordan suggested, returning the favor to his friend.

"There's no need for you to do that. I'll introduce you to a few of the most beautiful women I know in town. I'm sure you'll be able to find someone interesting."

"Yes, of course."

The waitress returned with their drinks and a few appetizers. "The food won't be long. Enjoy your meal." She said in a very automated tone, as she turned around to leave. Marcus stretched his arm and stopped her from leaving, pulling her to his side. 

"Now, there's no need to rush away. I want to introduce you to my friends." He said with an ironic tone. "Guys, this is Mariah. Mariah, these are Jordan and Wilson. They have just arrived from Caracas."

"Yeah, yeah, sure, nice meeting you. Now, can I go? I have work to do." She said, not even deigning to look at them, her eyes locked on Marcus, with a curious look on her face.

Marcus frowned, but let her go.

"She's quite something," Jordan said, poking his friend. It was good seeing other men struggling with their woman.

"I should send her over to Ivan. I'm sure he would train her perfectly." Marcus replied, with a self-mocking grimace.

"Yes, but he would kill that feisty spirit." Jordan pointed, and an image of Ashley crossed his mind. Was he really willing to put her in another man's hands? Nothing less than a slaver? He shook his head and pushed those thoughts deep in his mind.

The rest of the night was fun, they ate, drank and danced. They returned to Marcus' place in the middle of the night and Jordan went straight to bed, hoping he would fell asleep instantly. But after over an hour, rolling in bed, he gave up. He needed her, even if it meant to fight her through it all.

Cursing, he got up and strode out of the room to her cell. He needed her.

He opened the door, slamming it against the wall and turned on the light.

She had been sleeping in the bed and with the noise, she jumped out of the bed and faced him, her breath fast. "What are you doing here?" she spurted through gritted teeth.

His smile was a crooked one, and he crossed his arms over his chest, all of a sudden, feeling all his restlessness fading away.

"You know what I'm doing here. I'm here to pick up what's mine." He answered, sarcastic.

"Don’t you dare, do you hear me? I'll tear this house down with my shouts if you dare to touch me." She snarled at him, but he just laughed, before he closed the distance between them and grabbed both her hand behind her back with one of his and grabbed her chin with the other, muffling her cries with his mouth, kissing her deep, putting all his passion and need into it, making her surrender to him. Slowly, he pushed her against the wall near them, releasing her hands and cradling her face in his hands, deepening the kiss, taking possession of every inch of her mouth and lips.


Ashley couldn’t believe this man's nerves. Did he really expect her to receive him with open arms after announcing he planned to sell her to a slaver? No fucking way.

And she really, really had no intention of fallen once more under his spell, not anymore, but all he had to do was touch her and she was his. This was so wrong, yet it felt so damn good.

One of his hands slid under her skirt and trashed her panties, exposing the sensitive skin to his touch, before he slid a couple of his fingers deep inside her. He knew he would find her pussy really wet, eager to receive him and he wasn’t wrong. Her pussy was drenched, waiting for him, begging for him.

And he pulled his shorts down freeing his hard cock from its confinement and resting its head in her entrance, he thrust himself hard inside her, all the way in, ripping moans of pleasure and pain from her. He slammed her hard against the wall, as he pounded in and out of her, dragging over to the turmoil of a huge orgasm that overtook them both.

Fast, rough and primal, had become such good descriptions for their lovemaking, and she loved it anyway.

Without coming out of her, he carried upstairs to his room and put her in bed with him, cuffing her to the bedpost, like he had been doing for the past days.

She hated the feeling of the damn thing around her wrist, and now, even more, when he seemed to have convicted her to an endless life of slavery. She felt the tears welling behind her eyelashes, but she swallowed them back. She had no intention of showing him how much he was hurting her. Not anymore.

He returned her to her cell in the morning and she didn’t protest. She just didn’t have enough energy.


Jordan closed the door to the cell and leaned his head against the cold metal. What was he going to do with her?

Sighing, he went back up and joined Marcus and Wilson in the terrace.

"Jordan, my man, did you have a good night?" Marcus mocked him. He obviously had heard something.

"Yes, thank you, your house is very comfortable, like usual." He answered, not falling into provocations.

"It's all set for us to meet Jude Black. The man is very professional. He's basically a hit man, but he also coordinates attacks like the one you seem to have in mind." Marcus indicated.

"That's exactly what I want. I want to surprise them with their hands on the drugs and confront them. But that will probably end up in a bloodbath." Jordan agreed, in a cold tone. In his business people got killed all the time. Losing Jonathan and Nicholas Marquez wasn’t going to be such a great loss to the world, that was for sure. "Where are we meeting him?"

"I invited him over. I thought it would be better."

"Yes, you're probably right." Jordan turned to look at Wilson. "Is there any news on the cargo?"

"Yes, boss, just ended a call with Garcia. We have confirmation. The drugs are in Honduras and the Marquez boys have a flight there the day after tomorrow. They usually like to be there for the sale. Apparently, they don’t trust anyone."

"The thief thinks everyone else is a thief, so there's no surprise there." Jordan snorted.

"That's for sure." Marcus poured another cup of coffee for him. "Changing the subject: Ivan called me. He sounded pretty enthusiastic about the idea of buying this woman from you."

The words fell like bricks of ice over Jordan. He looked at his friend, with a deep frown. "I haven’t decided yet what to do with her." He snarled, through gritted teeth.

"I thought you had brought her here for that." Marcus insisted even though he knew he was adding to salt to his friend's bleeding wound.

"Yes, but there's no rush."

"Well, as a matter of fact there is some. Ivan has an auction coming up next month with some powerful eastern men, so she would be perfect for it if he manages to train her properly for it. You know he is such a perfectionist."

"I don’t care. I'll let him know when I'm ready, not the other way around." Jordan closed the subject, got up and left the terrace.

"See what I mean?" Wilson said, a bit furious. "She seems to have cast a spell over him."

"So it seems. Let's see what happens. Black will be here soon, so let's get things ready." Both men got up and went to Marcus' office. They needed to check all the information they had. Jordan was already there waiting for them.

"Wilson, please make sure Ashley eats something before we start here." Jordan ordered without looking at him.

"Sure, boss."

When the door closed behind Wilson, Marcus turned to look at his lifetime friend. "Are you sure you really want to get rid of this woman?"

Jordan ran his fingers through his hair before facing Marcus. "No, I'm not sure. But I can't trust her anymore and it's impossible to keep her my prisoner for much longer."

"Why don’t you let her go? Do you think she'll turn you in?"

He sighed. "She knows too much, and right now she hates my guts, so yes, she would probably walk right into the DEA's nearest office."

"Then just cut all bonds with her, send her over to Ivan."

"I can't, at least not yet."

Marcus dropped the subject and they concentrated on the information Garcia had sent them.

"They are using a different cartel in Honduras to sell the stolen drugs." Jordan concluded after reading the information.

"Which is smart of them, as long as the Copan Cartel doesn’t know about it. They wouldn’t be pleased with them supplying merchandise to other cartels." Marcus noted, with a sarcastic grin.

"Yes, they could screw things for us in Honduras with this. But it's obvious they couldn’t care less."

"Do you have any idea of what you want to do?"

"Not clearly. What I'm sure of, is that we need to have hidden cams on us. I want all this recorded, as proofs for the rest of the cartel." Jordan explained.

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