Me and My Shadow

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Authors: Katie MacAlister

BOOK: Me and My Shadow
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Table of Contents
Praise for Katie MacAlister's Silver Dragons Novels
Up in Smoke
“Filled with action . . . yet there is also plenty of humor and affection.”—
Midwest Book Review
“This zany paranormal, with its madcap plot and screw-ball characters, will work its magic with MacAlister's many fans and make some new ones along the way.”
“An action-packed, never-a-dull-moment thrill ride.”
—Romance Novel TV
“Ms. MacAlister works her humor-filled magic to entertain readers with the action and scorching romance that keeps them glued to the pages.”—Darque Reviews
“An upbeat, funny paranormal. . . . You won't be disappointed!” —Romance Reader at Heart
“Ms. MacAlister has done it again and provided me with an enjoyable and very entertaining series to read!”
—The Romance Studio

Up in Smoke
. . . may not be as laugh-out-loud hilarious as the Aisling Grey series but is no less fun, entertaining, or addictive.”—A Romance Review
Playing with Fire
“I'm waiting with bated breath for the next Silver Dragon novel. Ms. McAlister proves again and again that she is one of the best paranormal authors out there.”
—A Romance Review
“Ms. MacAlister works her creative magic and adds a fabulous new layer to her world of sexy dragons. The dialog is as witty as ever. . . .
Playing with Fire
has all of the danger-filled action, steamy romance, and wonderful humor that fans know and love.”—Darque Reviews
“It's packed with all her signature hilarity and adventure, as well as many familiar faces. The cliff-hanger ending will leave you breathless.”—
Romantic Times
Praise for Katie MacAlister's
Aisling Grey, Guardian, Novels
Holy Smokes
“[A] comedic, hot, paranormal caper.”—
“A wonderfully amusing relationship drama . . . a laugh-out-loud tale.”—
Midwest Book Review
“Hysterical. . . . MacAlister hits the humor button dead-on. . . . This cast of wacky—if somewhat dangerous—characters makes for giggles galore, while also producing some hair-raising adventures. MacAlister has written a cure for the common blues!”—
Romantic Times
Light My Fire
“Crazy paranormal high jinks, delightful characters, and simmering romance.”—
“Once again Katie MacAlister knocks one out of the box with the third book in the Aisling Grey series.
Light My Fire
. . . takes you on a nonstop thrill ride full of sarcastic wit, verve, and action right to the end. Clear your day because you will not put this book down until it is finished.”—A Romance Review
“There is lots of enjoyment to be had. . . .This is a ‘staying up late to see what happens next' story.”
—The Romance Reader
“Once again Aisling Grey will fire up readers. . . . Once again Katie MacAlister provides a humorous fantasy.”
Midwest Book Review
Praise for Katie MacAlister's Dark Ones Novels
Zen and the Art of Vampires
“A jocular, action-packed tale . . . [a] wonderful zany series.”—
Midwest Book Review
“Has all of the paranormal action, romance, and humor that fans of the author look for in her books. This is a fast-moving read with sizzling chemistry and a touch of suspense.”—Darque Reviews
“Pia Thomason just might be my favorite heroine ever . . . an entrancing story, and a very good escape.”
The Romance Reader
“I completely loved
Zen and the Art of Vampires
! . . . The chemistry between Pia and Kristoff sizzles all the way through the novel. . . . I don't think I can wait for the next Dark Ones installment! Please hurry, Katie!”
—Romance Junkies
The Last of the Red-Hot Vampires
“MacAlister's fast-paced romp is a delight with all its quirky twists and turns, which even include a murder mystery.”—
“A wild, zany romantic fantasy. . . . Paranormal romance readers will enjoy this madcap tale of the logical physicist who finds love.”—The Best Reviews
“A fascinating paranormal read that will captivate you.”
—Romance Reviews Today
“A pleasurable afternoon of reading.”
The Romance Reader
“The sexy humor, wild secondary characters, and outlandish events make her novels pure escapist pleasure!”
Romantic Times
Also by Katie MacAlister
Paranormal Romances
A Dark Ones Novel
A Dark Ones Novel
UP IN SMOKE, A Novel of the Silver Dragons
PLAYING WITH FIRE, A Novel of the Silver Dragons
HOLY SMOKES, An Aisling Grey, Guardian, Novel
LIGHT MY FIRE, An Aisling Grey, Guardian, Novel
FIRE ME UP, An Aisling Grey, Guardian, Novel
YOU SLAY ME, An Aisling Grey, Guardian, Novel
Contemporary Romances
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First Printing, November 2009
Copyright © Katie MacAlister, 2009
eISBN : 978-1-101-15131-0
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To my friend Brian Murphy, for making me laugh,
teasing me mercilessly, and letting me rant
without once telling me to suck it up, buttercup.
Chapter One
“Off with her head!”
I looked over my laptop screen at the man who stood in the center of the sitting room, pointing with a fine dramatic flair at a woman in the doorway.
“I demand that you punish that . . . that . . . dragon for insubordination!”
“Oh, yeah, like
gonna happen,” a voice muttered from the floor.
Magoth narrowed his eyes on the dog lying in a patch of sunlight, reading through a stack of near-pornographic graphic novels. “I have not given you permission to speak in my presence, demon.”
“Here's a news flash for you—you're not a prince anymore, so I can say what I like. Right, May?”
I was about to nod, but thought better of giving the demon in doggy form carte blanche to do as it willed. My experience with Jim might not have been great, but it had been sufficient to give me pause. “No, you can say what Aisling told you was allowable to say when she sent you to stay with us. And if I recall, the words ‘Don't lip off to anyone, for any reason, anytime, ever' were included in her instructions.”

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