Jane Boleyn: The True Story of the Infamous Lady Rochford (60 page)

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Authors: Julia Fox

Tags: #Europe, #Great Britain - Court and Courtiers, #16th Century, #Modern, #Great Britain, #Boleyn; Jane, #Biography, #Historical, #Ladies-In-Waiting, #Biography & Autobiography, #Ladies-In-Waiting - Great Britain, #History, #Great Britain - History - Henry VIII; 1509-1547, #Women

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Lord Morley by Albrecht Dürer.
The British Museum, London


Lady Parker by Hans Holbein the Younger.
The Royal Collection © 2007 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, The Royal Library, Windsor.
A letter from Lord Morley to Thomas Cromwell.
The National Archives, UK
George Boleyn’s signature.
The British Library, London
Henry VIII’s signature on the Act for Lady Rochford’s Jointure.
The House of Lords Record Office, London
Jane Rochford’s signature on her letter to Thomas Cromwell.
The British Library, London


Tent design for the Field of Cloth of Gold.
The British Library, London
King Henry VIII, after Hans Holbein the Younger.
National Museums Liverpool, Walker Art Gallery, from Bridgeman


King Francis I of France by François Clouet.
Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence/The Bridgeman Art Library
Charles V, King of Spain and Holy Roman Emperor by Titian.
Museo de Prado, Madrid/The Bridgeman Art Library


Henry VIII jousting.
The College of Arms, London
Queen Katherine of Aragon by an unknown artist.
The National Portrait Gallery, London
Sir Thomas More by Hans Holbein the Younger.
The Frick Collection, New York


The Challenge for Capturing a Castle, Christmas entertainment, 1524.
College of Arms, London
A tapestry from the David and Bathsheba series. ©
Musée National de la Renaissance, Ecouen, France/The Bridgeman Art Library


Henry VIII reading.
The British Library, London
Cardinal Thomas Wolsey by an unknown artist.
The National Portrait Gallery, London
Henry VIII dining in his privy chamber.
The British Museum, London


The Court of the King’s Bench, Westminster.
The Inner Temple, London/The Bridgeman Art Library




Sir Thomas Boleyn’s signed conveyance of New Hall in Essex.
The National Archives, UK
Anne Boleyn by an unknown artist.
Hever Castle, Kent/The Bridgeman Art Library
Hever Castle, Kent.
The Bridgeman Art Library


Sir Thomas Wyatt by Hans Holbein the Younger.
The Royal Collection © 2007 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, The Royal Library, Windsor
Brass of Sir Thomas Boleyn over his tomb in St. Peter’s Church, Hever.
V and A Picture Library

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