January (Calendar Girl #1) Anthology Anthology (68 page)

BOOK: January (Calendar Girl #1) Anthology Anthology
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“What is this? Another present?”

“Well, technically I didn’t give you a gift you could hold in your hand for your birthday yesterday. This is that and to commemorate our time here.”

She opened the box and inside was a sea shell and a piece of pink coral I’d found while walking along the beach yesterday. Also inside wrapped in tissue was a white gold charm bracelet. One charm sat dangling at the end. It was a heart that said one word.

“Sister?” she smiled and held it up, the light bounced off its shiny surface. I held up my own wrist where the identical bracelet sat.

“Now any time you miss me, or want to think about your big sis, you can wear your bracelet and know I’m always thinking about you. And we can add to the bracelet, filling it up with pieces of our future. Individually, and when we’re together.”

She tugged me into her arms, tears running down her cheeks. “I’ll wear it every day because I miss you every day. I love you, Mia. You’re the only one I can’t live without.”

“Me either. Wouldn’t ever want to.”

We pulled apart when we heard the car honking. Together we grabbed her things and headed to the front. I hugged Gin and Maddy once more and watched as they got into the cab and it drove away.

One more day on the island with Tai. I needed to make it a good one.



As I was getting ready for my last night out, my cell phone rang.


“Hi doll-face!” Aunt Millie’s smooth, sultry voice came through the line.

I breathed heavily into the phone, wanting her to hear my frustration. “Took you long enough. I was worried I’d be headed back to Vegas or California.”

“Sorry I didn’t call you sooner, I actually hadn’t had you booked for June until today.”

That admission sent a ribbon of fear rushing through me. I could not have a month off. I had to pay Blaine or he’d kill my father and go after Maddy. “That scares the shit out of me, Millie. What do you mean? The last email I got from you said I was booked up for the year.”

“Yes, all but June at that point. I had no worries honey. I could have easily called a couple of your last clients and they would have booked you right away. That Frenchman, Alec told me he’d take any month where you had a cancellation.”

“Really?” I needed to talk to Alec about that.

“You’re surprised? He wasn’t the only one. The first one you fell all over yourself for, Weston. He said to call him if any monetary problems arose, or you needed assistance in any way. Interesting how your first two clients made a point to ensure your well-being.”

Interesting was right, but not something I was prepared to get into right now. I sighed deeply and finished putting on my mascara. “So where to this time.”

Millie was silent for a bit. “Well, that’s the downside. It’s nothing like Hawaii and unfortunately, I can’t promise you a stud. This situation might feel a bit icky, but I promise you, you don’t have to sleep with him, and he’s a really nice guy.”

“Uggh, is he a dog face?” Images of a giant man with a beer belly and sour breath filled my mind.

“No, not at all. I think he’s incredibly handsome. I’d hit that so fast your head would spin.”

“Wait a minute. You would hit that? You have never said that about any of my clients. Always hinted that I should hit it and quit it, especially to make the extra cash, but never have you eluded to the fact that you’d go there. What’s going on?” My nerves hit epic proportions. Liquid courage was definitely necessary. I made it over to the kitchen and pulled out the Malibu Rum, poured a shot, and sucked it back, chasing it with a huge bite of fresh pineapple. Rather unsurprisingly, it tasted damn good. I licked my lips and poured another. “You gonna talk or what?”

“Well, he’s not as spry as your usual clients.”

Oh no. I groaned loudly, tossed back another shot, and finished off the hunk of pineapple. The rum did its job, soothing the frayed edges of my nerves. “Lay it on me, Aunt Mil.”

“How many times do I have to tell you to call me Ms. Milan?”

“You’re avoiding…”

“How about I just email you?” she offered in that sweet tone that did absolutely nothing for me.

“How about you just tell me what I need to know right now before I get on a plane and take my happy ass right to LA and your doorstep?”

She tsked. “Fine, he’s older.”

“I need a number Millie. Forty? Fifty?”

A noise came through the receiver sounding as though she was sucking on the inside of her teeth. “Maybe late fifties, possibly sixty.”

“GROSS! Seriously? He’s going to be a creeper isn’t he?” Man. Just when I was starting to love this job, I get a pervy old guy. “He probably has a daddy complex in reverse. This sucks.”

“I know, I know. But he was very pleasant on the phone. Mostly he wanted a woman of your caliber to attend functions with him. Apparently, if you’re old DC money, you have to have a hot trophy girlfriend. He has several Senators and investors to schmooze and he needs pretty arm candy. By the sound of it, he’s working on something that has him lobbying for a type of governmental historical building he needs to amass support for. Blah blah. Does it really matter?”

“Not really. I need the money regardless. As long as he doesn’t think he’s going to be getting into my pants, I’ll be fine. You made that clear right?” A sour taste filled my mouth making me want to spit. “He’s older than Pops!” I shivered trying to wipe the ick factor off my skin. 

“Actually, he made that clear to me. Said that he didn’t know what type of escort services you offered as a whole, but that he would not be partaking of any sexual offerings.”

“Well, that’s a relief.” I deadpanned, but in truth, it was a huge relief. Knowing that I was going to have a sex free month kind of sucked but I’d survive. Probably. Maybe. Hell, I better make sure my B.O.B had new batteries.

“Okay I’ll send the details. Name is Warren Shipley.”

“That name is familiar.”

“It should be. His son is the Senator from California.”

“No shit. Now
guy is hot. Youngest Senator in history at thirty-five right?”

“You got it, doll-face. And last I checked… he was unattached.”

Now the son had possibilities. I recall making that check mark next to the name Aaron Shipley, voting for him in the last election, and not just because he was hot. Though he was that. Tall, dirty blond hair, and kind brown eyes. And the way that man wore a suit made a woman like me think of all the ways I could get said suit off his body in two point five seconds flat.

“Send the details via email, I’ve got dinner with Tai.”

“Tai? Who’s that?” her tone was clearly confused.

“One sinfully sexy Samoan. Ta ta, Auntie!”



Tai held my hand from the moment he arrived to pick me up, to the car, from the car, into the restaurant, and all the way until we sat down for dinner. He was having a hard time letting me go.

“Hey big guy, can I have my hand back?” He let it go as if burned. I leaned over, and rubbed my hand over his large, muscular thigh. “It’s okay. Everything is going to be fine.”

He shook his head. “How can you say that? You’re leaving tomorrow.”

“Yes, I am. So let’s make tonight count okay?”

He closed his eyes took a soft breath, and then opened them, focusing all his attention on me. “Mia, it’s just… I’ve never met a woman like you. Not ever. You’re funny. Smart. Beautiful.” He leaned closer and whispered. “A mountain lion in the sack…” He shook his head and stopped. His beautiful dark eyes held such beauty and longing. “I don’t know how to say what I feel.”

I held his hand on top of the table. “I’m going to miss you, too. More than I want to admit.”

“Yes, exactly,” he admitted.

“And we’re going to keep in touch by phone, text, and email. You’re going to tell me everything that’s going on with your crazy family, and with work and the shows. Send me videos of any cool new tricks you’ve learned with your fire knife dancing and me, well… I don’t know what I’ll send you. Probably selfies of me doing stupid shit in random places.

Tai tipped his head back and laughed, heartily, deeply. So much so that it filled my heart with such joy to hear it. I leaned forward and place a kiss on his cheek.

“We’ll stay friends?” he asked tentatively.

“The best of friends,” I agreed.

With that, the happy go lucky giant clapped his hands and pushed his chair out. “I’ll get some champagne! We need to celebrate your last night!” Just as he stood, the chair tipped on its legs under the pressure of his big body pushing it back and it flipped over and fell to the ground. Unfortunately, a waitress was passing by at the same time with a tray of wine glasses filled from the nearby bar. Her foot hit the chair and her tray went flying forward along with her. Tai reached for her and they both tumbled; she fell directly on top of him, straddling his body.

All I could see was a broken chair, a lengthy blonde, and Tai’s brown hands surrounding her small waist. She lifted up on her knees, her skirt rising up. His hands went to her thighs to steady her. I was going to help out until I saw her face. She was facing me, and Tai was on the ground looking up toward her lying at my feet. Her entire face turned rosy in color. The waitress pushed a hand through her hair and that’s when I noticed a pair of startling green eyes. Her lips were wet where she’d bit into them. A touch of blood pooled there. Tai sat up and pressed a finger to her plump bottom lip to staunch the blood flow.

For long moments, he just stared at her face. The girl didn’t move a muscle, focused solely on him. The entire room could have imploded and neither one would have noticed. It’s like they were in a trance. And it hit me the moment Tai pressed one of his big hands to her face and she automatically leaned into his palm. “Are you okay, sunshine?”


Holy hell. This was his girl. Blonde hair, kissed by the sun. Green eyes the exact color of brand new cut grass. And he called her sunshine.

I held my hands to my chest and didn’t make a sound, wanting to watch this play out before me like my own personal love story.

“Um, sorry?” she offered in a small embarrassed voice.

Tai pet her bottom lip with his thumb. “You’re bleeding.” She flicked her tongue out to lick her lip and ended up licking Tai’s thumb. They both gasped in unison, only Tai’s sounded far more feral and growly alpha male that I loved. I watched as his eyes heated. Her own gaze didn’t leave his. I could see her fingers press into his shoulders reflexively. This was almost better than watching a movie because it was live. Damn, I wished I had popcorn.

Finally, the woman shook her head and tried to stand. Tai lifted up, holding her close to his giant body. So close that when he stood up to his full height, she ended up sliding down his body until her feet met the floor once more. He groaned and I knew that sound. He was turned on. I wanted to kick my feet and squeal with excitement. There was no denying the attraction.

After a couple more moments of holding one another, she pushed off and put her head down. “Shit,” she looked around at the huge mess. “I should have watched where I was going. I’m going to get fired,” her lip trembled and the tears started up.

I stood up and moved into motion. “Oh, thank you so much, Miss. We didn’t mean to knock your tray over. We’ll pay for any drinks we spilled.” At that point, the manager came over, his face a look of barely contained aggravation.

“Sir, thank God you’re here. This woman saved my friend here from getting an entire tray full of drinks splashed on him. The big guy is sometimes so clumsy. Right Tai? The way you jumped up, knocked your chair over at the same time that...“ I snapped my fingers at the waitress for her name.

“Amy,” she said meekly.

“...that Amy here was coming by. She could have really hurt someone if she wasn’t so light on her feet, trying to avoid slamming into my friend, making sure all the patrons around her didn’t get tagged with the drinks. We’ll be recommending your establishment to all our friends.”

“Ah, well yes. Thank you. We only hire the best. Amy, good work. I’ll have a busboy come clean this up while you get to your tables.”

Amy held out her hand to me. “Thank you.” Her eyes were apologetic, but really, it was Tai’s fault.

“Nothing to be sorry for. I’m Mia, and this, very available hunk of a man is Tai Niko.”

“You mean, you’re not a couple?” She covered her mouth as if she hadn’t meant to ask that.

I smiled, looked at Tai but his eyes were stuck on Ms. Amy. “Nope. But we are really good friends, and I’m moving back to the mainland. I’m sure he could really use a new friend. Have you lived here long?”

She shook her head. “Moved here this week with my dad. Didn’t want him coming alone, and it’s just the two of us, so here I am. I don’t know anyone yet.” She picked up her tray and several pieces of broken glass until the busboy took over.

“Well, now you know one another. Do you have your phone on you?” Her eyes narrowed as she reached into her back pocket and pulled out an iPhone. I snatched it quick, added Tai as a new contact and then texted him. His phone buzzed and he pulled it out.

“Now Tai has your number. He’ll call you tomorrow.” Tai opened his mouth, but I gave him The Look, the one that puts the fear into any man that is on the receiving end of it, and he wisely chose to keep quiet. Amy looked from me to Tai and back again. “Do you like surfing?” I asked knowing that our time to chat with Ms. Amy was limited.

She shrugged. “Never been.”

I beamed and hugged her into my side. “Tai. Isn’t that horrible? Amy’s never surfed, and what do you know? Tai teaches surfing.”

“Really? Sounds fun.” She brushed off her skirt and straightened her apron. Tai’s eyes never left her movements. “I gotta go. It would be really great to make a new friend. And I’m really sorry about running into you.”

He put his hands in his pockets and rocked from his heels to his toes, playing it cool. “You can make it up to me by going out with me tomorrow night after I drop Mia off at the airport.”

Of course, Tai didn’t know that my escape plan didn’t include face-to-face goodbyes. Her eyes sparkled a crazy bright green. “I look forward to your call, Tai.” She blushed and turned to walk away.

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