Jilted (35 page)

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Authors: Eve Vaughn

BOOK: Jilted
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“Honey, you’re not being fair. It’s only been a couple of weeks. Maybe he’s been busy, but you can’t argue that he doesn’t care about the children. As for the other thing…well, I thought you were willing to forgive him for that.”

“I am, I mean I did but that doesn’t mean I’m going to automatically fall back in his arms. I just can’t do it.”

“Why not?”

“The real question here is why does it seem like you’re trying to push me to get back with him?”

“I didn’t realize I was doing that. I’m just making an observation. It’s obvious to me that you’re still in love with Ashley but you’re scared of being hurt by him again. Sometimes love is about taking chances. It’s better than living your life wondering ‘what if.’”

“Mom, I know you mean well, but this topic is no longer up for discussion. I had a really long day in court. It took a considerable amount of my energy to deal with this client I had today. All I really wanted when I got home was to take a long bubble bath, maybe have a glass of wine and then read until I fall asleep with a book on my chest.”

“Fine. But I didn’t raise you to be a coward.”

Skylar decided the best response was none at all. She rested her head against the window and closed her eyes. She wasn’t sure when her mother had become an Ashley cheerleader, and she hoped this wouldn’t be the first in a series of conversations about him.

She must have drifted off because Skylar suddenly jerked awake. It was completely dark out now and the car had come to a halt. She sat up in her chair. “Where are we?” She noticed they were on a large circular driveway of a mini mansion. The house was straight out of a fancy town and home type magazine. “How long have I been out?” She asked, shaking away the fog in her head.

“About a half an hour. We’re here.”

“Obviously but where is here?”

“I just wanted to stop by my friend’s place to pick something up. They’re expecting me. Why don’t you go ring the doorbell and I’ll be with you in a second.”

“Why me? I don’t know these people.”

“They know you’re with me.”

“I’ll just wait for you and we can go in together.”

“Priscilla sighed. “Could you please just do this for me?”

Skylar rolled her eyes heavenward. What was up with her mother tonight? “Fine,” she grumbled getting out of the vehicle. When she was halfway to the front door, she heard the sound of squealing tires. She turned to see her mother drive off, leaving her at this stranger’s house. “Mom!” she yelled. What the hell? She felt like she was in a parallel universe.

She’d left her purse in the car and her phone was in it. Crap. What was she going to do? Her only option was to ring the doorbell of whoever lived here and ask to use their phone. “I’m going to kill her,” she mumbled as she walked to the door. She hoped whoever was on the other side would at least be friendly.

Skylar didn’t get a chance ring the bell before the door was yanked open. She gasped when she saw the occupant. “Ashley!”

He grinned. “Hello Skylar.”


















Chapter Twenty-Nine

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Skylar couldn’t believe her mother would set her up like this. Now she at least knew what the secrecy was for because if she’d known she was being driven to Ashley’s place she would have definitely refused to come.

“Why don’t you come in? It’s a bit chilly outside.”

She glared at him. “Did you put my mother up to this?”

“We came up with this plan together.”

Skylar stepped past Ashley and into his house, shaking her head. “Who knew my mother’s middle name was Judas?”

“Don’t blame her. She thought it would be a good idea that you and I talk.”

“What was so important that you needed to talk to me about that you couldn’t tell me on the phone?”

“How about we have dinner first? You’re probably hungry after a long day at work.”

“Ashley, this isn’t a social call.”

“Well, you might as well eat considering your ride has abandoned you. Let’s just make the most out of the situation. Give me your coat and then I’ll show you to the dining room.”

Skylar shrugged out of her jacket and handed it to him. She didn’t have the energy to argue with him. “Fine, but I don’t think we have anything to talk about other than our children.”

Ashley smirked. “Who are you trying to convince? Me or yourself?”

She decided not to answer the question. Instead Skylar surveyed her surroundings. Ashley’s home was breathtaking, with its vaulted ceilings, and tasteful décor. There was a large winding staircase with a railing that the kid in her wanted to slide down. “Your house is really beautiful, Ashley.”

“This is actually only the second day I’ve lived here. I’ve spent the last couple weeks getting it just right. Would you like to take a tour?”

One of Skylar’s favorite things was looking through home and garden magazines. Sometimes she’d go to open houses just to get a tour of what was inside. “Yes. Please.”

He took her into the living room which was twice the size of the one in her house. She liked that the furniture was nice but still welcoming and homey-looking. Skylar gasped when she walked into the kitchen. It was a chef’s dream, with all the latest equipment and gadgets. “Is that a sub-zero refrigerator?”

“I believe so. I had a designer take care of all the furniture and appliance purchases.”

“They did a great job. This place would be a dream to cook in.”

“You’re welcome to come here and cook any time you’d like. I remember you were pretty good in the kitchen.”

“Well, my culinary efforts aren’t appreciated by our three munchkins. If they could, they’d eat pizza or hot dogs for every meal.” He took her through the rest of the first floor. There was a game room with a pool table and a card table with lots of children’s games on display. The entertainment room had theater seats and a huge 60-inchtelevision. Ashley showed her the sitting room and then his home office. She didn’t ask why there were two desks, one on either side of the room; because she figured his assistant would come over and work with him. There was also a powder room and a full bathroom. Skylar absolutely loved the house, even before Ashley showed her upstairs.

There were five bedrooms, including a master bedroom which she could tell was his because of some of his personal items casually laying around. But the décor had a slightly feminine touch. Everything from the bedspread, the pillows and the paint on the walls were her favorite colors. She doubted it was pure coincidence but Skylar pretended that she didn’t notice.

There were three rooms that had been decorated for the children Tristan’s room was royal blue and had an underwater pirate theme, while Finn’s room was forest green and had a jungle safari theme with various animals painted on the walls. Harper’s room was pink and white and had a princess and fairytale theme. Each room had the name of the child it belonged to stenciled over the bed. The children’s rooms were also full of toys and equipped with their own televisions with a stash of children-friendly DVDs piled next to it. Even though Ashley had given the credit to his interior designer, she knew he’d have to give some input because she noticed some of their favorite movies.

“Thank you,” she whispered after the tour. “Your home is beautiful.”

“I’m glad you like it. Your opinion of this place really means a lot to me. Because I bought the house with you in mind. You talked about a place similar to this. Had I not screwed up, this would have been my wedding gift to you.”

“Why didn’t you sell it?”

“I couldn’t do it. No matter what happened, I considered this your house. Look, I know you don’t want to talk about it but I’d like for you and the children to move in permanently so we can always be together, as a family. I love you Skylar, and I want to share the rest of my life with you.”

Skylar turned her back to him. “Just because we have children together it doesn’t mean that we should be a couple again. Look, you mentioned dinner. Can we eat? And then I’m going to call my mother to come pick me up.”

“If you really want to go home after dinner then I’ll take you back.”

She nodded grudgingly and followed him downstairs to the dining room. Ashley pulled out a chair for her once they were in the dining room.

“Wait right here.”

Ashley returned with two plates.

“It looks good.” Her dinner consisted of a sirloin steak, rice pilaf and roasted baby carrots. “I find it hard to believe that the man who couldn’t boil water made something mouthwatering like this.”

Ashley chuckled. “So little faith in my culinary skills. I threw the steaks on the grill, and the rice and vegetables were simple enough. I’m not totally helpless in the kitchen. Besides, I was standing next to you when you’d cook for me and I picked up some tricks.”

Skylar cut into her steak, never lifting her head from her plate. He was making it very difficult for her to not remember the good times. She didn’t want to go down this road again. Couldn’t. She stuffed the meat in her mouth. “Mmm, it’s good. What did you season it with?” She tried to focus on another topic that didn’t center on the two of them getting back together.

“Just salt and pepper, the trick is to let the natural flavor of the meat do its job.”

“I use a little garlic butter when I make steaks on the grill. It usually gives it a little extra something.”

“I’ll remember that trick next time.”

“I really like the children’s rooms. They’ll love it, although it will be an adjustment for them to have their own rooms.”

“I’ll do my best to make sure their transition will be painless. Besides, with all the toys and games, I’m sure they’ll be plenty occupied.”

“You’re probably right about that. It looks like you raided a toy store.”

“Skylar…are we just going to have this type of conversation for the rest of dinner? I try to mention how I feel about you and then you change the subject.”

Skylar placed her fork down with a heavy sigh and finally looked across the table at him. “You’re not just going to let me enjoy my meal, are you? Ashley, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t still have feelings for you, but every time I think about the two of us together, I think about how absolutely devastated I was when you broke up with me on our wedding day. I’d never seen that side of you before. You were mean, cruel and just downright scary. You called me names that I didn’t deserve and you embarrassed me. I’ve forgiven you but I can’t forget. That’s not the kind of memory that goes away just like that. And let’s say I did give you another chance, Ashley, how do I know you won’t go off the deep end at the next misunderstanding? You agreed to get the kids every other weekend but I’ve barely heard a peep from you these past two weeks. If you can’t keep your obligation to them how do I know you’ll be able to keep your promises to me?” She didn’t realize she was crying until she felt a tear at the corner of her lips. She quickly licked it away.

Part of her wanted so much to believe that she could have a happily ever after with Ashley, but the other half was terrified that he’d hurt her all over again.

“We did make that agreement yes, but we didn’t agree on when it would officially begin?”

She shifted in her chair a little, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. “Well, no.”

“I figured I’d defer to you on that issue and you’ve had ample opportunity to bring it up when I’d call every night at their bedtimes. Are my actions those of someone who doesn’t care about his kids?”

“Okay, but you have a mouth, too. You never brought it up.”

“Mainly because I wanted the house to be just right but I would have taken them any time before if you said the word. Besides, I’ve had a lot on my plate these past couple weeks. My sister was hospitalized, and when she was discharged I was seeing that she was put in a good rehab facility to help with her additional problems. And then I was helping Owen set up in his new living arrangements and putting him on to a business advisor. On top of that we have a huge client that’s in the middle of a landmark class action lawsuit and this isn’t one of those cases that you can put aside. But despite all that was going on with me, there was one constant thought in my mind. You. Thinking of you got me through a stressful and emotional period.”

When put like that her complaint sounded trivial. Was she just looking for a reason to find fault with him? “I’m sorry to hear about your sister. What happened?”

He grimaced. “She got involved with the wrong people and found herself overwhelmed. It didn’t help issues that I was still angry with her. She came to me for help and I turned her away. She tried to kill herself. Fortunately she was discovered in time or else…” He bowed his head and shuddered as he thought of how close he’d been to losing his sister.

“Oh, no. And she’s going to pull through?”

“Yes. But she’s been heavily involved in drugs these past few years, something I didn’t realize. I blame myself because I shut myself off from everyone else. I was wrapped up in my own pain that I didn’t notice hers or Owen’s. She’s finally getting the help she needs, and I’m working toward building a relationship with her and Owen. I get that they made some bad decisions and ultimately they have to take responsibility for their actions, but so must I for mine. I think this time around things will be different, especially now that my mother won’t be around to influence them negatively.”

“What do you mean?”

“I let her know it was in her best interest to move.”

“Move where?”

“Who cares? She’s gone and hopefully we’ll never hear from her again.”

“That’s sad.”

He raised a brow. “You actually sound like you care. I’m surprised considering she was never very nice to you.”

“No she wasn’t, but she’s still your mother. Speaking as a mother, I can’t imagine having such a horrible relationship with my children.”

“That’s because you’re not a horrible person. My mother on the other hand was born rotten and there’s no redeeming her. I have to accept that. But at least she’s gone so she can’t do any more damage. Now I have to do what I have to do to make things right and they can’t be right in my life without you. Skylar, I’ve been miserable these past five years because I never stopped loving you no matter how much I tried to convince myself otherwise. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to make up for what I did to you, but if you give me another chance I’ll spend a lifetime trying. You and the children are my world. And if you were honest with yourself, you’d realize you still love me too. The kind of love we shared doesn’t just die. These past few years I survived without you but I wasn’t living. Please let me live again, Skylar.” Ashley reached across the table and grabbed her hand.

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