Into the Storm (51 page)

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Authors: Melanie Moreland

BOOK: Into the Storm
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Together we would do this. For ourselves, for each other and for our family.





The change in Lizzy was obvious when Adam visited two weeks later. She was already looking healthier. The smoothies and rest were doing their job and Adam told her so as he kissed her cheek and shook my hand.

His grin was wide as he looked at the fresh pie sitting on the counter. Rabbit knew lemon was his favourite and had made sure to make one before he arrived. He insisted on going through all the legal items first so that he could sit and enjoy his ‘treat’ afterwards.

My brow furrowed as I looked at Adam across the table. “He dropped the adultery charge? Did he finally use his brain for once?”

He nodded. “He has agreed to a quiet divorce. And, surprisingly, the counseling as well as the donation. I have the signed agreement papers. These will go to a judge next. Since neither party is contesting it, things should move along quickly.”

I looked over at Rabbit who was sitting, suddenly pale and quiet, beside me. I knew how worried she had been about the proceedings. When I had told her about the adultery charge a few days ago, I had been surprised at her reaction. She had simply shrugged and said, “Let him.” When she saw my shock, she had smiled. “I don’t care how he is gone from my life as long as he
Joshua. If it makes him feel like a big man to blame me, let him. I have no plans on seeing any of the people he associated with ever again anyway.” Then she had frowned. “Unless it would reflect badly on you? On your career? That the press would use that?” Her eyes had widened as she spoke and I hastened to alleviate her worries.

Rabbit, I don’t give a flying fuck what anyone else thinks. All I care about is you. And, I agree getting rid of that bastard is the priority here. I just hate that he gets to have the upper hand here.”

But he doesn’t,” she had insisted. “I don’t care if people see it as him divorcing me rather than me divorcing him. In the grand scheme of things, it just doesn’t matter, does it? As long as he is gone from our lives?”

I smiled and kissed her. As usual, she was right. If she was happy, safe and free from him, that was all that mattered.

Now hearing the latest development, I slipped my arm around her shoulders, drawing her close to me as I focused back on Adam. “What do you think changed his mind?”

Adam tapped the thick file beside him. “I had a meeting with his lawyer in regards to the contents of this file. I think he sat with his client and persuaded him it was in his best interest not to pursue such a stupid claim. Brian had contacted him the day he left here with instructions on the adultery claim; I think he was angry when he left your property that day and reacted to it. No doubt once his anger subsided he realized just how unwise his claim was. I imagine his lawyer had something to do with the decision once he saw this and convinced him it would be more
to take a different approach.” He paused. “I’m pretty sure he also thought hard on what you had to say to him, Joshua. It was rather … direct. Only a total idiot would ignore that sort of warning.”

I snorted. I was pretty sure the asshole
an idiot. In fact, I was certain of it. Adam grinned at me knowing exactly what I was thinking, winked and then sat back. “His lawyer was rather shocked to find out the only requests were for your few personal items, the donation, the signed letter saying no retribution would be sought, and the cost of your legal fees. The no personal settlement thing was a surprise, I think. Especially given the evidence we have of Brian’s abuse.”

Rabbit looked over at him, her eyebrow arched. “My legal fees, Adam?”

He grinned at her. “I’m expensive, Lizzy. I decided that rat bastard should pay for my services, not you. I also decided extra time needed to be spent on your case. I am going to cost Mr. James big time. Besides the
million I put forth for the donation.”

Rabbit’s head tilted as she regarded him quietly. “Seven million? I requested five.”

Adam shrugged with a grin. “Typo on the draft. He agreed to it. With his father passing, the bastard can certainly afford it. And, the way it is being distributed he gets zero credit for it. None.”

Rabbit smiled gratefully “Thank you, Adam.”

He smiled back at her. “If the only thing I can hurt is his pocketbook, then I am gonna hurt it badly, Lizzy.”

Both Rabbit and I chuckled. Adam’s face turned serious. “I would prefer to go after him for a lot of money, Lizzy. For you. You deserve it. And I could get it. Easily.” His fingers once again tapped the file. “I doubt there would be much pushback if I tried. You could use it as a nest egg for the future.”

Rabbit shook her head. “No, Adam. I want this over. I don’t want his money. Even if I needed it, I wouldn’t touch it. It came at too high a price for me to ever want it. I want no tangible connection left to him. I’m fine with your fees being covered, I hadn’t really thought of that.”

I couldn’t stay quiet. “Neither Lizzy nor my child will ever want for anything—ever. No matter what, Adam. Lizzy doesn’t need his money. What’s mine is hers, and once we’re married, everything will have her name on it. In fact, I want to talk to you about a few legal items while you’re here.”

I felt her stiffen beside me and looked over but her eyes were downcast. Softly, I squeezed her shoulder and felt her relax, but I could feel that she was still tense.

Adam sighed. “I’ll be honest; it just doesn’t sit well with me, Lizzy, but you’re the client and I’ll do what you want.”

It is,” she insisted. “Just move it along, Adam. Please.”

Something was off in her voice and I looked back over at her, frowning. But again, she wasn’t meeting my eyes.

I looked at Adam, who sent me back a questioning look before he assured her he would do exactly that.

So how is therapy going?” he asked, changing the subject as Rabbit got up and began slicing up the pie and pouring coffee.

It’s been … interesting,” I shrugged. “Trina will be out again today, and tomorrow I’m going to drive us into the hospital for Lizzy’s next ultrasound.”

Trina comes here?”

I nodded. “She has been here almost every day for the past two weeks. She feels it’s important to start where I’m the most comfortable. She thinks she needs to be with me as I push myself through the act of leaving the property. We have a daily session and she sits with me as I drive, each day going further. The last few days have been good. If all goes according to plan, I will soon be able to drive myself through the gate, and once I can handle that, we’ll expand my comfort zone.” I shrugged rather self-consciously, still feeling the shame of my phobia weighing on me.

Rabbit’s hand reached up and cupped my cheek and I looked down at her. “I’m so proud of you,” she whispered lovingly, her fingers stroking my skin. Capturing her hand with mine, I kissed her palm, smiling. Always so encouraging, and always finding the right words to lift my spirits. That was my Rabbit. She smiled at my gesture, pushing my plate toward me. “Eat your pie, Joshua.”

That’s great, Joshua. It’s a fucking tough thing to do. Don’t sell yourself short.” Adam clapped me on the shoulder. “And you, Lizzy?” Adam’s voice was gentle as he spoke to her. “Are you finding things better being able to talk to someone?”

She nodded. “Yes. Anna is great. She comes out with Trina a few times a week and we sit here and talk. She helps me get things out and deal with them.”

Adam smiled. “That’s great. You both need to be able to put the past behind you and concentrate on the future. You look so much better, Lizzy. I’m pleased to see it.”

Rabbit laughed. “If by better you mean well-rested and fed, then you’re correct. Joshua hardly lets me do anything unless it involves baking something, and every time I turn around, there is a smoothie or a snack waiting for me to eat. I’m gonna be as big as a house by the time the baby is born.”

Both Adam and I laughed. I doubt she had gained more than five pounds, but she was healthier looking and more relaxed. She was right, though, I didn’t want her doing anything strenuous and I had been a little overboard on the resting thing. She was starting to push back and that was a good sign of her strength coming back.

I leaned forward, kissing her softly, my hand finding its way to her stomach, caressing it tenderly.

BG likes the smoothies,” I reminded her.

Her smile was soft.

Yes, Joshua, we both do. Both of us love how you look after us.”

I grinned.

Good to know, Rabbit.”

Chapter Forty-Two


The day was winding down. Adam had left, promising to be in touch as soon as he had more news of the divorce proceedings. The remainder of his favourite pie went with him, despite my sulking, but Rabbit had whispered she had saved me a piece so I let him go unscathed.

Trina had come and we had a good, although exhausting, session and now Rabbit and I were sitting and soaking in the hot tub. I had lowered the temperature to make it like a warm bath, knowing how much she enjoyed the relaxing bubbles. Other times, I simply turned it up and used the heat to soothe my leg, but in truth, I preferred the warmth of Rabbit beside me. Her hands were busy kneading my leg; today, Trina had decided I needed to walk off the property rather than drive and we ended up walking further than either of us had expected.

I looked over at Rabbit, watching her concentration as she stroked and kneaded the muscles. She had been quiet since our meeting with Adam and I wanted to know why. Something had upset her.

I reached my hand down and stilled hers. She looked up, startled. “Joshua?”

I moved and pulled her over onto my lap and then reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear that had come loose. The whole time, her eyes watched me warily as they had done most of the day. I didn’t like that. “Talk to me, Rabbit.”

Immediately, her eyes darted away, focusing elsewhere. “About what?” she whispered.

I cupped her face. “No. Look at me. Something happened this morning. You’ve been skittish ever since. And don’t tell me it was because of discussing the divorce. I know it was something else; I just don’t know what.”

Her eyes looked at me, and I couldn’t understand the confusion and worry I saw in them. “Rabbit, please. You’re killing me here. Tell me.”

You don’t … you don’t
to marry me because I’m pregnant, Joshua. I would never take your child away from you,” she whispered brokenly. “Whatever papers you had Adam draw up, I’ll sign.”

I stiffened in shock.

That was what she thought?

That I only wanted to marry her because she was pregnant? That I wanted to make sure she didn’t take the baby away?

I felt anger trickling down my spine as I regarded her slouched shoulders. But it wasn’t directed at her. The blame for this lay strictly at that bastard, James’ feet. He had made her feel she wasn’t enough for so long, she actually still believed it. She found it difficult to believe she could be loved just for being herself; for the amazing woman she was.

Suddenly, I saw how my statement must have sounded to her. We had never even discussed marriage. It was my own assumption she would want to be married before the baby was born, if possible. That she even
to get married again. I had just assumed she would want to marry
. I had never really asked her. I only knew I desperately wanted to marry her. I had just never told her before opening my mouth and saying it in front of Adam.

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