James, Elle Saint - Unbridled and Unridden [The Double Rider Men's Club 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (12 page)

BOOK: James, Elle Saint - Unbridled and Unridden [The Double Rider Men's Club 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Jessica tugged her shirt off the moment Boyd left her apartment, spritzed it with some water, and tossed it into the dryer. Hopefully it would take out the wrinkles she’d incurred by throwing it on the ground before being gloriously fucked against the wall. Even saying the words “fucked against the wall” made her pussy gush. She’d become a wanton in one day.

She took a quick shower as her shirt dried. Afterward, and as she had this morning, Jessica used a special lubricant product to moisturize her pussy after the wicked sex she’d just had. Any future discomfort had been entirely worth it.

She felt well used, but not too uncomfortable. She would give herself a rest and stop jumping men for a few days. Smiling at her own debauchery, Jessica relived the moment Boyd plunged into her the first time. She shut her eyes and smiled. Then she revisited the moment Deacon pierced her for the first time last night, and rid her of her virginity forever. Another smile shaped her lips. These men were both special in their own way. She’d never forget them ever.

Best of all she could go to her class reunion with the confidence that she’d had multiple sexual partners and wasn’t still the prissy little cocktease virgin from high school. It shouldn’t be important after all this time, but Jessica was now imbued with self-assurance in the sexual arena of life.

The moment she finished toweling off, the dryer buzzed. She dressed quickly, put new panties on, pulled out her shirt which was almost as good as new, slipped it on, and headed down to relieve Gregory with two minutes to spare.

Life was certainly not predictable. It was, however, amazingly fabulous from her current point of view.

The afternoon was busy as the hotel was to capacity with the pending graduations across the city. It was like this each and every late spring, but she loved it.

The front desk was so busy checking people in that she left Gregory at the concierge desk and offered to help the front desk process the mass of people standing in line.

Toward the end of a busy afternoon, an attractive man approached her station and checked in. She was cordial as she was with every guest, but he lingered and before leaving her counter leaned close. “Would you be available for dinner tonight?”

Jessica felt her eyes widen with utter surprise. “I’m sorry, sir. I’m

“Of course, a girl that looks like you must have a boyfriend, am I right?” He gave her a thousand-watt smile that surely worked like magic on lots of women. “I understand. But you can’t blame a guy for trying.” Another smile, and he moved away from the desk.

“No, sir.” Jessica let him believe she had an imaginary boyfriend tucked away somewhere. She found it very interesting that suddenly she got an offer for a date from a strange guy. More amazing was the fact that he looked like a male model had stepped out of a magazine to make the request. Was that what losing your virginity did for you? Made you more desirable to other men now that you were initiated already?

Most surprising of all was the fact that she had absolutely no sexual interest in him whatsoever. If he offered to give her loads of money and marry her if she’d only sleep with him, she would have turned him down flat. He held no spark for her. Not one iota of hunger laced through her body for the incredibly attractive man now walking away from the desk.

“Girl, I can’t believe you turned that
down,” said Gloria at the next counter over in a whisper.

“Hottie or not, we aren’t supposed to date the guests. You know that.” She didn’t mention that it had been completely easy to turn Mr. Hottie down cold.

“Humph, for a piece of man candy like him, I would have made an exception. Yes, I would have.” She nodded once sharply and hooted in laughter.

Jessica inwardly smiled. Perhaps she wasn’t such a slut after all. It was true she couldn’t seem to control herself around Deacon or Boyd, but at least the rest of the
hottie male
population was safe from her abundant lust.

After the rush of guests checking in slowed down, Jessica shifted her attention to helping the bellmen get the bags up to the rooms in a timely fashion.

When a special package came for the room number that Boyd had rented for his friends, Jessica went up and delivered the oversized envelope herself. A nice-looking man answered the door. When he signed for the package, Jessica noticed another couple in the living room area. They were drinking wine and laughing.

No job was too small in her profession, and so next she headed to the end of the front desk and helped keep the bags going into the hotel. Once that was caught up, she headed to the mail station and started placing envelopes into the various boxes for the hotel staff. She was behind a wall that opened next to the side exit of the hotel where private limos arrived to pick up guests away from the hubbub of the taxi stand.

A man and woman waited just on the other side of the wall right next to the out-of-sight open counter where she worked. Their voices sounded familiar, and after only a few sentences, she recognized them as two of the three guests who had checked to the room Boyd had arranged.

A warm feeling enveloped her as she thought about both Boyd and Deacon. If they were friends of Boyd’s, then they also likely knew Deacon.

She didn’t
to listen in for any more than an interest in the two men who’d so touched her heart and changed her life.

“I can’t wait to see the performance tonight,” the woman said with a certain excitement in her tone. “I’m dying to see the building they’ve constructed in utter secrecy to serve as the new permanent playhouse for the men’s club.”

“Me either. Boyd and Deacon both said that all the private boxes in the Stadium are perfectly soundproof and have a clear, unobstructed view to the stage. Now everyone can be as loud or as quiet in their private spaces without disturbing or hearing others. It’ll be great.”

“I’m sure we’ll be making lots of noise ourselves during the show,” the woman remarked in a low tone filled with laughter.

Jessica wondered what on earth they’d be watching in a stadium that would require a soundproof box. She shrugged and kept filling slots with envelopes.

“I’m so glad you found your way to joining our lifestyle, my love,” the man said.

“Me, too. I never thought I’d end up with two husbands.”

Two husbands? What?
Jessica’s attention was now caught. She paused, hand in midair, putting the next letter in its slot.

“So the only question is, which one of us will pierce your pussy, and who will be left to fuck your lovely ass tonight?”

The mail Jessica dropped scattered soundlessly around her feet. Her face heated to boiler room levels as the question, “Who will be left to fuck your lovely ass?” reverberated in her head.

Were they swingers? In her limited knowledge, and being virginity free for merely a day, she was fairly certain that two couples were involved with swinging. And they traded partners, didn’t they? She’d never heard of two men sharing a woman before.

“Have Deacon and Boyd found a woman they can share permanently? Are they even looking? They are so sweet. I wish they could find someone they loved.”

“Don’t know. Even if they had, they’d probably keep it pretty quiet. Although, Deacon’s such a workaholic, I can’t imagine he’d take the time even if a woman fell into his lap and started sucking. I think Boyd is more open to a permanent situation if he could find a girl he liked. He won’t ever admit it, but he’s picky as hell where women are concerned. I don’t know if anyone will ever be perfect enough.”

Jessica almost swallowed her tongue.
A woman to share between them? What?
She took a step and leaned toward the wall opening. The mail beneath her feet crunched and folded around her shoes.

“Perhaps they’ll find the perfect woman this week during the annual live sex show event.”

Live sex show?
Jessica felt the blood drain out of her face. Her mouth fell open.

“I’m so glad we found each other,” the woman said. Jessica heard them kiss passionately.

“Me too. Good thing you brought that lotto ticket to me in my hotel room,” he said.

“Good thing Zachary lured me into his room after you ditched me for a client,” she countered.

“Good thing you liked it when I came in and joined the two of you later on.”

“Good thing I liked watching live ménage sex shows with double penetration sex.”

“Yeah. Good thing.” They both dissolved into laughter and kissed again until the other man in their party joined them.

“Have you two already started without me?” the third man asked. She heard another kiss.

Jessica’s mouth remained open but no sound came out as she sifted through the conversation between Boyd’s friends.

Stadiums? Live sex shows? Double penetration? Oh my.

Chapter Eight

Horrified that Jessica had endured rough sex with Boyd against a wall, no less, Deacon’s primary concern was only that she was so new to sex. He also had to quash a glimmer of delight. She’d also liked Boyd enough to fuck him. Perhaps they had a chance to bring her into their lives after all.

“I thought you said you were setting up a room for Johnny, Adam, and Veronica.” Deacon crossed his arms.

“I did.”

“Then please tell me how you ended up fucking Jessica against the entryway in her apartment?”

Boyd dropped his head. “I figured you had spent the night when you didn’t come home, but she asked me to her apartment after we had a
while checking out the suite.”

“A moment? Okay. So when you shoved your cock into her overused pussy, you didn’t notice how tight she was?”

notice. And I asked her if she was a virgin. She said no, she wasn’t a virgin, that she was just small.”

“Right. So it’s her fault.”

“I did not say that. But I swear to you she told me she didn’t want to stop.”

“Shit. I hope you didn’t hurt her.”

Boyd put a hand to his forehead. “You and me both.”

“Try calling her again.” Deacon nudged him.

“I’ve already left two messages. Hotel management will think she has a stalker if I call again.”

“One of us should go up there.” Deacon glanced at the clock and swore.

Boyd threw his arms in the air. “The preparty for annual event starts in an hour. We’re hosting it, remember?”

“I know it.” Deacon ran his hand through hair. “Clay picked a hell of a time to be gone from the DRMC ranch. We’ve been planning this for several months.”

Boyd pressed his hands together in front of his chest as if trying to temper his anger. “He had a terminally ill family member to visit. It wasn’t like he wanted to go.”

“I know, but I truly wish he was here. I won’t be able to focus on the party until I know Jessica is okay.”

“I have an idea. One of can play host and the other can go make apologies to Jessica in person, then return in time for the postparty. Agreed?” Deacon stared a hole into Boyd’s eyes.

“Rock, paper, scissors?” Boyd asked.

Deacon dropped a fist in his other palm. “Yep. Let’s go.” He didn’t know whether he wanted to win or lose. In the end it didn’t matter what he wanted.

The ride to the hotel didn’t piss him off as much as losing the rock, paper, scissors match to Boyd. Again.
Have I ever won a match?
He should have just volunteered to go talk to Jessica in the first place.

His biggest worry beyond her health was that she wouldn’t be interested in hearing about their men’s club. Next in line as a concern was that she wouldn’t care for what they loved sexually. But he had to try, and knew the annual event didn’t hold the same appeal until he saw her one more time.

He entered into the lobby of the hotel and scanned the area where the concierge desk resided. She wasn’t there. He looked left along the counter where three front desk workers were busy with an equal number of guests. She wasn’t there either.

Deacon strolled toward a quiet area beyond the front desk. He thought he remembered the manager’s office was on this side. He’d inquire as to her whereabouts under the guise of wanting to compliment her on a job well done in securing the suite for their friends. Perhaps she could be called down to the lobby if she were in her apartment. So he could thank her personally. He practiced what he’d say to the manager.

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