Into the Unknown (Werewolf Wars, #2) (13 page)

BOOK: Into the Unknown (Werewolf Wars, #2)
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ene grumbled as his cell phone vibrated, the shrill sound of his ringtone blaring into the room. Rolling over, he picked up his flashing cell phone from the nightstand. “Hello,” he answered groggily. Sitting up, he glanced at the red illumination of the clock on the headboard. 4:56am.

“We had a situation at the ranch,” Devon greeted, his voice rushed.

“What happened?” Gene asked, fully awake now. “Is everyone all right?”

“We lost one of our own. Travis. We took three of their men alive and I’m getting ready to question them,” Devon said.

Gene scrubbed a hand over his face. “Get everything you can from them. Is everyone else all right? Lark?”

“She’s fine. Shaken, but fine,” Devon said, letting out a long breath.

“I’ll let Clive know we need to leave. We’ll be back as soon as we can. I’ll send my condolences to Travis’ family.”

“Gene, there’s something else you should know.” Devon paused, and the phone crackled as he exhaled into the mouthpiece. “They’re Emmett’s men.”

Gene growled low in his throat. “Find out what you can, and call me back. Don’t do anything rash, Dev.”

“Talk to you in a few. I had them taken to your ranch since the barn is equipped to hold prisoners. I’ll let you know what I find out.”

Gene hung up the phone and closed his eyes. Leaning back into the pillows, he couldn’t help but think that he should have been there too. Maybe it would’ve made a difference—maybe he wouldn’t have lost a great wolf this morning.

Knowing there was no going back to sleep, he got up and maneuvered quietly through the house. He needed to go for a run to clear his head.


evon nodded at Xander, one of his men as he entered the barn where the three wolves they’d captured were contained. Gritting his teeth, he approached them. All three were conscious, and, though they were battered and bloodied, they were able to talk. Immediately upon capture, Devon had checked their mouths and pockets for drugs. He’d needed to make sure they couldn’t kill themselves as the last two wolves had.

Balling his fists, he steeled himself for the interrogation he was about to conduct. Both packs’ well-being rested on his ability to get information from them.

“Who sent you here?” Devon questioned, jumping straight into it.

The men stared at him vacantly. Reed, the oldest of the three with graying hair, sneered at him with a crimson smile. Spitting out blood into the straw, he responded, “We came to restore our rightful alpha.”

“Daniel?” Devon ground out.

“You didn’t think it was you, did you?” The older werewolf chuckled.

Devon glanced at Xander, who met his gaze. “Have they said anything to you?”

“No, sir,” Xander responded.

“Ahh, such a good little dog,” Reed said, rolling his eyes.

Ignoring the bate, Devon asked, “So Daniel sent you here? Anyone else?”

“Just Daniel.”

“How do I know you’re not lying?” Devon asked, trying to keep his cool. He wouldn’t put it past his brother, but it seemed odd that they would give him up so quickly.

“I’ll give you the information you seek if you let us go,” Reed suggested.

“And you speak for the three of you?” Devon asked, quirking a brow at Reed. Narrowing his eyes, he watched the three wolves. These were some of Emmett’s most loyal men; none of them had ever been friendly to him. Something was off.

The two other wolves nodded.

“I’ll agree to give you hospitable accommodations until we figure out your release,” Devon said, crossing his arms over his chest. He wasn’t about to let them go anytime soon, but that wasn’t something they needed to know.

Reed looked up at the ceiling as he seemingly contemplated the offer. “My back pocket,” he said.

Devon took a step forward and snatched the folded papers from his pocket. Opening the document, he squinted at the phone records. Scanning them, the highlighted numbers popped out at him. Daniel’s number. The other number, he didn’t recognize, but he was certain he could guess to whom it belonged.

“Evidence that Daniel is calling Juarez,” Reed said.

Devon sucked in a deep breath, trying to gather his thoughts. “If you are trying to restore him, why are you ratting him out now?”

“We got caught. My loyalty was always to Emmett, not Daniel. I was exacting his final wish to see Daniel through as an alpha. However, our current predicament dictates we make other choices. I’d rather live as a lone wolf than to be killed or be your prisoner. My loyalty only goes so far,” Reed said.

“How very noble of you, Reed,” Devon murmured.

“My interest is for my own safety. Emmett was a good man—a good leader. I owed him my life. I saw it as only fitting to try and follow through with his last wishes. However, I’m not so loyal as to give up my life and freedom for Daniel,” Reed sneered.

“Yet you’d follow him?” Devon questioned, rolling the papers in his hand.

Reed chuckled darkly. “He was Emmett’s heir. The key to aligning with the Gulf Packs. Once there, there was nothing to stop me from overthrowing his rule.”

Devon looked back down at the phone records. He needed to investigate further; he couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right. If the calls were true, though, Daniel was their spy.

“Keep them tied up and don’t let them out of your sight,” Devon ordered.

He stormed out of the barn, his heart thrumming in his ears as he stomped up the steps to the house. Throwing the screen door open, he fumed as he sought Daniel out. Heat crept across his cheeks, and his fists balled at his side. Finding him upstairs in the living room of the guest quarters, he lunged and jerked his brother toward him.

“You and I need to have a chat,” Devon snarled. He yanked Daniel by the collar of his polo shirt, dragging him through the house to Gene’s office. Shoving Daniel in, he slammed the door shut behind him.

“What’s going on Dev?” Daniel asked, startled as he attempted to straighten out his red shirt.

“Those were Emmett’s men who attacked us. But you already knew that didn’t you!” Devon bellowed in Daniel’s face.

Daniels eyes widened, but he didn’t deny the accusation.

“They said you sent them,” Devon accused, poking his brother’s chest with his finger.

“What?” Daniel asked, frowning. “Devon—”

“Save it,” Devon said as he tossed the phone papers at Daniel. “Explain!” He challenged as the papers fluttered around him.

“What?” Daniel caught the papers as he shuffled through them.

“Whenever you’re ready,” Devon snapped.

“Whose number is this?” Daniel asked pointing to one of the numbers highlighted in green.

Devon snatched the papers from Daniel’s hand and went to the phone on the desk. He jabbed at the buttons and then put the phone on speaker. Grinding his teeth, he eyed his brother as the phone rang.

“Hello,” the unmistakable voice of Fernando Juarez answered.

Lifting the receiver and slamming it back down again, Devon glared at Daniel. He gripped the edges of the desk until his fingers ached from the strain. Breathing through his nostrils, he watched Daniel with narrowed eyes.

“I can explain—”

“Save it,” Devon growled, cutting him off. Stalking toward Daniel, he ground his teeth. “We gave you a chance, and this is how you repay us.”

Anger surging through him, Devon gripped the lapels of Daniel’s shirt and shoved him against the wall.

“You put both packs in danger. Lark, mother, our sister in danger. All for what?” Devon snarled.

Daniel grimaced looking away. “I’m sorry, Dev I-” 

“You really are your father’s son,” Devon hissed, cutting him off as he pulled him forward and then slammed him back against the wall.


The office door flung open as Claire walked in. Turning to the open door, Devon grunted as Daniel shoved him away and punched him in the face. He quickly recovered and lunged at his brother. Daniel evaded him and ran toward the large window, throwing himself through it. The glass shattered and Devon covered his face with his arm. Daniel transitioned in midair, landing on the ground in the form of a reddish-brown wolf. He yowled loudly, his golden eyes flickering in the moonlight, before he darted away.

“What in the world is going on?” Claire asked as she brushed past him, running to the window. Her feet crunched on the broken shards as she watched Daniel sprint for the woods.

“Daniel betrayed us. He’s been calling Juarez,” Devon said, running his hand over his mouth. He pulled his palm back, looking at the smear of blood. “We need to go after him.”

Claire gasped, turning to him as she shook her head, her hand covering her mouth. Devon retrieved the papers from the floor and handed them to her, watching as she scanned over them. Her bottom lip trembled, and Devon pulled her into him, hugging her as she cried quietly on his shoulder.

Chapter Ten

ene yanked his shirt off as he entered his guest bedroom. Setting his phone on the nightstand, he went to the dresser to rummage out something to wear for the day. His run hadn’t helped take the edge off at all. Instead, every minute that passed only made him more worried. Every muscle in his body ached. He twisted, trying to relive some of the tension.

His phone buzzed, vibrating on the wooden end table. Looking at the caller ID before answering, he sighed.

“What did you find out?” He asked, skipping all formalities. His grip tightened on the phone, apprehension rolling through him as he waited for an answer.

“Daniel’s the one that’s been spying on us,” Devon answered shortly.

“You’re sure? You’re not letting your emotions get in the way of your judgment?” Gene asked hesitantly.

“I have phone records showing Daniel’s been calling Juarez. He didn’t exactly deny it either,” Devon said quietly.

Gene ran a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry. This is my fault. You told me not to trust him.” Balling his fist, he sat down on the bed and punched his pillows.

“It’s fine. It’s over. I don’t blame you for wanting to believe in him. We should be able to trust family,” Devon reminded.

“So where is he?” Gene asked.

“My mom heard I pulled him into the office and came in. He used my distraction to get away,” Devon sighed into the phone, causing it to crackle loudly. “I have two teams out searching for him now.”

“You weren’t able to find him?” Gene asked, scrubbing a hand over his face. This was getting more complicated every day.


“Things are getting out of control.” Closing his eyes, he sagged back onto the pillows. His head throbbed as he tried to sort out what he needed to do to regain control.

“I agree. What’s going on in New York? Do you have any good news?” 

“I have seventeen men coming from Clive’s pack alone. We were supposed to meet with the other alphas today but—”

“I have it under control,” Devon interrupted. “Stay! We need you to get those men.”

“Are you sure?”


“If something happens, I’m a long way from home,” Gene grumbled. Worry filled him at the thought. He needed to be there to protect his homestead. Even if they took the first flight out, they wouldn’t reach the ranch for hours.

“If we don’t get more men, we’re screwed anyway,” Devon reminded him.

“Be careful, Dev,” Gene said.

“You too.”

Gene hung up the phone and set it back on the end table. It seemed like every step they took forward, they had to take three more back. Things needed to turn around in their favor. Opening his eyes, he attempted to clear his head as he massaged his temples. He needed to stay optimistic. Returning to his dresser, he gathered his clothes and headed to the bathroom for a shower.


ene ran a hand through his hair as he finished explaining the attacks to Ramona, Clive, and Natalia. It had been a few hours since he’d learned of it, and his heart still pounded in his chest.

“Thank heavens no one else was hurt,” Ramona grimaced, placing a hand to her chest as she shook her head. “It could’ve been so much worse. And poor Claire. No mother should ever be in that predicament.”

“We were lucky, and Daniel made his choices,” Gene agreed. Shifting his gaze to Natalia, he tried to gauge her reaction.

Natalia’s chestnut eyes met his for a moment before flicking away.

“I can speak with the alphas to see if they can get here any sooner. Perhaps we could do a telephone conference with some of them. I am sure you’re anxious to get home,” Clive offered as he poured a cup of coffee.

“I am. Devon says he has it under control but...” he trailed off. He did trust Devon, but if there were another attack—a larger attack—he feared there would be a much greater loss of life.

“The situation seems to be escalating quickly,” Clive replied. He pulled out his cell phone and began typing into it. “I am asking if everyone can meet here at ten instead of noon. If they can’t, we will do a conference call instead. That way, you can take a plane out tonight.”

“Thank you!” Gene said, relieved. “I’ll see about getting us a flight back to Texas.” He turned to Natalia, hesitating for a moment before asking, “Unless you would feel safer staying behind?”

Natalia’s head snapped up. She shuffled in her seat as she adjusted Adrian against her shoulder. “Stay?”

Ramona smiled. Placing a hand over Natalia’s, she said, “I’ve already told Gene we would be happy to have you.”

“I um, I have not really given it much thought.”

Gene let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. She hadn’t agreed to come to Texas, but she hadn’t committed to staying either. Perhaps she would choose Abilene after all—he could only hope. He needed to be near her, see her, touch her.

“I will check with the guys and see if any of them can accompany you on your flight this evening,” Clive said.

“Thank you,” Gene repeated.


atalia brushed her long coffee hair back, pulling it up into a messy bun. Sighing she appraised herself in the mirror. Sweat glistened on her brow as she wiped her clammy hands on her dark wash jeans. Her grey v-neck stuck to her skin, and she inhaled deeply, trying to calm her frazzled nerves. The idea of meeting with all the alphas terrified her. So much was riding on her—the fate of Gene’s pack rested on her.

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