Jaxie's Menage

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Authors: Jan Springer

Tags: #romance mnage erotic romance mnage contemporary erotica romance the key club series jan springer spunky girl publishing

BOOK: Jaxie's Menage
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The Key Club



A close
encounter with death pushes Jaxie into making one of her most
intimate fantasies come true


Never one for mixing
business with pleasure, Jaxie Smarts knows it’s time to break that
rule. With the help of one of her best friends, they’ll make sure
Jaxie gets the two sexiest hunks at the Masquerade Ménage Ball. But
Jaxie’s well-laid plans quickly unravel…


When Ewan’s best friend,
Royce, drags Ewan to the Key Club’s Masquerade Ménage Ball, he’s
only going because he knows Jaxie won’t be there. Saving her life
is one thing, but having his heart broken over and over by her is
quite another. He’s sworn himself off Jaxie. Forever.


At the Ball, a seductive
princess bride wearing a sexy mask captures his attention,
unleashing a deep craving that lures Ewan and Royce to use the Key
Club’s trick hat to get her into their ménage bed. The last thing
Ewan expects is to fall in love all over again.



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Published by Spunky Girl

Copyright 2015 Jan

1st edition

Edited by Julie




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Thank you for respecting
the hard work of this author.

This is a work of
fiction. Characters, places, settings, and events presented in this
book are purely of the author’s imagination and bear no resemblance
to any actual person, living or dead or to any actual events,
places, and/or settings.

Chapter One


Oh come on!
This is
what’s supposed to happen on my first day off in years!” Jaxie
screamed as a crushing roar burst from the Alberta mountainside
right behind her. Instinctively, she knew what was

One minute she’d been
skiing down the pristine snow-covered slope, enjoying the crisp
cold air slapping against her face, loving the perfect way her
newly purchased downhill skis cut a path into the fresh white
powder, and the next minute, the snow had quickly turned into her
worst enemy.


Below in the valley, her
best friend, Rachel, waved frantically in warning to

The rumble grew louder.
Razor claws of panic stabbed into her. She quickly fought its icy
grip, knowing she wouldn’t be able to get out of the way of the
oncoming slide.

A quick glance uphill
struck a fresh wave of terror through her. A huge white wall of
snow about five feet high tumbled toward her at breakneck

Darting a look around for
any trees or boulders in the hopes that she could grab onto or hide
behind, she saw nothing but virgin whiteness, bright sunshine and
the blue, cloudless sky.

I am so

On a shout of
frustration, she skied to a halt, tossed away her poles, and
shrugged out of her knapsack. Ditching those items would make her
lighter when the snow swallowed her. As she cursed her slowness,
she slapped her hand on the emergency beacon nestled inside her
pocket, unlatched and stepped out of her skis, knowing if she kept
them on, the rushing tide might rip off her feet and break her

She screamed as the
concrete wall collided into her, slamming the breath from her
lungs, and knocking her off her feet.

For a few seconds, she
tumbled violently inside the snow. In a flash, sunshine and blue
sky snapped into view as she was coughed to the surface.
Remembering her brief “just in case” avalanche training from Rachel
early this morning, Jaxie quickly oriented herself, began to kick
her feet and thrash her arms, turning her body so she could whirl
uphill. If she was lucky, she could swim out of this damned

Darkness and icy cold
snow swallowed her again.


What had she been
thinking coming out here to ski in Alberta’s backcountry? She had a
business to run. She didn’t have time to die.

Snow filled her nostrils,
and its icy fingers tried to pry her lips apart to get into her

Panic speared into her

I’m going to


Rachel’s gut twisted with
guilt and fear as Jaxie disappeared beneath the rolling blanket of
white. One minute the two of them had been enjoying skiing down the
fresh powder, and the next minute the roar of the avalanche burst
through her like a shockwave. As the snow continued its
lightning-speed descent toward Rachel, she realized she was in
serious trouble too. The avalanche also had her in its

She hadn’t even thought
about trying to outrun it. Had only thought of warning Jaxie. But
now as the snow swallowed Jaxie and crashed toward her, Rachel
could only stand and stare at death.

How can it end
this way

To Rachel’s disbelief,
the slide ended abruptly about thirty feet from her. Her heart
cracked like a battering ram and her hands trembled so violently it
took her several tries to pry her cell phone out of her ski-jacket

With shaky fingers, she
managed to punch in the numbers for Sunset Valley Search and

* * * * *

Ewan smiled at the
breathtaking scenery of towering lush green pine trees, snow-capped
mountains and the snow-covered valley below as he drove his truck
up the steep dirt road that wound along the side of Sunset
Mountain. Not everyone had the privilege of such breathtaking
scenery on his or her drive to work. He counted himself lucky. He’d
never regretted quitting his stressful job as a paramedic in
Toronto, Ontario. He didn’t miss the traffic jams, the crazy
drivers who weaved in and out of traffic, or the gridlock at the
traffic lights as he tried to maneuver the ambulance through the
city to get to an emergency call or get an injured or dying patient
to a hospital.

He enjoyed this untamed
land in the backcountry and the challenge of his job as a medic for
Alberta’s Sunset Valley Search and Rescue. There was only one
hospital in town to deal with, limited red tape and one fast

He was living his dream.
He was saving lives and the fringe benefits were the breathtaking
scenery, fresh mountain air and plenty of friendly, easygoing

As he reached the top of
the mountain, he drove his vehicle into the small parking lot
behind headquarters. He noted that his friend Royce Murdock’s rusty
black truck was here. Rescue workers Craig Johnson and Paul Crisp
were just coming off their shift, strolling across the parking lot
toward their trucks. The two men waved and shouted greetings to him
as he got out of his vehicle. He waved back and made his way toward
the small two-story lookout style building with plenty of large
windows, perched right at the edge of a rocky mountain

His boots clomped on the
stairs and then the wraparound wood deck as he headed for the door.
He pushed the door inward and instantly sensed there was an
incoming call for help. Their dispatcher, Amanda Banks, who sat at
the communication station, was rapidly relaying instructions to

Ewan quickly dumped his
lunch into the lunchroom fridge, grabbed his and Royce’s gear from
the locker room, and met Royce as he rushed out of the station

Normally Royce was as
calm as a cucumber during emergencies, but the paleness of his face
and his swearing softly beneath his breath snapped uneasiness
through Ewan as his friend came to an abrupt halt right in front of

Avalanche on
the north side of Sunset Valley. One skier down. We need to get
there yesterday,” Royce said quickly. He paused and his blue gaze
grew dark as he gazed at Ewan. Instinctively, Ewan knew he wasn’t
going to like what Royce was about to say.

Jaxie. She’s caught in an avalanche.”

Ewan winced as the words
sliced into him like painful bullets. He barely heard the other
guys rush back into headquarters and brush past him. The dispatcher
must have recalled them.


How was that possible?
She never went out skiing. She never took a day off. It was why
he’d called off their relationship. She was married to her

Come on!
Move! Move!” Craig shouted as he lunged by Ewan.

Ewan could barely move
his legs as the rest of the team rushed past. As the shock wore
off, adrenaline and fear pumped into him.

Jaxie. What
the hell am I going to do if something happens to her?

In a blur, he followed
the others outside. The chilly spring breeze slapped against him as
he hurried to the helicopter pad. In a torturous long minute, they
were airborne.

Had he heard right? Or
was he asleep, having a nightmare?

ETA is ten
minutes,” Royce growled in a solemn voice as Ewan strapped himself
into his seat beside Royce.

Damn. Normally, an
avalanche survivor had fifteen minutes, tops, to survive — and that
was if they did everything right, like deploy their airbags. If
Jaxie was even wearing one, which he doubted. Jaxie didn’t like
playing by the rules. If he were a betting man, he’d bet she wasn’t
wearing a helmet or a warm toque because it would mess with her

A cold sweat broke out
across the back of his neck. Was the woman he’d once loved with his
entire being — hell, the woman he still secretly loved like crazy —
going to die in such a horrible way?

Oh, man, she couldn’t
die. He wouldn’t let her.

Hang on,
I’m coming,

* * * * *

Hang on,
Jaxie. I’m coming, babe.

The words sunk through
the blackness of Jaxie’s ice-cold coffin and for the briefest
instant hope flooded through her. Had she actually heard Ewan
calling out to her? Or was she already hallucinating?

She couldn’t open her
eyes to see if he was here with her, because the snow packed her
eyelids closed. She could barely inhale a breath, either, because
the snow pressed against her chest with such an intense force, it
hurt to take a breath.

She was entombed. A
mummy. Destined to die.

Panic pierced

Oh God, am I
going to die here?

She bit back the terror
threatening to engulf her. She didn’t know how many times she’d
tumbled around within the avalanche, but it had been way too many
times for comfort. Waves of dizziness rocked her and nausea punched
her tummy.

She had no idea if she
was right side up, sideways or upside down. Her right arm was
stretched up above her head. She couldn’t move it. Her wrist ached
like a bitch and when she tried to wiggle her fingers, pain pierced
the tips.

Great. She probably had
frostbite. Her feet were cold and her legs were sore. A bad chill
was creeping into her body. They’d probably have to amputate her
hands and feet…

You’ve still
got time

Yeah, she had some time.
Minutes. If that.

She’d hit the emergency
beacon, and rescuers would find her. Rachel would have called for
help, and she had a small shovel in her knapsack.

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