John Donne - Delphi Poets Series (58 page)

BOOK: John Donne - Delphi Poets Series
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This 1611 work satirises the Jesuits and concerns the story of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, who is portrayed as being in Hell:  The text’s purpose is to mock Jesuit evangelism by making references to many scientists of the day, including Copernicus, Kepler, Brahe and Galileo.


In the twinckling of an eye, I saw all the roomes in Hell open to my sight. And by the benefit of certain spectacles, I know not of what making, but, I thinke, of the same, by which
the great, and
did discerne so distinctly the soules of their friends, when they were discharged from their bodies, and sometimes the soules of such men as they knew not by sight, and of some that were never in the world, and yet they could distinguish them flying into Heaven, or conversing with living men, I saw all the channels in the bowels of the Earth; and all the inhabitants of all nations, and of all ages were suddenly made familiar to me. I thinke truely,
Robert Aquinas
when he tooke
long Oration, as he hung upon the Crosse, did use some such instrument as this, but applied to the eare: And so I thinke did he, which dedicated to
Adrian 6
, that Sermon which Christ made in prayse of his father
: for else how did they heare that, which none but they ever heard? As for the
of Hel (I meane both
) I must confesse I passed them over so negligently, that I saw them not: and I was hungerly caned, to find new places, never discovered before. For
did not seeme worthy to me of much diligence, because it may seeme already to have beene beleeved by some persons, in some corners of the
Romane Church
, for about 50 yeares; that is, ever since the Councell of
had a minde to fulfill the prophecies of
Homer, Virgil,
and the other
of the
; and beeing not satisfied with making one
, purposed to bring in another: which is, to change
of faith. Proceeding therefore to more inward places, I saw a secret place, where there were not many, beside
himselfe; to which, onely they had title, which had so attempted any innovation in this life, that they gave an affront to all antiquitie, and induced doubts, and anxieties, and scruples, and after, a libertie of beleeving what they would; at length established opinions, directly contrary to all established before. Of which place in
Hell, Lucifer
affoarded us heretofore some little knowledge, when more than 200 yeares since, in an
written to the
Cardinall S. Sexti
, hee promised him a roome
in his palace, in the remotest part of his eternall Chaos,
which I take to bee this place. And here Pope
Boniface 3,
, seemed to contend about the highest roome. Hee gloried of having expelled an old Religion, and
of having brought in a new: each of them a great deluge to the world. But it is to be feared, that
will faile therein, both because hee attributed something to the old
and because he used
as his fellow-bishop, in making the
; whereas it was evident to the supreme Judge
(for how could he be ignorant of that, which himselfe had put into the Popes mind?) that
had not onely neglected, but destroyed the policy of the State of
, established in the old
, when he prepared
a way, to tread upon the neckes of
, but that he also abstained from all Example and Coadjutor, when he took upon him that newe Name, which
himselfe (a Pope neither very foolish, nor over-modest) ever abhord. Besides that, every day affoords new Advocates to
his side. For since the
were almost worne out (of whome their General,
, had seene 6000 souldiers in one army, that is, in one chapter) which, because they were then but fresh souldiers, he saw assisted with 1800 Divels, the
have much recompenced those decayes and damages, who sometimes have maintained in their Tents 200000 schollers. For though the Order of
have ever bene so fruitfull, that they say of it,
That all the new Orders, which in later times have broken out, are but little springs, or drops, and that Order the Ocean, which hath sent out 52 Popes, 200 Cardinals, 1600 Archbishops, 4000 Bishops, and 50000 Saints approved by the Church,
and therefore it cannot be denied, but that
his part is much releeved by that Order; yet if they be compared to the
, or to the weake and unperfect Types of them, the
, it is no great matter that they have done. Though therefore they esteeme
worthy of the name of an
& therein, perchance not much inferiour to
, yet since his time, to ours, almost all which have followed his sect, have lived barren in an unanimity, and idle concord, and cannot boast that they have produced any new matter: whereas
his successors, awakened by him, have ever beene fruitfull in bringing forth new sinnes, and new pardons, and idolatries, and King-killings. Though therefore it may religiously, and piously be beleeved, that
, as well as
, come daily in troupes to the ordinary and common places of
; yet certainly to this more honourable roome, reserved for especiall Innovators, the
have more frequent accesse; and therefore
is out of hope to prevaile, and must imitate the
Christian Emperours,
and be content to sit (as yet hee doth) at the Popes feet. Now to this place, not onely such endeavour to come, as have innovated in matters, directly concerning the soule, but they also which have done so, either in the Arts, or in conversation, or in any thing which exerciseth the faculties of the soule, and may so provoke to quarrelsome and brawling controversies: For so the truth be lost, it is no matter how. But the gates are seldome opened, nor scarce oftener then once in an Age. But my destiny favoured mee so much, that I was present then, and saw all the pretenders, and all that affected an entrance, and
himselfe, who then came out into the outward chamber, to heare them pleade their owne Causes. As soone as the doore creekt, I spied a certaine
which till then had bene busied to finde, to deride, to detrude
; and now with an erect countenance, and setled pace, came to the gates, and with hands and feet (scarce respecting
himselfe) beat the dores, and cried; “Are these shut against me, to whom all the Heavens were ever open, who was a Soule to the Earth, and gave it motion?”
    By this I knew it was
. For though I had never heard ill of his life, and therefore might wonder to find him there; yet when I remembered, that the
have extended the name, & the punishment of Heresie, almost to every thing, and that as yet I used
spectacles, by which one saw
, who deserved so well of the
Christian Church, burning in Hell
, I doubted no longer, but assured my selfe that it was
which I saw. To whome
sayd; “Who are you? For though even by this boldnesse you seeme worthy to enter, and have attempted a new faction even in
, yet you must first satisfie those which stand about you, and which expect the same fortune as you do.” “Except,
O Lucifer
,” answered
, “I thought thee of the race of the starre
, with which I am so well acquainted, I should not vouchsafe thee this discourse. I am he, which pitying thee who wert thrust into the Center of the world, raysed both thee, and thy prison, the Earth, up into the Heavens; so as by my meanes
doth not enjoy his revenge upon thee. The Sunne, which was an officious spy, and a betrayer of faults, and so thine enemy, I have appointed to go into the lowest part of the world. Shall these gates be open to such as have innovated in small matters? and shall they be shut against me, who have turned the whole frame of the world, and am thereby almost a new Creator?” More then this he spoke not.
stuck in a meditation. For what should he do? It seemed unjust to deny entry to him which had deserved so well, and dangerous to graunt it, to one of so great ambitions, and undertakings: nor did he thinke that himselfe had attempted greater matters before his fall. Something he had which he might have conveniently opposed, but he was loath to utter it, least he should confesse his feare. But
Ignatius Layola
which was got neere his chaire, a subtile fellow, and so indued with the Divell, that he was able to tempt, and not onely that, but (as they say) even to possesse the Divell, apprehended this perplexity in
. And making himselfe sure of his owne entrance, and knowing well, that many thousands of his family aspired to that place, he opposed himselfe against all others. He was content they should bee damned, but not that they should governe. And though when hee died he was utterly ignorant in all great learning, and knew not so much as
, or
name, but might have beene perswaded, that the words
Almagest, Zenith,
, were Saints names, and fit to bee put into the
, and
Ora pro nobis
joyned to them; yet after hee had spent some time in hell, he had learnt somewhat of his
, which daily came thither. And whilst he staied at the threshold of
; that is, from the time when he delivered himselfe over to the Popes will, hee tooke a little taste of learning. Thus furnished, thus hee undertakes
. “Do you thinke to winne our
to your part, by allowing him the honour of being of the race of that starre? who was not onely made before all the starres, but being glutted with the glory of shining there, transferred his dwelling and Colonies unto this Monarchy, and thereby gave our Order a noble example, to spy, to invade, and to possesse forraine kingdomes. Can our
, or his followers have any honour from that starre
, which is but
whose face how much wee scorne, appeares by this, that, for the most part we use her aversly and preposterously. Rather let our
glory in
Calaritan Bishop;
not therefore because he is placed amongst Heretiques, onely for affirming the propagation of the soule; but especially for this, that he was the first that opposed the dignity of Princes, and imprinted the names of
Antichrist, Judas,
and other stigmarique markes upon the
But for you, what new thing have you invented, by which our
gets anything? What cares hee whether the earth travell, or stand still? Hath your raising up of the earth into heaven, brought men to that confidence, that they build new towers or threaten God againe? Or do they out of this motion of the earth conclude, that there is no hell, or deny the punishment of sin? Do not men beleeve? do they not live just, as they did before? Besides, this detracts from the dignity of your learning, and derogates from your right and title of comming to this place, that those opinions of yours may very well be true. If therfore any man have honour or title to this place in this matter, it belongs wholly to our
who opposed himselfe opportunely against you, and the truth, which at that time was creeping into every mans minde. Hee onely can be called the Author of all contentions, and schoole-combats in this cause; and no greater profit can bee hoped for heerein, but that for such brabbles, more necessarie matters bee neglected. And yet nor onely for this is our
to bee
but for the great paines also which hee tooke in the
Gregorian Calender,
by which both the peace of the Church, & Civill businesses have beene egregiously troubled: nor hath heaven it selfe escaped his violence, but hath ever since obeied his apointments: so that
S. Stephen, John Baptist,
& all the rest, which have bin commanded to worke miracles at certain appointed daies, where their Reliques are preserved, do not now attend till the day come, as they were accustomed, but are awaked ten daies sooner, and constrained by him to come downe from heaven to do that businesse; But your inventions can scarce bee called yours, since long before you,
Heraclides, Ecphantus, & Aristarchus
thrust them into the world: who notwithstanding content themselves with lower roomes amongst the other Philosophers, & aspire not to this place, reserved onely for
Antichristian Heroes:
neither do you agree so wel amongst yourselves, as that you can be said to have made a
, since, as you have perverted and changed the order and
of others: so
Tycho Brachy
hath done by yours, and others by his. Let therefore this little
(dread Emperour) withdraw himselfe to his owne company. And if heereafter the fathers of our Order can draw a
Cathedrall Decree
from the Pope, by which it may be defined as a matter of faith:
That the earth doth not move;
& an
inflicted upon all which hold the contrary: then perchance both the Pope which shall dec’ree that, and
his followers, (if they be Papists) may have the dignity of this place.”
signified his assent; and
, without muttering a word, was as quiet, as he thinks the sunne, when he which stood next him, entred into his place
. . . .
. . .
I came backe againe, to spie (if the gates were stil open) with what affection
and they who were in auncient possession of that place, behaved themselves towardes one an other. And I found him yet in the porch, and there beginning a new contention: for having presently cast his eyes to the principall place, next to

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