Jilted (32 page)

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Authors: Eve Vaughn

BOOK: Jilted
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“Thank you.”

He raised a brow. “For what?”

“For holding me back. I think if you weren’t here tonight, I might have done something far more drastic. I’ve never attacked anyone like that physically in my life.”

Ashley chuckled, touching his lip that still hadn’t completely healed. “Are you sure about that, slugger?”

She tapped him gently on the shoulder with a laugh. “Okay, one other time, but you can’t hold that against me. You had that coming. I guess it’s just been an emotional few days for me.

“You’re right. I did have that coming and plenty more. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in how I handled our breakup and I will never stop apologizing for what I did. I should have told you about the pictures and maybe we could have figured this mess out a lot sooner. You and I would be happy, raising our children together.”

She looked down at her lap, unable to meet his gaze. She knew where this conversation was headed and she couldn’t do it. That kind of pain she experienced scared her. She couldn’t risk her heart again. Not with him. So she carefully changed the direction of the conversation. “Speaking of the children, it’s time we had that formal talk about visitation arrangements. I think we’re mature adults and we can keep the court system out of it.”

He paused for a moment before speaking. She raised her head to steal a quick peek and Ashley seemed like he wanted to say more on the other topic, but decided against it. He sighed. “I’d like that very much. I used to think it was clichéd when people said that they loved their children from the moment they laid eyes on them. It was true enough for me. I love them. A lot. And I want them to be proud of me, and be the father that they deserve.”

Skylar was touched by the earnestness in his voice. She could tell from his interaction with the triplets that he loved them. She could see it in his eyes, and how he’d dealt with the game situation earlier showed that he was fair when dealing with disputes. They would be in good hands.

He was the man she’d fallen in love with.

Skylar shook her head to quickly dispel that thought. Going down that path was way too dangerous an endeavor for her right now. “That sounds nice Ashley. They already adore you,” she replied.

“We can of course work out child support arrangements.”

“I’m not necessarily looking for child support, but if you’d like to contribute to their preschool expenses tuition for three does cost me a pretty penny. We can split everything evenly.”

“You know what wouldn’t be fair. You’ve managed to do well for yourself Skylar but you know I make more so I should contribute my fair share. I’m not going to argue with you about that. I can comfortably take care of the children’s expenses which would free up your funds to take care of ancillary things.”

Skylar nodded. “Okay. But money isn’t my biggest priority right now. We can work something out on that front. But for now, let’s establish a firm visitation schedule. One thing at a time if you please.”

“Fine. What do you think a fair arrangement would be?”

“Well, I enjoy spending the weekend with them, it’s kind of our thing but I understand that you should be able to have some weekends as well. How about for now every other weekend, and maybe we can figure out a timetable where you could pick them up from school a couple days a week.”

“I’d like that. I’m scaling back on a lot of my courtroom time. I’ve started delegating more of my clients to other associates at the office but there will be times I’ll be in court all day. And I’m sure your case load is probably bigger than mine. How about whenever one of us is stuck in court, no matter whose day it is, the other can pick the kids up from school.”

“And if we’re both in court, Mom and Izzy will always be able to step up to the plate to help. I’m sure with an added person to the schedule that would free them up a lot.”

“That works for me,” Ashley agreed. “I want to get my house in order for their first overnight visit. The house is already furnished, I just have to get some children’s furniture for their rooms but I can order something and have it ready in time for their first visit.”

Skylar was surprised that he would be using his house for the children’s visit. “So you’re going to be going back and forth between your house and the penthouse?”

“No, I’m selling the penthouse. It’s a bachelor pad. I need a place for a family. Skylar…I’d be lying if I said I didn’t picture you in it as well.”

She stood up. “Ashley, I already said we’re not doing this tonight. I just can’t. Things are happening way too fast. You came back into my life and everything just became a whirlwind of crazy. I finally find out the reason you dumped me. I’m nearly killed by some maniac, my best friend set out to destroy me, I broke up with Jeremy and on top of that, I realize I still have feelings for you but I know I can never act on them.”

“Why? Why can’t you, Skylar?”

“Because, if I allow myself to be vulnerable to the kind of love we had before and it doesn’t work out again or for some reason you go off the deep end again, I don’t think I could recover. And I just can’t put myself through that…not a second time.”


She shook her head. “No. I’m sorry Ashley. I just can’t.” And with that she raced out of the room and up the stairs until she made it to her bedroom. She flung herself on the bed and buried her head in her pillow.












Chapter Twenty-Seven

Ashley drove to his office the next morning with a melancholy feeling. Finding out that Monica was the second person behind the recording and the pictures closed the pages on that mystery. He’d never really cared for Skylar’s friend because there was always something about her that made him feel slightly uncomfortable. Not far into his relationship with Skylar, Monica had made a pass at him which he’d bluntly rejected, leaving no doubt in the other woman’s mind that the only woman he was interested in was Skylar. Apparently Monica didn’t take that too kindly.

He should have told Skylar when it had happened but he knew how much that woman meant to Skylar so he kept quiet about it. He wondered how different things would have turned out if he had. His need to shield her from hurt ended up costing him. That Monica would do something that like to Skylar in the name of revenge and jealousy was just sickening. Whatever drug she had used to knock Skylar out could have killed her. He’d seen plenty of cases where someone thought they were putting something harmless in a woman’s drink and in some of those instances, the women wouldn’t wake up.

Ashley shuddered to think that something like that could have happened to Skylar. Monica had ruined two lives, five if he counted the children. They were raised without a father all these years. Perhaps Skylar’s association with Monica was one of the reasons he questioned Skylar’s innocence because he saw Monica for the person she was, an opportunist and a gold-digger. It was easy to paint Skylar with the same brush when that phony information had fallen into his lap.

Ashley wasn’t letting himself off the hook for the part he played in it, but he was taking responsibility for it and intended to make it up to Skylar and his children in every way he could. Ashley got the feeling that Monica would always try to justify what she did in her own head.

His thoughts drifted to his sister. The last words he’d uttered to Colleen was to basically disown her but the more that he thought about it, he wished he’d reached out to her before she pulled that horrible stunt. Maybe he should have at least given her a chance to tell her side of the story no matter how fucked up it was. Not listening and getting both sides of the story was one of the reasons he’d messed up in the first place.

That chat he had with Skylar the night before at least settled how they would handle visitation for a while. Ashley was looking forward to spending time with his children and taking them to amusement parks, the circus, the zoo and all kinds of fun outings. He was sure The Coopers would adore the children. William had grandchildren around the triplets’ age.

Ashley envisioned them all being friends and getting along. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever introduce the children to his family, maybe to his uncle who he rarely saw, but his mother was definitely out of the question. She’d never been maternal with her own children; Ashley couldn’t see Katherine Hollingsworth being friendly towards kids from a woman she believed was beneath her. He wasn’t even sure if he wanted to have a relationship with his mother anymore. It was possible that he could give the money his father left for her and his siblings to them and let them do with it as they saw fit. That way he could be could wash his hands of all of them and be done. Knowing them, however, they’d run through all the money in less than five years. He didn’t care although he did regret that he couldn’t save the twins from his mother’s influence. They both seemed too far gone.

Right now his focus was to unite himself with his children and Skylar full-time so that they could be a proper family. Skylar wanted to keep him at arm’s length. Her confession, however, had given him hope. She still had feelings for him and had broken things off with Jeremy. Ashley just had to find a way to convince her that they belonged together, and that he would do whatever it took to prove to her that he would never forsake her again.

He had looked forward to spending the rest of his time at her house trying to do just that but the following morning, Ashley woke up to some bittersweet news. The local stations were reporting that Brady Solomon had been killed. Apparently he had attacked another woman but she fought back and had stabbed him in the neck. He’d bled out before the paramedics could save him. Ashley wasn’t the least bit sorry that the bastard was dead, only that he didn’t get to kill Solomon himself.

It was a huge relief for everyone in the entire Brown household. As a celebration, Izzy had made chocolate chip pancakes for everyone. The kids certainly loved it. Priscilla mentioned that it would be nice going to work without having to look over her shoulder. And Skylar expressed being glad to get back to the office. She hadn’t been back since the attack. The house was full of energy and good cheer that morning. Everyone was happy except for Ashley. He put on a happy face but with Solomon no longer a threat, he had to leave Skylar’s house. These last two days had been the happiest he’d had in years, being around Skylar and the kids. Even Izzy had seemed to warm to him toward the end of his visit.

The final goodbye was difficult. He’d followed Skylar to the preschool for the drop off and kissed his children goodbye with a promise that he’d see them again on the weekend. Waving goodbye to them that morning was particularly hard. When he and Skylar had gone their own separate ways it literally hurt his heart. This wasn’t how his mornings were supposed to be. He wasn’t supposed to see his family off this way.

Once they parted he went back to his penthouse. As Ashley looked around it, he felt out of place. He wanted to be in a home with a backyard and pool for the children to play in. He wanted to teach his children to ride bikes in a safe neighborhood and full of other children. He was making the right decision about moving.

After quickly showering and putting on a fresh suit, he finally made his way to the office. He hadn’t been here in a couple days and there were several meetings that had been postponed that he’d had to attend. The day dragged on just as he pretty much expected it would. Oddly enough William wasn’t in the office and he didn’t know where his mentor was. Usually when either of them was out of the office, they would let the other know.

He went by William’s assistant Elise to find out where the other man was. “Hi Elise. Could you tell me what William’s schedule is today?”

“Oh, Mr. Hollingsworth. I didn’t think you’d be in today, either.”

“What do you mean? Why wouldn’t I be here?”

“Well, after your sister…I mean.” Elise turned bright red. “I’m sorry. That’s none of my business.”

Ashley narrowed his gaze. Did Colleen come to the office to make a scene while he was out? “What about my sister?”

“I’m sorry, sir, but I thought you knew.”

“Knew what?”

“About your sister’s injury. She’s in the hospital and Mr. Cooper is there with your family.”

“Which hospital?”

“Holy Redeemer.”

“Okay, thanks Elise.”

“You’re welcome, Mr. Hollingsworth.”

Ashley gathered his things and headed out of the office. He could reschedule any appointments he missed later. He needed to get to the hospital. While Elise hadn’t mentioned the extent of Colleen’s injuries or what had caused them, he had to assume they were serious if William was with them.

As he drove to the hospital his heart pounded. What if his sister didn’t pull through and the last words he’d said to her were ones said in anger? Would he once again have to pay the price because he’d let his emotions get the better of him?




Ashley was directed to the floor where his sister was staying. On his way to her room, he ran into William, who looked like he hadn’t had much sleep. When the older man saw him, he shook his head. “Glad to see you actually decided to show up.”

Ashley raked his fingers through his hair. “I didn’t know she was here, Elise was the one who told me. Why wasn’t I called?”

William glared at him. “You were called several times, Ashley. Your brother texted you. I called you. You chose to ignore them.”

“I had a lot going on in the past couple days. You know what happened to Skylar. I had to be there for her and my children.”

“I understand, but does that mean you get to completely ignore your family when they’re in need?”

“As far as I’m concerned, I was with my family.”

“Well if that’s your attitude, then why the hell did you even bother showing up? Colleen doesn’t need you to come down on her right now. She’s already distraught as it is.”

“What happened?”

“She got involved with the wrong crowd. Partying too much. Drugs. One of the goons she’s been hanging around is a known drug dealer. Apparently he fronted your sister several thousand dollars’ worth of drugs so Colleen and her friends could get high at some party. When she didn’t have the money to pay him back he got nasty. He beat her up pretty bad and tacked on some ridiculous amount in interest. She came to me after you told her you wouldn’t give her the money. I loaned it to her and I didn’t hear from her after that until her body was found in a hotel bathroom by a maid. She slit her wrists and would have bled out if she hadn’t been found in time.”

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