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Authors: C.E. Hansen

It's A Shame (29 page)

BOOK: It's A Shame
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s, your father, Franklin,” Lemelson started to say.

father,” I corrected.

Stepfather, Franklin Chancellor went a bit further. I think you will both be more than pleased.” He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back a bit. “Think of it as a wedding present.” He continued.

I think I yelped…
okay, so what if I yelped?

“Seems your ‘step-father
-in-law’ could move mountains. Cole,” he turned to face Cole, “Your son, Kyle, will be joining you both tomorrow morning.”

I think I screamed, but was totally and rightfully ignored.

“He will arrive at JFK Airport tomorrow at 7:40 am and be placed into your custody… permanently,” he went on to say. “I have arranged for a car to pick you both up and be taken to the airport to greet your son.” He beamed.

Cole was beside himself. He looked
just like a kid on Christmas morning. He had received the two gifts he wanted most…his son and his freedom, and he deserved nothing less.

I looked at Dean
, leaning on Lemelson’s desk with his arms across his chest, smiling broadly as he watched Cole step back into himself. I’m sure he turned up some stories that would turn a person’s hair gray while investigating Cole, which made it even more important that he be the one who told him the truth. Wow, my mind was truly blown.

He truly
was a good friend to me—to us—and a more than perfect match for Michelle.





The two of us took the ride to JFK the next morning. Neither of us
could sleep the whole night. We lay in each other’s arms and talked, and talked, and talked. We planned our future, set a date and place for our wedding and laughed. It had been a long time since we’d done that. Just be silly and laugh.





Cole walked up to the woman
walking towards us carrying his son, our son, and took him in his arms. I was crying uncontrollably as I watched him, this man I have come to love more than my own life, take that little baby in his arms.  I saw the relief. I saw the love there, and I wanted to preserve this moment in time forever.  They were my forever.




“What the hell am I going to tell him
, Shelle?”

“You’re going to tell him you love him. Then you’re going to tel
l him you’re pregnant.” She stood before me with her hands on her hips. No one in their right frame of mind is going to defy that woman, especially when she’s got her hands on her hips.

“I feel sick.” I turned and ran to the bathroom.

Several minutes later, I walked out of the bathroom after dry heaving for an eternity to find her standing in the same place, in the same position.

“Stop looking at me like that…no one wants to marry a girl that is a blimp with the mood swings of a fourteen year
old.” I bent over at the waist; it felt better like that.

“Grace, I swear to God if you keep acting like a baby I’m going to call your mother.” I knew she was serious.

I stood immediately, my mouth gaping open.

“Shut your trap before a fly…”

I waved my arm at her.

“I know, I know… I’ll tell him tonight.”

“Promise?” She looked at me with puppy eyes.

“Stop that… you’re not being fair.”


yeah…” I threw the tissue I had balled up in my hand at her. “He’s really going want to marry me now,” I whimpered.

“I’d marry you.”

“You’d do anything for me.”

“I would…”

“And I’d do anything for you Shell, you know that right? I love you so much.”

“Maid of Honor?”

“I already asked you. Think I have a secret best friend hidden under my bed?”

I mean would you be mine?”

“No fucking way.” I looked at her incredulously.

“Yeah way.” Hands still on her hips.
She stuck out her left hand and wiggled her fingers showing off the sparkler she wore. It was a beautiful round stone, set high in a four-pronged platinum setting.

Nothing would make me prouder or happier. Of course I will,” I said through my tears as I pulled her into a hug, then I smiled. “Whose the guy?”






That night when Cole came home from work I stood looking out the window into the blackness of the Manhattan night, terrified of how he’d react, what he might say. He’d just gotten his life back on track and I knew an added pressure was the last thing he needed. I knew he wouldn’t run screaming into the night, but I wanted him to want it as much as I did.

When he walked in I turned around from the counter. I was preparin
g his favorite home cooked meal, chicken parm.

He threw his suit jacket on the bench and walked over to me. I stiffened as he encircled my waist with his arms.
He leaned in to kiss my neck and I pulled away slightly.

“What’s wrong
, Grace?”

When I didn’t answer he pulled me closer.

“Wedding jitters?”

“Not exactly.”

“Okay, then…what

“Shit…Ace.” I knew I was done. There was n
o way I’d be able to keep the truth from him anymore. “We’ve got a….an, umm…issue.”

“An issue
, huh?”

“Sort of.”

do we have?”

“The kind that likes to get up in the middle of the night and cr

He glanced towards the nursery
where Kyle slept peacefully.

“And this is news how?”

“It’s a new issue.”

“A new issue
?” I think I heard him smile.

“Yeah, kinda.”

“I see.” He looked up at the ceiling, and I was instantly worried. “Is it a girl issue or a boy issue?”

“Well, if you believe in modern medicine, and you believe what
the doctors tell you, it’s a girl issue.”

“I like girl issues
,” he said as he nuzzled my neck.

His nose tickled me
. I laughed immediately feeling his arms tighten around my waist.

“And if she’s anything like her mother, I’m gonna love her like crazy.”

“Really?”  I was astounded. Never expecting this reaction. I sighed and released the pent up air I’d been holding in.

“Did you think that getting sick
all times of the day and night, feeling extra horny…” he emphasized that point by squeezing me tighter, “and getting emotional at every Hallmark commercial didn’t give you away?”

“You knew?”

“I hoped.”

“You hoped?”
I was shocked.


When I didn’t speak due to a large lump that got stuck in my throat, and the tears filled my eyes faster then I could swipe them away, he physically turned me around to face him and lifted my chin up, so our eyes met.

“It’s like the diamond
,” he stated matter of factly.

I said through sobs of relief.

“Yeah, the diamond that sparkled…the one that shined through all the ugliness.”

I stiffened remembering the story he told me about his mother’s diamond being found after the fire. How it sparkled through the soot and debris. The one I wore proudly every day.

,” his hand lowered onto my belly, his fingers splayed out covering my entire abdomen, “this is the diamond that sparkled and shined through all the darkness and ugliness. This…she is

I shook so violently Cole pulled me closer
, holding me tightly.

“Grace, what’s the matter…are you okay?”
I could hear the concern in his voice.

I can’t believe you just said that…”

Said what?”

“Evelyn’s your diamond…” I looked up at him, no longer caring that my mascara was
trailing rivers of black down my cheeks.

“Wait, d
id you say Evelyn?” he asked so low, I barely heard him, but I did hear the crack in his voice.

“I was thinking we could name her after your mother.” I looked over at my hand resting on his chest and the stunning diamond on my
finger. “If you…only if you. Do you want to?”

“Grace…” his voice faded but he held the back of my head with his hand and pressed me to his chest. I
could hear his heart beating; it was a tad bit faster than normal.

“I love you a ridiculous amount, you are aware of that right?” He was trying so desperately to sound normal, but his tone gave him away.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” I leaned up and stood on my toes pressing my lips to his.

“She’s your diamond.” I smiled so widely, I was sure I looked like a fool.
“That’s what my father called me when I was little.”

He p
ulled us closer to him and whispered the word, ‘’Diamond?”.

I nodded against his shoulder.
He dipped his head down and nuzzled my neck just like he did on more than a thousand occasions, and breathed in deeply. I reveled in the feeling…the feeling that the world finally belonged to us.

With his head still buried in my hair, he spoke against the skin of my neck sending shivers up and down my spine, “I think we should tell everyone…
the wedding.” I felt him smile against my throat.




“Stop doing t
hat,” Michelle said in a mock-annoyed voice.

“I can’t.”

“Your gonna wear a path in that nice expensive rug if you keep it up.”

I looked down at my bare feet
and smiled remembering the look on Michelle’s face when we pulled up in front of Cole’s Vermont home.

“Is he shitting me?”
she asked, her eyes wide as saucers.

“I know…sick money

She raised her hand to her chest. “Well, I for one believe wholeheartedly that if you’ve got it, you should spend it.” Her eyes traveled up the front of the house, taking in the enormity of it, shaking her head the whole time. “Does he have any left?”

I laughed as I followed her to
wards the door Cole held open.

“How many suitcases does o
ne woman need for Christ’s sake?”

We both turned around to see Dean wrestling with Michelle’s suitcases
, trying to extricate them from the rear of the SUV.

“Dean…” Cole called out. When Dean raised his head Cole
said, “Leave those there, the staff will bring them in and put them in your room.”

? Now I’m seriously jealous…Dean!” she called out over her shoulder, “I want a staff.”

,” I said as I pushed her forward. “Let’s go Lampinelli.”





That night Cole had the fire in the great room going
, which was nice. Up here, in Vermont, the late summer nights could be a little chilly. Michelle and Dean had gone exploring the house earlier and were still whispering about it.

Cole opened a bottle of Champagne and poured three glasses handing one to both Michelle and Dean, then
poured me a glass of sparkling cider. I took the glass from his hand and half-smiled.

“Why do I feel like those,” I said pointing to their glasses, “
are going to taste a hell of a lot better than this?” I held my glass up.

“Price you pay…” Michelle said


“Well,” Cole held his glass high, “I want to make a toast.  First to my gorgeous, bride-to-be Grace. I want you to know that I pray every night that I’m not dreaming, and I’ll wake up with you in my arms each morning. I love you. You are and will continue to be the most incredible mother. I’m a very lucky man.” I smiled and
so did Cole

Did I mention I’m pregnant
, not dead?
I felt the heat spread slowly through my body and smiled wickedly. I was looking forward to some alone time later.

“It’s not often in your life that you find
a person…” Cole continued, “Let alone two people, who you’ve come to care for and admire, as much as Grace and I do, the two of you.” He squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed his temple. “Two people who have showed their best as you showed your worst and still stood beside you, no matter what the outcome was. You two,” he said looking directly between Michelle and Dean, “have been the most instrumental in making all this possible.” He circled his glass in the air encompassing the two of us. “I don’t have any words to express…” Cole looked directly into my eyes, “our love and gratitude. Thank you for everything you’ve done, and if I know Michelle, will continue to do.”

We all laughed, breaking the tension
. “We just wanted to tell you we love the both of you very much. So, here’s to our Maid of Honor and Best Man…Cheers. We wish nothing but the best for you both.”

Did I just see Michelle swipe at a tear
?  So very not Michelle.

We all
chimed cheers and held our glasses high, taking a sip of Champagne… or in my case cider.

“One more thing
, you two.” Cole looked back at Michelle and Dean, “Grace and I want you both to stay on after the wedding, after we leave to go on our honeymoon. Enjoy the house and each other. The staff will make....”

“There’s that word again, Dean… staff

“As I was saying,
” Cole interjected, then turned and looked directly at Michelle. “You won’t have to lift a finger, just relax.”

“Thanks buddy, I appreciate that. I have some days coming to me
and could definitely use a little R&R.”

“Yeah…and he likes the idea of watching baseball
on that ginormous screen and having the ‘staff’ tend to his every need.” Michelle looked at Dean, rubbing her hand over his arm and shoulder.

got a need the ‘staff’ can’t help me with.” He grabbed her hand and brought it to his mouth kissing it.

“Ugh. R
eally Dean…in front of the bride and groom?”

I couldn’t help but laugh. I looked over at Cole and saw the man I met a lifetime ago
standing in front of me, and remembered back on that crazy night in Luke’s.  The most perfect man in the world, the one who knocked me out of my shoes…literally. I couldn’t believe my luck at finding him, my one true love, my soul mate. I was beside myself; giddy even…
it also could be my hormones







My heart swelled,
it felt so good to see Michelle in a place she wanted to be, truly happy with a man who treated her like she should be treated. I love my time with Michelle, but the time we spend, the four of us, sitting around talking and laughing, it’s like the life I always wished I had—only now I do. I rubbed my belly.

Kyle will be attending the wedding
in two days.
Our wedding
. This will be my first time meeting Cole’s Aunt Theresa. The sister of the woman who brought the man I couldn’t breathe without into my life. She loved him when he was a carefree boy; she stood by him when he lost all he ever had. And when he was lost to those who loved him, she gave him the strength he needed to find his way back home.

I would meet this woman
, and I would be quaking.

At his aunt’s insistence, Cole
took our son to stay with her, so that we could have this time with our friends. Although, I believe she had an ulterior motive, she wanted Kyle all to herself. Not that I blamed her, he was quite the charmer our son. She knew everything we’d gone through, all we’d endured these past months, and I was grateful for her thoughtfulness even if I missed him terribly, but I knew Kyle would love his time with his Aunt Theresa.

The thought of seeing
…finally meeting her for the first time was overwhelming.

“Excuse me.
” I stood quickly and took off towards the restroom.

“Only five
and a half more months Gracie.” I heard Michelle call out as I ran.

BOOK: It's A Shame
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