Authors: Jan Springer
Tags: #romance mnage erotic romance mnage contemporary erotica romance the key club series jan springer spunky girl publishing
As she stood in the
lineup waiting her turn, she got the distinct feeling Rachel was
way too nervous. Heck, if the cat whiskers that Jaxie had drawn
onto Rachel’s face were real, she’d swear Rachel would be twitching
them with her nervousness.
Rachel’s cheeks were red
too, a sure sign of her nerves.
Yeah, sure this was her
first official try at the top hat, but something was bugging
Rachel. First, she kept avoiding eye contact with her. It meant
Rachel was feeling guilty about something. But what?
Second, Rachel kept
worrying her bottom lip. A sure sign something was not going
according to plan.
But what?
This was
supposed to be a wonderful experience…for both of them. Rachel got
to run the club, which she’d been hinting that she’d love to do,
and Jaxie got her mnage.
So why were they both
experiencing the damned jitters?
By the time it was her
turn to step up to Rachel and the top hat, shakes were rushing
through her. Why in the world hadn’t she just gotten the key from
her office, where she kept them? Why put herself through
She knew why. Because she
wanted to see how it felt. She wanted the whole thing, just like
she’d given her friends and others who had asked to be
It was supposed to be
exciting…even though she was cheating.
Ahh, the
beautiful princess bride. Come forward, my dear. Don’t be shy. Just
place your hand into the magical hat and and see what room will
help you achieve your delights tonight,” Rachel called out to her
and motioned for her to come closer.
Jaxie stepped forward.
She held her breath and lifted her hand as Rachel held the hat
high. Jaxie finally managed to capture Rachel’s gaze.
Yep, guilt shone in her
eyes and her wimpy, watery smile did nothing to reassure Jaxie that
things were going according to plan.
Now was not the time to
ask. There were too many witnesses.
Jaxie dipped her hand
into the hat and held her breath as she pretended to pick her way
through the keys that lay at the bottom of the hat.
Darn! They all felt
similar. Which one was the right one?
Her heart began to pound
and a whisper of anxiety ran through her.
She glanced at Rachel and
tried to read her. But she couldn’t. Rachel’s face had suddenly
turned into an emotionless poker face.
Come now,
princess bride, hurry and pick your key. Which will it be? Which
will it be?”
Suddenly something nudged
her finger.
Jaxie grabbed it and
pulled out the key. She gasped.
The princess
bride has pulled out the crystal key!” Rachel shouted. She gave
Jaxie a wide smile. The woman didn’t even look guilty for screwing
The bitch.
Easy, Jaxie,
don’t show any emotion
Don’t let anyone suspect this was supposed to be
The crystal key glittered
in an abundance of colors in Jaxie’s palm. The sparkles and glints
mesmerized her.
So pretty.
Let everyone
see. Hold it high,” Rachel ordered in a loud voice.
Jaxie gritted her teeth
and did as she was instructed. Gasps went through the crowd. She
caught some envious looks from some of the women. Others were
genuinely thrilled that the princess bride had gotten the coveted
crystal key.
She knew why everyone was
excited. Jaxie didn’t open the Crystal Room very often to the
general membership. That room was reserved for the guests who paid
top dollar for it.
She’d paid an arm and a
leg to get that room into a crystal theme. And paid another arm for
the matching crystal keys.
The key glittered
beautifully beneath the lights, sparkling in yellow, pink and blue
As per
instructions that were given to all members participating in
tonight’s ménage, I remind you ladies that once you have picked
your key, you must return to the locker room, shower and prepare
yourselves. Then, proceed to the room that matches your
Man, if she could smack
Rachel, she would.
Rachel winked
to Jaxie and called out to the next woman in line, who was dressed
like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and held a stuffed
Cairn Terrier dog.
Jaxie blew out
a tense breath and wished she could take that stuffed dog and wrap
it around Rachel’s neck. She clutched the key tightly and hurried
to the locker room.
So? Were you
able to get Rachel to agree to get us the princess bride?” Ewan
asked Royce in a low tone when he finally returned to the locker
room. Royce’s hair was damp and his towel was slung very low over
his hips. He’d been in the shower for so long, Ewan figured the man
was dead or probably living it up in the stall with fantasies about
the princess bride.
Hell, he’d
been sitting here in his mask, hood and robe for so long, some of
the men had started throwing him curious looks. They probably
thought he was a voyeur or Peeping Tom or something.
Royce said
nothing as he motioned Ewan over to his locker. When he opened the
door, he stood back and allowed Ewan to look inside.
There, on top
of a fluffy light gray robe lay a sparkling skeleton
Ewan let out a
low whistle.
If everything
goes according to plan, it will be impressive,” Royce said with a
The key looked
as if it were made out of glass. Its rounded edges glittered a
myriad of colors. There were blues, greens, yellows and pinks and
sudden realization swept through him.
This is a key
to the Crystal Room.”
Yes,” Royce
replied. He untied his towel and tossed it into a nearby
Ewan couldn’t
help but notice Royce’s shaft was already in full salute for this
evening’s upcoming adventure. His cock was engorged and elongated
and flushed an angry purple. He didn’t have to guess any longer.
fantasizing in the shower.
Royce lifted
out the key and handed it to Ewan.
He remembered
Jaxie talking about having a crystal room. All things crystal,
she’d said with wide, innocent eyes. She’d been a woman full of
dreams. The sex toys would be made of crystal too, she’d
Yeah, the
princess bride deserved the Crystal Room.
His cock
jerked as he remembered watching her earlier on the dance floor.
She danced so incredibly hot in that dress that glittered with her
every move. Her sweet body had been screaming for sex.
He’d make sure
that Royce and himself gave that sexy little princess a ménage she
wouldn’t forget.
A few seconds
later, Royce had placed his mask and hood and was slipping on his
robe when Rachel’s voice snapped Ewan from his thoughts about the
princess bride.
If I may have a moment with you?”
Ewan turned to
discover Rachel hurrying toward them with a midnight-blue envelope
clutched in her right hand.
This is for
the two of you. From your partner for the evening,” she said and
held out the envelope.
Ewan’s heart
hammered against his chest as he accepted it. Within seconds, he’d
ripped it open and withdrew a piece of midnight-blue paper. White
glitter ink in intricate feminine handwriting popped off the page
at him.
A delicate
perfume scent, the same one that he’d admired drifting off her
while dancing with her, wafted from the page. He resisted the urge
to bury his face into it and just inhale.
My dearest
Your princess
bride has certain needs that only two well-hung gladiators can
Please follow
my maid to the Crystal Room and she will prepare you for my visit
to the chambers. I look forward to both of you servicing me all
night long.
Your safe word
is STOP.
The Princess
Beside him,
Royce cursed softly as he read the note.
She sounds
like one hot and ready minx,” Royce whispered.
She is
burning for pleasure, my gladiators,” Rachel said. She didn’t
indicate if she knew it was Royce behind that mask. He figured she
did know with him approaching her tonight about getting the
princess bride. He, on the other hand, would have to keep his mouth
shut so she didn’t know it was him.
She nodded to
the crystal key in Ewan’s hand.
Please, bring
the key. We must hurry. Follow me.”
Royce chuckled
while Ewan stuffed the note into his robe pocket.
Rachel takes
this shit seriously,” Royce said in a low voice as they followed
Just as
seriously as Jaxie,” Ewan admitted in a low tone as he watched
Rachel move like a cat, stealth and confident, several feet in
front of them. Jaxie had picked very well for someone to take over
in her absence at the helm of the club.
Rachel ushered
them quickly down the hallway, into another hallway, toward the
back of the building. As they passed doors, moans and groans
mingled into the air. Couples and threesomes were already diving
into the pleasures they had come for.
made Ewan walk faster.
suddenly stopped and Ewan almost crashed into her.
Gladiators, this is your room,” she said as she stood in front
of a virgin-white door. The words
The Crystal Room
were etched on a
white sign in raised crystal lettering.
We’re here,”
Royce said softly.
Ewan noticed
his friend’s Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed. Excitement sparkled
his eyes.
Please, open
the door,” Rachel instructed.
Ewan did as
she asked, slid the key into the lock, and turned the key. A click
He opened the
door and motioned for Rachel and then Royce to step
He followed
them inside, then stopped in the short hallway and stared in
stunned disbelief.
Wow. The room
was spectacular. Several sparkling crystal chandeliers hung from
the ceiling. The walls were orange-red with plenty of gold-framed
mirrors. The furniture was black-painted wood. To one side of the
room was a large king-sized canopy bed. Hung on an abundance of
hooks on all walls were arrangements of whips, toys and other
paraphernalia. Set side by side toward a far corner of the room
were two large black-painted wooden X-frames, the edges of each
plank studded with white crystals.
Pick a cross,
and I’ll strap you in,” Rachel instructed.
Ewan looked at
Royce, who gazed back at him with an amused smirk.
What exactly
is this princess bride going to do to us?” Royce asked Rachel as he
stepped up to the closest cross.
Now that
would be telling, gladiator. Please disrobe,” she
In front of
you?” Royce echoed Ewan’s thoughts.
Rachel’s brows
furrowed with disappointment and she shook her head and
What? The big
brawny gladiators are shy in front of the princess bride’s maid?
Tsk. Tsk. Please do as I ask.”
Royce chuckled
cockily and dropped his robe. He was already well on his way to
being fully aroused as his erect penis indicated.
Ewan didn’t
miss Rachel’s eyes widen in appreciation and her cheeks grow
Royce stepped
closer to the cross.