Jameson Hotel - the Dark Suite Series: Parts One, Two & Three (6 page)

BOOK: Jameson Hotel - the Dark Suite Series: Parts One, Two & Three
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I fucking
hate cops.

“Yes,” I respond.

“I don’t want to
come across either one of you in these parts again, at least not until the
beach reopens in April.” He turns off the light and steps back. “I’ll follow
you out.” He waves his hand for us to get a move on. “Hurry up.”

“Take me to my truck
then go to my place,” I whisper. “You’re not going anywhere else, but home with


he morning sun
warms my feet. I’m in bed with one arm under Julia and a hand stroking her soft
straight hair. I grin as her chest heaves from a thirty-minute workout with my
tongue. It was something I wanted to do last night but we were both too
exhausted to fool around. She fell asleep in my arms straightaway and slept
soundly, probably for the first time in months.

“You off today?” I

“Yeah, I was going
to look for another job then unpack a few things.” She rolls toward me. “If the
offer still stands.”

“I wouldn’t have it
any other way. You’re staying in the room next to mine and I’m changing your
schedule from six to eight hour shifts. That will give you full-time benefits.
This wasn’t a half-assed bargain to get laid, Jules. I want you here, safe and

The astonished glow
on her face affects my heart in unforeseen ways. “You’re the nicest...”

“Don’t say it.” I
stand and pull on my boxers with a grin. “You’ll damage my ego.”

“Does this mean you
won’t be fucking anyone else?”

“No need,” I say
under my breath.

I head downstairs and
retrieve the breakfast cart, sip my juice, and bite into my daily dry toast.
The local paper has arrived with the food and, just like the cop mentioned, the
front-page headline announces that a body’s been found. I was hoping a black
bear would’ve devoured Roland before anyone came across the body. Too bad the
bears missed out.

After reading that
the cops have no leads, I toss the local paper but save the Los Angeles Times
for later, bringing it and the rest of the food upstairs to Julia.

I hand her my glass
and set the plate on the bed before running my fingers down the front of her
chest, stopping over her pussy.

“It’s nice waking up
with a woman in my bed,” I say, watching her eat a grape and sip her juice. “Have
you been using the tanning beds by the weight room to keep your skin this

She nods. “I hope
that’s alright. I thought you said staff could use the facilities.”

“It is. I was just

“You mean wondering
if I spent my money on frivolous things, like going to a tanning salon?”

“Of course not,” I
sit next to her, “just thinking about you... you’ve been putting on a good

“How so?” She takes
a bite of toast and another sip of juice.

“The way you’ve kept
yourself together. Your clothing, hair, and makeup are always in order and you
smell like you recently showered whenever we’re together.”

“Well, I’m not a

“Yeah, but even your
pussy’s soft and clean.”

“Duh, I wanted to
impress you.”


“Why not? And why
would I show up at your door wearing my period panties?”

I laugh and walk
over to my dresser. “I’m glad you’re here, Jules.”

“Good, now I get to
ask you
. Why are you glad I’m

“Because now I can
eat your pussy whenever I want.” I smirk.

“Ha! You can get it
whenever you want even when I’m not living here. Try again.”


“Mark.” She wants an

“Come on,” I hold
out my hand for her to follow me to the shower, “let’s get ready.”

She follows me
through the master bath, to the back where I turn on the light to my separate
shower room. And as expected, she’s wide-eyed and in awe of the mosaic scene of
Lake Tahoe that covers the shower wall.

“Holy shit,” she
says and runs her hand along the tiles. “It’s beautiful... and huge. I bet you
could fit four people in this shower.”

I turn on the water
and slip out of my boxers. “Five.”

She eyes my dick
then shakes her head in disappointment of where it’s been. “I don’t want to
hear about

story’s sexual.”

“With you it has

“Not this time. I
promise. I know because when my sister and her family visited after the hotel
first opened, her two kids wanted to know how many people could fit in the
shower. The answer is five.”

that’s cute.”

“Not really. Her
kids are little a-holes,” I say while she washes her hair. I step in, and for
once, continue the conversation like I’m a normal human being. “One of her kids
thought it’d be funny to turn on the water and soak everyone’s clothing, and
then decided to take a piss.”

“In here?” She looks

“It was a long time
ago, trust me, my place is clean.”

“I bet they’re not
that bad. What are their names?”

I lather my body and
hers, taking my time with her tits before rinsing off and answering her

Snow and Xavier Hail. The Everton boys, only they’re nothing like my
brother-in-law and it’s a shame they have to carry his last name. I’m convinced
they’re a hundred percent Jameson.”

“Are you making this
up? Those can’t be their names.”

“You can’t make this
kind of shit up.”

“And what’s your
sister’s name? Like,

“That’s good.” I
smile while rinsing my hair. “Clever. It’s actually Sophia, but her husband’s
name is Cove.”

“Okay, now I know
you’re kidding. Cove? I bet you don’t even have a sister.”

“Trust me,” I step
out and towel off, “she’s real.”

“I’ll believe you if
you show me a photo.”

I hand her a towel
and dress, having other plans for the day besides looking at photographs of my
fucked up family.

“You wouldn’t be
able to tell we’re related from a photograph. She looks just like my father.”

“Mark?” She slips
into black silk panties and a red and black polka-dot bra. “Are you feeling
okay? It’s like I woke up next to a completely different man. You’re actually
talking to me and you haven’t broken anything... yet.”

“Isn’t that what you

“Yeah, but I never
thought I’d actually make it to this point. And I know this discussion is
probably killing you right now.”

I push her against
the bathroom counter, forcing her to bend over. Her hair is wrapped around my
hand in a tight grip and her head lifts to view our reflection in the mirror.
“This better?” I kick her legs apart and rub my dick on her ass. “I’m still the
same domineering bastard from yesterday, my head’s constantly replaying that
fuck from last night, and I can’t wait for you to feel my cock again. The last
time I had pussy as tight as yours, I was a teenager. You want to take a hard
one now or later?”

“You’re back,” she
laughs. “Later, please. I want to enjoy the nice side of you before it
disappears... unless you just showed me it’s already hidden away.”

Turning her around
and lifting her chin, I dish out my best look of adoration.

“Kiss me,” she

“Ugh. Why are women so fucking obsessed with
kissing?” I shrug her off and reach for my toothbrush.

“Damn it, I
should’ve stopped while I was ahead.”

“Porn stars don’t

“Oh, is that what
you call yourself, a porn star? Being with a lot of women doesn’t make you a
porn star, Mark Jameson. You’re not

“No, but working for
Jameson Industries does. It was my life for years and you should know about it
before you become too infatuated.”

“What?” she

“Look,” I lean
against the counter with my arms crossed, “I’m not used to a woman getting
stuck in my head, and I’m trying not to be a prick. You’re here and it’s time
to get some things out in the open, then you can decide whether or not you want
to take the leap into my world, and if not, you still have a free room until
you get back on your feet. Or, if you want me to shut the hell up, we can continue
to fuck and forget about all the rest.”

“Wait, you really
were a porn star?”

“And what the hell
do you mean, I’m not
good? I was
one of my father’s top men. Only second to my brother-in-law.”

“What? This isn’t even
making any sense to me right now. Your father forced you to screw people in his

“He didn’t force

“And your sister’s
husband was in it too? I need to sit down.” She paces, looking for a chair.
“Jesus. I knew you were a man whore, but I didn’t think you got paid for being
one, like a prostitute. So you’ve been with hundreds of women?” She shakes her

“Over a thousand.”

“And I’ve been with
two men... only one by choice.”

“Three, if you
remember last night. And I think you’re overreacting.”

Thank fuck you used a condom. Screw this, I can’t compete with your past.”

“It’s not a contest,
and I’m clean.”

She pauses and digs
through her bag for makeup. “You’re absolutely right, it’s not a contest.” She
puckers her lips and applies a coat of pink lipstick. “I wish I could get you
out of my head.”

“Is that what you

“What I
to be one of
women. You’ve sampled an entire army of vaginas, but I guarantee the people who
spread eagle for you don’t give two shits about their bodies. I’ve always
thought of myself as being better than that.” She raises her hands and shows
off her figure. “I want a guy who thinks I’m special, not someone who finds me
weak or easy prey.”

“You’re definitely
not weak.”

“And I’m not a sex
toy.” She puts her hands on her hips. “If I show you a good time you sure as
hell better reciprocate.”

“Of course.” Fuck,
she’s in control again.

“That doesn’t happen
in porn. The guy gets off and the girl gets nothing. I won’t allow you to treat
me that way.”

“You’re taking this
to an extreme.”

“You were a fucking
porn star! This sucks. I don’t want someone who’s going to fuck me then try to
fuck my best friend the next day.”

“That’s not exactly
what we do or what I did. It was years ago anyway.”

“Oh yeah? So what
you do?”

My head shakes
incessantly. There’s no way I’m going to take this conversation that far. “It’s
not important.”

“So why even bring
it up?”

“I’m starting to ask
myself the same question,” I exhale. “Because I thought you wanted more from me
and this is the simplest thing to start with.”

“It’s what?
For Christ’s sake, next you’re going to tell me you’re a serial killer.”

I laugh and look at
the floor. “You know that’s not true or you’d already be dead.”

“Not funny.”

“Whatever happened
to liking me because I’m mysterious and a little dangerous? Don’t you think
it’s cool in any way? The guy you’re with is a former porn star. Your friends
will find it fascinating.” I smirk.

“No, it’s gross.”
She sets her ass against the counter and rubs her temples, possibly thinking of
a way to get out of this situation. It takes her forever to speak again.

I wait, but she
doesn’t say what that means.

“What? Alright,

, I think I can handle this... maybe.”
Her hand touches my dick and our eyes lock. “I hate the fact that this thing
has had so much fun without me, and I’d be lying if I said I’m not insecure
about pleasuring you now, especially knowing
women have had their way with you. I had hoped to impress
you, but I guess that’s impossible.”

“Jules, you...”

My cock’s released, as I’m hushed. “But, I did impress you, didn’t I? I’m the
one standing next to you and not Chloe, or any of your past whores.”

“You’re like a
breath of fresh air,” I whisper. “Your reaction alone is enough to put a smile
on my face, not to mention your maturity in wanting to try to move past this so

I can’t believe
these words are coming out of my mouth. If my father was still around and he
heard this shit, he’d slam my head against a wall and call me pussy-whipped.
Then he’d hand me a shot of liquor and tell me
fuck next.

“Come here.” I pull
her closer and place my hand on the side of her face. Her tongue glides across
her lips, yearning for my mouth.

“So according to
you, you’re not a porn star anymore,” she says. “They may not kiss, but real
men sure as hell do. Show me. I want a long passionate one, not some short five
second peck like you usually give me.”

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