Into the Light (Untwisted series Book 3) (18 page)

BOOK: Into the Light (Untwisted series Book 3)
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Smiling at my accidental tease I feigned innocence and repeated the action, causing another longer, lower growl to resonate through my ear. ‘How come it’s fine for you to touch my nipple in public, but if I did the same to you I’d be breaking some serious etiquette laws?’ he grumbled against my hair. A grin pulled at my lips and suddenly feeling daring I flicked at his nipple with my fingernail, forcing a gasp to escape his lips.

‘Right, that’s it!’ Nathan growled and then in the blink of an eye he had flipped me over onto my back and was completely covering me with his body as his lips found mine in a heated kiss which had my earlier lust reignited in seconds.

After plundering my mouth until I was almost feverish with desire he lifted his head, shifted his body slightly and gazed down at me – with a full eye contact, lust-filled stare – and then smiled lazily as if we were just a couple laying in the sun together. Using himself as a shield so no-one else could see, he forced one hand between our bodies and managed to zero in on one of my nipples where he wasted no time in tugging and tweaking it to a tight bud and causing me to writhe below him and moan softly.

Then, just as quickly as he had pounced on me he was gone, standing up, brushing the grass off his jeans and casually offering me a hand to help me get up looking completely unruffled by our make out session.

‘You look a little lop-sided,’ Nathan commented smugly as his eyes slid to my chest. Glancing down I felt my cheeks rush with colour, he was right, one of my nipples was normal and hidden behind the material of my sun dress, but the other, the one he had just plundered so ruthlessly, was erect and straining at the fabric, desperately seeking another touch.

‘Come on then, let’s grab some lunch and head home,’ Nathan said, sounding mighty pleased with himself.
Git, git, git.
Even though it was sunny and warm I pulled on my light cardigan to cover my helplessly wanton nipple and then followed him with as much of a scowl as I could manage. I probably wasn’t very convincing though; with Nathan in this good a mood it would be impossible to stay mad with him for long.

Stopping to eat a deliciously fresh sushi plate from a little café near the park exit we sat in companionable silence and ate, occasionally expressing a liking for a particular piece, and then after paying the bill we headed for the train again.

I was feeling incredibly light hearted and content by the time we took our seats on the deserted carriage, with a small smile playing on my lips that I was just unable to hide. Especially seeing how out of his element Nathan looked sat opposite me on the train. It was so amusing; he was sat stiffly in his seat and his eyes were darting around, taking in his surroundings like a child might do when experiencing their first ever train journey.

Turning away from Nathan before I laughed at him, pissed him off, and ruined the afternoon, I sighed happily. The last two days had been incredible. Nathan had opened up to me, shared things, taken me out and made me feel … well, special, I suppose. But in the back of my mind a danger siren was starting to ring and I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. I needed to be really careful here, I already had more complicated feelings for him than I should, but with Nathan behaving like this, almost boyfriend like, it was hard not to get carried away with fairy tale romance images in my head. Oh dear, I suddenly had a sinking feeling that I may well be a lost cause where Nathaniel Jackson was concerned.

Trying to distract myself from my unpleasant thoughts I gazed out of the window across the view over London. The Thames was calm today, shining in the sun and in the distance through the buildings of Canary Wharf I could just about see the white of the Millennium Dome. God, I loved living in London. ‘I love the views down here,’ I murmured, lost in my own world for a minute or two.

‘Me too,’ Nathan agreed, but there was something in his tone that snapped me from my dreaming and I turned to him to see a sudden blaze of desire in his eyes. He wasn’t looking at the view – he was looking at me. And judging from the heat in his eyes, he liked what he saw. A lot.
. My heart accelerated in my chest and a tingle ran across my skin, seeing him so affected by me would never lose its excitement.

Even though there had been a sexual undercurrent buzzing between us all day – there always was when we were together – it had now spiked up a notch or two as I realised Nathan’s intentions. He wanted me, and going on the expression on his face he wasn’t planning on waiting long either. I licked my lips as I gazed at his heated expression and it suddenly struck me that Nathan was once again using direct eye contact with me. Perhaps last night’s confession had somehow made it easier for him to look at me because he’d been doing it all day today – another new development which I loved – and as I let myself get dragged into his blue depths I felt my insides heat even further.

‘The view really is superb,’ he murmured. ‘But it could be better,’ he added as he sat back on his seat, crossed his arms across his chest, and gave me his best down and dirty look which made me gulp loudly.

‘Take off your panties,’ he ordered suddenly in a low, dark tone.
I choked on my breath and my eyes flew wide open in shock, was he serious? Oh God, one look at his expectant face and I knew he was serious. What the heck was it with him and demanding for me to remove my underwear in public places? First my office, and now a train! Apparently cuddly, conversational Nathan was hidden away again as dominant Nathan came back in full force. Actually, in a way I’d kind of missed him and his stupidly crazy demands.

‘No!’ my reply slipped from my tongue in an embarrassed mumble.

‘No? But surely you remember what happened last time I wanted a pair of your panties?’ he enquired softly. My answering swallow was so loud it must have echoed around the empty train carriage. Yikes, he wouldn’t rip them off in public would he? Just as I thought this Nathan began to lean forward in his seat and reach for me – crap, he bloody well would as well!

Scrabbling my legs shut I held out my hands in a desperate bid to stop him and shifted on the seat so I was as far away from him as possible. ‘Wait! But … but … we’re in public,’ I stuttered, stating the rather obvious fact and hoping it might deter him.

‘So? No-one else is on the train, and there are no security cameras.’ Nathan said with a nonchalant shrug.

Crikey … what to do? The rational, sensible, law abiding part of me was saying no, but the edgy, risky, sexy part of me that Nathan had brought to the surface was screaming yes, yes, yes! My lower lip was getting a good working out as I chewed on it frantically trying to decide what to do, but to give him his credit Nathan merely sat back, giving me some time to make my own decision – there was no denying the hopeful look on his face though.

Maybe I could do this one little thing for him as a show of gratitude for the effort he’d been making in the last two days to open up? Who was I kidding, taking your knickers off on a train was not a
thing – it was a frigging massive thing! And illegal. Talk about indecent exposure! On the positive side, at least I was wearing a sundress so it wouldn’t actually be that hard to do …

‘What’s it to be Stella? Will you take my dare, or my punishment?’ Nathan murmured darkly, interrupting my internal debate. His punishment? Actually I usually quite liked Nathan’s punishments, but there was no denying the fact that I really wanted to please him today. With one final glance down the carriage to check there definitely weren’t any other passengers that I was about to flash, I shifted myself forwards to the edge of my seat and then looked Nathan directly in the eye. His gaze had filled with lust at my shift and I couldn’t help but feel emboldened by the approval I saw in his expression.

Placing my hands palm down on my thighs I shifted my sundress up several inches and then in a show of immense bravery – or complete stupidity – I flicked the hem up, revealing most of my legs before I briefly raised my bum off the seat, slipped my fingers under, and found the waistband of my knickers. Pulling them down to my knees I retook my seat before completing the last stage of the removal and kicking my feet out of them. Then in a moment of madness I looped one leg hole of the panties around my index finger and swung them round like a mini lasso. Nathan was completely entranced by my display, but as I did my victory lasso he laughed, a lovely deep rumble of a laugh, and looked me directly in the eye.

‘Well, Stella, I enjoyed that immensely.’ Reaching out he removed my knickers from my hand and took a few seconds to meticulously fold them into a neat square in his palm. ‘It’s a shame I don’t have a front pocket,’ he remarked wistfully, then caressing my panties one last time he sat forwards and tucked them in the back pocket of his jeans. I couldn’t help myself from smiling, did I have no shame? Nope. Not where it came to Nathan anyway.

Leaning forwards Nathan propped his elbows on his knees and looked at me as if he were about to share a national secret with me. ‘If we were in my car now I’d make you pull that cute little dress right up around your waist so your lovely hot arse was directly on the leather of my seat. Are you hot down there, Stella? Hot for me?’ he asked with an urgency in his voice that was reflected in my suddenly needy panting and the way my fingers were now clawing at the scratchy material of the train seat.

‘Yes.’ My word was thick and husky, but oh so true – just his few words had set me off throbbing between my legs like I was ready to explode. In previous relationships I’d hated it when guys used dirty talk to me, it had been a complete turn off, but with Nathan? It was like flicking a detonator switch that immediately ignited my lust.

He smirked at my reply. ‘I’d love knowing that you were making my car seat wet with your arousal. I’d love the way your scent would linger on the leather for hours afterwards, it would make me hard every time I got in the car. Do you know that? Do you know how much you affect me?’ he demanded.

Oh God, I think I was about to climax just from his words alone. ‘Yes … the same amount you affect me,’ I replied breathily, with a lick of my lips to try and moisten my parched mouth.

Blinking at me several times Nathan shook his head very slowly, ‘But we’re not in my car,’ he stated on a heavy breath. ‘Because someone wanted to take the train today.’ I was flashed an imperious look before he threw himself back in his seat, ‘Fuck, just how long is this fucking train ride?’ Nathan then exclaimed, twisting to look out of the window and suddenly not looking as cool and calm as he had just a minute ago when he was teasing me.

Hmm, perhaps I could do a little teasing of my own to fill the last few minutes of the ride. Sitting back in my seat I raised my right leg and propped it on the edge of Nathan’s chair between his thigh and the wall of the train. I knew that with just a slight adjustment of the front of my dress Nathan would have a complete view up my legs, but was I feeling that naughty? You bet I was. I was so aroused and needy and seeing as he had started this game in the first place I wanted him to be just as frustrated as me.

The change in my position had drawn Nathan’s eyes away from the window and his focus was now solely on me. Using one single finger I pulled the front edge of my skirt up several inches and watched in fascination as Nathan’s expression changed from curiosity, to shock, to downright dirty approval.

I giggled, half from embarrassment of just how slutty I was being, and half from his amusing response. ‘Fuck, Stella.’ He ran a hand over his face trying to clear his surprise, then looked back between my legs with an expression of pure desire on his face. ‘Do you want me to blow my load here on the fucking train?’ he asked in a strained tone as he lifted his hips slightly and adjusted his groin within the tight confines of his jeans.

He must be rather uncomfortable now, poor guy, all his large aroused manhood stuck within that denim. I smiled deviously, his obvious arousal only adding to my thoughts of naughtiness. Very slowly I shifted my finger lower until it brushed across the soft skin of my inner thigh. A choking sound came from Nathan’s throat and I grinned as I saw his hands balling into fists at his sides with the effort not to touch me. Apparently he did draw the line at train sex, which was good to know for future reference.

Knowing we were just seconds away from our station I decided on one final tease for him and briefly ran my finger down the warm crease of my folds, a small moan escaping my lips at just how good it felt, not to mention how wet I was. Jeez, without my panties on I’d practically be dripping on the walk home. But before I could finish my planned seduction Nathan let out a growl, ripped my hand away from my clit, pulled my dress down, and immediately sucked my finger into his mouth.
Bloody hell.
The look in his eyes as he ran his tongue around my finger was one of pure unadulterated arousal and I bit my lip as my own body thrummed along with his.

Just then the train pulled into our platform and Nathan stood up, literally hoisting me from my seat by my wrist. His foot tapped manically as we waited in strained silence for the doors to open and then as soon as they had he was off, dragging me from the train and down the platform. ‘Do you have any idea how close I was to taking you on that bloody train?’ he barked, sounding so frustrated that I couldn’t help but smile, ‘Next time we go out we take my car. No more fucking trains. That way when you decided to act like a little temptress I can park in a private place and fuck some sense into you.’

I’d never seen Nathan this impatient; his laid-back demeanour of earlier was gone, replaced by his more characteristic bolshiness, but I didn’t mind, when Nathan was focused on well and truly sexing me up I could do nothing but hope that the walk home went quickly.

Shoving my Oyster card impatiently onto the barrier I let out a yelp of shock as Nathan came up behind me and in a split second had slid a hand up my skirt and rammed two fingers right inside of me. Holy shit! I sagged forwards as the delicious pressure of his pumping fingers curled inside of me, hitting perfectly against my G-spot; it was just as well there were no station staff around otherwise I might be getting that warning for public indecency after all. ‘So fucking wet,’ he murmured against my ear, but then his fingers were gone and he was reaching around me with a growl to take my card from my shaking hands and let me through the barrier, following shortly behind me.

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