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Authors: Shelly Alexander

It's in His Touch (29 page)

BOOK: It's in His Touch
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Angelique had to blink a few times to process what Clarence and Robert had just offered her. Everything she’d always wanted. At least until a few weeks ago when the man on the gurney next to her stomped up to her cabin door and called her a bottom dweller after rescuing her dog.

“What do you say, Angelique?” Clarence beamed with pride. “An even bigger salary than you make now, with no ceiling. An expense account and a company car. Most importantly, your name would be on the door.” He stuffed both hands in his pockets, his chest swelling.

When she didn’t respond with a resounding yes, his brow furrowed. Robert fidgeted and glanced at his partner in crime.

“So what brought this on?” Because she knew darned well they weren’t making this very attractive offer out of the goodness of their hearts. They’d obviously forgotten with whom they were dealing. When she negotiated deals for her clients, she could smell a rat from the next county. There was definitely a rodent or two trying to steal the cheese from the mousetrap.

Robert spoke up. “You’ve worked hard, Angelique. You deserve it, and we’re getting a fine attorney as a partner.”

“Uh-huh. Tell me why Gabriel’s out and I’m in, because I know it can’t be a lucky coincidence.” Blake’s hand tensed around hers at the mention of her ex’s name.

Robert sputtered. Clarence rubbed the back of his neck. Yep. Their whiskers just twitched. Angelique planted a fist on her hip and leveled her infamous cast-iron stare at them. And waited. A silent, deadly stare was one of her best negotiation tactics.

A few moments ticked by. Clarence deflated, and Robert stared at the ground.

Worked every time.

“Gabriel’s girlfriend took the files and the money. She wanted us to think it was you,” explained Clarence. “Apparently, she cleaned out his bank account as well and skipped town after he broke it off with her. He’s . . .” Clarence cleared his throat. “He’s not dealing with all of this very well. He’s decided to move back east and join a firm there after he’s had time to . . .” Clarence shoved his hands in his hands in his pockets. “After he’s had time to regain his composure.”

Blake stroked the top of her third finger.

“And?” She wasn’t going to let it go so easily.

Obviously tired of being in the hot seat, Clarence looked to Robert.

“Word of Gabriel’s emotional instability has gotten out, and we’re losing clients,” Robert said.

“Many of whom I handled cases for, right? I did most of the legwork while Gabriel took the credit, and now you need my help to keep them.” It wasn’t a question, and Angelique kind of enjoyed watching them squirm.

Robert’s eye twitched. “You’re a good attorney, Ang—”

“Great,” she interrupted him. “I’m a great attorney.”

Blake’s thumb stroked the inside of her wrist, sending a tingle up her arm.

“Right, Angelique,” Clarence said. “You’re a great attorney, which is why we want you as a partner. So what do you say? How does Riggs, Castillo & Barbetta sound?”

Her breath caught in her chest. Blake’s caresses stopped, and everyone watched her. Waiting.

She turned to Blake. “What were you saying before they pulled up?” She tossed her head in the direction of Clarence and Robert.

“Are you sure you want to do this in front of everybody?” Blake asked her, his expression guarded.

She nodded. “You started it, now let’s finish it here and now.”

He drew in a breath, and his fingers started to move over her hand again. “I don’t want you to work for these clowns.” Blake shot a glowering look at Clarence and Robert. “They don’t deserve you. But whatever you decide, wherever you want to live and work, I’ll go with you.” He hesitated and looked down at her hand. “If you’ll marry me.”

Her mother squeaked a small cry of joy, and her father put an arm around her shoulder.

The air rushed from Angelique’s lungs, but her heart filled with joy. “You’d do that?” Her lip quivered and she drew it between her teeth for a second. “You’d leave Red River?”

“For you I would.” He nodded. “Only for you.”

Robert clapped his hands together. “Then we have an arrangement that makes everybody happy.”

“Not so fast.” Angelique held up a finger to shush Robert, but she kept her eyes on Blake. “What if I said I don’t want to be part of Riggs, Castillo & Barbetta, but instead I’d rather live here with you and be Angelique Barbetta-Holloway?”

Blake’s mouth curved into a smile. “Seriously? I have to say all that every time I introduce you?”

She arched a brow at him.

“I love the name Angelique Barbetta-Holloway,” Blake said. “It’s very elongated just like your dog.”

She laughed, and Blake tugged her down until his nose grazed hers. “I love you,” she whispered against his mouth just before he placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

Clarence cleared his throat.

She broke the kiss and smiled down at Blake. “Gentlemen, the answer is no. I was just offered a better partnership.”

Her parents threw their arms around each other in a full-body hug. The Red River paramedics clapped, and then Nona asked them to check her heart with their stethoscopes. Angelique didn’t know what Clarence and Robert did next, and frankly, she didn’t much care.

“Is that a yes to my proposal?” Blake asked.

Angelique nodded, feeling the smile on her face all the way to her toes. Winning really was the best, and she’d just hit the lottery.

“Good.” Blake grimaced. “Then can we go to the hospital now? My leg is killing me.”


“Happy Thanksgiving!” Angelique said over the melee of loud family members when Kimberly stormed through the front door, a bottle of red wine in her hand.

Angelique grabbed the wine so Kimberly could hug the Barbetta horde who had descended on Blake’s cabin for the holiday. In the almost two months that Angelique and Blake had been married, she’d managed to redecorate, repaint, refurnish, and remove Harry the giant moose head so they could host both the Barbettas and the Holloways for their first Thanksgiving dinner together.

“Marriage really agrees with you,” Kimberly said, bending over to give Angelique’s nephew a wedgie. He ran off screaming to his mother. “I’ve never seen you glow like this.”

She and Blake had a quiet ceremony at a Victorian inn just off Main Street. They’d exchanged vows in front of the inn’s picturesque window while snow blanketed the mountains during Red River’s first big storm of the season. Her mother still hadn’t gotten over Angelique’s refusal to have a big Catholic wedding.

Angelique had a feeling her mother would forgive her soon enough. Angelique was about to deliver news that would most certainly wash her mother’s irritation away.

Several aunts who had filtered in from Long Island and Boca Raton crowded into the kitchen to make turkey with all the traditional trimmings. All of them barked orders at once, vying for control. Angelique’s niece hung from Blake’s neck and her nephew was wrapped around his leg, while he cheered at a televised football game.

“Word of advice,” Angelique said. “Stay out of the kitchen. Kind of scary in there.” They glanced at the female Italian kitchen generals and laughed.

“I think I’ve died and gone to Sicily,” said Kimberly.

Angelique introduced her to Blake’s dad and stepmom, who looked a little scared in their quiet corner of the den.

“Hey, I could use your help with a couple of new clients,” Kimberly said.

“You asking me to be your partner?”

“Maybe,” Kimberly teased. “As long as my name’s first on the door.”

Blake swooped in for a kiss, a kid still hanging from his neck. “Hey, Kimberly,” he said after pecking Angelique on the lips.

“Hey, big guy.” Kimberly slugged Blake on the arm. “I’m starving.” She hitched up her leopard-print belt and looked at the kitchen. “I’m going in.” She joined the fray of New York accents sputtering Italian words every other sentence.

Sliding both arms around Angelique’s waist, he pulled her close. “She’s a brave girl.”

Angelique giggled. “You’re holding up pretty well.” She peeked over Blake’s shoulder at her in-laws. “I’m not sure about your folks, though.”

He glanced over his shoulder and smiled. “My parents will get used to it.” He kissed her.

“Eww!” Angelique’s niece squealed, dropped to the floor, and ran off.

“Sarge has a gift for you.” He brushed another soft kiss across her lips.

? Is he bringing me
underwear this time?”

Blake laughed. “Go find him and see.”

Angelique hunted down Sarge, finally finding him curled up on their bed in the master bedroom.

“Hey, Sergeant Schnitzel.” She scratched his head and he rolled over onto his back, all four legs sticking up in the air. A hot-pink dog tag glinted up at her, and she picked it up, running a finger over the new charm dangling from his collar. The words “I love you” were inscribed across it.

Angelique smiled, her heart doing a dance. Rummaging around in the nightstand, she found a pen and a scrap of paper. With a flourish, she scribbled down a note telling Blake to meet her in the bedroom, retrieved a brand-new pair of panties from her lingerie drawer, and secured them with a hair rubber band.

“Here, Sarge.” She held out the bundle to the dog. “Bring these to Daddy.” Sarge clamped his long snout around the lace and jumped from the bed, tail wagging. Angelique lay back on the bed and waited, her fingers laced behind her head and legs crossed at the ankles.

Within a minute, the door swung open and Blake smiled at her, a lazy, sensual smile. “Are these for me?” He held up the swatch of hot-pink lace between two fingers just like the first time they’d met.

“Uh-huh,” Angelique said as he trekked toward her. “I went shopping just for you.”

His blue eyes blazed, turning a deep shade of purple. Starting at her ankles, he climbed up her body until he came to rest on his side, looking down at her. “When do I get to see the rest?”

“How about a new pair each day as long as they still fit.” She slid her arms around his neck.

His forehead wrinkled with confusion.

Releasing his neck, she grasped his hand and laid it on her abdomen. “Sarge is going to have a playmate.”

Blake blinked at her, his jaw slack.

“I have an appointment with Ella’s obstetrician next week, but I think I’m about six weeks along.”

Blake swallowed, and a nearly indiscernible wetness shimmered in his eyes. And oh God in heaven, those glistening blue eyes stole her breath. “You’re happy about it?” He looked deep into her eyes.

She nodded, her heart filled with love. “I’m happy.” With the back of a finger, she stroked his cheek and down his neck, admiring this man she loved so much.

And then he was kissing her, which was fine because she couldn’t think of anything else she’d rather be doing right now except . . .

“Why don’t you lock the door, and I’ll show you today’s pair. They’re a different shade of pink.”

He smiled against her mouth. “Perfect.” He nipped at her bottom lip. “My favorite color.”

The End


I owe a heartfelt thank-you to the town of Red River, New Mexico, especially Katy Pierce, Steve Heglund, Fritz Davis, and Ron Weathers. While the characters and establishments in my novels are formed solely from my imagination, the real people and places of Red River are no less wonderful. I’ve taken some creative liberties, but in real life, Red River is one of the most magical places on earth.

Thank you to my brother, Ricky, who gave me the idea for the canine character in this story, and to my sister, Shurla, for naming him.

A huge thank-you goes out to my critique partner, Shelly Chalmers, whose imagination never ceases to amaze.

And last but certainly not least, my deepest gratitude to my editors, Kelli Martin of Montlake Romance at Amazon Publishing and Melody Guy, the entire Montlake team, and my agent, Jill Marsal of the Marsal Lyon Literary Agency.

bout the

2014 Frank Frost Photography

A 2014 Golden Heart
finalist, Shelly Alexander grew up traveling the world, earned a bachelor’s degree in marketing, and worked in the business world for twenty-five years. With four older brothers, she watched every
Star Trek
episode ever made, joined the softball team instead of ballet class, and played with G. I. Joes while the Barbie Corvette stayed tucked in the closet. When she had three sons of her own, she decided to escape her male-dominated world by reading romance novels and has been hooked ever since. Now she spends her days writing steamy contemporary romances while enjoying the arid climate of the beautiful Southwest.

BOOK: It's in His Touch
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