Read Jenna's Consent Online

Authors: Jennifer Kacey

Jenna's Consent (7 page)

BOOK: Jenna's Consent
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“What about when we’re working? I know what The Library is
but I don’t want to shirk my job, or leave anybody in the lurch because we
can’t keep our pants on.”

“Or tutus,” he added helpfully.

She laughed, then it turned into a groan as he pulled her
pelvis closer to him again.

“If either of us is on shift, we’ll work around it. That’s
not to say if we aren’t both on a break I won’t pull you into one of the bathrooms
and fuck you against the tile wall because I can’t wait another minute to bury
myself inside you. Agreed?”

“Fuck—yes,” she panted, jerking her hips against him.

“Rule three.”

She stopped moving her hips, clenching her thighs against
his and willing the orgasm inside her to shut the fuck up so she could listen
to him.

“You’re so fucking sexy when you’re trying to follow the

“That’s not a rule,” she bit out.

“No, but it’s sure as hell true.”

She hissed out a breath as he pulled her chest toward him,
licking across the swell of one of her breasts. He dipped his tongue into her
cleavage and then ran his nose up her sternum and throat.

“I can’t wait to taste every inch of you.”

“Ditto,” she offered as her head fell backward.

He wiggled her lower body down until her pussy was flush
against him again. He urged her to move and kept talking. “Do not run from me.”

She picked her head back up and he pulled her close, so she
stared down at him again. “As in, no chasing?”

He shook his head slowing their movement but not stopping
all together. “As in, if you have a problem with anything, not just us, you’ll
come to me. You won’t run away, hide, deal with it on your own, and shut me out
of the process. If I have to chase you down to figure out there’s a problem
that wastes your time and mine. We have a lot better things we could be doing.”

His attempt at lightening the situation didn’t go unnoticed
and he must have known how much he was asking for because he didn’t rush her to
answer. He was patient until she nodded.

“I want the actual words, Jenna. A simple gesture isn’t
going to cut it on this one.”

She pursed her lips, weighing her options. He was serious
and she knew it. “If I like to be chased, during a scene I mean, is that going
to be okay?”

“Are you talking about no meaning yes or physically running
and I get to catch you?”


“Done.” No hesitation and if she wasn’t mistaken, his cock
jerked in agreement beneath her as well.

“I will do my best to come to you if I have a problem.”

“Not good enough.”

She huffed softly and he smirked.

“I will come to you if I have a problem and will do my best
to use my words to tell you what is happening.”


He reached between them, beneath her tutu and filled her
pussy with his fingers.

If there was a time she’d been wetter she didn’t remember
it. He turned her on to the millionth power.

She couldn’t stay removed from him. Couldn’t keep her
feelings remote as he fucked his thick digits into her.

With anyone else she could, since he-who-shall-not-be-named
had walked away, but with Nick? No. He touched her deep inside and emotions
she’d hoped were long ago dead and buried rose to the surface.

Her fingers had found their way into his thick hair and she
held on for dear life.

“Fuck yourself onto my hand.”

Her hips were already jerking, her pussy sliding on and off
as she rode his fingers. He curled them just enough at the end, they pushed
against her G-spot when she moved away. Not enough. She was worried about
soaking him but it gave her a flash of exactly how much fun he was going to be.

His thumb brushed across her clit and holy fuck that was all
she needed.

“Please. Please. Please. Please,” came out of her. She
begged to come with the only word her brain remembered.

“Come, my Jenna. Come for me. For the first time of many.”

She opened her mouth to scream when she came but nothing
came out. He held on to one of her hips and thrust his fingers inside her,
fucking them into her as she came all over his hand.

Time stopped for a few seconds and they seemed to be in slow

The way his eyes flared burned into her brain. The feel of
her nipples beading beneath her corset threw accelerant on the fire burning
inside her. The deep breath she was trying to pull in seemed to take a decade
to actually expand her lungs as much as the corset would allow.

It was as if the inside of her was stretched away so she
could look down at her face and his as she climaxed. As if she were a rubber
band and at the highest peak of her orgasm someone let go of the thick band and
she snapped back into place.

Everything sped back up and she gulped oxygen as fast as she
could, pumping the blood throughout her limbs, helping the tingling in her lips
and fingers and toes.

“You’re like a firecracker,” Nick was saying.

Who knows how much she missed while she couldn’t hear
anything past the blood rushing in her head.

“It’s all I can do to hold you to me, instead of letting you
shoot up into the sky. Into orbit. A shooting star has nothing on you.” He
slowed his thrusts, letting her ride out the rest of her orgasm until she
collapsed into his arms.

Aftershocks blew threw her like a hurricane and he petted
her pussy until she sighed in contentment.

“If I would have had a condom on me, you already would have
been fucked. So I’m adding another rule. You’ll have condoms and lube on you at
all times.”

Her brain had a hell of a hard time kicking back on and she
had a feeling it took her a long time to answer. “Wouldn’t it be easier for you
to carry them? You’re a dude and have pockets and stuff.”

He kissed her cheek, holding her close. “But this way you
get to hide them on your person and I’ll get to find them.”

Damn she liked the way he thought. “Yes, Sir.”

He was quiet for a few seconds, rubbing her back.

“Make it several condoms. I’m going to take you as many times
and ways as I can think of and several ways that haven’t been invented yet.”

Jenna smiled and she hoped he could feel it through his

“Or I might have someone fuck you with me and we’ll need
more than one at a time.”

He said it like it was an afterthought. Just a
hey-will-you-pass-me-the-sugar kind of comment but she stiffened as if he’d
slapped her.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” slipped out before she thought better of it.

He grabbed a fistful of hair and yanked her head back so he
could stare at her.

The lighthearted man he’d been a second before was gone. In
his place sat a fully dominant alpha male, snarling at her since she’d already
broken rule number three, or two, or eighty-seven.

She couldn’t fight him when he did things like that.

Her brain turned off instantaneously as if he had a direct
line to a switch inside her head, flipping her reason and her innate need to
protect herself firmly to the off position.

“Sorry, Sir.”

His grip on her hair tightened as he searched her face and
she clutched his lapel, trying to ground herself in the here and now instead of
falling into his dominance.

Lust shot to her nipples, ricocheting off each of her
vertebrae, down her spine, and bouncing again and again on her clit. It made
her think of a tennis ball bouncing on the ground. Hard on the first bounce and
then softer and softer until a gentle drumbeat of sensation was all that

“Coming to me when you have a problem is one thing I expect,
but lying? Don’t lie to me. Ever. It’s equal, in my mind, to you screaming your
safe word. If you can’t tell me the truth you’d sure as shit better keep your
mouth shut until you can. Got it?”

Arousal flared hot and heavy in her core, tingling for him
again, lighting up inside her no matter how much she tried to stomp out the

“Yes, Sir.”

He spoke to her even when he was completely silent. He
called to her and she responded whether she wanted to or not. Like the pull of
the moon on the ocean, tides rising and falling simply because the moon
existed. Inevitable. Cyclical.

That’s how he made her feel.

She wanted to fight him just so he would subdue her.

Rage built inside her because she needed so much from him
already. She didn’t want to need anything from him.

His thumb grazed her bottom lip. “You tell me so much when
you’re like this. Scared, angry.” He watched his fingers move against her flesh
as he traced her jaw, her cheek, her throat. His fingers curled around it for a
moment, stealing her breath.

A sane person would freak out, right?

Scream her safe word since a guy was choking her.

Did she do either of those things?


But she did hump his crotch a few times, while she could
still think, swiveling her hips like she wanted to do if he’d just get naked
and tell her to ride him.

He released her throat and she exhaled, loudly.

“I’m going to fuck the fight out of you while you’re mine.”
He almost said something else but he ground his teeth together instead. The
muscle clenching in his jaw drew her attention and she wanted to reach for it,
to soothe him. She released his lapel and folded her hands in her lap instead.

The bottom dropped out of her stomach when he stood
abruptly, lifting her into his arms. Striding toward the hallway to take them
to the elevator, and down to the playrooms.

“I need to go to the bathroom,” she blurted out before they
made it halfway down the hall.

He didn’t stop, didn’t pause, and didn’t stray from his
original goal. “You know as well as anyone there are restrooms in each of the
rooms downstairs. You can use it there before we get started.”

“I-I-” She swallowed, damn near close to panicking. “I need
a few minutes, Nick. Please.”

He stopped on a dime, right in front of the elevator door,
staring down at her, searching her face.

What he looked for she didn’t know. It was all she could do
not to make some flippant comment, or hide behind the mask she normally wore.
She let him stare at her.

him. Funny.

She almost rolled her eyes at her own vain pride. This
wasn’t a man easily topped from the bottom and that didn’t get her rocks off

But she was so used to hiding what she really wanted, it was
a struggle as he dissected her.

What he found, she wasn’t certain but he slowly released the
hold he had underneath her legs, setting her carefully on her feet.

He grabbed his card from his pocket, swiping it through the
access panel for the elevator and then he inputted his password.

She chewed on her bottom lip, turning her foot on the carpet
as she waited for him to speak.

“Go to the restroom and take your few minutes.”

The door whooshed open and Jenna turned on her heel to beat
feet back down the hall, no real destination in mind, other than away.

Nicks arm shot out and he grabbed her forearm. “Fifteen
minutes. Not a second more. If you make me come for you, you’ll regret it.” For
once he didn’t ask whether she understood him.

Her impression of a bobble-head doll must have been pretty

He let her go, stepping into the elevator backward so he
never took his eyes from her. The once-over he touched her with was better than
most men’s full seduction.

He didn’t say anything else. Just stared at her. The doors
started to slide closed as he loosened the knot on his tie. His characteristic
smirk appeared as he pulled it out from around his neck. It reminded her of a
whip tail, the way he clutched the end in his fist.

The doors met in the center, finally obstructing him from
view. Her body sagged and she leaned against the wall.

Several deep breaths should have calmed her down, but it
didn’t help. She wanted to run home. She needed to run to him and forget
everything else.

On unsteady feet, with a hand on the wall, she made her way
back to the bar and around a corner to one of the public restrooms.

Bypassing the stalls, she walked straight to the sinks with
the giant mirror above. She splashed cold water on her face, neck and chest,
drying off with paper towels. She gasped, stumbling back a step, almost
tripping over her own feet when she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror.

She still looked like herself but her eyes…

She looked like all of the other starry-eyed subs that came
into her prep room, on the verge of something wonderful but scared out of their

Her eyes hadn’t look like that in…


The counter drew her attention, mostly so she didn’t make
the same mistake of looking at herself in the mirror again.

Baskets of condoms and travel packages of lube sat side by
side, as if they were shy lovers waiting for everyone to leave so they could
get better acquainted.

She closed the distance to grab one of each, slipping them
inside the elastic of her tutu. Her fingers shook when his comment from earlier
reared its ugly head again.

He’d dropped the ménage comment. He hadn’t brought it back
up, hadn’t pushed her on it. She didn’t know why he’d left it. Her reprieve
from it wouldn’t last long, but she was thankful for it.

What will I tell him when he asks again?

Panic flirted with her toes as if she stood at the edge of
the ocean.

Her eyelids fluttered closed, partially to hide, but mostly
so she could listen.

Utter silence greeted her search.

There was no one around to offer her words of encouragement.
No warm touch to help point her in the right direction or guide her along the
correct path.

She was alone, and that’s how she wanted it—right?

She threw out her trash, avoided looking in the mirror again
and headed for the door.

BOOK: Jenna's Consent
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