Faster! Faster!

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Authors: E M Delafield

BOOK: Faster! Faster!
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Part I
Week-End At Arling: August

A Slender, middle-aged lady stood with an air of mingled recklessness and timidity on the kerb and watched, in some despair, the stream of London traffic.

Twice she stepped into the roadway, and twice she stepped back again onto the pavement. There, for some little while, she appeared to take root, her head turning from side to side with quiet regularity, as she followed with surprised and reproachful eyes the endless procession of cars and taxicabs, omnibuses and vans.

At last the traffic-signals altered. The watcher, as though unable to credit such a reversal in her fortunes, still hesitated, looking from right to left and back again. But other pedestrians were plunging: she plunged with them, scurried to a refuge, scurried again, and landed with a gasp of relief on the river side of the Strand.

As she went, she talked quietly to herself, commenting on the noise, and the number of people in the street, and adjuring herself from time to time not to be ridiculous and absurd.

It was six years since Frances Ladislaw had last been in London; and she had then only spent two nights there, in frantic preparations for a voyage that was to restore her husband's health. It had not
restored it, but it had prolonged his life, to cause them both a good deal of misery. Eventually Jack Ladislaw had died in Arizona.

She made no pretence to herself of regretting Jack's death. Through the ten years of their married life he had always shown himself selfish, unimaginative, slightly unkind whenever he lost his temper, and at all times contemptuous of his wife. Frances often wondered why he had ever married her. She also had the candour to wonder why she had ever married him, and to know that it was because nobody else had ever asked her. She had been the daughter of a widowed clergyman in a Yorkshire country parish.

“Like the Brontës,” she muttered, thinking this over. But she immediately added, with characteristic honesty and common sense: “Well, no. Not really in the least like the Brontës.” And indeed she did not, in any way, resemble the gifted and unhappy Brontës.

Presently she turned down Norfolk Street, and entered a doorway that bore a plate with the inscription: “C. Winsloe and S. Oliver: London Universal Services.”

The stone stairs were dark and winding, and led to a bright-blue door on which was printed in black letters: “Please Enter.”

Mrs Ladislaw entered, prefacing the entrance with a small knock that was unlikely to be heard by anybody but herself.

Inside the little office were two young girls, very decorative and brightly made-up, and an elderly woman with short, thick hair, dyed a
disastrous canary colour, and a rather mauve face coated in white powder. In spite of these curious adjuncts she looked both pleasant and competent, and her manner reassured the visitor.

“Could I see Mrs Winsloe? She is expecting me.”

“Is it Mrs Ladislaw?” enquired the canary graciously.

“Yes,” said Frances, relieved. Although she had spoken to her old friend Claudia Winsloe over the telephone the previous evening, and had been assured of a warm welcome at the office, she still felt anxious and insecure.

“Would you be seated for a moment?” elegantly enquired the canary, sweeping several papers from a chair to the floor. She went through a door leading to an inner room.

The two young girls looked steadily at Frances. Then, by a simultaneous impulse, they turned away. Each had a typewriter in front of her. One of them was polishing her nails with a little buffer, and the other was stitching at a piece of pale-green silk. They spoke together low and earnestly. Frances Ladislaw could catch words and sentences here and there.

“And directly she came into the office, I got up and I said ... My dear, I nearly
… It isn't, I said, as if I could afford to put on weight. … Oh, but you're
… Oh, my dear, I
am …
honestly. … Look at my oyster jumper, if you don't believe me!”

The inner office door opened, and silence fell.

“Mrs Ladislaw, would you come in?”

The canary bowed Frances in, and closed the door discreetly behind her.

Mrs Ladislaw started eagerly forward, but it was a stranger who sat at the desk in front of the window, not Claudia Winsloe. A slim, upright, good-looking woman of six or seven and thirty, with a beautifully-shaped head, shingled hair like carved and polished ebony, and a smile that showed perfect teeth. There was an air of finish about her appearance generally that struck awe, as well as admiration, to the mind of Mrs. Ladislaw, so conscious of her own lack of poise and total absence of finish.

“Mrs Ladislaw? How-do-you-do? I'm Sal Oliver, Mrs Winsloe's partner. She's so very sorry, she had to go out on business unexpectedly, but she'll be back as soon as she possibly can. She hoped you'd wait.”

“Thank you,” said Frances uncertainly. She thought that she must be in Miss Oliver's way.

“Please sit down,” said Miss Oliver. Her voice, thought Frances confusedly, was much gentler than one would have expected.

“Will you have a cup of tea? I'm going to.”

“Are you really? If it isn't too early, I'd love one.”

“It's never too early for tea in an office,” said Sal Oliver. She twice pressed a little buzzer that stood on the table. “That means tea.”

The tea was brought by a small girl in an overall, to whom Miss Oliver said “Thank you, Edie.” It was nice tea, not too strong.

“Do put down your parcels,” said Miss Oliver gently. Frances became aware that she was slung, like a Christmas-tree, with small parcels. A pot of cold cream—a new sponge-bag—Lux—a little packet of milk chocolate for her landlady's baby. … She put them all on the floor with a sigh of relief, and realized for the first time that her fingers ached from clutching them, and that the string of the Lux parcel had been hurting her wrist.

Miss Oliver opened a box of expensive-looking cigarettes and handed it across the table.

“Will you smoke?”

“Thank you.”

“Claudia,” said Miss Oliver informally, “was so sorry to have to go out. It was a very important client, and she didn't feel she could send anybody else. She knew you'd understand.”

“Of course. I know she must be very busy. How are things going—the business, I mean?”

“Pretty well. Of course, nothing's too good just now. But we do quite a lot, one way and another.”

“I'm not sure—I've been away from England for six years—I'm not sure if I quite know exactly what the business is.”

“Anything and everything, more or less. We find servants—when we can—and meet trains and escort children and invalids, and look for houses, and shop for people who live in the country. And Claudia's very anxious to develop the literary side —a sort of literary agency, though we have to be careful about the real literary agents. She does a certain amount of journalism herself—oh, and crossword puzzles, and setting literary competitions
in weekly papers, and all kinds of odds and ends.”

“I'm sure she works terribly hard.”

“She does work very hard,” assented Miss Oliver.

“She was always wonderful,” said Frances respectfully. “We were at school together, you know. How does she manage to do it all, with her children and her home and everything?”

“Well, she goes home every night, in the car —it's only thirty miles——”

“Thirty miles!” ejaculated Mrs Ladislaw.

“ Sometimes she sleeps at my flat. And in the school holidays, when the children are at home, she doesn't come up every day. She does some of the work at home.”

“But then, doesn't that fall rather heavily on you?”

Miss Oliver smiled.

“Well, you see, I'm not the mother of a family. I haven't got a house, or a husband—only three rooms in Bloomsbury that I share with a friend. Not that she's ever there.”

“Never there?”

“No. She's a professional dance-hostess, and when she isn't in one of the big seaside hotels, she's usually cruising. She's doing very well.”

“How splendid,” said Mrs Ladislaw, looking extremely startled. She paused, and then added: “I've been out of England so long. Six years. And before that, I lived in Yorkshire, right away from things. I feel dreadfully out of touch.”

“Six years? I suppose you see quite a number of differences.”

“Oh, quite a lot. Even if one doesn't count the traffic, and Park Lane, and things like that. Women—working so hard—and everybody talking all the time about expenses, and money—and having rather bad manners. I don't mean just very young people, but one's own contemporaries, which is such a shock. I'm afraid I must seem terribly old-fashioned and stupid.”

Miss Oliver shook her head but said nothing.

“I don't at all want to be prejudiced. I think I shall get used to it all quite quickly—in fact I must, because I'm going to live here, I hope. Just now I'm going down to Arling to stay—I dare say you know. Wasn't it wonderful, that they should have been able to buy Arling, Claudia's old home?”

“It was Claudia who bought it. Not her husband. He hasn't any money at all, of his own, has he? And no job.”

“No job?” repeated Mrs Ladislaw, half in dismay and half in hopeful enquiry. “He hasn't found anything, then?”

“No, he hasn't found anything.”

They looked at one another rather solemnly.

“Then Copper just—just lives at home, I suppose?” hazarded Mrs Ladislaw.


The telephone bell rang.

“Please forgive me.” Miss Oliver picked up the receiver. “Yes? Yes, I'll speak to him. Put it through, please. Yes—Miss Oliver speaking.” There was a long pause, while the telephone
seemed to click and Miss Oliver listened, and made notes on the blotting-pad.

“I see. Yes, I quite understand. You want me to inspect the school personally and make the position clear to the head mistress, and then write to you. And make all the arrangements, when you give the word. Certainly, Mr Barradine. Either Mrs Winsloe or myself will go down there. I'll ring up the school and try and fix it for to-morrow. We've got all the particulars. We'll write to you. Not at all, Mr Barradine. Goodbye.”

Still scribbling on the blotting-pad, Miss Oliver pressed the buzzer.

One of the very young girls appeared. Frances eyed her incredible slimness with honest admiration, as she stood swaying in the doorway.

“Please bring me Mr Barradine's file—Nursery Schools,” said Miss Oliver.

“Right-oh,” said the young girl.

Sal Oliver turned to the visitor.

“It's a man who's just divorced his wife. They've got one child—a boy of seven—and he's supposed to be very difficult and nervous. We've got the job of finding the right school for him. As a matter of fact, we have quite a lot to do with schools, and I think I know the very place. He'll be all right once he gets right away from his parents. These difficult children always are.”

“If the father and mother have been unhappy together, perhaps——” said Mrs Ladislaw.

“Oh, always, I think. Whether they're unhappy together or not.”

Mrs Ladislaw, unlike most women of her
generation, had a peculiar faculty for giving due consideration to ideas that were unfamiliar.

After looking at this one, and remembering spoilt children, neurotic children, and naughty children of her acquaintance, she remarked thoughtfully that very likely Miss Oliver was quite right.

The girl from the outer office reappeared, put a file on the table, and said in a drawling, expressionless voice:

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