Into the Light (Untwisted series Book 3) (19 page)

BOOK: Into the Light (Untwisted series Book 3)
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With my wobbly legs and trying to stop my skirt blowing up in the breeze I struggled to keep up with Nathan on the short walk home and by the time we reached the bottom of the steps to Nathan’s apartment building his frustration with my speed was becoming apparent. ‘Move. Faster.’ he complained through gritted teeth, but then replacing his frown with a grin he suddenly bent down, scooped me up over his shoulder, and began to stride on again. ‘Better,’ he stated over my yelp, smoothing my dress down with one hand so at least my bum wasn’t exposed to the world.

Well, this was certainly quicker. Tucking my hands into the waistband of his jeans to support myself I looked around from my upside down position and saw the man on reception giving us a strange look that just made my grin even bigger. Once we were in the lift I thought Nathan would let me down, but he didn’t, instead one of his hands began impatiently tapping out a drumming rhythm on the wall as he waited for us to reach the top floor whilst the other began fiddling under my skirt again, making me giggle and writhe around on his shoulder. Well two could play at that game, so I pushed my hands inside the back of jeans, down inside his boxers, and gave his firm bum a damn good fondle of my own.

We made it into his apartment within two seconds of exiting the lift and then Nathan strode straight for the bedroom – 
his bedroom
 – another new development for the day, before he tossed me down on the bed immediately following and covering me with his big, hot body.

I couldn’t help but get excited as Nathan loomed over me. He was just so powerful and domineering that it flicked all the right switches within me. ‘Well, Stella, you got me so worked up on the train that I’d thought I’d have to take you fast and hard when we got home.’ My heart rate accelerated at the prospect and I drew in a shaky breath pulling my lower lip in between my teeth and biting down. Getting control over his breathing Nathan tilted his head, examining me as if he’d never seen me before. ‘But now that we’re here I think I might just take my time.’ Oh goody, fast and hard was fun, but drawn-out sex with Nathan sounded even better.

Supporting his weight on one hand Nathan reached up and flicked my lower lip free of its confines. ‘No biting on this,’ he reminded me as his mouth lowered to meet mine. I had fully been expecting a bruising, fierce kiss, but what I got instead was oddly tender and sweet. Not usual for Nathan at all, but equally as arousing for me, if not more so. His body was still covering me like a blanket and pressed so tightly against me that it was almost difficult for me to breathe, but I didn’t complain, in fact I relished the contact. Usually Nathan would have me restrained in some way and unable to touch him whilst he drove me wild, but following the trait of the day Nathan’s sexual routine seemed to be following a different route to usual as well.

My hands became greedy and began exploring Nathan’s hard muscles; roaming across his bunched biceps as they held his position above me, tracing the shape of his shoulder blades, and finally following the line of his ribs until I hit his belt. I never got to undress Nathan, he would dispose of my clothes and then do the same to his, but seeing as everything was different today I decided to go with my instincts and I took hold of his polo shirt and pulled it out of his jeans. The material was warm where it had been tucked inside and I wanted nothing more than to pull it over his head, but our bodies were too close to allow me the space to do it.

As if sensing my thoughts Nathan rolled us over so I was straddling his hips and then sat himself up so we were chest to chest, where he immediately captured my mouth again. When he finally pulled back his gaze was heavy lidded and I noticed we were both breathing heavily, almost panting, and we’d barely got started on the tiring stuff yet! Dropping a quick kiss on my lips he leaned back a bit and raised his arms slightly as if inviting me to remove his top. Was this a trick? I decided not to question everything and took hold of the hem of his T-shirt and pulled it over his head in one swift move, leaving his hair in a mussed pile on his head and his glorious chest within licking distance. Instead of licking him I licked my own lips, and he chuckled, apparently reading my thoughts once again.

‘Touch me, Stella,’ he murmured, but it wasn’t a demand or an order like usual – it was just the soft, needy words of a lover and after a brief swoon I immediately complied, pressing him back on the bed and then leaning over to explore his body. Instead of going straight to the temptation of his chest though, I decided to do a bit of kissing of my own and I cupped his jaw with one hand and lowered my lips to his, my tongue seeking entry to his mouth by running along the seam of his lips in a swift lick. He gave a soft groan and opened his mouth as his hands came up to rest on my hips, his fingertips digging into the flesh.

After a truly dizzying kiss I began to work my way down the column of his neck, dropping kisses and licking up the delicious salty taste of his skin until I was next to one of his hard nipples. Just a quick flick of my tongue had it tight and I grinned at his response before repeating the same treatment to the other side of his chest.

Shifting my hips down so I was sat on his thighs I began working the buttons of his jeans but paused when he propped himself up on his elbows, watching me inquisitively. Had I overstepped the mark? Looking up at him I bit on my lip and paused, ‘Is this OK?’ I asked cautiously, my hands mid-grope on his bulging groin.

‘Christ yes, Stella, keep going.’ My apprehension was swept away by a huge grin and my fingers once again set about freeing him from the constriction of his jeans. Considering just how excited he was this was a little trickier than I first anticipated, but with some help from Nathan and a good deal of wriggling I finally had him naked and hard below me.

‘I think there is a little unfairness in your clothing levels compared to mine,’ Nathan observed wryly as he fingered a section of my sundress and gave it a gentle tug.

‘Really? There are certain advantages to being naked though, for example, if you’re naked I can do this …’ I dropped forwards and placed a wet lick across one of his nipples, causing him to moan and arch from the bed, ‘Or this …’ Shifting down I repeated another lick, but this time running my tongue from the tip of his cock right down to the base. This move definitely got more response than just a simple moan as I found myself bucked into the air and then seconds later I was pinned below a very aroused, very frustrated mass of blond male.

‘Enough teasing,’ he panted, ‘I need to get you naked
right now
 …’ My sun dress was gone so fast I barely felt him move me – in fact I’d be surprised if I found it in one piece tomorrow – my bra quickly followed suit and then we were naked and sprawled on his huge bed in a tangle of legs and arms and lips.

Leaning up on one elbow Nathan paused for breath and positioned himself between my legs, so instinctively I averted my eyes, but to my surprise Nathan nudged my chin with one thumb, ‘Look at me, Stella,’ he whispered, and as I made eye contact with his big blue pools of lust he thrust into me in one long, smooth motion, causing me to cry out and clutch at his back.

Everything about today with Nathan had been different, even now he moved within me with a slower, gentler pace than usual and I couldn’t help but feel that this was also new, if I didn’t know about our contract I’d have almost believed we were making love, not just fucking.

The entire afternoon had been like one long foreplay session and now with Nathan increasing the speed and depth of his thrusts I could already feel the build-up of a climax in my abdomen. ‘Wait … Stella, wait for me,’ Nathan murmured, and then after just a few more of his harder thrusts I felt him hardening even more inside of me as his eyes once more sought mine.

‘Now?’ I asked, desperately hoping he’d say yes, because there was no way I’d be able to hold it off much longer.

‘Yes … together …’ he panted, his strokes getting less controlled as he neared his climax, and then I was lost to the pleasure of an immense orgasm as it washed over me in wave after wave of delicious spasms, clenching around Nathan and causing him to spurt his release into me on a loud shout.

Holy fuck
. Talk about intense. We’d done so much together in the bedroom, but that had honestly felt like our first time together, it had been so much more intimate and passionate than anything else we’d done that I was feeling pretty blown away by it all.

Thankfully, in his post-orgasmic state Nathan didn’t seem to notice my teeth working my lower lip as my brain tried to make sense of what the heck had just occurred between us.

Nathan was the first to break the silence as he rolled off to the side and pulled me over to rest in his arms. ‘I … I’ve enjoyed today, Stella,’ he sounded almost hesitant as if embarrassed to admit it. ‘And … and I wanted to thank you … for listening … last night.’ I could sense how uncomfortable his mention of last night made him, so I stayed mostly quiet, just murmuring ‘Any time,’ careful not to spoil the moment by getting too deep.

His hand began running up and down my arm gently and I shivered with pleasure and snuggled closer to his incredible warmth. ‘I wish I didn’t, but I have to be away on business this week, I’ll be back next weekend though. Stay at my place as usual next Friday if you like, I’ll get home as soon as I can on Saturday morning.’ Oh! My eyebrows rose in excitement, he sounded quite keen, surely that was a good sign? Maybe I could invite Kenny round on the Friday night for a DVD and a takeaway so he could get a proper look at Nathan’s apartment.

‘I had planned to take you out to dinner tonight,’ Nathan murmured, and I’m fairly sure I could hear a smile in his voice. ‘… but I think perhaps now that we are both naked maybe we’ll just order a takeaway later. Unless you’re hungry now?’ A smile spread on my face, it was nowhere near dinner time yet, but I knew exactly what I wanted to do to pass the time.

‘I am hungry, but not for food,’ I whispered, lowering my left hand under the sheet to where I found Nathan already hard and ready for round two – as I had suspected he might be.

‘That’s my girl,’ he murmured darkly, rolling me over and lunging down to kiss my neck.

His girl?
Holy crap, I wanted to ask Nathan to rewind his last sentence and give it to me in writing so I could treasure it forever, but my words were lost as his mouth travelled up my jaw and lowered to my lips distracting me from logical thought once again.

Chapter Ten – Stella

I was trying desperately hard not to breathe too deeply or loudly and spoil the unexpectedly lovely moment that I had found myself in when I woke up. Blinking several times I squeezed my eyes shut and then opened them again just to check that I was definitely awake, and that this was real.

Yep, as surreal as it seemed, I was awake and this was definitely real. It was morning – the morning after our lovely trip to Greenwich Park – and Nathan was still fast asleep in the same bed as me.
His bed.
This had never happened before, I’d always woken up and found Nathan gone in the mornings. Christ, I was so excited by this new development that my heart was beating so fast and so loudly that I was worried it was going to wake him – in barely a split second my poor ticker had literally gone from restful and sleepy to wide awake and pounding like a sledgehammer.

What was making it even more special for me was Nathan’s positioning – he wasn’t just asleep in the same bed as me, he was asleep and draped
over me. Like he had craved me in his sleep and moved closer until he was almost smothering me. His head was on my chest, using one of my boobs as a pillow, his right arm was laid on my stomach, and his right leg was flung over both of mine as if to stop me escaping. He needn’t have worried on that front, I was so ecstatic right now that I wasn’t planning on going anywhere any time soon.

The minute he woke up I knew it. I felt his breathing shift slightly, becoming shallower as awareness came over him, and his eyelashes flickered against my skin as he blinked. I stopped breathing altogether, waiting for him to realise where he was, panic and leave. But to my amazement he didn’t. There was a brief tensing of Nathan’s body, but then I felt a long warm breath fan across my chest as he let out a sigh and snuggled in closer, his hand shifting to my hip and rubbing gentle circles on my massively oversensitive skin.

Oh my God.
Nathaniel Jackson, my so-called dominant and bad boy, was snuggling.
. I quite literally never thought I’d see the day.

Just when my little bubble of happiness had begun to grow in my chest to obscenely joyous levels I was brought back down to earth with an enormous thump. Nathan’s hand ceased massaging my hip as he paused and his whole body tensed. Had he been half-asleep before and only just realised where he was and who he was with? From the tension he was now holding in his frame it certainly felt like it. With his body still rigidly stiff his fingers left my hip and slowly made their way up my body until they reached my neck, then he shifted himself carefully – apparently still thinking that I was asleep – and began to undo the choker around my neck.

Oh God. Nathan was removing my collar, the object that claimed me as ‘his’. Without that what were we? We were nothing, he’d as good as said so to me in the past. There could be no other explanation for it – he must be done with me. We were over. I couldn’t believe it. He must completely regret everything that happened yesterday between us, perhaps deciding it was all getting too much like a relationship and now as a result decided that enough was enough. I almost sobbed on the spot, but somehow I managed to pretend to be asleep and hold myself together just long enough for him to remove the collar, slip from the bed, and stride from the bedroom.

Flinging myself over onto my stomach I buried my head into the still warm pillow and let my tears flow silently as Nathan’s delicious scent teased me mercilessly. Gradually my tears lessened and common sense broke through my panic – perhaps I was overreacting? Perhaps he had some other reason for removing my collar? I was about to get up and confront him about it when I heard the clunk of the front door closing. Nathan had gone out? As I sniffled pathetically and wiped my runny nose on the back of my hand I remembered how he’d mentioned going away with work this week, and wondered if he’d left for his business trip already.

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