January (Calendar Girl #1) Anthology Anthology (25 page)

BOOK: January (Calendar Girl #1) Anthology Anthology
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“Shhh, it’s okay. I can imagine this is hard on you.”

Within the warmth of his arms I reasoned with myself. Told myself I knew what I was and what I wasn’t. No dollar bill, or misunderstanding, or even Millie would change that about me. I was a lot of things, a daughter, a sister, a friend, an actress of sorts, I was this man’s muse but I wasn’t a streetwalker, call girl, or a whore. A slut maybe, but

Comfortable with how I’d worked it out in my head, I kissed Alec with everything I had left in me. Once done, I leaned back, walked over to my spot on the floor and sprawled out. With a wicked gleam in my eyes I stuffed one of my hands into the space between my bra and breast. His tawny eyes twinkled against the bright lights as he watched me. I slid my other hand ever so slowly down my body. Alec scrambled up the ladder and grabbed his camera.

“Show me how selfish you can be with your sexy body,
ma jolie

And I did. Closing my eyes I played my body as if he was touching me. Every move was made by his hands. Every sigh was for him, every moan swallowed by his lips.

My imagination did not fail to secure him the perfect picture.



Chapter 9


Hand-in-hand, Alec and I exited the warehouse. The sun shone bright, the wind blew against my hair, and the world opened up and greeted me. Hello world, I missed you.

“You realize this is the first time we’ve left the warehouse since I arrived, and I’m leaving in three days.”

Alec lifted my hand and placed a kiss on the top. “I didn’t, no,
ma jolie
. I’m sorry. I’ve been a terrible host.”

I laughed and swung his arm while we walked. “You had…”

“Much work to do,” we said in unison and then both chuckled.

“I am sorry
. When I am focused, there is nothing but the work, food, sexual gratification and sleep.”

“The last of which you don’t get enough of,” I chastised. He didn’t. The man slept less than most insomniacs.

Holding his hand tighter, I turned to him. “So, where to?”

Alec had his hair back in his ever-present man bun. The sun made it look more red than brown and gold. Still incredible. He wore a thin, white, scooped necked thermal, and a pair of dark-wash jeans. A camera hung loosely around one shoulder. Alec Dubois was yummy. Manly, sexy, all that and a bag of the cheesiest potato chips. And I was the lucky girl that had his attention…for three more days.

“What do you want to do?” he asked.

I looked out over the Seattle streets and said the one thing any tourist would say. “Go to the Space Needle of course.”

He grinned. “Well that’s good. We have reservations there for dinner. For now, how about a surprise?”


Alec hailed a cab and we were off. He gave a set of directions that meant nothing to me and I people-watched until our ride stopped. Alec paid the driver, got out and held the door for me. I stepped out and came to a standstill.

About twenty feet in front of me was a wooden sign with giant letters in a startling white that said “Zoo.” More specifically, “Woodland Park Zoo.”

“You’re taking me to the zoo?” I smiled wide.

“Why not? I haven’t been, and I’ve lived here for years.”

“No reason.” I lifted my hand and took his once more. “Let’s check out some animals.” I didn’t tell him that I’d never been to a zoo. Ever. That wasn’t a hot spot in Vegas and once my mother left, dad stopped doing family trips of any kind.

Turned out, I really enjoyed zoos. There was so much to see, hear, touch and explore.

“So far, what’s your favorite exhibit?” Alec asked while slinging an arm over my shoulder.

I shook my head. “So many to choose from. If I had to pick one I’d go with the Ocelots.”

“The feline?”

Nodding I continued. “I can relate to the female cat. They live a solitary life, they mate when they need to, care for their young, teach them how to hunt and then set them free.” Alec’s eyebrows narrowed into points, marring his beautiful brow. “Plus, they are beautiful. If I had to be an animal I’d pick that. They’re sexy as all get out!” I finished, trying to lighten the mood. “You?”

Alec twisted his lips. I’d hoped he wouldn’t dig for information about my reply. Now was not the time to open wounds. Now was the time for experiences, making lifelong memories, especially since I was leaving so soon.

“If I had to choose one, I’d go with the arctic fox.”

That seemed an odd choice. I would have taken him for a gazelle or something exotic sounding. “Okay, why?”

“Because they form lifetime monogamous relationships. I’ve always envied people who could do that. Now I see that a stunning creature like the fox does it and well…it just gives me hope.”

“Aw, Frenchie. You’re a softy underneath all that muscle,” I tapped his chest, reached up on tiptoe and kissed him. He wound his arms around my back and kissed me hard. That’s when I heard a click.

I looked over and noticed he’d pulled up his camera and took a selfie of us making out. “Cheesy. A selfie? You, an artist? Shocked!”

“How else was I going to capture this kiss forever in time?”

I thunked on his temple. “Use your noggin. Our time together, all there in your memory.”

“And now I have it captured on film.”

We spent the rest of the day roaming through the animal exhibits. I understood now what the attraction was. Families were everywhere roaming about. Made me miss Maddy. Had she ever been to a zoo? I made it a point right then to take her in the future. There were a lot of things that Maddy and I didn’t get to do growing up. I was going to rectify that. As soon as I got my dad off his loan shark “death row” and he was awake from his coma. Hell, maybe he’d want to go along. Doubtful, but it was possible.


Later that evening, the cab dropped us off at the entrance to the Space Needle. First stop was the observation deck. A three hundred and sixty degree view of what the natives called Emerald City. Couples and families dotted the walk. We found a little outcropping where we could easily see the sun setting over the landscape. Breathtakingly beautiful. I stood with my hands on the rails in front and just stared out at the glorious sight. A wave of clicking broke my concentration on the visual eye candy.

“What?” I grinned over at Alec. He came close, swept his hands into my hair and kissed me. It was a kiss to remember. Slow, soft and so warm it sent a current of desire zipping through my nervous system. He pulled away and set his forehead along mine.

“You are too precious. Too beautiful. Too much for any man to keep for himself. The man that does secure your love…forever…he will be
un homme très chanceux

“What’s that mean?” I whispered against his lips then caressed his nose with mine.

His fingers dug into the wild strands of my hair, and he held me at the nape. His eyes were the color of golden bricks, the kind that should only exist in fairy tales. “It means, he will be a very lucky man. To have your love for all eternity will make him very rich.”

“Alec,” I shook my head then leaned into his chest, the safest place I could be right then.

ma jolie
, how I will miss your love in my life.” He held me as tight as I was holding him. Possibly more. Even though I had a couple more days, this was the moment I’d remember through my entire life. The time where I realized that there were many different forms of love and it was okay to love those you give a piece of yourself to, even if they don’t deserve it. Alec, he definitely deserved it, and we’d always have this time.

We made art together, and we loved together, in our own way. And that is what would matter when I looked back on my life and the decisions I made in the past. As well as any I would make in the future. My time with Alec was special and I anticipated that as I continued on this journey, each client would add to the pattern of my life. 

“Come, let’s eat so we can go back home and I can ravish you for dessert!” He waggled his eyebrows then led me back to the elevator.

The dinner at the Skycity Restaurant was impressive to say the least. I’d had the jidori chicken that was coated with a scrumptious smoky mozzarella and bread pudding. It was to die for! Alec on the other hand had the prime tenderloin. It had a bacon fondue type cheese that made my knees tremble. Over dinner we’d shared bites of our food, and finally a bit about our lives before “Love on Canvas.” Alec was surprised I had been raised in the desert. He didn’t ask me about being an escort or why I chose the profession, and for that, I was grateful. He focused more on my fledgling acting career and my interest in motorcycles. In return, I found out he’d moved to the States when he was in his early twenties but visited France after every major exhibition. He’d be leaving for his country a few days after I moved onto my next client.

Connecting with Alec on a level outside of our physical attraction was nice. I could see being friends with him after I left, though nowhere near the type of friend I considered myself with Wes. My surfer guy was in a class all his own.




Today was the day. The Alec Dubois “Love on Canvas” exhibition. The warehouse loft had been completely transformed for a gallery event, at least that’s what I was told. I was a bit nervous to see what people’s impression of his art was going to be tonight, mostly because I was the ongoing theme in the pieces. Once finished, he had seven canvases in all on display. He said there was one past the six I knew about, but he wanted it to be a surprise. Working on the last one had taken up most of his attention the last couple days.

We needed that separation knowing that tomorrow I was getting on a plane headed for Vegas, a departure that would take me out of Alec’s life…possibly forever. No one knew what the future would bring, just that there was no stopping it.

Millie had sent over my plane tickets to Vegas and the one-way ticket to Chicago where Anthony Fasano would be picking me up personally. My time in Seattle was running out. Less than twenty-four hours and I’d be on a plane home. Gin and Maddy were picking me up and taking me straight to Dad. I needed to see my old man.

The clock read six p.m. Time to get ready for tonight. I shuffled through my suitcase and pulled out the one dress I’d brought. Being a Vegas girl, I always carried around a little black dress, one that didn’t wrinkle and could be twisted up, yet still survive in the bottom of your purse. I was pretty sure I’d either need to go barefoot, rock some flip-flops, or commit fashion suicide by wearing my motorcycle boots with the dress. As I was pondering the very limited options, a giant white box with a bright red bow landed on the bed near where I was sifting through my stuff.

“For you,” Alec’s voice speared across my senses in a sultry greeting.

I turned around and my mouth dropped open. Alec was standing there ready for the evening. He wore a suit. The first time I’d seen him in something so formal. He looked dashing to say the least. My mouth watered at the sight of his beautiful body wrapped in fine silk threads. His suit was black on black. Everything. The jacket, the shirt underneath, to the slim satin tie. Definitely worked for me. My thighs were instantly moist, and tension sizzled in the air as I let the towel I’d been wearing while getting my clothes together drop from my body.

Douce mère de toutes les choses saintes,
” he said in hushed French. That wasn’t helping my libido. Instead of bringing me down, he brought me higher. I bit down on my lip and swayed, watching him come to me. In a flash, Alec’s mouth was on mine and my back was against the wall. His hands slid down to my ass and pulled me up. I groaned as the thick wedge behind his trousers pressed me harder into the wall right where I wanted him most.

“We can’t do this now,” I warned, not really believing the words myself. I sucked at his neck and lips, and dug my heels into his lower back. He groaned as his tongue entered my mouth. For long moments, there was nothing but deep, drugging sweeps of his tongue, nips from his teeth and the press of silk against flesh.

“We can. We are.” I could feel his breath along my neck as he spoke.
“Nous allons
nous dépêchez

“What does that mean?” I sucked on the spot he loved behind his ear and clutched the tight man bun at the back of his head pulling his face back.

His eyes were dark, and held nothing but the promise to please within their inky depths.

“It means we hurry,” he flicked at his belt, undid his pants, pulled a condom out of his pocket, and in seconds, he was notched at the entrance to my sex.

“Fuck, don’t stop now, Alec. Please, give me you.” I said. He loved when I said those words and I knew it. He slid the wide crown of his cock against my center, rubbing it in the wetness there, moved his hands wide along my ass, and then impaled me.

“Sweet, Mother…” I called out, his steely shaft filled me deeper than ever before, so deep I lost my breath, then found it again when he breathed life into me with his kiss. “So good, it’s always so good with you.”

He moaned into my neck, slammed me into the wall and held me there, hung up on his cock, then dragged his hands over my sensitive skin to my breasts. Once there, he tweaked each peak hard. My nipples were two blazing hot points of need, and with every touch, twist, and pluck he sent me Nirvana-bound. “I’m gonna come,” I announced, and he grinned against the erect tip then bit down into it.

That was it. Nothing more needed. The orgasm shredded through me like a wood chipper destroys a tree trunk.

“Never forget the way you feel right now,
ma jolie. Je t’aime.
I love you,” Alec said before taking my mouth. My pussy clamped down around his cock giving him what he needed while he thrust into me like a madman. When he was done, he pulled me off the wall and brought me to the bed where he sat, still imbedded in me. It took several minutes to settle the quaking in my limbs. Through it all, Alec held me and soothed me the way he always did. I often thought it soothed him as much as me.

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