James, Elle Saint - Unbridled and Unridden [The Double Rider Men's Club 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (13 page)

BOOK: James, Elle Saint - Unbridled and Unridden [The Double Rider Men's Club 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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The elevators going to the employee apartments floor were secured from the general guests, or he would have tried to sneak up there first. Jessica had mentioned it the night before in bed. He had a flash of snuggling up to her in the middle of the night. That wouldn’t be hard to get used to at all.

A front desk worker noticed him waiting and called the acting manager for him upon his request.

He’d no more than stepped away from the counter when Jessica came whizzing out from around a curved wall past the front desk and nearly knocked him down in her zeal.

“Mr. Wilder,” she exclaimed in a breathy voice that sent his libido to the sky. She braked herself in time to keep from running into him.

“Miss Troy. Just the person I needed to see. Are you the acting manager tonight?”

The color came up in her face, as if she’d been running, or having sex. “Not exactly. The acting manager is on a dinner break. I’m next in chain of command. Can I help you with something?”

Deacon looked over at the front desk and waved at the woman who’d called the manager for him. He mouthed a silent thank-you. She smiled in return, nodded once and turned back to another customer at the desk.

“Is there someplace private where we could go and chat?” He wasn’t sure she’d allow him back in her apartment. Not especially after she’d spent lunch with Boyd there. He couldn’t wait to tell her they both wanted her. Would she consider continuing with both of them?

“Depends. Is this business or pleasure?” The blush remained in her cheeks. He wasn’t sure what to say to answer her. Deacon wanted desperately to enclose this perfect woman in his arms and run away with her. They could pick up Boyd on the way. He mentally shook his head. Just being in her seductive presence brought out something fanciful in his soul.

“What if I said both? Would that get me into a private space with you tonight?”

She glanced at her watch. “The acting manager will be back in a few minutes, hopefully not more than twenty. Then I’m off duty for the rest of the evening.”

“Perfect. I’ll wait.”

“Really? I thought you were hosting a party at your exclusive men’s club tonight.”

Deacon tilted his head to one side. “Where’d you hear that?” Earlier, Boyd insisted he hadn’t ever bought the DRMC up in their conversation.

She crossed her arms and glanced quickly to her left and then her right before saying, “The guests Boyd set up in the penthouse suite were standing by the private car pickup area earlier. I overheard them talking about it as I sorted the mail.” She hadn’t looked him in the eyes the entire time she spoke, but her cheeks were now as red as the fire engine his cousin rode on back east.

“I see. It’s true I left to come and talk to you personally. I’ll eventually have to get back for the postparty, but I have a few minutes to spare.”

“Aren’t you missing out on the christening of the

“How do you know about
?” Deacon thought his own cheeks felt a little bit warm all of a sudden.

“Same conversation. It was quite an education. Even more than the one you and I shared last night.”

“Really. What else do you know?”

She leaned closer. Her unique fragrance washed across his senses. As was becoming a regular occurrence each time he came in contact with Jessica, his heart pounded and his cock twitched.

There wasn’t anyone else within twenty feet of them, but she whispered, “I know about the live sex show, which I understand will be between two men and a woman. And that a double penetration will be performed onstage.”

He entertained a seed of hope that since she hadn’t run screaming away from him once she’d learned about the highlights of their annual party and a few elements of their unbridled lifestyle, perhaps she’d be willing to speak to him about a future.

“You know more than I ever would have shared initially.” Deacon watched for her overall reaction to what she’d learned. Was she intrigued?

“Speaking of sharing. Is that what you and Boyd want to do with me?”

If he’d had anything in his mouth he would have spit it out in shock. Deacon glanced around again and decided that twenty feet wasn’t enough distance to discuss this topic in public.

“I’d like to talk to you in private more than anything else in this world right now about that very topic. The operative words being in private.”

“Will you take me?”

Deacon had a two-second moment of misunderstanding. He wondered if she meant
will you have sex with me this second
. His cock stirred.

“Where? To the Stadium party? I don’t know if that would be a good idea.” He and Boyd would have to resist her. She wasn’t in any position to participate given that she’d been stripped of her virginity only last night. Not that he had any plans to fuck anyone else at this year’s event. He’d planned to get through this week with the DRMC activities avoiding all female contact thrust in his path so he could then pursue Jessica. Boyd seemed to be on the same page.

“What if I want to go?” She looked so cute with her sleek, dark hair pinned up in an efficient manner. Her arms were crossed like she was about to give a lecture on decorum, and that sexy, professional work outfit made his cock pulse in delight. He scanned her body top to bottom and back again.

The frilly skirt just this side of flirty, and the fitted blouse that molded to her perfect body, made him stupid. He wanted to kiss her mouth, smooth away the wisps of hair about to escape. He wanted to then begin a seduction that wouldn’t culminate in sex until next week once she wasn’t so overused after her first time with a man, or men in this case.

“I can’t think of a reason not to take you. But I’m sure there is one.” Deacon would have punched Boyd out if he’d lost at rock, paper, scissors and brought her out to the DRMC property.

“I’ll get my things.”

“I thought you were waiting for your manager to get back.”

She shrugged and smiled. “I’m on call for another ten minutes. I figure any further
executive involved
discussions can wait until the acting manager gets back.”

“I think you tricked me.”

“Get used to it. I frequently get what I want. And I’m wily about it.”

“I’ll say.” Deacon covertly watched her ass as she walked away and couldn’t help but notice she seemed to have a spring in her step rather than any ill effects from her extended initiation into lovemaking over the past twenty-four hours.

After thinking it over for about a millisecond, he decided not to warn Boyd that they were coming. He could sneak her into their box by way of their assigned garage space. Each box within the Stadium had a private access that didn’t go through the main lobby of the building. She could appease her curiosity without the possibly of seeing anyone she knew. Win-win.

She returned in less than five minutes with her purse. He glanced at his watch. It was only a fifteen minute drive from the hotel to the Stadium’s underground parking structure. A hunger regarding where they were headed registered deep in his gut, however he squashed it.

They were not having double penetration sex with her tonight.

He didn’t care how wily she was.

* * * *

Boyd was kicked back on one of two oversized recliners centered in front of the glass wall. He heard Deacon return through the private entrance.
Good, he made it before the show started.
Beer held comfortably in one hand, Boyd didn’t even look over. He just kept his eyes on the stage. The show was about to begin. He’d turned the speakers on low so they could hear as well as see the performance in action.

Everything in the building was completely state of the art. The only thing missing was the desire to share it with a woman other than a lovely, innocent, Jessica Troy, who probably hated him for being so forceful. He hadn’t known, but should have guessed her level of experience.

The moment his cock sunk in that first delicious inch, the titan grip of her narrow pussy should have warned him her level of experience was limited. And once he realized how tight she was, he shouldn’t have been so rough. Even after she begged him to go harder. His cock hardened in memory.
. After this week of obligation to the DRMC, he planned to find Jessica and give her a personal apology. If she would even speak to him.

Her luscious scent arrived two seconds before she stepped next to his chair. He almost dropped his beer bottle, he stood so fast.

“Hi,” she said simply. Her smile, which looked sincerely glad to see him, knocked his soul to its knees. His guilt almost didn’t allow him to experience the utter bliss of her arrival.

“Hi, yourself. What in the world are you doing here?” He sent a glare over her head to Deacon, now entering. Deacon flipped him off.

“I invited myself. Wanted to see what all the fuss was about.” She turned toward the glass wall facing the stage. “Has it started yet?” She moved away two steps, but he caught her arm and pulled her back.

He put his beer down and hugged her tight against his chest. “I’m sorry if I was too rough on you earlier. If I’d known, nothing would have happened.”

She pulled away from him. A half smile shaped her lips. “I know, which is why I didn’t tell you.”

Boyd softly pulled her into his arms again. “Are you really okay?” He brushed a hand down her luxurious mane of hair, wanting to grip it in his fingers the next time they were fucking. If there ever was a next time.

“I’m fine.” She squeezed his neck and sighed. “I’m not made of glass, you know.”

“I’m not so sure.”

Deacon came up behind her and pressed his chest into her back and trapped her between them. She glanced over one shoulder. “Getting me prepped, or trying to scare me off?”


“I’m not afraid of either of you. I know you’d never hurt me. I want to know what you
like so I don’t feel like such a ridiculously inexperienced novice. Please let me at least see what this club is all about.”

Boyd kissed her mouth. She kissed back. “You are not any of those words regarding novice. You’re a sexy siren. You can stay, but we are not having sex with you.”

“What if I’m in the mood?”

“Then we’ll take turns eating your pussy.” The stage music started and the three of them turned toward the glass wall.

“My pussy is just fine.”

“Yes, it is.” Boyd watched as she peered through the window at the stage below. Her wide-eyed, oh-so-innocent, and expectant expression hit him hard below the belt. “I don’t know what Deacon told you, but we will not be having sex with you this evening.”

“Deacon also told her no sex tonight,” said Deacon with a laugh.

She turned and looked over her shoulder with a sassy smile. “But don’t you want to?”

“Doesn’t matter. I’m surprised you can walk.”

“Oh, I can do lots of things. Walk, work, suck.”

The sudden image of her cherry-red lips wrapped around his cock actually made him stagger in his step on the way to her side.

“Stop teasing him,” Deacon said from behind her. “I already told her she gets to watch, but no penetration.”

“I can still suck your cocks.”

Boyd shuddered in pleasure at the mention of oral sex. His cock throbbed in his pants. “And I can still suck your clit. Want me to do it as you watch the double penetration sex?”

He flipped her skirt up and had her panties off in seconds. Below them on the stage, the trio for tonight’s performance had entered the platform. The brass pole was gone in favor of a large bed centered there instead. The silk sheets were a black-and-red pattern and displayed the three in contrast very well.

“Put your hands on the window and brace yourself, honey.” Boyd fell to his knees, spread her legs apart, and crawled beneath her. As the music came up and moaning emanated from the stage below, Boyd fastened his mouth to her pussy. Above him, Deacon had pulled her shirt and bra off. He had both hand on her tits, kneading the flesh as he looked over her shoulder, presumably to watch the performance. Boyd didn’t care if he saw it. His goal was to please Jessica. He wanted her to have satisfaction as she watched something that gave him and Deacon pleasure.

If she willingly wanted to join them, he’d be ecstatic. He sucked her clit between his lips and teased the bud with his tongue. She made a groaning noise, and a gush of fluid came from her pussy. Boyd reached up and gathered the juice on his fingertips with gentle care. He then pushed two fingers into the rosebud of her ass. She cried out and her knees bent, pushing her pussy hard into his mouth.

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