Jase (19 page)

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Authors: MJ Field

BOOK: Jase
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“I need to hear
you Baby, don’t hold back on me,” he pushed deeper and I clenched my teeth, embarrassed by what may come out of my mouth. I watched as his hips gyrated slowly and his jaw clenched, he was holding back. One hand kneaded my breast as the other held my ankles together behind his back.

I let out a whimper followed by a deep moan as his thumb grazed my clit and he pushed in further. His hi
ps circled, “Fuck Baby you feel. So. Fucking. Good. Your tight little pussy is fucking squeezing the life out of me.” He squeezed my breast, and my hips pushed into him and I whimpered. “I need more Baby, let me give you more.”

“Yes,” I finally breathed out, “Yes
, please,” I whimpered and he closed his eyes and pushed harshly into me. It was painful until he swayed his hips and hit something deep inside me. My whole body tensed.

“That’s it Baby, cum
for me,” he moved back slowly and then back in. Each thrust took my breath away and pleasure surround me so intensely that I had no way of controlling what came out of my mouth.. until I finally felt my body start to relax.

I could never
have imagined this, this, “So, good,” I whimpered and my hips met his.

He hissed and pulled me up and kissed me as he thrust in and out of me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my tongue licked his
: praising him, tasting him, enjoying his body more than I ever felt humanly possible. He lifted me and I wrapped my legs around him and as if it were even possible, he pushed further into me. Hitting the end of me, there was no more room, I was so full and so wet and enjoying every bit of him, even though it was a little painful, “Hurts so good, Jase,” I whimpered into his neck.

yeah Baby, so fucking good,” he groaned.

My back was against the wall, and I was wrapped around him, his thrusts hastened, and I felt the heat consume my body again, my muscles tightened as if being called by his body to do so, “Again Baby, that’s it,” he kissed me and I cried out
, both of us came at the same time.

“Fucking beautiful,” Jase growled as he turned around and slid down the wall
holding me.

We held
each other tightly until our breath started to slow down. When I came down from the most beautiful high I had ever experienced he was stroking my back, “I love you even more, now,” he chuckled and kissed my neck.

I smiled and he leaned back against the wall and looked at me. Both of us grinning like idiots, “I love you.”


I watched them sleeping in the bed I knew would be perfect to frame my beautiful baby as she slept. What made it even more perfect was that Little Bell was asleep snug up against the woman I loved. I needed to give her a break, but I swear I needed her again. I was going to be enslaved to her forever and I knew it from that first day on the beach. I watched her eyes flutter as they adjusted to the light coming from the master bathroom and she smiled when she saw me.

“Hey, Baby,” I whispered and kissed her head.

“What time is it?”

“Late, but I need to talk to you,” my heart pounded against my chest as she slipped out from under Little Bell’s arm and swung her feet over the side of the bed.

She stretched as I looked over that hot little lavender covered body that was mine now. She started to stand and I stood in front and stopped her. She rubbed her eyes and blinked up at me, “Is everything alright?”

“Yeah, listen I over-plan everything when it comes to you, and generally… I fuck it up. So as I sat in that office tonight daydreaming of you on that fucking table I decided fuck it, fuck the planning, fuck the surprises that blow up in my face, and fuck the waiting.”

She smiled curiously at me “Have you been drinking?”

I laughed, “No, but if this backfires could we pretend I was?” She looked at me and shook her head and giggled.

I reached in my pocket, got down on
one knee and looked up, “Whenever I feel like we have wasted a lot of time, I look back and realize it was all meant to happen, I suppose. So here’s the deal, I want to start forever with you now. Marry me, Baby.”

Her jaw dropped,
yeah I surprised her and it felt so fucking
… “Where are you going?”

She ran into the bathroom and shut the door. I fucked up again. I paced outside the door for hours, okay so it was
a mere two minutes but it felt like forever before she opened that damn door. When she did she was glowing, fucking glowing.

“Baby, you’re
killing me here.”

“Sorry, I had to brush my teeth.”

“Look oral hygiene is important but…”


“Yes? Well why the fuck couldn’t…”

She put her little hand over my mouth, “Because you’re going to kiss me after you put that ring on my finger and I want my mouth to taste yummy when you rub that ball all over my tongue.”

I smiled and grabbed her hand. I nipped her finger and slid the ring down it, “You want my ball all over your tongue, Baby?”

She smiled from ear to ear, “Uh huh,” and kissed me.

When I got done rubbing her tongue the way I wanted to rub her insides my Baby dragged me into the bathroom and fucked me with her mouth. She is the fucking best.


When I woke in the morning
, Jase and Bella were walking in with breakfast.

Bella jumped on the bed and hugged me a
nd smiled sheepishly, “My Daddy asked you to marry him?”

“He did, and I said yes,” I couldn’t stop the grin from covering my entire face and Jase laughed
, and then kissed my head.

“You and Carly
sit and eat, I’m going to shower, then you are going to hang with the Grandma’s for a few…”

“No…” she began to object.

“Little Bell, I have to go ask her Daddy’s permission before this can happen. Just like when you grow up and are like thirty, the man who falls for you better have the ba… decency to ask me first, got it?” I smirked. Jase was a Daddy, and a good one.

He looked at me and winked, “Eat up Baby, we have sh…things to do today.”


It was only
eight o'clock when Jase knocked on the door, and Barbie opened it. My inner Badass walked past her and smiled at my Dad.

Smythe I am…”

Cameron appeared out of nowhere and looked at us, “Jase Steel.”

“You must be Cameron. I’ve heard a lot about you,” Jase smiled and stuck his hand out to shake his.

“I am sure you have, I know a lot about you as well,” Cameron glared at him.

“Alright then,” Jase didn’t even let the rudeness shake him.

“Cameron,” I scowled at him.

“I told you to stay away from him, Carly,” Cameron glared back.

“I apologize for whatever it is you heard about me…”

“Pam? My girlfriend in high school and college, that’s what you did. And her best friend that you…”

“Cameron, that's enough,” I snapped.

“No Carly I got this. Cameron, I had no idea…”

“Like you would’
ve given a shit,” Cameron snapped.

, probably not,” I closed my eyes hoping he would somehow redeem himself. “Things were bad then, and I’m sorry.”

Cameron just glared at
him. Jase turned to my Dad, “I’m here to ask permission to marry your daughter.”

“He works in a fucking tattoo shop
, Carly. He has a kid he has never had shit to do with. You’re going to be supporting his ass for the rest of your…”

“Cameron, that’s enough,” I could feel myself starting to shake.

“Baby, it’s fine, I got this,” Jase wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my head. “Cameron again, I’m sorry. You and I need to move on from this.”

“When, ho
w much is this going to cost us?” Barbie snapped.

Jase took a dee
p breath, “Mr. Smythe, again I’m asking permission to marry your daughter. She will not be supporting me financially, I have a little girl who I now have custody of…”

“So you need a Mommy for her,” Cameron sneered.

Jase took a deep breath and I looked up at him and his jaw muscles flexed.

“I love that little girl, I’
ll be very proud to be her step mother, Cameron. I love you, and I love Jase, so figure out how to get over…”

“Mom would be so disappointed in you,” Cameron closed his eyes.

“I met your mother and she was a wonderful woman Cameron, I’m very sorry for your…”

“When! When did you meet my mother?” Cameron was angry.

“A year and a half ago,” Jase answered.

“Carly do you need my permission?” my father looked sadly at me.

“Not really. Jase wanted to do this.”

“Alright then. When will the wedding take place?”

“As soon as possible, New Year’s eve sound good, Baby?”

s great,” I grinned like a fool.

“We will get married in Italy,” Jase smiled and kissed my nose.

“We can’t afford that!” Barbie snapped, and Jase laughed, “Tell her no!”

My father looked at me, “I’
ll do whatever I can Carly.” He hugged me.

Jase shook his hand, “Just show up and put a muzzle…” I elbowed Jase stopping h
im from talking. “Thank you. I’ll make all of the arrangements.” Jase turned and looked at Cameron, “You and I are going to be brother’s soon. That means everything to me. We figure this out like men, for your sister.”

Jase reached in his pocket and handed my father and Cameron his card and smiled, “All my contact information is here. Anything you need to know
, or anytime you want to talk about Carly… call.” Cameron looked at the card and shook his head, “I love your sister, I’ll never hurt her or let anyone else hurt her,” Jase looked at Barbie and then back at me, “We have dinner on Sunday nights as a family. This is an open invitation, just show up. Carly will text you the address when we figure it out. You ready, Baby?”

I hugged my Dad and Cameron goodbye and smiled as polite
ly as I possible could at Barbie and we left.

As we walked out it dawned on my that I had not asked about the tattoo so I did.

He lifted his shirt and I had to stop myself from jumping him right there. He was so damn scrumptious!

Per semper acciaio piccolo campana and Carly,” he smiled, “I got it done after you told me to fuck off on the phone.” He smiled, “It says Forever Steel little Bell and Carly.”

“After I told you….”

“Yeah,” he kissed me and laughed.

“That’s pretty presumptuous…”

“No, I knew from the beach Baby,” he opened my door and I got in.

When he got in the car he kissed me. A kiss that said
I got you a
nd I knew he did. My hands ran up his chest and he moaned into my mouth. I loved him madly almost from day one, he was my now and forever.

orever Steel.

Other Titles by M. J. Fields

Men Of Steel Series

Men Of Steel

The Love Series

Blue Love

New Love

Sad Love

True Love

The Wrapped Series

Wrapped in Silk

Wrapped in Armor

Wrapped Always and Forever

Burning Souls


Coming in August 2013

Book 2 of the Burning Souls Series


Coming in September 2013

Men of Steel Book 3


Contact the Author

[email protected]




As this dream of mine grows so do the list of people who I want to thank.

Stephanie, you have been here with me from day one and I love you bunches for that. I am so grateful to have had you as a friend since before I can remember. Your faith in me has been unwavering and I want you to know I feel blessed to have you as a friend, as close as a sister, always. I am also glad that your childhood nickname becoming the name of a penis did not offend. I love you!

Miss Newob LOVE you!!! The message, “Send me all you stuff
,” made my day, who am I kidding --my year. The hours on the phone, the messages, the support from all angles, the love, friendship, and expertise…speechless, you are amazeballs.

Gloria H. I hope that someday I get to meet you. You have been my virtual Angel. I have learned so much from you and will continue doing so.
Thank you X a million!

To Kari at K23 designs, your cover work is awesome and patients even awesomer (Yes I know it’s not a real word, but it works)

To: Mr. A, Mrs. G, Mrs. R, Mr. and
Mrs., and the other Mr. P, (middle and high school English teachers), I adore each of you. (My coolest teachers coincidentally are the ones who read the most.) I may suck at Grammar but I can tell a story, stand on a stage and do a monologue, and kick butt at journal writing. Of course I was never the easiest student to deal with but I can honestly say you all made each day brighter.

After writing this I found out one of them past a few days ago.
J. P (whose name is very similar to our Men of Steels Momma) and after reading the obituary in the paper I found out she has a granddaughter that share’s the name with our female lead in this book. Rest on clouds in the sky surrounded by books, looking down on all who loved and respected you.

My girls at home: Karen, Emily, Erica, Tiffany, Faye, Mary,
Sandy, Laura, Stephanie, Renee, and Niccole I am glad you are here through all this too.

My facebook friends: I LOVE YOU!!! You all make me smile, laugh out loud, and do the happy dance. Yes… it really happens. When you fall in love with “our guys” and “our girls”, and get IT. I feel such an overwhelming amount of warm and fuzzies it’s CrAzY! Your messages, posts, emails, they all make me want to write more and write better.

To the bloggers who I’ve touched base with and who I will reach out to, I know the magic you work (Seriously just found out about it…yeah --I know, lol). I can’t wait to begin that part of the journey.

To my baby sister, Suzanne, I am so happy you introduced me to Classified’s
Inner Ninja
on our road trip. We listened to it at least a million times laughing with my girl. It was the night Men of Steel went live. Little did I know my inner ninja (that I had pushed so far back inside when I became a Momma), was about to emerge….

Funny thing about an inner ninja’s growth with age….It’s all good. I battled his little ass and put him on a leash and shoved him back inside.

That being said….(clearing throat,) I love all the people who take the time to post reviews. Seriously… I do. It’s very important. I can take criticism because I’m the one putting myself out there. I actually know how important it is. When characters take over your mind and heart, you try to make sure they come across the pages of the books you write. When I write-- I miss a lot, no doubt. They’re part of my heart during the hours I’m with them. Some three and even two star reviews are my favorites. I love to learn and grow so I thank you.

All of you who know me well, know exactly the kind of restraint I show, (Inner Ninja). Aren’t you proud of me, lol. (Yes Eye of the Tiger is now playing in my head). Proud moment over, sorry, lol.

My inner Ninja is neighbors with my inner bitch (again to those who know me yes there is a difference between inner and the outer bitch most have witnessed), and sometimes… they both escape. However I learn everyday not to judge.

Let me tell you a story…


Upstate New York

At eighteen in a tattoo parlor, boyfriend is getting his first tattoo, me NOT HAPPY about it.


As boyfriend thumbs through the book asking me if I like it, my snobby ass answers “no” to each one. The tattoo artist comes over all bad-ass like, looks me up and down and says, “What are you a fucking art critic?” I scowled, told boyfriend when I would be back and left. I hopped in my used white 1989 Pontiac Trans Am, T tops off, cranked up some Pearl Jam and peeled out thinking
Fuck him

When I returned tattoo guy was just finishing up, “Get over here.”

I rolled my eyes and shook my head no. Yes I was a bitch,

He repeated himself and I walked over.

Tattoo guy looked up and smiled, “Did I spell your name right?” He winked and I laughed out loud.

Boyfriend about came off the table, NOT. HAPPY. AT. ALL.

Moral to the story, learning experience for me…

Don’t be a bitch.

All people are not the same, thank God or we would not have much to write or read about. Art is something very personal, writing is an art. My Boyfriends’ tattoo was not one I would have chosen, and in the artists defense (not one I can use) he did as he was asked. He did an amazing job. If I choose to get one someday, I would definitely look him up.

That being said…

Even my worst reviews make me want to do a better job. Not just for me but for all of the people

who enjoy my books.

However, there’s a difference between a review and a slam.

What have I done since then?

I have a hard time asking for help. But when offered by a couple amazing people (more than once)
. Through the shit reviews-- that took hip waders to get through,( but I can honestly say I didn’t shed a tear or even consider hanging it up, I am a fighter by nature)I got a wake-up call. I took their help. And I am forever grateful for it.

I am also slowing down. Nine books in a year was a lot! Four or five, TOPS from now on.

My wish….

Is that those of you who blasted me give it a second chance. Men of Steel Novella, Wrapped in Silk, and Stained have been edited. Check them out, they are all amazing stories, (Never claimed that they are works of literary genius, but I know they are good)


My tattoo story above is a beginning to something that will come soon…

Love to All,

MJ Fields

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