Irrevocably Mine (Imagine Ink Book 3) (26 page)

BOOK: Irrevocably Mine (Imagine Ink Book 3)
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Never breaking eye contact, she wiped her lip with her thumb and took on a bored air. “If you don’t grab my face when you kiss me, I don’t think we can do this.” Dax gifted her with a stunned look. She leaned in a bit closer to his face and finished, “tangled in my hair, caressing my throat, and grabbing my ass are also acceptable.” She popped the last syllable and studied his eyes as her words sank in and their meaning took hold.

“You mean it?” That cocked eyebrow and lip bite nearly had her screaming.
Fuck, this man is sexy

“What do you think, Big Dax? When have I ever said something I didn’t mean?” The flair of lust as she emphasized “Big” was the only warning she got before he did all three.

ax was not
a man to waste an opportunity, and this one was a whopper. Stacy had broken down so many walls she’d built and he was damn grateful. Not just because it was good for her, but because he didn’t have to constantly worry that he was doing something that would hurt her. The woman he had pined for was standing before him the same, but different. This less-reticent side she’d unleashed was the icing on the cake. A cake he planned on eating, right now.

There was no hesitation on his part, and no fear in her eyes, when he buried his hand roughly in her short locks, positioning her head exactly where he wanted it. Before his lips devoured hers, he had a handful of ass, massaging the plump globe, and none too gently.

This was him and her…raw, and without restraints. Guiding her backwards until her thighs hit the mattress, he reluctantly released his grip on her hair and slid his hand around to caress her throat. Using that hold, he ended the kiss and lowered her to the bed, all with the direction of one hand.

What combusted in her eyes wasn’t born of fear, but of arousal. It appeared his little powerhouse was more submissive than dominate. This woman was born to be dominated sexually. Of course, he would let her top from the bottom occasionally, so to speak, but this was definitely cranking her up to a level she didn’t achieve when she was in charge.

“Well, well, someone’s looking especially tasty tonight.” Dax didn’t give her a chance to respond, he went straight for his prize. Not the one she expected him to go for either, if the tilt of her hip was any indication. He latched his mouth on the bumpy tissue, and lathed it with his tongue, relishing every bit of the irregular surface. Dax meant it when he told her he found this sexy, because it meant she lived.

“Dax, you don’t…” A moan cut her off and she grabbed his ears and tried to map his path. Dax released the skin with a nip and quickly licked the nipple teasing his beard from the side.

“What was that, love? I couldn’t hear you over your cries of pleasure.”

“You have nothing to prove, I get it, you love my scar, and because of you, I kinda love it, too. Especially when your beard is rubbing into my nipple while you worship my smile. But if your head isn’t between my legs, like, yesterday, I’m going to Walgreen’s for new batteries and I’ll take care of things on my own.”

Submissive, my ass, how did I ever think that?
But she was…and dominate, all rolled into one explosive little package. Dax licked his lips slowly. “I think that’s an excellent idea. My ears between your thighs, not the batteries part.”

There was no slow descent down her body or nibbled path. Not this time. Dax merely pushed himself down the bed, wrapped her thighs around his head, and happily put his tongue to work. Her reactions spurred him on, guiding his meal. Dax tongue-fucked her stupid. Once his beard was thoroughly waxed and she was whimpering, he wasted no time at all burying his cock in her still-quivering pussy.

“Fuck, woman,” he ground out when her body clamped down around his. There was something about bringing a woman to this point that always turned him on. Maybe it was pride, he didn’t freaking know, but it was even better now. To bring a woman like Stacy to that point was sublime. “Not going to…last.”

Dax dropped his hands, raising her thighs higher and changing the angle. He knew it was the right one because it had this intelligent woman babbling incoherent phrases. He went for the prize, he had to, he was about to come so hard it would be illegal in twelve states.

One, two, three circles of her clit and she went nuclear.

Dax thought it would be her body that pulled his pleasure from him, but it wasn’t, it was her words. She shouted to the heavens, “I fucking love you!” That is what had his balls drawing up against him and the tingle blooming at the base of his spine.


And then he fell into a blissful state of vegetation.

“Wow,” she panted. “You sure are cursing more today than you have in the year I’ve known you. I’m a bad influence.”

Dax smiled, or at least, he thought he did. His face was pretty much numb.

Shifting his weight and dragging the sheet across them, he replied, “Yes, you are lady, very bad, and also the best.” He managed to get his lips to work long enough to kiss her on the cheek. “I love you, too, Stacy Olivia Roberts. And since we aren’t doing the whole marriage thing, I declare you my old lady.” He pulled her in close, enjoying the feel of her ass cuddling his dick. “And first thing in the morning, we are going to the shop, and I am making it official, on our terms. Now, rest, I want to make love to you later tonight and possibly a power fuck or two, and we both need to recharge for that.”

“Whoa, what do you mean, make it official?” Without opening his eyes, he managed to tweak her nose.

“What I mean is, I’m putting my mark on you, and you can decide one for me and Walker can handle that later. But in the morning, we need privacy for what’s going to go down. S’that cool?” Dax had planned a tattoo for her from the moment he laid eyes on her. Once he tasted her, it was cemented. Worry crept in that she would resist, but he wouldn’t push her, he’d just have to mark her heart and soul if she drew the line at her body.

“Yeah, it’s cool. I’ll proudly make it official.” Dax let the smile split his face. “Our terms,” she breathed and fell into a soft slumber.

“Our terms, babe,” he repeated to the back of her head as he kissed it. “Our terms.”

ax was vibrating
at the thought of inking her perfect skin, even though he would be the only one to see it. Well, him and her gynecologist. The blinds were drawn and the shop was locked. No one would interrupt them. He may have been foaming at the mouth to put his mark on her, but he was just as anxious to see what she would decide for him.

His beautiful old lady was laid out in front of him with her legs spread wide, just waiting for the bite of the needle. The trust she was exhibiting was humbling. The bond formed between artist and client was a sacred one for Dax. He felt it was a very personal decision when someone allowed another to mark their body permanently. That bond between Stacy and him would be tenfold and that would be hard as hell to break.

“You ready, babe? It’s going to hurt like a bitch in the spot I picked, but you can handle it.” Dax tested the gun, and she didn’t even jump at the buzz. “No turning back once I pierce the skin. Not only will it be
your body forever,
plan to be
it, and your life forever, too.”

In answer, she leaned up and grabbed his face.
Something about the feel of her hands turns me to mush every time.

“I don’t want to turn back. I’ll never want that. What I do want is a peek at those stencils.”
Sneaky devil
. Dax hid the papers from her prying eyes.

“Blackie Lawless’ saw-bladed codpiece, you’re sneaky as hell.”

“Blackie…” Stacy plopped back against the reclined chair. “Isn’t he the lead singer of W.A.S.P.? He’s not a hero, so what’s up?”

“First, he is a hero, a rock hero. Any man that wears a saw blade on his arms and cock is a hero of mine. Second, I’ve moved on, from heroes to rock gods. Like I said before, I’ll keep you on your toes, babe. Now, let’s get this show on the road. If I have to stare at your beautiful pussy covered in the barest layer of that sin-colored satin, tattooing is not what I’ll be doing.”

It was almost orgasmic when he penetrated her skin with the first line. Dax opted for flesh tones for this work, a shade or two darker than her own skin. He wanted them to look real as possible.

He reminded himself once more,
no one but me will get to see them or this part of her ever again
. He felt every twitch as if it were his flesh. He hated causing her pain, and yes, he could’ve chosen something else in a less painful location, but this was what he’d always wanted to see on her. It was almost the same way the wood spoke to him.

Just barely off the crease of the inside of the thighs was a rough place to get inked, he knew personally. His leg sleeve extended all the way and wrapped around to include his hip.

Wiping down his work and putting ointment on it, he asked the million-dollar question. “You ready to see it?” Holding up a mirror, he taunted her.

“Hell yes, give me that.” Stacy snatched the mirror and angled is just so. “Holy shit, are those…your ears?” She didn’t wait for him to answer, she didn’t need to; the design was a flawless, perfect representation of his ears. “Holy fucking hell, Dax, you really put your ears on my thighs. You freak.”

Dax leaned back and clasped his hands behind his head. “Yep, and you fucking love it, Stacy. They’re in the perfect place, don’t you think? A guide for when I’m getting my beard waxed. Also, in a place no one else will ever see them. They’re mine. All mine.” Dax leaned in and kissed her and took the mirror from her hands. “Forever, all mine. On our terms.”

“Our terms”, she whispered back. “But remember, payback’s a bitch.”

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on for a peek into Imagine Ink 4.

Sneak Peek - Imagine Ink 4

us was having
second thoughts as she paced her living room waiting for John to arrive. Guilt assaulted her about bringing him here under false pretenses, but she was tired of waiting. And horny as hell. Pregnancy was a bear on the emotions as well as the libido. Most days, she couldn’t decide if she’d rather scarf down a twelve-course meal, have sex, or bawl her eyes out.

Being pregnant was a unique experience, to say the least. Being pregnant with another couple’s baby, even more so. Pretty much being an oven for the most deserving couple of dads-to-be she knew? Well, unique didn’t began to cover it. Add to that, being hot to trot for a pretty traditional guy and trying to work that angle, well, heck, there wasn’t even a Facebook group she could find for that.

Why did I listen to Stacy?
Having John’s sister stay with her for two weeks gave her more insight than she now thought was prudent. For someone who was reluctant to bond, Stacy sure hit it out of the park after her brush with death. Truth be told, it was probably just that which spurred Gus into action more so than Stacy’s advice about how to snag her brother. Gus couldn’t imagine what Stacy must have gone through at the hands of her psycho ex, and having to end his life.
I will never be that strong.
Case in point, she already had the phone in hand, ready to chicken out, as always.

“Why is this so dang hard? I care about him. I think he cares about me. We’re both adults and if we decided to do the dirty, what’s wrong with that, hmm?” It was a rhetorical question posed to a sleeping, purring Lynyrd on the back of the couch, as she passed him for the hundredth time.

She answered silently anyway.

Why? Because I’m pregnant and John has barely looked me in the eyes since Andy and Marco made the announcement. Because I didn’t tell him before anyone else found out. Because I called him over to move furniture that doesn’t need moving. Because traditional is an understatement where he is concerned. What kind of man in his right mind would even want to sleep with a pregnant woman, one that he didn’t make pregnant, anyway?

She was freaking out…again. She needed someone to pump her up and tell her she was doing the right thing. There was only one person for that job, the person who talked her into this crazy, get-him-over-here-and-get-him-naked, scheme. She punched the name on the screen and waited.

“What’s up, buttercup?”

“What’s up is that I am a moron who took bad advice from a friend and now I’m losing my mind.” When Stacy said nothing, Gus continued. “That friend is you, and the advice is seducing your brother. I…”

Stacy interrupted. “You’re doing that now, right now? That’s what this whole moving furniture thing is all about? Oh shit.” Stacy’s laughter rocketed through the phone’s speaker. When she finally slowed enough to speak, it wasn’t without comedic interruption. “Oh, my God, Pixie, I hope you’re not planning on answering the door in the buff or anything?” Laughter overtook her ex-BFF again, and Gus regretted ever advising her to live in the moment and all that, because Stacy had taken it to a whole new level.

“As a matter of fact, I am in my silky robe with the only lacy thing I have that still fits. And…what’s so funny, anyway?” There was no way Gus could talk over Stacy’s riotous laughter, so she stopped talking and starting thinking. Something about Stacy’s words was bouncing around in her brain, pinging off the comprehension center, until…

”STACY!” She shouted to garner her attention. “How do you know about moving furniture?”

“Now, Pixie, when has John ever done anything average, especially where you’re concerned? Over the top is his standard. So, if his Gussy Girl needs furniture moved, she’s getting it moved…by everyone. He showed up here not two minutes ago in Francis and Frank’s van with the whole testosterone gang packed inside, to add Dax to his moving crew. I’m watching them back out of the drive now.”

Gus was mortified. At least Stacy’s laughter had died down enough for her to recognize other sounds. The jingle of keys, the closing of a door, the sound of a car door and an engine roaring to life.
Thank god, my no-longer-ex BFF is on her way to help me.

“Word of advice, Pixie, I’d waddle to the bedroom and change, unless you want Walker, Michael, and Dax to see your goodies, because it won’t take them but ten minutes max to get there. I’m right behind ‘em, because I have got to see this.” Laughter reigned again.

“This is all your fault, I should’ve never listened to you.”

“Oh, boohoo, I told you to seduce him, not lie to him. The course of action you took was not under my direct advice. You can stay on the phone and launch your false accusations, or you can use your, oh, eight minutes, to change and decide how you want your house rearranged. Before everyone shows up and you’re busted. Smooches, Pixie, I’ll see you in a bit.”

Arghhh, Gus fumed.

“Stacy not only pulled out her lawyer card going all,” Gus adopted a non-flattering voice change, “I didn’t advise this, and course of action that.”

Then, she remembered. “That hooker hung up on me,” Gus complained to Lynyrd, who really didn’t give a shit. He had other concerns on his mind, like coughing up a fur ball… “Not on the carpet!”

When it rains, it pours. She was down to under five minutes now. She could clean the mess her cat made or try to fix hers. But if she chose hers, the cat puke would stain.
Dang it
, she had to clean it first. By the time she finished, she could hear car doors in the drive. Gus slid into her bedroom at breakneck speed—breakneck for her anyway—and grabbed a pair of roomy sweats and a hoodie.
Oh no, no one will think anything strange of you in sweats during the dog days of summer
. She was still pulling them on over her robe while making her way back to the living room when Stacy,
the hussy
, let the whole gang in with her flowerpot key.

“Well, hello, Pixie Sue, what’s shakin’? I hope I didn’t interrupt anything, but I figured since you called the guys over to help you move, you wouldn’t mind if I let them in.”

Gus was not a violent person by nature, but she was willing to give it a shot right about now.
I want to wipe that smug, amused look off my definitely-ex-BFF’s face.

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