Jameson Hotel - the Dark Suite Series: Parts One, Two & Three (5 page)

BOOK: Jameson Hotel - the Dark Suite Series: Parts One, Two & Three
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“I also find you
mysterious, a little dangerous, and haunting my every thought.” She stands and
moves closer. “And your fingers mimic your words, sometimes gentle and calm
reaching deep inside of me.” She takes my hand and slides it under her skirt.
“And other times they can be disciplinary and cruel.”

I breathe heavily
and slip one inside her warm body. She moans and closes her eyes.

“Discipline me,
Mark.” Her head rests against my chest as my finger glides around her viscid
pussy. “Punish me for falling for you.”


A,” I respond to her leering tone with a hard swallow. Hell, this woman got me
stiff in thirty seconds. “Look at me,” I command.

She obeys with a roused
expression and unbuttons my shirt. My nipples are sucked and kissed with great

“Jules,” I pant,
“tell me where you slept last night. I need to know.”

She unzips then
drops her skirt, taking off her sweater and bra, standing with only a thong on
her body.

I drop my towel as
she positions her chest over the arm of the sofa, her head down and ass high in
the air.

“Give me the works,”
she whispers. “I don’t want to feel like I’m a part of your life when I’m not.
Hurt me so that I hate you.” She looks at me with pleading eyes, waiting to
feel pain.

“Never,” I scorn.

She rises slowly
from my response, wanting to hear more.

“You know I’m a
sucker for this type of play, but only because it’s always been pleasurable for
both of us. I can’t give you what you’re asking for right now.” I wrap my towel
back around my waist. “It’s not what


ulia’s reeled
me in and now she has me in a small white bucket, unable to swim away and with
little room to turn around. Jumping out at this point would only leave me
flopping on the ground and gasping for air. All I can do is stay and wait for
her to prepare my body to be pan fried, eaten, and shit out.

I’m rather fond of

She pulled that act
so my true colors would show, thinking she’d be a sneaky little bitch when all
along I knew what she was doing. By her blissful expression, I could tell she
was pleased with my response and is now fully aware my dick isn’t going to
disappear after one dip. She trusts me. And thankfully I didn’t have to say
much for her to finally get the drift. The term ‘dating’ is something she needs
to erase from her vocabulary, but seeing one another is fine. Those were my

I want to see you.

I have to laugh at
the irony of being bound to a woman who I haven’t even fucked yet.

And I was clear when
I put my towel back on that her response about her whereabouts angered the fuck
out of me - enough that our playtime before work was over before it even began.

I’m running on a
meager three hours of sleep. The adrenaline from the kill has worn off and I’ve
spent six hours in my office, going over the budget and financial records with
my hotel manager, and trying to figure out where the fuck
staying or if he’s even in town.

I didn’t expect to
see him yesterday, but am surprised he didn’t show his face again today. He
probably wants me to get all fidgety and paranoid, which isn’t going to happen.
And I may have shed one of my blades after the last kill, but I have plenty
more. One of them surely has his name on it.

Nine o’clock.

I watched Julia
throughout the evening, but kept my distance so I could get some work
accomplished. She knew I was busy and it’s not unusual for us to have days
apart or even not cross paths, which means she’s also unsuspecting of my truck
trailing three cars behind hers, along Route 50, after her shift ends.

It’s dark and with
the headlights shining in her rear view mirror, it would be impossible for her
to spot the pursuit. She’s left me no choice but to find the answers myself.

After a five-minute
drive we arrive in town. She circles the downtown shopping area before parking
behind an old church. I pull into a lot across the street and watch from my
truck as she tugs on the side door of the stone building, then the front, with
no luck. Both are locked. She returns to her car, defeated.

“I knew it,” I

I send her a text.

Plans tonight?

She smiles when she
reads the message, but after staring at her cell for a few minutes, she puts it
away and never responds.

“Now where to?”

I pursue at a
distance from the church to one of the handful of secluded lakefront parks.
It’s closed, but she drives her beat up Toyota Corolla around the barricade and
vanishes down the dark road.

“Fuck, Jules.” I
squeeze my Tacoma through the same space; barely making it without a scratch,
then turn off my lights and park next to the first picnic area I see. She won’t
be far from here, the park’s not very big, and she’ll have to come back this
way if she decides to leave.

I pull out my gun,
concerned more about the bears than the drifters in this area, and maintain a
steady pace off the pavement to quiet my footfalls.

The lights of her
car ignite the lake ahead where she’s parked next to a small restroom. She takes
a sleeping bag from her trunk, turns off the engine, and settles into the
backseat. She needs her neck ringed for being such a fucking dumbass. This area
sucks for a young woman to be all alone, not to mention the low temperature.
She’s going to freeze.

To hell if I’ll let
this happen.
I text a warning so she’s prepared.

Don’t be scared. I’m here.

Her cell illuminates
the inside of her car and a second later her head appears over the back seat,
searching for a man approaching in the dark.

She opens her door
with a doleful expression from being caught.

I slide in next to
her and she locks us inside. There’s a steak knife next to my foot, something
she probably uses for protection. Other random items, mostly clothing, jewelry,
and packaged food are also on the floor and passenger seat.

I’m silent, waiting
for my heart to slow, my gut to relax, and my head to unwind. She’s not staying

“What the
fuck are
you doing?” My mouth is taut with fury and even
though I’m whispering, she knows I’m upset.

“I can’t believe you
followed me.”

“You should’ve
answered me earlier.”

“Maybe where I sleep
is none of your business.”

“Don’t fuck with me.
You can’t sleep here, Jules. I won’t allow it.”

“Well, the police
have a shit fit when I sleep in the shopping center parking lots.”

I throw my head back
and exhale. “Fuck. How long have you been living in your car?”

“A while.”

“A month? Two
months? Fucking talk to me.”

“Alright. Since last
spring.” She raises her voice.


“Why?” She looks
speechless that I would ask such a question. “What? Do you think I’m a druggie
or something? Think about it, Mark. I work thirty hours a week and make twelve
dollars an hour. After taxes I’m living on twelve hundred a month. I have to
buy food and gas; pay for my car insurance, health care, my P.O. box and a
storage unit. I have a student loan too. It’s not enough. I can’t afford an
apartment right now and I haven’t been able to find a second job.”

“Don’t you have any
friends... family... and what the hell did you think you were going to do in
the winter? You’ll freeze to death!” I yell. “And why didn’t you tell me? This
is asinine, complete bullshit.”

“Christ, don’t you
get it? I stay with friends sometimes, but I can’t do it every night. They
can’t support me. And my parents said I needed to figure things out on my own.
They can’t support me either. I can tell you come from money. You wouldn’t
understand,” she sighs.

I place my gun and
coat on the floor and put my hands on the back of my neck. I breathe deeply,
feeling restricted at the moment, and needing to regain my composure. She
hasn’t a clue about my past. No one does except my sister. We were dirt poor
after my father left and had to scrape by just to eat. If my mother could’ve
figured out a way to sell the two of us for a little extra cash, she would
have. It wasn’t until I was out of high school that my father reappeared with
the big bucks from his casinos and porn company.

She places a hand on
my leg. “Mark, I’ll be fine. No need to pity me. Now take your pursed lips and
go home.”

A snicker suddenly
transforms my stern face. “Don’t be ridiculous, I’m not leaving you here. You
can stay with me tonight. Tomorrow I’ll set you up with your own room so you
can have a little privacy and not have to worry about me attacking your tits all

“Mark, I...”

“I’m not ready for
us to live together, but that doesn’t mean I can handle you living in this
car.” I take her hand. “For fuck’s sake, Jules, I own my own hotel. Start your
engine and get your ass back there. This isn’t a debate, it’s a demand.”

Her head shakes as
she tries to restrain a grin. “Are you really going to do this... for me?” My
waist is straddled and her hands grip my shoulders with sheer excitement. “I
get to spend the night? You mean like actually sleep over? You’re not talking
about a night of fooling around then I get dressed and leave... but a night
where I can

“I thought we
already had this conversation today.”

“You haven’t said
the actual words,” she whispers, leaning in and nibbling at my ear. Her hand
caresses my dick and I lower my body in the seat to give her more headroom.

“I think I’ve said
plenty.” I touch the side of her face and her massaging hand over my pants has
me fully erect. “You need to be careful what you wish for anyway. Once you’re
in my life, I’ll be keeping an eye on you at all times.” I smirk. “I can be a
controlling bastard.”

“I like that about
you.” She unbuttons my shirt then pulls off her sweater and unsnaps her bra.
“I’m ready to be under your control.”

Her tits are quickly
in my hands and I wonder who really holds all of the power, her or me.

My cock’s engorged
as she rises on the seat, allowing me to slide my pants down. I never imagined
at my age being in the back seat of a Corolla with a twenty-two-year-old on my
lap, her tits in my face, and my pants wrapped around my ankles. I hope the
fucking cops don’t show up.

“Mark,” she whispers
in my ear. “I said I’m ready to be under your control.”

Oh shit.

Her back is on the
seat, legs up, feet against the window, and a condom’s out of my wallet in less
than five seconds.

“You don’t have to
put out because I’m giving you a place to stay. You’re not my whore.”

She pulls me down
and grips my hips. “I was waiting for you to show that you cared.”

Holding the back of
her head with two hands, I fixate on her eyes to make sure this is
what she wants.

“Do it,” she

Fuck yeah. My ass
tightens as I slide inside her slick pussy.

“Mark,” she says
faintly. “I need you.”

I slide slowly out
and back in.

She turns her head.

My head is spinning
from her roused voice and I can’t keep from driving faster.

“Yes!” she calls out
as I attack her tits and thrust over her passionately. I have one knee on the
floor and a hand on the window, but to hell if I’m going to stop fucking her
because I’m uncomfortable. I’ve waited too long. It’s been six weeks since I’ve
had my dick in a woman - the longest I’ve gone without pussy since I was

I hold her neck and
demand to hear my name once more.

“Mark.” The word
ejaculates from her mouth like she’s about to cum. “Mark.” She reaches for her

“Tell me how much
you want me,” I pant.

My nipples are
grabbed and I’m pulled closer for a kiss. I’m done for. Opening up to her like
this... the moment our lips touch... damn it; I’m a weakened mess from her
pussy and tongue. This will be quick.

“Uh, fuck.” My palm
slaps the roof of her car as my legs convulse and cum fires out. “Fuck.” I
shove my cock further in. “You wicked woman.”

What flows from my
body is like the blood that streams from my victims. Both fluids are sticky,
warm, and cause a loss of breath.

I fall over her,
flush, with a hammering heart. I want more.

“Fucking hell,
Jules.” I groan.

“Mark.” She pushes
me off in a panic. “There’s a guy outside the car!”

“Son of a bitch.”

I reach for my gun,
but she grasps my hand, saving my ass from making a tragic mistake. It’s a cop.
I can tell by the routine tap on the window and the flashlight shining in my
eyes, and Julia was fully aware of who it was before I came to my senses. She’s
probably been awakened a few times this way while sleeping in her car.

“Damn it, put your
clothes on,” I whisper while sliding quickly into my pants. “I knew this was
happen.” Jules unlocks the car when the cop taps
again. I place my hands on my legs as he opens the door and shines the light in
both of our faces.

“Miss?” He looks at
Jules. “You here against your will?” His voice is burly and direct.

“No, definitely
not,” she replies. “And I’m not a prostitute either.”

The light does a dance
through her car, darting along the front seats and around the floor.

“ID’s,” he says.

I keep a straight
face, one hand on my leg while the other reaches for my wallet in my back
pocket. He has his hand on his gun and I notice his car parked on the other
side of the restroom. He must have arrived when I was
or I would’ve heard him drive up.

“Age?” he asks while
looking at our drivers licenses.

“Twenty-two,” Jules

“It’s on my
license,” I reply.

“Don’t get smart,”
he says. He shakes his head and shines the light into our faces again. “That
your Tacoma parked just past the entrance?”


“The park’s closed
for the season, that’s why the barricade’s in place,” he scolds.

I nod.

“Don’t mean to scare
you two, but a body was found along one of the western park trails earlier
today. We’re keeping a watchful eye out until we can figure out exactly what
happened. I suggest you find another spot to...” He flashes the light on my
suit and then at Julia’s beat up car. “I think you can at least treat this
woman to a hotel room.” He hands us back our ID’s. “Right, Mr. Jameson?”

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