Irresistible You (25 page)

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Authors: Celeste O. Norfleet

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Irresistible You
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Relaxing the tie’s hold he leaned back on a ninety degree angle. The strength of his muscled arm bore the brunt of her body lying against his. Then with his free hand, secured on the bed behind him, he allowed gravity to hold her body firmly against his mouth.

Unbounded rapture spurred their desire as she savored the delight of his body and she relished the feel of his mouth on hers. He slowly relaxed completely back, bringing her flat against his chest. He prided himself on his ingenuity and being a fast learner.

Slightly dazed by the experience, she crawled up onto her bed, he followed. Kneeling she began wrapping the tie around her hand again until he comfortable lay down beside her.

Then, with the innocence of an angel and the wicked smirk of sin she inched up and straddled him perching atop his firmly muscled abdomen. He reached for her with his their joined hand, she allowed it. A slow measured groan rumbled in his throat. She leaned over winding the tie around her hand until their hands clasped together as one.

Gradually, tenderly, purposefully she licked his parted lips then nibbled the underside of his chin drawing the groan that rumbled in his chest. When she leaned up again she noted the tense pull of his jaw. She decided that she was going to be either the pleasure of him or the death of him.

Together they pulled his pants and briefs free then she reached their hands over to the nightstand and pulled a small packet free from the drawer. Together, humored by the awkward difficulty, they covered him and protecting themselves. Having succeeded she took his tied hand to her mouth and kissed it affectionately.

She guided his hand to her waist. He pulled down the side of her thong then the other side. Satisfied that the stockings garter and strapped sandals would stay on, she slowly unwound the tie from her hand then released it from his wrist freeing him to explore at will. And explore he did.

He sat up. With ease he adjusted her body on his lap. Then, eye to eye, she sat still straddled across his body. With ardent dedication and masterful skill he touched, teased and tantalized her until she called his name in rasping pleas of pleasure. Knowing her body as well as he did, he stroked her pleasure sending moans of rapturous desire tingling over her skin.

“Now,” she whispered then shifting her weight and reached for him. Feeling him hard and throbbing she guided him to lie back down on the bed. Then she inched higher, placing her moist readiness above his penis’s steeled hardness. Sheathed, she grasped him firmly and impaled herself feeling her body fill completely. She held her breath in a gasp of pure pleasure hearing his sigh of satisfaction and anticipation.

She leaned down over him. His lips fastened onto her in a blinding toe curling kiss stoked the already burning fire inside of her. She arched her body sending a tremor of delight through them. Then she rocked her hips slowly at first then picking up to the rhythm of his movements. He held her waist firmly as she pumped the life force of desire from his body.

He took her breast into his mouth as she leaned over. Playfully he cupped her kissing both of them, sucking each one separately. A blinding panic seeped through her building a flaming rocket of explosive pleasure. She rocked harder as her nails bit into his shoulders. Then in wild passionate abandonment their love cadence quickened to a tense frantic pace.

The wave of ecstasy erupted and a blur of brilliant white lights washed over them as their bodies twisted, tensed, twitched then shuddered, surrendering to the inevitable. Ecstasy washed over them.

Breathless she collapsed onto him. Moisture glistened on their bodies as a wicked knowing smile dragged lazily across their faces. “So what did you say J.T. stood for?” She barely rasped out.

J.T. laughed heartily causing her body to bubble and bounce along with his. He pulled her down to his side and gathered her close in a fierce embrace. He kissed her forehead and gently stroked the loosed ringlets of tousled hair from her face. “Later.” He promised.


Chapter Fifteen


Juliet looked out the window into the darkness. “Where exactly are we?”

“McLean Virginia.”

“What’s in McLean?”

“Your first performance.”

She nodded. “So tell me now, what do the initials J.T. stand for?” He didn’t answer. “Is it really that bad?” He remained silent and just smiled in the darkness. “Okay, you’ve forced me to guess,” she thought a moment, smiled and began, “Jethro Thurston Evans, Jonah Thaddeus Evans or maybe, Jeremiah Truman Evans?”

She caught him off guard. He laughed then chuckled shaking his head while remembering her last few attempts to gain that information. Making love with Juliet was like heaven on earth. She was playful and audacious with a sexy streak of adventure. They didn’t sleep afterwards, but they did lay in each other arms talking until moments turned into hours. “Few people know that dangerous secret.” He warned.

“Ah, but I’m not just anybody, I’m the woman who captured her heart, the love of your life.”

J.T.’s heart pounded as he grasped the steering wheel tighter. The truth of her words took him by surprise. It may have been just a casual remark to her, but for him it continued a chain reaction that had been slowly building for ten months.

She was more correct than she knew. Lying on her bed with her wrapped in his arms was a fantasy he would replay over and over again in his mind. A simple twist of his silk tie had captured his heart.

“Question,” she began interrupting his thoughts, “who else knows about our little production?”

“My cousin, Trey.”

“Trey Evans?”

He nodded and turned to her gauging her reaction, she had none. “I understand you know him.”

“Yes, a mutual friend introduced us a while back.”

“A male friend?”

She looked over to him and smiled wide. She inched over and placed her hand on his thigh. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous already sweetheart.” Her voice softened to the barest whisper.

He turned to her again “Of course I’m jealous.”

“Well, no need to be. Senator Kingsley introduced us.”

“Oh, a U.S. Senator, is he my competition.”

“There is no competition,” she stated honestly.

“That’s good to hear.”

“Will Trey be here tonight?”

“I don’t know. I’m not sure who’s on the guest list.”

“Is that it?” She asked as he drove through a large iron gateway. Several parked cars lined the long narrow road. He steered steady as a van quickly zipped past them headed back to the main road. Juliet watched the van and red the wording on the side. “Oops,” she giggled, “I believe that was the catering truck from dinner.”

“Oops,” he repeated.

“So, what excuse shall we use, the car broke down, traffic on ninety-five was unbearable, we got lost, or the ever popular we were driving by a burning pet store an stopped to safe the puppies.”

“How about we made love then lay in each other’s arms unable and unwilling to move.”

Juliet blushed in the darkened car as a quiver of flutters went through her stomach. She quickly looked out the side window into the darkness. Truth was sometimes painful, particularly when it came too close to the heart. Her father was an expert a steeling his heart from others, surely she must have some of her father’s trait. If ever she needed to distance herself it was now. “You chose.”

J.T. looked to her and grimaced. “What no smart sassy reply, no sarcasm?”

“No, not this time.”

The car pulled up in front of the Evans home. Juliet was relieved to end the pending conversation before it began. But she needed to gather her acting ability and stage persona for the next few minutes. The first act was about to begin.

J.T. came around to her side door. He opened it and extended his hand. She grasped it firmly and he pulled her into his arms taking her breath away, again. He gathered her into his arms, leaned in and kissed her caressing her back lovingly.

When their lips parted Juliet glanced over his shoulder and saw the curtain in the front window drop. “Perfect timing, I believe we just got our first review, although I couldn’t tell who just saw us.”

J.T. looked away. The thought of pretending was the furthest thing from his mind. He kissed her because he wanted to, needed to, had to, not because it was expected as a performance. He stood holding her in his arms.

Juliet looked to the house again. “We’d better go in.”

He nodded wordlessly, took her hand and guided her down the illuminated brick path up the steps and to the front door. Juliet looked up at the three-story edifice. “This is beautiful,” she said as he grasped the brass handle and held the door open for her to enter.

The foyer was brightly lit. J.T. took Juliet’s wrap and laid it across the hall chair. He reached over and took her hand and paused a second. “Are you ready for this?”

“I’m always ready,” her eyes sparkled with added meaning.

“I’ll have to remember that.” He brought her hand up and kissed it. “Here we go.”


Taylor’s brow furrowed with added concern as she closed the kitchen door. Dinner had been over for nearly two hours. Dessert and coffee had been served, and most of the invited guests had already left. The catered help had cleaned the kitchen to its usual spotless pristine glow, loaded their truck and had pulled around the circular drive the surrounded the house.

Louise, Colonel Otis Wheeler and Jace sat in the living room talking as Taylor returned after seeing the caterers out. She sat down and looked at her watch as she had done all evening. “I can’t imagine what happened to J.T. and his guest,” Taylor said.

Trey smiled knowingly as he came back into the room, “I’m sure he’s just unavoidably detained.”

The slight smile on his face gave Taylor pause. She turned to Trey as he sat down beside her. “You know something, don’t you?”

Trey shook his head and rolled his shoulder shrugging innocently. “All I know is that he was late.”

“He’s more than late, I’d say.” Jace added.

“Who’s this guest he’s bringing this evening?” Taylor asked Trey.

“A friend.”

“What kind of friend?” She continued the interrogation.

“A good friend.”

“Whom he’s known long?”

“Long enough.”

“Where did they meet?”

“New York I believe.”

“Have you met her?” Taylor asked.


“Maybe? What does that mean, what kind of answer is that?”

“It means maybe,” Trey said.

“Taylor, Trey,” Jace interrupted their cop and bandit routine. “Are you two going to do this interrogation, evasive maneuvers the rest of the evening?” Jace asked.

Louise smiled and chuckled as Colonel Wheeler was full out laughing.

“As I was saying,” Trey continued, “maybe you should ask him yourself, his car just pulled up outside.”

“Good evening all, sorry we’re late,” J.T. offered as he and Juliet entered. All eyes turned to the doorway. Taylor’s mouth dropped. Louise’s mouth dropped. Trey chuckled openly as Colonel Wheeler and Jace stood to greet the newly arrived couple.

“Well hello,” Jace said as he approached, “Come on in, welcome.”

“Dad, this is Juliet Bridges, Juliet, my father Jace Evans.” Juliet smiled brightly as they shook hands.

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