Jared Morgan [Seven Brothers for McBride 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) (4 page)

BOOK: Jared Morgan [Seven Brothers for McBride 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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Easton trembled but not with fear. He was so turned on he could barely stand. Just as he had felt out on the porch, the anticipation was making him dizzy. Determined to make his desire a reality, Easton worked his hands between their bodies so he could push Jared’s shirt off.

In his haste to expose him, he’d forgotten the last button, causing the shirt to hang on to Jared as if it were trying valiantly to keep him covered.

Snarling, Jared moved back and wrenched the two edges apart, which caused the button to fly off and
against the mirror.

A new tremble raced through Easton’s body. It was the aggressive move Jared had made that excited him. That growl of frustration and the ripping of his own clothing was animalistic and intensely sexy. Reaching out, Easton tugged on his pants, but Jared pushed his hand away and yanked his zipper down and then shoved his pants down his hips.


“What’s wrong?” Easton couldn’t remember ever being so excited. Every move Jared made was making him anticipate their night together. He wanted to hear Jared make that snarl right before he filled Easton’s virginal ass for the first time.

“My boots.”

Easton dropped to his knees and got Jared’s boots off as quickly as he could. After he pulled off his socks, he pushed all the discarded clothing away and looked up.

Jared was peering down at him with a stunned expression on his face that Easton couldn’t read. He didn’t seem angry, but he didn’t look happy, either. When Jared reached out and traced his finger over Easton’s bottom lip, he felt compelled to rise until his mouth was even with Jared’s cock.

Now that he was bare, Easton could see that the trail of dark brown hair went past his belly and grew thicker around his cock and balls. Jared’s prick was standing up, and a blue vein pulsed on the side, making his cock look thick and dangerous. Easton had no idea what possessed him, but he leaned forward and kissed his shaft.

Jared’s reaction was a harsh exhalation as he reached back to balance himself against the wall.

Excited to put what he’d learned into practice, Easton rose up a little bit more on his knees and then kissed the crown of Jared’s cock.

Jared uttered a sound that was so richly primal Easton almost came in response. Parting his lips, he licked the sweet spot where the crown and shaft met, looking up to see what this would do to his mate. Jared’s gaze was riveted to him, making Easton hyperaware of every move he made. Knowing that he was being watched caused him to slow down and tease Jared with his lips, teeth, tongue, and breath. Each gentle touch Easton gave him caused Jared to catch his breath or dig his fingertips into the wall for support. When a creamy drop of pre-cum trembled at the tip of his prick, Easton licked it away while looking right into Jared’s eyes.

He wasn’t expecting Jared to let out a possessive growl and yank him to his feet. Easton was further stunned when Jared spun him and pushed him against the wall. Pinning him there with his powerful arms, Jared proceeded to kiss him until Easton could barely breathe.

“You wicked tease.” Jared reached down and wrapped his fist around Easton’s cock. “I want to taste you, too.”

Easton clung to Jared’s shoulders as he kissed his way down his chest. Without any preamble, he wrapped his lips around Easton’s cock and sucked hard.

“Oh, my mate!” Easton would have toppled forward if not for Jared holding him.

Down he went along the length, taking more of Easton’s prick into his mouth until his lips touched the root. Easton was going to come if he didn’t get a hold of himself. Remembering what McBride had taught him on the porch, Easton drew a deep breath through his nose then let it out of his mouth. After several such breaths, he was able to hang on and feel aroused but not lose control. But it was clear from his motions that Jared
him to lose control. In between trips down his cock, Jared would pull back long enough to look up into Easton’s eyes.

Jared drew his mouth away entirely and said, “I want to taste you. All of you.”

“I want—oh, I wish—we can do this at the same time.” Easton remembered the class about sexual positions, and there was one where he and Jared could suck each other at the same time. He told this to Jared, but he just shook his head and kept right on sucking. Easton was going to lose control any moment, but Jared didn’t seem to care. Each time he pulled Easton’s cock into his mouth he sucked a little harder and his grip on Easton’s hips tightened a little more.

“Please let me give to you, too.”

“I want to taste you, and then you can do me.”

Easton nodded in agreement, because there really wasn’t anything else he could do other than surrender completely. Up and down his mate’s hungry mouth went along his prick until Easton climaxed so hard he certainly would have fallen but for Jared’s powerful hands at his hips. As soon as he started to come, his mate sucked so firmly he was literally pulling the release up the length of Easton’s cock. Easton had thought being milked while aroused was the best feeling ever, but this topped that effortlessly. Something about the hungry pull of his mate’s mouth made the release a million times more pleasurable.

When he was finished, Jared moved back, looked up at Easton, and very deliberately licked his lips.

Easton was panting and then laughed lightly. “You may not have studied theory, but you certainly had no problems putting your ideas into practice.”

“I dreamed of this.” Jared rose up.

Easton cupped his face, drew him close, and kissed him. Tasting his pleasure on Jared’s lips was possibly the best treat he’d ever known. “You dreamed of me?”

“I dreamed of a man with dark hair and blue eyes.” Jared looked down then back into Easton’s eyes. “I think it was you.”

“Let me please you, now.”

“But I thought we were going to shower?”

“I want to taste you, and I don’t think I can wait that long.” Easton cupped his hand around Jared’s cock and found that he was so revved up his prick felt almost too hot to handle.

“I’m afraid I’ll hurt you.”

“You won’t.” Easton slid down to his knees and then sucked Jared’s cock into his mouth. In school, he’d learned that some men thrust hard when they were given oral pleasure, so to protect himself, Easton wrapped his fist around Jared’s shaft so that if he did thrust, he could only go so deep into Easton’s mouth. Also, by working his mouth and hand in tandem, he could make it feel as if he were taking his mate’s cock much deeper than he actually was.

Each time Easton looked up, he saw Jared looking down at him, his expression one of amazement and gratitude. The rest of the rules and suggestions fled from his mind when his focus became only his mate’s pleasure. After what Jared had given him, Easton wanted to give back in the same selfless way.

Rocking his hand and mouth, he glided Jared’s cock in and out, but then, he remembered how aroused Jared had been watching him be milked. Carefully, Easton reached his other hand up between Jared’s buttocks and pressed his digit against his hole.

Jared’s eyes went wide, and for a moment, Easton was afraid he’d done the wrong thing, but then Jared parted his legs, giving Easton greater access. His breathing rate went shallow, and it almost sounded like he was panting.

Gently, Easton worked his finger within the tight heat of Jared’s ass. When he thought he found the right spot, he wiggled his finger side to side while sucking hard against the tip of his prick.

Jared climaxed while making a powerful snarl that filled the small space of the bathroom. Easton sucked hard to keep up with his release, but he knew some had escaped his lips and trickled down the sides of his mouth.

Jared didn’t seem to care. As soon as Easton released him from his hold, Jared pulled him to his feet and kissed him with possessive passion.

“How did you know?” Jared asked between kisses.


“That I wanted to be touched like that.”

“I guessed from the way you were so fascinated with what the valet did to me.”

“It was a very good guess.” Jared grinned and then licked his spillage off Easton’s chin. “And to think I was foolish enough to believe for even half a second that I might not want you.”

“You were just being careful.”

“I was being an idiot.”

Easton shook his head, but he couldn’t help a satisfied little smile. He’d been hurt, but ultimately he understood Jared’s caution. Their bond was a forever kind of thing and shouldn’t be entered into lightly. As he stood there giving Jared the benefit of the doubt, Easton realized that unlike Jared, he didn’t have a choice. He couldn’t find him unacceptable and walk away. Not that he wanted to, not at all, just that he realized things were different for him. Even with the world turning upside down, he was still of the lowest class and always would be.

“Should we brave the shower?” Easton asked, desperate to get his mind off something so depressing that he couldn’t do anything about.

“We should.”

Easton stepped in and did his best to appear happy, but realizing that this was a forever kind of thing that he had no say in bothered him. He’d never thought of it before, and he wasn’t sure why he was thinking about it now when things seemed to be going so well. It was just something about the idea that, even if he decided he didn’t want Jared, there wasn’t anything he could do about it. The only one who could reject the other was Jared deciding Easton wasn’t worthy of him. That thought caused Easton to reach up and stroke his fingertips over his collar. All too soon, Jared would take it off and see that Easton was damaged goods.

Chapter 4


“I’m not going to order my men to come down and surround your store.” McBride was still on his communication device, just like he had been all day. Everyone in Woven Spire County was calling him and demanding help of one kind or another, but there wasn’t anything McBride could do. “Even if most of my men hadn’t deserted their posts in the dead of night, I wouldn’t make them risk their lives to protect the trinkets in your shop.”

The merchant screamed out his frustration, but it fell on deaf ears. There wasn’t anything McBride could do, and once the man started in with his vile words and vicious threats, McBride cut the call. Absently, he rubbed his earlobe. The unit was supposed to be self-contained and use his pulse to provide power without creating any heat, but right now he swore the tiny unit was on fire. Using his fingers, he fished an ice cube out of his water and pressed it against the back of his earlobe. He let out a sigh of relief.

“Another angry merchant?” Jonas entered the dining room and settled to the right of McBride. He did this as it was their custom as companions to meet each night for supper no matter what was going on. Surprisingly, the fact that the world was going to hell in a hand basket hadn’t changed their schedule that much.

“I swear, they expect me to perform miracles.” McBride looked at the bundle that Jonas settled beside his plate. “Are those the garden plans?”

“They are.” Jonas reached for them but hesitated. “I wish to discuss something else with you first.”

“Fine.” McBride fished another ice cube out, but Jonas preempted him by wrapping several up in a napkin and handing it to him. When McBride pressed it to his ear, he found he got relief without water dripping down the collar of his shirt. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Jonas’s smile was genuine. Despite the stress and strain of the last few days, Jonas was still happy. When McBride asked, Jonas said he had Ollie at his side or at least in his bed at night so the rest of the world could go straight down the toilet and he wouldn’t care one bit. Besides, without the constant eyes of the Genetics Board upon them, things would change, and perhaps someday soon he could openly embrace his true mate without repercussions. McBride wanted that for Jonas and Ollie, but he knew if they were able to be honest about the true nature of their relationship, McBride would have to deal with the fact he’d perpetrated a lie. His intentions had been honorable, but that didn’t change the point that he’d misrepresented his relationship with Jonas.

“When things change, and they will change, you won’t be bound to me anymore.” Jonas rested one hand on the plans while he used the other to toy with his wineglass. Since the wine cellar below the big house was massive, they weren’t going to run out any time soon. Long ago, farmhouses were built to be self-sufficient. Most in this day and age no longer were, but this one still was for the most part. A few changes here and there and they could live in relative luxury.

“What is on your mind, Jonas?”

“I’m worried that when the truth is revealed, Caleb will take out his revenge on me.” Jonas looked toward the large window in the dining room that faced the circle of the Morgan brothers’ houses. Since they’d declared themselves companions, they’d been very careful to put on a convincing show by leaving the drapes open while they dined, and then later, Jonas and Ollie would angle the light in the master bedroom so that their shadows splashed on the window and appeared to anyone looking that it was McBride and Jonas fornicating up a storm in the room. From his bedroom down the hall, the one where he never turned on a light at all, McBride had looked out at Caleb’s house to see if he was watching the show, but it appeared he kept his back to the big house.

McBride knew that Caleb was the only brother who knew what was really going on in the master bedroom. The show was for the other brothers so they could rest assured that all was well. The sad truth was that McBride was alone on the opposite end of the upper wing. He would sit in the darkened room’s window and look out over his farm. No matter how hard he tried to look elsewhere, his gaze was inevitably drawn to Caleb’s house. McBride feared that the rest of his life would involve him spying on the man he desperately wanted but couldn’t have.

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