Irresistible You (23 page)

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Authors: Celeste O. Norfleet

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Irresistible You
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Patricia shook her head regretfully, “So what exactly are you supposed to be doing?”

“He wants me to have dinner with him tomorrow night. That’s where he wants me to pretend that we’re together.”

“And after that, what’s next?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean what happens after that. Do you continue with the charade or what?”

“Yes, for about a week or until the matchmaker leaves.” The mischievous glint sparkled again.

“I know that face,” Patricia pointed and wiggled her finger across the table. “What exactly are you up to?” She asked.

Before she could answer her cell phone rang. She opened her purse, pulled it out and said hello. She smiled easily. “Yes,” she said before closing the phone and putting it back in her purse.

Patricia watched, witnessing the instant glow on her friend’s face as soon as she recognized the caller. It was evident to her the J.T. was on the line. She nodded knowingly; there was definitely more going on with this than just a simple distraction.

“That was him wasn’t it?” Patricia asked. Juliet nodded. “And you’re going to do it, pretend to be his love interest?” She nodded again. “Just for the record, I’ll hold off on saying I told you so when this doesn’t exactly turn out like you expect it to.”

“What could possible go wrong? It’s a couple of dinners and maybe I’ll have a few laughs. No one gets hurt.”

“Famous last words, what happens if emotions get involved?”

“Over dinner, somehow I doubt that. Unless of course it’s on the menu,” she joked.

“Juliet, just be careful. Emotions have a way of popping up when you least expect it,” Patricia stopped and opened her mouth, “unless of course they already have.” Juliet looked across the room, suddenly fascinated by a busboy clearing a table.

Silence hung over the table for the first time since Juliet sat down. Patricia was getting too close to guessing the truth of her actions. Juliet finally turned back to her friend. “Don’t say it. I know what I’m doing.”

“Do you? You know in all the years that you and I have been friends, and there are many; you’ve seen me through drama after drama with men both professionally and personally. Even from the very beginning until just recently when Pierce and I got back together, you’ve been there for me and my relationship trials. But you’ve never had a serious relationship. Oh you’ve had relationships enough with some really great guys but they never lasted, you never let them.”

“So I’m reserved, I keep to myself.”

“You’re not reserved, you refuse to first even open up to the possibility of a relationship.”

“Psychoanalysis again?”

“I don’t have to. I’m your best friend I know you better than anyone, sometimes even you.”


“Meaning, Juliet, your heart’s been in a deep freeze for almost thirty years, ever since your parent’s divorce. It broke your mother’s heart and froze yours. You cover it up with sarcasm and humor but it’s still there, frozen solid. No man has ever gotten in until maybe now.”

Juliet looked away as her eyes welled with tears threatening. Patricia took her hand. “Dance was your outlet, your escape. It ruled your life for as long as I can remember, the audience, the applause and adoration was a quick fix. Now that your stage career will be ending soon, you’re lost.”

“You’re right, I am lost. My dancing is important to me. Yes, I’ve had to make sacrifices along the way. But in the end my career on stage always came first.”

“So what happens when you’re no longer on stage and don’t have an excuse.”

“I can handle it.”

“Juliet sometimes you’re your own worst enemy. Your independence and don’t-give-a-damn, I-can-do-it-all-alone, attitude isn’t always the best. One of these days love is gonna sweep you off your feet and you’re gonna have no choice but to just let go. Maybe ballet has done you a disservice in making you too independent and strong willed.

“You’ve been pushing those who love you away all your life. You keep everyone at arm’s length. Every romantic relationship ends when the man gets too close to your heart, sound familiar?” Patricia wanted to say more but she stopped abruptly knowing that it all stemmed from her relationship with her father. His distance in loving her and her mother fierce independence was the catalyst for a lot of her problems.

“By all means Patricia, tell me what you really think and feel,” Juliet smiled and joked the truth away as usual.

“I didn’t mean to get so serious, but you’re my best friend and want you to be happy.”

“I am happy,” she lied to herself as she always did.

“You’re obviously already attracted to him or you wouldn’t even consider such an outrageous offer if you weren’t. All I’m saying is just be careful.” Patricia reached over and grasped Juliet’s hand. “You’re my girl; I don’t want you getting hurt.”

“I know, and I won’t. It’s a simple favor no strings attached.”

“I hope so.”

Juliet looked away as Patricia spoke to the waiter about the desert tray’s offering. A frown troubled her brow.
It was only a couple of dinners. It wasn’t like she had already fallen

Later that evening Juliet’s thoughts rested heavily on Patricia’s words. The anxiety she’d always felt at others getting too close had always been her shield. Like her father, relationships were best when dispensed of quickly. When things got too complicated with love and love was always complicated, she walked away.

Chapter Thirteen


Taylor hung up the phone and walked back to the kitchen table. She sat down heavily. “That was Lena, she just got a call from Juliet, and unfortunately, Juliet has another engagement this evening and won’t be able to attend.”

“That’s unfortunate,” Louise said.

“It gets even better than that, Jace told me earlier that J.T. has decided to bring a guest this evening.” She sighed heavily as she picked up her tea and sipped.

“Did Jace say who his guest was?”

“No, only that he’d be bringing a friend from New York.” Taylor frowned, “so much for my brilliant plan.”

Louise reached across the table and pat Taylor’s hand lovingly. “I’m of the opinion that all things happen in their own time. J.T. meeting Juliet wasn’t a given. If they were destined to meet, believe me, nothing would have gotten in the way.”

“Except maybe his friend from New York,” Taylor injected dryly. “How could I have so completely missed the fact that he was already involved with someone? I never even asked, I just assumed.”

“He’s been away for some time Taylor, there’s no way you could have guessed that he was already involved with someone. Is it serious?” Louise asked.

“Jace didn’t say, he only said that J.T. would be bringing a guest this evening. Well, as long as he’s happy,” Taylor said.

“Exactly, ultimately that’s all you wanted in the first place.” Both ladies paused a moment to reflect on the new development. “Maybe it’s for the best,” Louise added, “these things happen for a reason. Whatever is meant to be will be.” Taylor nodded her agreement. “Do you know if J.T. even met Juliet last night at the fund raiser?” Louise asked.

“I don’t know and Jace didn’t say. I haven’t spoken to J.T. since I had to cancel after giving him the ticket and invitation.” She paused, “I wonder who she is,” Taylor mused aloud.

“Well, we’ll know soon enough.”

Louise turned and looked out of the kitchen window just as two caterer vans drove up and parked at her back door. Four women got out of the van and went around to the back and opened the van doors. Two other women looked up at the house and began climbing the back stairs to the kitchen door. “The caterers are here,” Louise announced. Taylor turned and followed her gaze.

Taylor stood and opened the kitchen door. She greeted the caterers and explained to the two women her last minute changes. The supervising cook and lead chef dressed in bright white t-shirts with the company logo imprinting on the chest, aprons and baseball caps stood listening. The other women from the van, the wait staff, dressed in all black continued unloading and bringing in supplies.

Taylor asked a few questions as the workers finished emptying the van of supplies. A session of plastic covered trays, large industrial pots and bouquets of flowers lined the kitchen counter and table as set-up quickly began. The once still and quiet kitchen came to life in a blast of energy.

Taylor picked up the empty tea cups and placed them in the dish washer. She walked back to the table watching as the preparations for the evening continued. “I think everything’s pretty much set here, are you up to do some last minute shopping? I have a list that could choke an elephant.”

Louise chuckled. “I thought you’d never ask,” she got up and followed Taylor out of the kitchen.

Taylor paused and looked around the large formal dining room. Stately and majestic, it was the centerpiece of the Evans home. Usually filled with joyous laughter from the many cocktail parties, celebrations and family gatherings, it had lately been silenced by long work hours and busy conflicting schedules.

The long brushed mahogany dining table usually sat ten, but for the evening it would sit fourteen. Taylor gripped the smooth velvet chairs and leaned over to adjust the three floral centerpieces. Of white and sky blue fresh roses and a sprinkle of baby’s breath, simple and elegant, they were perfect, just low enough for comfortable conversation and just high enough not to crowd the low hanging crystal teardrop chandelier.

Taylor circled the table once checking each place seating. The china silverware and settings were all properly in place. Nodding affirmatively she looked up in the wall mirror and reflected Louise’s smile as she stood behind her.

“Everything looks beautiful.” Louise assured her.

“It’s been so long since Jace and I have had the time to entertain. With his busy schedule it’s almost impossible to invite friends over even for a simple meal let alone a dinner party.”

“Now all that will change since J.T. is CEO.”

“Yes, thankfully,” Taylor said smiling, “Jace has worked so hard all his life. I think it’s about time he begin taking some time to enjoy the fruits of his labor. And he’s been really looking forward to the fishing trip with Colonel Wheeler.”

Louise smiled. “Otis goes at least twice a year. He and his Marine buddies are an absolute mess telling tall fish tales and old war stories.”

“Sounds perfect, I’m so happy Colonel Wheeler invited Jace to go along. He loves fished but just never takes the time to go.”

“It’ll give Jace, Matthew and Ray a chance to hear what I’ve been going through all these years.” She laughed. “Oh the stories they tell…” she lamented woefully, “sharks, pirates, and heaven knows what else.”

The two women laughed again as Taylor looked over the table one last time. “I didn’t realize how excited I was until now.” She picked up Juliet’s place card and put it in the buffet drawer along with the extra candle sticks and napkins. “Well,” she sighed heavily, “so much for my choice, as long as he’s happy.”

 “I’m sure whoever she is she’s just as lovely a young lady as Juliet.”

Chapter Fourteen


Old Towne Alexandria was exactly that, old. Reminiscent of a bygone era, it still honed and clung to the antique qualities of historical traditions while intermingling with the relaxed charm of the modern age. Historically sound and steeped in heritage and history the area was now a thriving contemporary community of affluent Colonial and Georgian homes.

J.T. drove around the block several times before he found an available parking space. The quiet residential street was a far cry from the hub of activity he had grown used to over the years. Traveling constantly and calling hotel suites home, he’d forgetting the quaint charm of simple middle class suburban living.

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