JF05 - The Valkyrie Song (52 page)

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Authors: Craig Russell

Tags: #crime, #thriller

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Fabel wandered through to the main open-plan Murder Commission office and spoke to Anna Wolff.

been able to give us any more details about that other ad?’

‘Nope,’ said Anna. ‘They’ve done their best, but their records lead to a dead end. Somehow, someone was able to hack into their database and place the ad without a trace.’

‘That’s the only answer?’

‘It’s the only answer we want,’ said Anna. ‘The only other explanation is that it was someone working within
itself who placed it.’

‘Not impossible,’ said Fabel, ‘given that
is a NeuHansa-owned publication.’

‘Like I say, we’re in trouble if it is an insider. Then they’d know about the set-up tomorrow.’

Fabel made a grim face. ‘God, I hope not.’

‘Should we call it off?’ asked Anna.

He thought for a moment before shaking his head decisively. ‘I don’t know who placed this ad, but it’s not the Valkyrie. It’s someone trying to establish contact. We’ve got a week and a half before the first Monday of the month, which was supposed to be the prearranged meeting time if that notice appeared. I’ve spoken to the BKA Federal Crime Office and the Halberstadt police and they will help us set up surveillance for that date. Let’s just hope we nab her tomorrow instead.’

* * *

Fabel worked late. He went through all the arrangements with the team methodically, then went through them again twice more before letting his officers go. He sat in his office until eight p.m. He again went through the transcriptions of the interviews that he, other officers and Susanne had had with Margarethe Paulus. The overwhelming feeling he got from reading them wasn’t horror or anger or revulsion, just a profound sadness.

The Valkyrie Project had been the child of another time, another mindset. Another Germany. In its cold, calculated ruthlessness, the Valkyrie Project had been conceived without any thought for the girls who were selected. Their lives, their dreams and their hopes were to be totally disregarded. They were instruments of the state and nothing more. In many ways, the Valkyrie Project had been typical of every action carried out over forty years by the Stasi.

All the girls’ dreams had been stifled. There was something in that. Flicking through the interview transcripts, Fabel found what he was looking for: a scrap of conversation, in between the hard questioning.

Principal Chief Commissar Fabel: Why did they pick you and the other girls?

Margarethe Paulus: We all had something they wanted. Or a mix of things. We were all sporty, we all did well at school, we were all loyal to the Party. Can I have some water?

Interview break while water is brought for interviewee

Principal Chief Commissar Fabel: You said all the girls were sporty. What was your sport?

Margarethe Paulus: Everything. Especially athletics. But not good enough for serious competition. It was different for Anke, though

Principal Chief Commissar Fabel: Anke Wollner? Why was that?

Margarethe Paulus: Anke and Liane both had special talents. Liane was great at languages, for example. And
debating. But Anke’s talent could have got her into the Olympics. She was a world-class junior skier. And an excellent shot, of course. Her speciality was the Nordic biathlon. But that was all stopped when she was inducted into the project

Fabel snatched up his desk phone. When the hotel reception answered he asked to be put through to Karin Vestergaard’s room.

‘Karin? It’s Jan. Listen, I’m on to something. Of the other two Valkyries, Anke Wollner is our most likely candidate to be the one that Drescher set up as his pension plan, right?’

‘Looks that way.’

‘Margarethe Paulus said in an interview that Anke had a promising career as a world-class athlete cut short by her induction into the Valkyrie Project.’

‘What of it?’

‘The Stasi could make all of her records disappear … wipe all trace of the name Anke Wollner off the face of the earth, just as they did with the other two girls. But
if she is on record outside the GDR. If, at any point, she went with a team into another country, even if it was another Warsaw Pact state, then she’ll be on record. Maybe even a photograph …’

‘It’s a long, long shot, Jan,’ replied Vestergaard. ‘Her name might have been on record somewhere at some time, but it’s no use to us. Why do I get the feeling that that’s not the only reason you’re calling me?’

‘The Jørgen Halvorsen murder. It took place in Drøbak, near Oslo?’

‘Yes …’

‘The other thing that Margarethe told me was that Anke’s speciality was winter sport. Cross-country skiing, Nordic biathlon, Nordic combined, that kind of thing.’

‘I still don’t get—’

‘Imagine if you were a world-class junior winter sportswoman,
growing up in the GDR late seventies, early eighties. What would be the biggest event – the one to make the biggest impact on your consciousness?’

‘The eighty-four Winter Olympics in Sarajevo or …’

‘Exactly, or the eighty-two Nordic Skiing World Championships in Norway. And the venue was the Holmenkollen Ski Centre in Oslo. Like I said, this is just another bit of wild speculation, but what if the Valkyrie
Anke? Maybe she got a little nostalgic, wanted to see the place she dreamed as a kid that she might compete in one day. Or simply had to kill a little time before she got down to killing Halvorsen?’

‘I’ll get on to the Norwegian National Police,’ said Vestergaard. ‘Holmenkollen is a visitor centre and museum now – maybe they’ve got CCTV.’

‘That’s what I thought. Thanks, Karin. Like I said, it’s a long shot, but if it gives us a face …’

Fabel called Susanne on her cellphone. She was already on the Munich train and they chatted for a while. He told her he was going to pick up something to eat on the way home and get an early night. Tomorrow was going to be a big day.

Fabel ate at a café-restaurant in Altona Altstadt before going home. He felt like taking a shower but decided to leave it until the morning: he was tired and wanted to get to sleep and was worried that a shower would revive him too much and keep him awake. It was about ten-fifteen when he fell into a deep, deep slumber.

He had no idea how long he had been out. The boundary between sleep and wakefulness was blurred. He had become vaguely aware of Susanne warm and next to him. He felt her breasts against his back, then her mouth and tongue on his neck; her hand on his flank, his thigh, his belly. Her hand was now around him: caressing, stroking, bringing him to life. His wakefulness and his arousal stirred together.

Then his confusion.

Susanne was away. He had spoken to her on the phone. He felt her tongue in his ear. No, not her tongue. Not Susanne’s. He was now, suddenly, fully awake. He tried to spin around to see who was in the bed with him when something drew tight across his throat. He couldn’t breathe and his head felt suddenly light. He reached up and was rewarded with a further tightening of the garrotte around his neck.

‘Lie still,’ she whispered into his ear. As a lover would. ‘Lie still or you’ll die.’ The pressure around his throat eased, yet she still held him in her other hand, stroking. ‘I don’t want to kill you,’ she whispered. A low, breathless whisper. ‘But I will if you don’t do as I tell you. Do you understand?’

Fabel tried to speak, but the garrotte had stifled his voice. He nodded his head.

‘Do you know who I am?’

He nodded again. He felt the light-headedness ease with the loosening of the ligature. His mind raced and he thought about struggling, fighting for his life. But he knew that she would strangle him as soon as he moved.

‘I am a Valkyrie.’ Her voice was soft and warm in his ear. Still her hand worked on him. ‘But I am not the one you are looking for. Do you understand that?’

Fabel was confused. He moved his hand up to his throat. She gave the garrotte another twist. Fabel felt the throb of his pulse in his neck below the ligature, but not above it. Just pins and needles. The dark world of his bedroom becoming darker. Red-black darker.

‘I said: do you understand that?’

He nodded.

‘I was –
– Liane Kayser. I am not Anke Wollner. Anke is the one you want, not me. I did not work for Georg Drescher. Since the Wall came down I have lived my own life. I have done my own thing. I am not a professional killer.
Or, at least, I am not a professional killer any more. And anything I might have been involved with is not your concern. But I want you to understand that I still have all of the skills they taught me. I could finish you right now – you
understand that, don’t you, Jan?’

Fabel nodded again.

‘I’m going to ease the garrotte so you can talk. If you do anything stupid I will tighten it again, but this time all the way. It has an inertia slide on it. That means I can tighten it fully and walk away: the ligature will be fastened tight and you won’t be able to do anything to stop yourself strangling to death. Even I won’t be able to release it if I tighten it fully. Do you understand?’

Once more, Fabel nodded. Feeling the ligature ease again, he gasped for breath. She was still touching him below. Stroking him.

‘Take your hand off me!’ His voice was urgent and raspy.

‘Why?’ she said. ‘You seem to be enjoying it.’

‘Take your hand off me

She let her hand slip away after one last long, lingering stroke.

‘When you tell them … when you make your report – will you tell them about that? About how you were hard for me? About me touching you down there?’

Her hand was back on him and Fabel grabbed her wrist. She rewarded him by shutting off his air supply.

‘Let me go,’ she said. Again the ligature eased when he complied. ‘Will you tell them? They’ll ask you if you were hard. If you were enjoying it. They’ll ask you if you did anything to encourage me doing that. If you invited me into your bed, even if you didn’t know who I was. Then there’s your partner, Susanne … will you tell her? There will always be doubt. People will talk behind your back. There will always be a nagging doubt in the back of Susanne’s mind.’

She removed her hand.

‘That’s what it’s like for women. All the time. Every time a woman or a girl is raped or sexually assaulted.’

‘That’s crap.’ The ligature made Fabel’s voice high and tight. ‘I know the truth. I don’t need this half-assed demonstration. I’ve seen so much violence against women that I know what it’s really like.’

you enjoy it, Jan?’ She kept her voice a whisper. A seductive hiss in his ear. Did she think he’d recognise her voice? wondered Fabel. ‘A little hand relief? Did you know that in Victorian England society women would faint all the time? It wasn’t considered unusual. It was put down to “female hysteria”. It was a genuine phenomenon. And do you know what it was all about?’

Fabel didn’t answer. She jerked on the garrotte around his throat. ‘I asked you a question.’

‘No,’ said Fabel, his voice a rasp.

‘Sexual repression. Women in Victorian England were not allowed to enjoy sex. They were made to feel dirty if they did. So the phenomenon of “female hysteria” became an accepted medical fact. Do you know how they cured it? A doctor would perform a pelvic massage until the woman underwent what they called a hysterical paroxysm. In other words, the family doctor would offer hand relief. Can you believe that? And all the time Victorian Englishmen were using prostitutes on a scale that dwarfs anything going on today. We weren’t much better here in Northern Germany. At least they knew a bit more about sex in the south.’

‘You didn’t come here to talk about Victorian English or Wilhelmine German sexual kinks. What do you want?’

‘Lie on your belly. Do it.’ Fabel complied. She forced his head sideways, facing away from her. ‘If you see my face,’ she explained, ‘I’ll have to kill you. I came here about the notice in

‘What notice?’ said Fabel, his cheek buried in the pillow.

‘You know what notice.’ She twisted the ligature tight.
Tighter than she had before. When she released it Fabel gasped for breath, his lungs screaming for the oxygen.

‘The quote from
Njál’s Saga
,’ he gasped. ‘Is that what you mean?’

‘Did you place it?’


The ligature tightened again.

‘Did you place it?’

Incapable of speaking, Fabel shook his head and again she turned his air supply back on.

‘If you didn’t place it, then who did?’

‘I don’t know …’ Fabel’s voice was still small and tight.

‘You said something about tomorrow. What is in
that has to do with tomorrow?’

‘I can’t tell you. I won’t tell you. And anyway, you don’t want to know. It’s to do with Anke. About catching her. If I tell you, you become part of it all.’

‘All right,’ she said. ‘I won’t interfere. I want you to catch her. I want this all to be over so that I can get on with my life again.

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