Read Jack and Jill Went Up to Kill Online
Authors: Michael P. Spradlin
ittle Bo Peep has lost her sheep,
She doesn't know they've turned into Zombies;
Leave them alone or they'll come home,
Bringing entrails behind them.
Little Bo Peep fell fast asleep
And dreamt she heard them bleating,
But when she awoke found it was no joke,
For they were all flesh eating.
Then up she took her little crook
Determined to smash their brains in.
She found them indeed, but it made her heart bleed,
For they left dead folks behind them.
It happened one day, as Bo Peep did stray
Into a meadow hard by,
There she started to slide on their gooey insides
All hung on a tree to dry.
She heaved a sigh, and wiped her eye,
And over the hillocks went killing,
And tried what she could, as a shepherdess should,
To stop Zombie sheep from spreading.
eter, Peter, fresh brain eater,
Chomped his wife and she was sweeter!
He ate her brains before they smelled,
And thought she tasted pretty swell!
hree little kittens lost their mittens, as they began to turn,
“Oh Mother dear, we sadly fear that we have lost our mittens.”
“What! Lost your mittens, you naughty kittens!
Then you have no brain pie.”
“Meeow, meeow, meeow, now we shall have no pie.”
The three little kittens they found their mittens,
And they began to spew,
“Oh Mother dear, see here, see here
For we have found our mittens.”
“Go away, go away, you zombie kittens
For you shall make me die.”
“Meowbraiiins, meowbraiins ⦠meowbraiins,
Now let us have brain pie.”
The three little kittens put on their mittens
And soon ate up the mail guy,
“Oh Mother dear, we greatly fear
That we have soiled our mittens.”
“What! Soiled your mittens, you naughty kittens!”
Then they began to cry, “Meeowbraainnns, meeow, meeow.”
Then they began to sigh.
The three little kittens they ate their mother
And soon began to cry,
“Oh Mother dear, you are not here
Your brain are upon our mittens.”
“Brains! Brains! upon our mittens, we zombie kittens.”
Do you smell a rat close by?
“Rat brains, rat brains, rat brains!” We smell a rat close by.
ary ran from a little lamb
It was Undead you know;
And everywhere that Mary went,
The lamb tried hard to go.
It followed her to school one day,
And tried to eat its fill;
It made the children scream and cry,
A Zombie lamb at school!
And so the teacher chopped it down,
But still it crept so near,
And lumbered patiently about till Mary did appear.
“Why does the lamb chase Mary so?”
The terrified children cried;
“Why, Mary has such tasty brains, you know,”
The teacher did reply.
ittle Boy Blue!
Come blow your horn!
A Zombie's in the meadow,
And the cow has turned!
A Zombie Boy
Ate all the sheep,
He's under a haystack,
Undead in a heap.
Will you wake him?
No, not Iâ
For if I do,
He'll make me die.
he Queen of Hearts she ate some parts
All on a summer's day;
The Knave of Hearts he stole her parts
And took them clean away.
The King of Hearts called for more parts
And beat the Knave full sore.
The Knave of Hearts still ate the parts
And vowed he'd steal some more.
hree Zombie mice. Three Zombie mice.
See how they turn. See how they turn.
They all chased down the farmer's wife,
She tried smashing their heads with a big old knife,
Did you ever see such a sight in your life?
As three Zombie mice?