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Authors: C.E. Hansen

It's A Shame (25 page)

BOOK: It's A Shame
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All at once I heard a barrage of footsteps descending into the basement.
The police arrived and swarmed into the tiny room. They rushed over to where I stood, holding Lily’s hand, and I could see the uncertainty in their eyes. They asked me to leave the room, but she held onto me and I refused to let her go. The EMT’s gave her an IV and put a needle into the plug…I assume it was a sedative of some kind because shortly thereafter, her grip loosened and she released me. They carried her up the stairs, out the backdoor, and into the waiting ambulance. I followed quickly behind them, as two officers continued to look through the debris scattered on the floor.

Once o
utside I spotted Michelle standing next to Tess and her husband, recounting what had occurred to the police.

“So you entered the house without permission?”
the stern officer asked.  I should say sergeant. He had three strips across his upper arm.

,” Michelle answered.

“Without permission
?” he asked.

She rolled her eyes. Tess stood
steadfast by her side.

’m gonna answer it the same way no matter how many times you ask it,” she said. I smiled…
poor officer
. “Yes. Yes,” she continued.

“I’m going to need you both to come with us.”

“Officer…Officer.” The sergeant turned to look at Tess.

“I told them it was my home and that I was locked out
.  I asked if they wouldn’t mind opening the door for me.” She smiled. “They were kind enough to help an old woman. Don’t punish them for that.” Tess’s husband put his arm around his wife and stuck his chest out with pride.

“This keeps getting better and better…I’m going to need a statement from you too
, the both of you,” the sergeant said, looking between the patrol officer, that stood next to him, and the elderly couple.

“Yes officer
,” Tess said as she hooked her arm though Michelle’s. “Thank you dear. I knew he did something to her,” she said again.

Michelle squeezed her hand then looked at the police officer. “If we hadn’t, gone in
there, that girl would be dead.”

No matter how many times you tell me that I gonna tell you the same thing
, I’m still gonna need you both to come with us,” he demanded in his no nonsense voice smirking. I wanted to warn him about butting heads with Michelle, but I didn’t…

“Whatever.” Michelle turned to Tess
and squeezed her hand. “I’m sorry about your friend, Tess.”

“I knew he did something to her
,” she repeated.

The officer escorted
Michelle and me to a police car, which had been pulled halfway into the driveway, and instructed us to take a seat in the back. Once we were both in, he closed the door. The back doors of cop cars are locked and can’t be opened from the inside; never thought I’d find out by being in one.

Crowds were starting to form on the street
as the cops cordoning off the area with yellow crime tape. We both watched as they carried the stretcher with the body of the obese woman out of the house and into the second waiting ambulance. There wasn’t any urgency in getting her to a hospital. She was dead. I stared vacantly out the tinted side window, trying piece together the events that had transpired; it wasn’t an easy task.

“Well Nancy Drew, I think you may have earned that merit badge
after all.”

Michelle just looked at me and smiled
unconvincingly. Now that was a first, no sassy come back.  I closed my eyes and leaned my head back on the headrest.

Christ help us
both when Cole and Dean find out about this…




All I could think about was
Lily and how she was doing. Was she alive? Did we find her in time? To veer my mind off of the horror of the unknown, I thought about Cole and how angry he was going to be with me. He had been going through hell the past few weeks, and definitely didn’t need me to add to his worries. I felt extremely guilty about that, but compared to the relief I felt that Lily was still alive, well, there just wasn’t any comparison.





Michelle and I were both led to a
dingy grey room and told to wait. Neither of us spoke as we made our way through the door of a small room that smelled of unwashed bodies and stale cigarettes. The officer motioned for us to sit and we both walked over to the table, and sat down on the hard metal chairs opposite each other. The table, which was bolted to the floor, was dirty. Grime filled gouges and scratches surrounded by coffee cup stains littered the surface. A faded metal ‘NO SMOKING IN INTERROGATION ROOM’ sign hung on the wall, but the foul odor in the room, spoke volumes, it was obvious no one paid any attention to it.

We hadn’t said a word for over ten minutes now.
Both of us seemed to be lost in our own thoughts. I can’t speak for Michelle, but I know I was running the events of day over and over in my head, and was pretty sure she was doing the same. I was on pins and needles waiting for them to cart us off for our mug shots and fingerprints.

A short while later the door opened
, and the same sergeant who was asking Michelle questions earlier stepped in. He moved to the side to make room for someone else. 

Oh shit

Dean stepped in and stood
glaring down at us both. A deep scowl marred his usual handsome features. I looked directly at him, undaunted, but saw from the corner of my eyes that Michelle avoided looking in his direction. I don’t recall ever seeing her so complacent. She glanced at me and smiled.

“Let’s go
,” he commanded.

“Go where?” Michelle asked.

He swung his head around so damn fast I thought it just might snap off.

“I’m not in the mood Michelle.
Let’s go.” He turned to the sergeant and said, “I’ll take care of it from here. When you’re ready to press charges call me.” He stuck his hand out and shook the sergeant’s hand.

“I’ve got to say, Dean, these tw
o got balls. Balls of steel, man. Shit,” he laughed heartily, at the pained expression on Dean’s face, shaking his head. “That girl is barely alive. Just got off the phone with her mother, her parents are on the way to New York Methodist now. She’s very lucky to be breathing,” he said as he looked at us both and smiled weakly.

, Bill.” Dean said gruffly, but I could hear the pride in his voice.

We walked out the door and followed the officer
. Dean and the sergeant following close behind.





It was a
bout an hour later when we pulled up in front of our apartment building in Dean’s personal car. I have to say I was somewhat impressed. He drove a really hot looking ‘72 Dodge Charger. What we used to call a muscle car back in college.

As w
e walked past the doorman as he held the door open, my head snapped around, and I found myself looking sideways at him. I noticed right away that I’d never seen him before, he was new, and I audibly breathed a sigh of relief. I think I heard Dean chuckle behind me.

rode the elevator up in relative silence. I just stared down at my feet. I was dreading what I would say to Cole. He really didn’t need this added aggravation right now. I paused in front of my apartment and without a word turned and gave Michelle a hug. She squeezed back and smiled her Cheshire cat smile. I was left wondering what she was thinking.

“Let’s go
,” Dean demanded.

“Love you. I’ll call you later
,” she said to me, as she looked back towards Dean. I actually felt sorry for him.

I pulled out my key and opened the door. When I stepped in I placed my phone and license on the table
, and followed the path of the light into the living room.

Cole stood next to the bar
with his back to me. When I came closer he turned around and handed me a glass with bourbon swishing around in it. The amber liquid beckoned me, and I have to admit I was drawn to it like peanut butter to jelly.

,” I smiled sheepishly.

“Thought after a day of playing cop, you might need a little reinforcement.”

I looked up into his eyes, feeling such relief when I saw the spark of wickedness, as a smile crept up the sides of his mouth…and I forgot to breathe.

Got to tell you Grace, I’m really pretty angry you would do something so stupid…” His tone was harsh, but his smile gave him away.

m sorry, it was stupid. I know it was stupid, but I would do it again in a heartbeat, but I am sorry I made you worry. I know you didn’t need this right now.” I looked down at the glass in my hand and lifted it to my mouth. I could feel the burning effect as it slid down my throat into my stomach. “I’m sorry.” I repeated.

I have to admit I’m proud as hell you two saved that girl.” He looked towards the bedroom, “and more than a little aroused at the thought of you…” He smiled as he shook his head looking at the floor, “I think I have a hero complex.” He chuckled. I immediately lifted my head and looked into his eyes. The twinkle I saw had me damn near salivating. Dear Lord, he slayed me with that smile. “Doesn’t mean I think it was smart.” He stood straight. A stern look crossed his features briefly.

I lifted my drink to my mouth and drained it
and placed the glass on the counter.

You could reprimand me later, I need to shower…like now,” I admitted. I stuck my nose near my armpit.
Holy cow I stunk

He placed his unfinished drink on the counter next to mine and before I could blink
he lifted me like a potato sack over his shoulder.

“First I
’m going to wash you…then I’m going to spank the living daylights out of you.” He walked towards the bedroom as I bounced, precariously perched on the top of his broad shoulder. I couldn’t help but laugh. I don’t know if it was the relief of the moment or I was in shock. Either way, it felt good to laugh. It also really felt good knowing that Lily was alive.






After we got out of the shower he wrapped me in a towel and carried me over to the bed, stepping over my dirty pile and his quickly strewn clothing. He placed me gently in the center and leaning close unwrapped the towel covering my body.

Grace,” his voice gravelly, his eyes hooded. As his eyes traveled the span of my body, mine traveled slowly over his, stopping as his glorious erection. Anticipation coursed through my veins.

He lay
down on his side next to me, leaning on his elbow and ran his fingers down the length of me, from the side of my breast to the inside of my ankle, his long arm reaching effortlessly down the length of my body. He slowly glided his warm hands over my flesh, leaving a trail of goose bumps in their path, and I quivered from the sensation.

skated his fingers up the center of my body, tracing a circular pattern around my nipple, rubbing the tips back and forth over the hardened peak, and then moved on to my other breast. I inhaled sharply, squeezing my legs together as that decadent hunger rapidly built deep inside me.

I tilted my head back and moaned as he ran the tip of his tongue over
my sensitive nipples, alternating between sucking and lightly biting. Lowering his hand down over my mound, he gently parted my soft folds with his fingers. His thumb lazily circled my clit, stirring my blood. The need to feel him inside me drove me crazy.

“Ace, please…”
I begged, “Do me.”

“Not yet
,” he whispered against my neck.

His body
stiffened and he inhaled deeply as his fingers slid into me. I began to pump my hips, slowly at first, building speed as my body moved and rocked towards his touch. Lifting his fingers out he put them into his mouth and slowly sucked them, savoring the taste of me. The sight of that alone was so erotic, so hot; I began panting. He was making me insane.

“Why?” I whispered hoarsely.

“Because you taste like…

I grabbed his neck
and pulled his mouth to mine and greedily ran my tongue over his lips, tasting myself on them. Lowering his arm, his fingers continued their wicked assault, sliding easily in and out of me, their thrusts increasing in tempo. 

My breathing was
erratic. I clung to him trying to pull his body onto mine desperate for the feel of his warm skin against me.

Cole,” I moaned. “Please…”

“Not yet.” He trailed kisses down my chin
to my neck.

I felt his hardened
cock rub along my thigh, the wet tip glided against my skin leaving a searing path in its wake. I lowered my hand to touch him. His velvety skin was hot and smooth; the crown wet. I swiped the tip with my finger and heard him moan as I brought my fingers to my mouth and sucked loudly.

Turnabout is fair play.

The numbing heat spread rapidly as his fingers penetrated me over and over, coaxing an orgasm from me. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back, letting the sensation roll over me.

The bed dipped and with
out opening my eyes I felt him sit up. He slowly pulled his fingers out of me, and using both hands, spread my thighs apart. He crawled between my widened legs, and lowered himself onto me. Placing his arms on either side of me, he began rubbing the tip of his cock back and forth over my clit.

, baby,” I begged as I lifted my body up towards his, impatient to feel him inside me. “I want you in me. Please.”

I desperately needed
to feel his weight on me, feel his breath against my cheek. I was craving the feel of each and every one of his thrusts.

BOOK: It's A Shame
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