Izikiel (16 page)

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Authors: Thomas Fay

BOOK: Izikiel
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Baron Stefan led them
into the ground floor of the
. The golden interior was made slightly less overwhelming by a number of everyday items. A thick table made of a dark wood dominated the centre of the room. Five wooden chairs stood arranged around the table. The floor was partially covered by carpets decorated in intricate patterns of circles and squares. A large cupboard stood off to one side of the room while a wooden shelf held a large bowl and various containers and utensils. Several old paintings, depicting royalty and battle scenes, hung on the walls.

Izikiel was surprised
by the everyday nature of the items given where they were. Looking over at the table, he counted the number of chairs. Frowning, he looked at his companions. Finally, his gaze came to rest on the Baron.

There are five chairs,’ Izikiel said.

So there are,’ the Baron replied.

And there are five of us.’

Why, I believe that you are correct.’

This isn’t a coincidence, is it?’

The Baron smiled as he walked over to one of the chairs. Sitting down
, he motioned for the others to join him. Xavier, Jonas and Te’Anne each took a seat in turn. Izikiel hesitated for a moment and then took a chair opposite the Baron.

Placing his arms on the table
, the Baron looked at Izikiel for a moment in silence.

Everything that is happening was foretold centuries ago,’ the Baron finally said.

By who?’ Izikiel asked, surprised.

By Sofija, the second disciple of the Eternal Flame.’

disciple?’ Te’Anne asked. ‘But no one has ever mentioned a second disciple. Lady Serafine was the first and only disciple of the Eternal Flame.’

The Baron shook his head.

‘No. There were
disciples. After Lady Serafine established the Great City on
she surrendered her body to the Eternal Flame. Joining with it fully, she relinquished her physical form and ascended to become a being of pure energy living within the Flame itself.’

Incredible,’ Izikiel whispered.

Indeed. Lady Serafine inspired millions to the cause. The Great City she left behind stood as a bastion of hope and knowledge in the known Universe. Even the Elementals, alien beings who had established contact with the Eternal Flame millennia before humans, acknowledged her leadership and vision.’

Elementals? I have heard of such beings before,’ Jonas said. ‘They are said to be capable of taking human-form for extended periods of time and some are believed to still be living amongst us.’

Yes, there are probably a few still around,’ the Baron agreed.

But if they are true believers as well, how is that they do not stand against the Void Lords?’ Izikiel asked.

Because they have never had a disciple of their own. For some unknown reason, that privilege has been reserved for humans. It has been a point of contention between the two races but thanks to Lady Serafine’s leadership, the Elementals were convinced to aid humans in their fight against the Void Lords.’

Izikiel considered everything the Baron had told them. There was something which he was still unsure of. The fact that the Baron had made no mention of it also made him question whether it was true. He decided there was only one way to find out the truth.

‘Da’Amo believed me to be a disciple,’ Izikiel said.

And what do you believe?’

I don’t know. At first it made sense somehow, even though I knew nothing about the Eternal Flame and what had happened to the human race. But after encountering the Void Lords on
I began to doubt what Da’Amo had told me was true.’

Let me put your mind at ease, Izikiel. You are the third and
disciple of the Eternal Flame.’

How can you be so sure?’

Your arrival here on
was foretold by Sofija almost a thousand years ago.’

Hang on a minute,’ Jonas interrupted. ‘You’re telling us that everything that has happened to us over the last couple of days was predicted by someone living a thousand years ago?’


How is that possible?’ Izikiel asked.

Sofija had the ability to see the future. You see Izikiel, each of the three disciples was granted a unique ability and purpose by the Eternal Flame. Lady Serafine was able to inspire humanity to believe in the Eternal Flame and created the Great City. Sofija possessed true sight and the wisdom to interpret it. She foretold a series of events which became prophecy.’

Izikiel was almost afraid to ask but some part of him desperately wanted to know.

‘And me?’

You have the ability to destroy the creatures of the Void. While all true believers and the two disciples had the ability to unleash the burning touch of the Flame against our enemies, you alone will be capable of decimating them. It is your destiny to restore balance to the Universe. The Void Lords have rampaged freely for nine centuries. It is time for the scales to be balanced.’

Da’Amo mentioned that was my destiny,’ Izikiel said. ‘I wish he were here.’

Da’Amo has fallen?’ the Baron asked, surprised.

Yes. I thought that would have been part of the prophecy?’

No. Da’Amo was meant to teach you to control the four elements and the history of the Great City.’

But he did. I am able to control the four basic elements.’

The Baron frowned.

‘You mean to tell me that you learned to control the four elements in a manner of days?’


I have never heard of such a thing. It usually takes months, if not years, for a true believer to gain mastery over a single element. Even the mighty Lady Serafine required detailed study and practice to command the elements. Your powers and abilities are truly astounding, Izikiel. It gives me hope that you may triumph against the Void Lords and fulfil your destiny.’

Standing up
, the Baron walked over to the shelf on the other side of the room. Picking out a few items, he returned to the table. Opening several containers, he passed them around. Izikiel saw that they contained pieces of dried meat with salt on them. Taking a piece, he bit into it. The taste was rather bland but not unpleasant.

What is this?’ Jonas asked.

Pterodactyl,’ the Baron replied.

Isn’t that a dinosaur?’ Izikiel asked.

Yes and no. The giant bird native to
looks akin to the ancient denizens of Earth. When the first expeditionary ship landed on the planet, they thought that they had discovered living dinosaurs. It later turned out that they were only similar to dinosaurs in appearance. But the name remained.’

Izikiel recalled the gigantic birds he had seen earlier that day. He had thought
that they looked familiar, now he knew why. Having been momentarily distracted by the food, his mind returned to the most obvious question.

What do we do next?’ he asked.

Next, I will teach you how to utilise the Eternal Flame’s power to freeze objects and more importantly, how to heal living tissue. Then you’ll need to travel to
and seek out the Interstellar Library.’

‘A library? But how will that help me
to defeat the Void Lords?’ Izikiel asked.

In order to combat the darkness you will need knowledge,’ the Baron replied. ‘Knowledge of the ancient language allows you to call forth the power of the Eternal Flame. In particular, there is one word which will allow you to draw upon its full power.’

What word is that?’

The Baron looked slightly puzzled
as he shrugged his shoulders.

‘How should I know?’


Having finished their meal and conversation, the Baron led them upstairs to the second level of the
. Unlike the bottom level, the second was subdivided into four separate chambers. Each contained a wooden bed, a small cabinet with a large bowl of water on top of it and an ornate rug on the floor. The central corridor near the staircase was lined with more antique paintings. These depicted a series of noblemen dressed in suits of armour astride powerful war horses. Izikiel once again found himself marvelling at the presence of such familiar objects in this truly remarkable place.

As if sensing his thoughts, the Baron
said, ‘They are portraits of my ancient ancestors.

‘Is that why you call yourself the Baron?’ Izikiel asked.


Looking closely at the paintings, Izikiel noticed certain similarities in the facial features of all the men depicted. Turning to the Baron
, he could see those same features in him. The broad nose, flowing moustache and high cheekbones were all there.

‘Who were they?’

‘Kings and noblemen, ancient rulers of a country back on Earth known as Poland.’

know of it. It’s in,
in Europe?’ Izikiel corrected himself.

‘Yes,’ the Baron replied. ‘How do you know that?’

‘I was born on Earth.’

‘Impossible. No one alive today was born on Earth.’

‘No, it’s true,’ Izikiel said. ‘I don’t know how but I believe I was brought here by the Eternal Flame. I can’t remember anything before a few days ago when I woke up on
but what little of my memories have returned have me convinced that I was born on Earth.’

The Baron fell silent for a moment as he consider
ed what Izikiel had told him. His eyebrows contracted together as the edges of his moustache twitched slightly.

‘It is conceivable that the
Eternal Flame brought you forward in time. If the distance travelled and the time was great enough then it could account for your memory loss. But...’ his voice trailed off.

‘What is it?’

‘No one has passed through the Funnel for millennia.’

‘What is the Funnel?’

‘The Funnel is a wormhole between this Galaxy and the one containing the planet Earth. It is how humanity managed to spread across to the opposite side of the Universe. But the war with the Void Lords wiped out any record of the Funnel and there are too few functioning ships remaining to risk using them to search for it.’

Izikiel felt a cold shiver despite the benevolent warmth of the Eternal Flame.
So there was no way of going back to Earth.
Somehow, some part of him had assumed that he would get to see Earth sooner or later. He was not prepared for this eventuality. It left him stunned and disorientated.

‘Izikiel? Are you alright?’ Te’Anne asked as she held his arm.

He managed a weak smile.

‘I’m ok. Just surprised, that’s all. I never imagine
d the future could be this bleak.’

‘I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news,’ the Baron said. ‘But I may be able to help you
to remember more of your past life, if that is something that you wish to do.’

‘Yes, definitely,’ Izikiel replied. His mood instantly improved at the thought of being able to access his
dormant memories.

Very well, Izikiel. Tomorrow I will teach you to control the ice and to use the Flame’s power to heal. Once you have mastered those skills we will delve into the heart of the
itself and attempt to harness the power of the Eternal Flame to release your hidden memories.’

Izikiel nodded his understanding. Looking around the
, he realised that there were only four chambers. That surprised him.

‘How did you know about...?’

‘I do not require sleep. Please, feel free to use the four chambers as your personal quarters while you are here,’ the Baron replied.

‘Thank you
, Baron. Your hospitality is overwhelming,’ Te’Anne said.

‘No thanks are
needed. I have waited a long time for your arrival,’ the Baron replied. ‘But it is late and you have endured much this day. I will leave you to your rest. May the Flame watch over you.’

the Baron descended the narrow staircase to the lower level, Izikiel experienced a momentary sense of unease. Even the ever present heat of the Eternal Flame faded away to be replaced by a cold shiver. Just as quickly, the feeling was gone. Lying down on the bed, he closed his eyes. The warmth of the Eternal Flame dulled his senses.

He felt as if he were floating in a calm sea underneath a clear
blue sky. The sun shone down on him with gentle warmth, permeating his body. But something still nagged at him. A single current of cold water seemed to find its way into his awareness. His thoughts turned to the day’s events; the trek across the ice plains, their encounter with the true believer.
He had clearly been expecting them but then why had he attacked them?
And where were all the other true believers? If what the Baron had told them was true then the creatures of the Void were unable to attack them here. But in that case what had happened to Aurora?

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