It's in His Touch (28 page)

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Authors: Shelly Alexander

BOOK: It's in His Touch
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That vacancy in her soul had also been occupied by a man. A man who had turned her heart upside down by looking at her naked, surgically altered body with desire instead of distaste. A gentle man who had covered every inch of her body with sensual kisses, finding the spots where she still had feeling after the surgeries had damaged so many of her nerve endings. Zeroing in on them with his mouth and fingers so she enjoyed each sexual encounter as much as he did. More, actually. Every time they’d made love, he made sure she was satisfied many times over before he took his own pleasure.

How could all of that have been a lie?

Her lip trembled, and she bit at it, looking in the mirror. She couldn’t wrap her mind around Blake’s dishonesty. It simply rocked her world and tilted it off its axis.

Suck it up, Barbetta.

She squared her shoulders and tossed more makeup into the bag just before her lip started trembling again and tears slid down her cheeks. She sank onto the vanity stool and dropped her head into her hands.

Handing the victory over to Blake had made her so incredibly happy. She’d wanted him to be the hero. For the other business owners, for his dad’s clinic, for Red River. For her. It’d cost her a hefty price, but she’d been glad to pay it.

She had no idea what to do next. Now she had a whole new open, throbbing wound in her soul to fill up again. But how?

And that was just the problem, wasn’t it? She wasn’t sure she
move on without Blake.

She pushed herself out of the small vanity chair and headed downstairs to see how much progress her parents had made.

“Hello, sweetie.” Her dad gave her a peck on the cheek. “You almost packed up?”

Angelique nodded. “How’s it going down here?”

“We’ve packed everything that you designated as your belongings.” Her mom closed up a box. “It wasn’t much.” Mom glowered at Nona. “We should double-check every box and your grandmother’s suitcase before we leave. A few stray items made their way into the to-be-packed pile.”

“It was just a candy dish, and I thought it was Angelique’s.” Nona harrumphed, wheeling her small suitcase to the back door.

“It was an expensive piece of Nambé, and you knew perfectly well that it wasn’t Angelique’s.” Her mother rolled her eyes.

“I’ll lock the boxes in the car until we leave.” Her dad grabbed a box and headed for the door. “Just don’t give Granny Klepto the keys, or the state troopers might stop us before we leave the county and arrest us for theft.”

Nona plopped down in a dinette chair. “If they’re good-looking, I wouldn’t mind being frisked.”

Her dad groaned in disgust as he walked out the back door.

“Where’s Sarge?” Angelique asked.

Her mother frowned. “I was busy packing, so I opened the back door and let him wander out on his own. I guess he hasn’t come back yet. Why don’t you see if your father can go look for him?”

Angelique shook her head. “I’ll go.” She slipped on her UGG boots at the back door and grabbed a jacket off the hook. “It’s really getting cold.” She peeked out the window as she slipped on the warm fleece. “Looks like it’s going to rain or snow. I’ll be right back.”

Snuggling deeper into the down jacket against the cold morning air, Angelique walked toward the footbridge. Getting closer, close enough to see the full expanse of the bridge, her heart stuttered. A large section of the old wood planks was splintered, leaving a gaping hole on the left side of the bridge. Half the railing on that side was completely gone too, with several large, broken timbers dangling over the edge of the bridge.

“Sarge!” Angelique yelled.

A tiny brown head and long snout popped up over the bank of the stream and whined.

“Come on, boy!” She clapped her hands.

He tore toward her, shivering and covered in mud, but when she tried to pick him up, he whined and backed away.

“What’s wrong, Sergeant Schnitzel?” She tried to coax him to her again, but he barked and ran in the other direction, disappearing over the bank again.

Angelique climbed up the small incline and called to him again when she crested the top. She stopped stone-cold in her tracks, her heart lurching. She tried to scream but nothing came out, her throat closing up so tight she could hardly pull in air. The stream water lapped at a large swatch of hot-pink fabric. Nestled between two large boulders, a limp body floated and gently shifted with the rhythmic pulse of the water against the rocks.


“Blake!” Angelique found her voice as she splashed into the water. Her boots sank into the muddy stream bottom, and she had to slog through it. “Blake!” He was lying faceup, and his skin had gone a pale gray.

Tears spilled over, and for the first time in her life she didn’t care. Didn’t worry about looking weak. She couldn’t lose Blake. Just knowing he was in the world made it a better place.

Sergeant Schnitzel barked and turned frenzied circles on the bank. Finally, he dove into the water too and swam after Angelique. By the time she reached Blake, the cold water had reached her chest.

“Blake, I’m here.” He didn’t move. A steady flow of blood spilled from a gash in his forehead and disappeared into his curly, wet hair. With two fingers she checked for a pulse and sent a thank-you heavenward. Thank God he hadn’t fallen facedown. She eased him out of the stone crevice and hooked both hands under his arms, tugging him toward the bank. Sergeant Schnitzel swam at their side, like he was helping rescue his buddy.

One of Blake’s eyes cracked open. “Angelique?” His voice was weak and his body shivered.

“I’m here.” The muddy bottom and waterlogged boots slowed her progress, but the water made his large frame buoyant enough for her to tow him toward dry ground.

He struggled to stand but howled in pain and fell back on her. She pushed her full weight against him to keep from going under.

“Just float while I pull you to land.” Angelique started toward the bank again.

“I fell in,” he moaned.

She tried to keep her voice steady. “Yeah, I noticed.” She struggled against the mud, her steps cumbersome.

“I was bringing Sarge home.” His teeth chattered as he spoke, and his eyes fluttered closed again.

Still swimming in circles next to them, Sarge barked at the mention of his name.

Okay, that was good news. Then Blake couldn’t have been in the water that long because she’d asked her mom to let Sarge out not more than ten minutes ago. Still, the paleness of his skin and the way he was trembling sent a wave of terror rioting through her body.

“I think my leg’s broken.” The shivers raking his body deepened. “I couldn’t get to the bank,” he mumbled, his eyes still closed.

“Good thing for you I’m strong, because we’re almost there.” She managed to drag him onto dry land, his legs still hanging in the water. He winced. Sarge climbed out onto the bank and shook stream water off, whining at Blake’s side.

Blake put a hand on Sarge’s head. “Good boy,” he managed to say through chattering teeth.

“Yeah, he kind of led me to you.” Angelique pulled off her sodden jacket and put it under Blake’s head. A rush of relief hit her like a brick wall. She sagged over him for a moment and let more tears flow as she rested her forehead against his chest.

“He brought me more of your panties.” Blake’s shaking hand patted his pants pocket. His eyes closed, and a soft smile curled up the corners of his pasty, white lips.

Angelique nearly growled. “You’re half-dead in the stream with a broken leg, and you’re happy about having my panties in your pocket?”

His smiled broadened, but he didn’t open his eyes.

“Oh, for God’s sake. Maybe I’ll just leave you two panty conspirators on the bank to fend for yourselves.” She tried to push herself up to a stand, but Blake’s hand closed around her wrist.

“For the record, your panties make me happy no matter where they are, but most of all when you’re in them.” Now his eyes did open and locked with hers. “Or not in them. Either way it’s a win-win for me.”

Her breath hitched, because even in his current condition, he still looked at her like she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Like he wanted to climb in bed with her and stay there all day. And that’s when she knew that she couldn’t live without him because he . . . he was her other half. Without him she couldn’t be whole.

“I need to go get help, okay?” She ran a muddy hand over his cheek. “I’ll be right back.”


She nodded. “Promise,” she said just before his eyes fluttered shut again.

His leg hurt. Almost as much as the throbbing cut on his head.

Angelique fussed over him like a mother hen. Actually, like a lioness protecting what was hers. The paramedics even flinched a few times when they tried to tell her to move out of the way. It was kind of nice. And a little funny when she mowed down one paramedic with a sharp-ass glare for trying to remove the heavy quilt she’d pulled off one of the beds in her cabin and tucked around him. All the blood drained from the poor kid’s face, and he backed away, letting Angelique pretty much have her way. Smart guy.

Blake couldn’t help it. He watched her in action and smiled, even though his leg and head hurt like hell. He’d love to see her in the courtroom someday. As long as she was on his side.

As the paramedics loaded him onto a gurney, Angelique’s family bustled around him, trying to help. Mr. and Mrs. Barbetta both hissed at Nona when she asked the paramedics to take off their shirts and pose for a picture with her. She may have even mumbled something about making a video with her smartphone.

That was a little creepy. Blake shook the thought from his mind.

When he was firmly strapped to the gurney, a temporary bandage on his head and a brace on his leg, the paramedics wheeled him toward the ambulance. Refusing to leave his side, Angelique grasped his hand in hers. The gray sky shadowed her mud-streaked face, and she shivered.

“Angelique, you should go change into dry clothes. You can meet me at the hospital.”

She shook her head. “I’m staying with you.”

What the hell. He had her undivided attention “Fellas, can you give us a second? I need to talk to Angelique in private.” The paramedics stopped.

“Really?” Angelique’s brows rose. “Now? Here?” She motioned to his leg and the gurney.

“Yes, yes, and yes.” Blake nodded to the paramedics, and they stepped a few feet away.

She sighed and looked around at the overcast sky. “Okay.” She gave in. “But make it snappy. We’ve got an ambulance to catch.”

“I didn’t mean to give you up. I accidentally left the file out, and the others read it before I got to the meeting. By the time I walked up to the apartment, it was too late. I had to scramble to turn the situation around and get them to see that you were on their side.”

His heart squeezed when Angelique’s eyes filled with tears because he knew how much he’d hurt her. She sniffled and looked away.

“You told them

“It was the only way I could get them to listen, Angelique. I wasn’t trying to hurt you.”

She drew in a breath. “If that information ever gets out, it could cause me a lot of trouble.”

“It won’t get out. I promise.” He stroked her cheek. “They know who saved their town and they’re grateful.”

“What about what you said about me and your mother . . . our health. I’m not just a pity case to you?” She pulled a plump lip between her teeth.

Blake half snorted. “Angelique, you evoke a lot of emotions in me, but pity isn’t one of them.”

Angelique gave a small laugh and swiped at a tear. “Are you sure? I couldn’t stand it if you wanted to be with me because you felt sorry for me. You know, because of your mom.”

“You’re nothing like my mom. You’re a fighter. God help me, you’re like an MMA champion, always ready to step into the ring and take me on.” He tugged her down so that her hand rested against his chest and her face was close to his. “Maybe that’s why I love you so much. Will you mar—”

A horn double beeped as a black four-door Mercedes pulled into Angelique’s drive. Her expression darkened, and she tensed against him when she looked up.

she murmured under her breath and stood.

The Mercedes pulled to a stop next to Angelique’s car, and both front doors popped open. Two men got out, a little overdressed for Red River in Blake’s opinion.

“Clarence. Robert.” Angelique acknowledged both of them with a stony expression.

“Angelique.” Clarence, the older of the two with silver hair and a medium build, greeted her. “Obviously, we’ve caught you at a bad time.”

“Yes, you have. Blake needs to get to the hospital. I’ll be out of the cabin today, if that’s why you’re here.”

Blake tightened his grip around her hand. She was planning to leave today? He glanced at her SUV, his jaw twitching. He’d been in so much pain he hadn’t noticed her trunk open with boxes and luggage loaded in the back.

Robert, late forties with black hair and a hint of gray at the temples, shook his head. “We’re not here to run you out. Just the opposite.”

“Excuse me,” Blake interrupted. “Who the hell are you two?” He could guess, which was why he had no intention of being polite.

Angelique pulled in a breath. “This is Clarence Riggs and Robert Castillo. The two senior partners at my firm.”

Ah. He guessed right. And if he remembered correctly, Marone was the last name on the company letterhead. As in Gabriel “the Douchebag” Marone.

“Look.” Angelique’s expression turned icy. “We’ll have to do this some other time, gentlemen. Blake’s hurt. If you’ll still be in town later, I could meet you.”

Oh, hell no. He wasn’t about to leave her alone with these two jokers. “I’m good.” Blake propped his free arm under his head, refusing to let go of Angelique’s hand. “Right, fellas?” He glanced at the paramedics before returning a steely gaze to the men who’d already stabbed Angelique in the back. If they’d expected her to work side by side with Gabriel after what he’d done, no telling why they were here now.

“Right, Doc,” the paramedics agreed. “We’re good.”

“Blake, you need to go to the hospital,” Angelique pleaded with him.

His grip tightened around her long, slender fingers, and he caressed the empty spot where he wanted to put a ring. “I’m not leaving you alone with them.”

“I’m perfectly capable of handling this on my own.” Her eyes flashed at him.

“I’m well aware of that.” Really? Were they really going to argue about this
? “I’m still staying.”

She studied him for a second, then turned to her bosses. Correction. Former bosses, if Blake had anything to say about it, and he really, really wanted a lot to say about it.

“What’s so important that the two managing senior partners had to drive all the way to Red River to say it?” Angelique’s posture went rigid, and tension poured off of her in waves.

Clarence cleared his throat. “I was a little hard on you the other day when you called, Angelique.”

“Ya think?” Angelique said, her tone as frigid as the water she’d just pulled Blake from.

Good girl.

“Losing this case and such a big client was a shock. I’m sure you can understand,” Robert added.

Angelique’s expression stayed detached, but her chest rose and fell in quick succession. Blake caressed the inside of her wrist with the pad of his thumb, her racing pulse thrumming under his touch.

“Cut to the chase, gentlemen. I’m busy.” Her words were like steel, and Blake couldn’t hold back a faint smile.
Go get ’em, tiger.

Clarence and Robert exchanged a look. “We came up her to deliver some good news in person,” Robert said.

“And what would that be?” she asked, clearly skeptical.

“Gabriel has resigned from the firm,” Robert said, pasting on an artificial smile. “We’re offering you a full partnership, effective immediately.”

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