Izikiel (17 page)

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Authors: Thomas Fay

BOOK: Izikiel
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Izikiel woke some time later.
Looking around, he was unable to tell what time it was. The inside of the
looked exactly the same as it had before. Some instinct told him that he had only slept for a short amount of time. Standing up, he walked over to the cabinet. Submerging his hands in the basin of water, he was surprised at how cold the water was compared to the inside of the
. Washing his hands and face, he considered waking the others but decided against it.

Stepping out of the chamber
, he made his way to the staircase. Built out of solid gold, it was relatively warm to the touch. Descending to the lowest level, Izikiel looked around for the Baron. He saw him standing near the entrance with his back to him. As Izikiel approached him he felt a strange sensation impinging on his awareness. It was like a soft, warm breeze blowing across his face.

‘Come and join me disciple,’ the Baron said
, without turning around.

stopped in front of the Baron. The true believer seemed lost deep in a trance as his eyes were closed and he held his hands, palms upward, out in front of him. Suddenly, his eyes sprang open. Izikiel felt the strange sensation disappear as the Baron’s eyes focused on him.

‘I thought
that you would be asleep for a while yet,’ the Baron said, lowering his hands. ‘But as you are awake, we may begin.’

Izikiel nodded his understanding.

‘Your mastery of channelling the fiery power of the Flame is clear, disciple. But in order to use that same power to freeze objects and to heal, you will have to unlearn all that you have been taught.’

‘What do you mean?
’ Izikiel asked.

‘Creating fire, controlling the elements and moving objects all involve channelling the Flame’s power directly,’ the Baron explained. ‘In order to freeze an object, you must learn to
heat. To heal, you must learn to
the damaging effects of the fire. Do you understand?’

‘I think so. The power of the Eternal Flame is based around
heat and flame. In order to remove heat and to heal I need to invert that power.’

The Baron smiled.

‘Very good, disciple. I see that you are truly a quick learner. Let us begin.’

Turning around, the Baron walked into the centre of the
. Reaching the wooden shelf, he picked up a large bowl sitting on top. Looking at Izikiel, he asked, ‘Are you ready?’

Izikiel nodded.

‘I will pour the water out slowly. Concentrate on it and allow your mind to feel the water flowing out of the bowl. Reach out to the Eternal Flame with your mind. Allow its heat to flow within you. Then change that heat; mould it, reshape it and turn it against itself.’

Focusing on the bowl of water, Izikiel let out a slow breath. Steadying his thoughts
, he reached out to the Eternal Flame. The connection was instantaneous and without any pain as Izikiel felt gentle warmth flowing through every fibre of his being. He marvelled at the power of the
as he experienced the unfettered touch of the Eternal Flame. It felt as if each molecule of his being were alive.

With an effort
, he managed to concentrate on the bowl of water. He watched transfixed as the Baron slowly tipped the bowl and the first drops of water began to pour out. One drop followed another and soon a small stream of water fell steadily away from the edge of the bowl.

, Izikiel. Mould the power to your will,’ the Baron said.

Izikiel explored the
power coursing through him. It surged with a deep, residual warmth. Slowly, his mind began to control the power. At first, he could only shift it a little. Then, as he understood more, he began to channel it throughout his body. Lifting his hands, he concentrated that power within them. Then he
it. Somehow, he knew what to do as his mind altered the very nature of the Eternal Flame’s power. The deep, steady warmth was replaced with a bitter cold. Shaking slightly, Izikiel felt the cold intensifying as it began to spread up his arms. He began to panic as the cold moved up into his shoulders. The feeling was akin to experiencing the Void itself.

‘Release the power
,’ the Baron instructed.

Izikiel gritted his teeth and
attempted to open his mouth but the cold had now reached his face. Unable to speak, his eyes rolled back as he felt the cold drawing the life out of him.

‘Speak the word!’

With a supreme effort Izikiel managed to open his mouth.


The effect was incredible as the built up cold was expelled in a powerful burst from Izikiel’s
hands. It hurtled towards the falling water in two streams of liquid ice. Glinting a pale white, the ice connected with the water. Freezing it in both directions, it dissipated just as suddenly as it had formed.

Staggering forward
, Izikiel expelled a breath of icy air. Coughing, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. The frozen water fell out of the bowl. Hitting the solid gold floor of the
it shattered into a thousand pieces. The noise reverberated off the walls as the Baron appraised Izikiel with an upraised eyebrow.

‘Very impressive,’ the Baron
said. ‘Your power is truly unquestionable, disciple.’

as that? It felt as if I was going to die.’

‘The ability to change the power of the Eternal Flame is not without risks. You are after all tampering with a fundamental element underpinning our Universe. As long as you remember to retain control
, you will be able to use this ability safely.’

Izikiel nodded. He didn’t really trust himself to attempt anything like that again.

‘What now?’ he asked.

‘Now I
will teach you the ability to heal. Given the dangers ahead of you this will undoubtedly prove useful.’

‘Alright,’ Izikiel said. ‘But how do I practice that?’

‘We’ll need an injury for you to heal,’ the Baron said. Looking around the chamber, his eyes narrowed slightly as a smile spread across his lips.

‘I’m sure
that young Jonas will be more than willing to assist us as a volunteer.’

Izikiel turned around just in time to see Jonas step down from the staircase. He managed to look slightly ashamed of himself as he waved at them.

‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt,’ he said. Realising that both Izikiel and the Baron were staring at him, he took an uncomfortable step backwards.

Why are you two looking at me like that?’


The roar of the twin waterfalls filled the cavern. Even inside the
it was a constant presence, reverberating around the solid gold interior. Together with the eerie blue light cast by the stalactites far above, it confused and freed the senses allowing Izikiel to experience the touch of the Eternal Flame. It had an overwhelmingly soothing effect, which quickly banished the cold and panic that he had experienced moments before. Yet something of that experience lingered. He was unable to tell exactly what it was but he could still sense the faintest amount of that inverted power. It was almost as if it had changed him somehow.

So what do you need me to do?’ Jonas asked. His face had a slightly apprehensive expression.

Izikiel needs to learn how to heal injuries,’ the Baron explained.

But I’m not injured,’ Jonas said.

‘Yes, that’s a problem.’

‘You mean you want me to injure myself in some way?’

The Baron nodded his head.

‘Nothing drastic. The wound does not have to be serious or particularly deep.’

‘Alright, give me a moment,’ Jonas said. Looking around the room
, he located the wooden cabinet. Walking over to it, he picked up a small knife. Bracing himself, he pulled it across the palm of his hand. He grimaced as the blade dug into his skin. Dropping the knife, he held out his hand.

‘Is that enough?’ Jonas asked.

‘That will do just fine,’ the Baron replied. Turning to Izikiel, he motioned him closer. ‘Are you ready, disciple?’

Izikiel nodded. He was still unable to shake the feeling that something wasn’t quite right. Pushing those thoughts aside
, he looked at Jonas’ hand. The knife wound wasn’t deep but a considerable amount of blood had gushed out. It glistening a deep purple in the strange light of the

‘What must I do?’ Izikiel asked, his eyes never leaving Jonas’ hand.

‘Open your mind to the Eternal Flame as before. Allow its power to permeate your being, overflow every molecule of your body. Then, as before, control that power. Mould it. Reshape it. Alter the heat into a gentle healing breeze. Then speak the word and repair your friend’s injury.’

‘What is the word?’

The Baron smiled as his eyes locked onto Izikiel’s. Staring into his eyes, Izikiel was surprised at the intensity. There was something else there too. Something that he was surprised that he hadn’t noticed earlier. Something that he had sensed in Da’Amo also. A level of wisdom that was unattainable during a single lifetime.

‘Once you have heard or seen the ancient language you will never forget it. It will remain within you, waiting until you call upon it,’ the Baron

, Izikiel knew that was important. He repeated it to himself quietly.

‘Alright, I’m ready to begin.’

Closing his eyes, Izikiel re-established his connection with the Eternal Flame. Now that he knew to look locally within the
the link was instantaneous. He felt the raw power surging through his body, filling every fibre of his being. Izikiel channelled the power; pushed it from his left arm to his right, from one leg to the other, into the centre of his body. There he held it. The heat began to increase as the power sought to expand. But Izikiel held it there with the sheer force of his will. Then he began to exert his influence on it. At first, it seemed that nothing was changing. Then, slowly, the heat began to decrease. In a few moments it had dulled to a lukewarm sensation drifting at the centre of his being. Then Izikiel pushed with all his strength and reshaped what remained into an ethereal cloud. Holding it steady, he opened his eyes.

felt instantly different. The
was the same. The table with five chairs around it dominated the lower level. Jonas stood in front of him with his hand outstretched. Yet something
different. Then he looked at the Baron and felt a cold shiver flow through his body. He could barely recognise the true believer as his entire body was silhouetted in a burning flame. Yet the Baron seemed unaffected as he turned his burning face towards him.

‘Speak the word
, Izikiel,’ the flaming figure of the Baron instructed.

Turning his attention towards Jonas’ hand, Izikiel realised that he did remember the
word in the ancient language.


Izikiel felt his chest expand forward as the ethereal cloud of healing energy was released.
A blinding light erupted from his arm as he channelled the healing power towards Jonas’ hand. The blood flow stopped. Then the sides of the wound meshed together and the wound sealed itself. Jonas flexed his palm and smiled in surprise.

‘Wow. Now that’s something I haven’t seen before.’

Izikiel released his hold on the Eternal Flame and felt the last of the ethereal healing vapour fade away. He looked at the Baron. His dark brown eyes stared back at Izikiel from above the flowing white moustache. There was no sign of the flame that he had seen moments before.

‘Is everything alright, disciple?’
the Baron asked.

Izikiel decided it best to keep his discovery to himself for now.

‘Yes, I just need to sit down for a moment.’

Of course. The rest of your friends should be awake by now. We should have some breakfast.’

‘That sounds good. I’m starving,’ Jonas said
as he took a seat at the table.

Izikiel followed him and sat down on the opposite side. H
is eyes never left the Baron. What he had seen had surprised him. But as he thought back over their entire encounter with the true believer, he realised that it all made perfect sense. There was just one thing that he wasn’t sure of but he was confident that the Baron would let that slip sooner or later.


Te’Anne and her brother appeared
moments later, just as the Baron had predicted. Xavier seemed slightly apprehensive as he looked around the lower level of the
. Seeing that both Izikiel and Jonas were alright, he relaxed. Walking over to the table, he sat down next to Jonas. Te’Anne took the final seat between Izikiel and the Baron. Satisfied that they were all present, the Baron stood up and brought several plates of food over.

Izikiel was surprised to find that his plate contained what appeared to be scrambled eggs and bacon. A distant memory
, one of him having a similar breakfast in the kitchen of his house, surfaced unbidden. He clearly recalled the taste and smell of the bacon and eggs. Picking up a fork, he tasted the eggs. It was just as he remembered it. Somehow, he knew that was impossible, yet his mouth was telling him that it was
the same as he remembered.

‘I trust everything is to your liking?’ the Baron asked.

‘Delicious,’ Jonas managed to mumble in between mouthfuls. His plate was filled with small, flat cakes with thick syrup drizzled on top.

This tastes just like the breakfast our mother used to make for us when I was little,’ Te’Anne said. ‘Do you remember Xavier?’

‘Yes, you’re right. How i
s that possible?’ Xavier asked.

As one they all turned to look at the tru
e believer seated next to them.

, the Baron replied, ‘You are each experiencing that which you choose to.’

, how is this possible?’ Izikiel asked.

‘Have you forgotten where you are, disciple?’

‘You mean the Eternal Flame is responsible for this? For the food we’re eating?’

‘Look around
you. Do you see a kitchen? Or even more importantly, do you see any animals or plants anywhere?’

Izikiel stared dumbfounded at the Baron. He certainly hadn’t expected anything like this. Looking around
at the ornate furniture and paintings around them, he struggled to believe that they had all been created by the Eternal Flame.

‘Is it really so hard to believe?’ the Baron asked.

‘But...how is this possible?’ Izikiel asked.

The Baron stood up. Walking around the
he rested his hand on the wooden frame of one of the paintings depicting an ancient battle. Men clad in shining metal armour astride powerful warhorses with deep red crosses emblazoned on their shields attacked another group of armoured men with gigantic sets of wings attached to their backs. Dust and blood sprayed in every direction as the two forces collided.

‘The Eternal Flame is pure energy. It is not just an element of this Universe; it is
fundamental building block of everything that you see around you. That energy can be manipulated into any shape or form. Just as you have learned to use that energy to control the elements and to defend yourself, so too can it be used to create objects.’

‘Incredible,’ Te’Anne
said as she dropped her fork. Looking at Izikiel, she asked, ‘Did you know any of this?’

Izikiel shook his head.

‘No. I should have realised but this goes beyond anything Da’Amo ever taught me.’

But if you can create anything you want, why is there so much gold here?’ Jonas asked.

is made of solid gold because gold is extremely pliable and easy to manipulate into other objects. You see, it takes a long time to create objects from pure energy.’

Izikiel realised
that this was the cue he had been waiting for.

‘And who created all
of the furniture and items around us?’ he asked.

‘I did.’

‘But you said that it takes a long time to make solid objects,’ Izikiel said. ‘I can only imagine how long it would have taken to mould all of the furniture and paintings, not to mention the gold foundations.’

The Baron said nothing. Izikiel
felt that he had finally hit upon the truth. He experienced a moment of trepidation as he realised that he had no idea what the true believer was really capable of. His friends seemed to sense that something was going on as they stopped eating and watched the Baron intently.

, the Baron spoke.

‘I have been here for over a thousand years. For
almost a hundred years this temple was filled with true believers. But they left. One by one, they went off to fight the Void Lords. None returned. Finally, one day, I woke up to find that I was the only one left.’

Izikiel was surprised. That was certainly not what he had expected and it made him feel guilty for pressing the old man.

‘But that means that you’re over a thousand years old?’ Te’Anne asked.


‘How is that possible? I saw no sign of any advanced technology here, such as...’
Izikiel began but stopped when he realised that he was about to reveal Da’Amo’s secret.

‘Such as Da’Amo used?’ the Baron asked. ‘No, I have not cloned myself or relied on technology to sustain me.

‘Then how have you been able to stay alive for
so long?’ Izikiel asked, still unable to let go of his nagging suspicion.

‘Do you forget where you are, disciple?’

‘You mean...?’

‘Yes. The power of the Eternal Flame has kept me from aging,’ the Baron replied.
After a moment’s hesitation, he added, ‘I think it’s time for you to see the heart of the

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