Read Into The Fire Online

Authors: E. L. Todd

Tags: #sex, #tattoo, #billionaire, #contemporary romance, #alpha male, #inked man

Into The Fire (24 page)

BOOK: Into The Fire
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I heard the phone go dead in my ear. After a
few seconds of listening, I put it down.


Ash looked me up and down when I opened the
door but he didn’t give me a compliment like usual. “Ready to

Disappointment washed through me. “Yeah.”

He walked out with his hands in his pockets.
He wore his typical jeans and t-shirt. He never dressed up anytime
we went to dinner even though it irritated his parents. He stared
down the hallway like he was bored.

I locked the door behind me and we left.
Instead of talking, we just walked in silence. Normally, Ash
wouldn’t shut up. He rambled on and on about work or a new tattoo
he designed. But now he was ice-cold. Hostility radiated from him
so I didn’t bother making small talk. I had a feeling he wouldn’t
respond at all.

We arrived at the restaurant and joined his
parents at the table. They were thrilled to see me, like always.
Despite Ash’s sour mood, it didn’t ruin the dinner. In fact, it
didn’t seem like they even noticed. Perhaps he was always moody.
I’d never noticed it myself but perhaps I was finally seeing a new
side of him.

Ash put his arm over my chair but that was
all the affection he gave me. He didn’t lean in and share quiet
secrets with me. His touch didn’t feel warm like it usually did. I
felt like I was escorting a client, someone I hardly knew and would
never know. It didn’t seem like I’d known Ash for three months,
intimately and romantically.

“Ash,” his mother said. “We’ve been

Ash continued to look bored.

“We really think you’ve made a turnaround,”
his father said. “Especially with this lovely young woman. We know
you wanted to go back to school and that must be expensive…”

His mom pulled a check out of her wallet and
placed it on the table in front of him.

Wow, they finally returned his money.

Ash stared at it blankly.

Did he not understand what it was?

He slowly grabbed the check and examined it.
“Thank you.” Then he put it in his wallet. He didn’t jump on the
table and dance around. It didn’t seem like he gave a damn at all.
He sipped his wine then looked across the restaurant.

Both of his parents looked confused.

His mom spoke first. “Everything okay,

“I’m peachy, Mom.” Ash didn’t look at her as
he said it.

His father leaned toward her. “Maybe they got
in a fight on the way here…”

“Maybe,” she whispered.

Ash’s arm felt cold against my back. He’d
wanted that money for a long time but it didn’t seem like he cared
at all. It was like they gave him a check for fifty cents. When the
check arrived, Ash immediately snatched it. “Since you just made a
big payment…” He tossed the cash inside and immediately stood up.
“Well, it was nice seeing you.”

What the hell? Now he was polite?

“Alessandra and I are leaving. Good night.”
He hugged his parents quickly then allowed me to say goodbye.

I realized this was the last time I’d ever
see his parents. Ash got his money back and now he would drop his
ruse. He would come clean and admit he hired me after he cashed his

The thought made me sad.

“You’ve always been so kind to me,” I said to
his mother. “I really appreciate it.” She was warmer than my own

“Of course, dear,” she said as she hugged me.
“We love you.”

My eyes softened before I hugged his dad.
“Thanks for everything. I always feel welcome with you.”

“And you always will,” he said with a fond

Ash grabbed my hand and gently pulled me
away. “Until next time.” He kept his hold as he walked down the
sidewalk and passed two blocks. When we reached my apartment
building, he immediately dropped the hold and put his hands in his

The air around us was so heavy it was

“You got your money back.

“Yeah…about time.”

“I’m surprised you aren’t more excited.”

“It’s just money,” he said quietly.

What was his problem? He acted like I did
something terrible to him. What was he so upset about? I wanted to
kick him because his act was getting old. I was surprised he even
walked me to my door since he was so sour.

I didn’t unlock the door. Instead, I faced
him. “So…this is it?” He didn’t need me to play a part anymore. He
officially no longer needed me.

“Yep. I guess so.” His voice was colder than
a freezer. “Thanks for all your help. You’re off the hook.”

“I’ll miss your parents…they were really

“I’m sure you’ll forget about them soon
enough.” The look in his eyes was frightening. He stared at me like
he wanted to murder me with an ax.

“What the hell is your problem?” I didn’t
mean to explode but he pulled my trigger. “You’ve been such a dick
to me lately. What the fuck did I do to you?”

“Nothing.” He got in my face like he wanted
to push me. “You didn’t do a damn thing.” Then he stepped back,
that same look of menace plastered on his face.

“We were fine one moment and then you flipped
out on me.”

“Flipped?” he snapped. “No, you’re the one
who flipped. Maybe you are just a whore like Tony claims.”

Too far
. I slapped him hard across the

He turned with the hit but he didn’t react.
It didn’t seem like it hurt.

“What’s your problem?” I snapped. “Is this
all because of Brad? That doesn’t make any sense.”

“Yeah, I guess it doesn’t,” he said bitterly.
“Have fun with your new boyfriend.”

“New?” I asked. “I never had one before.”

“Yeah, that’s right. I didn’t mean anything,

“Wait, what?”

“You could have at least given me the decency
of some notice,” he snapped. “You just went out with him and didn’t
even tell me about it.”

“I did tell you—”

“After the date already happened,” he hissed.
“You couldn’t give me that courtesy? You respect me so little?”

“That’s what you’re so upset about?” I asked
incredulously. “Because I didn’t give you two weeks notice? You
really are a piece of work, you know that? You want everyone to
want you until you walk away. But you can’t stand someone else
walking away first. It hurts that big ego of yours too much.”

“Fuck you.”

I pushed him. “Goodbye, Ash. Don’t call

“Consider it done.” He turned on his heel and
marched down the hallway.

I got my door unlocked then entered my
apartment. I tossed my keys and purse on the table then gripped the
chair for support. I wasn’t even sure what just happened.

Inexplicably, tears came into my eyes and
they burned as they emerged. Was I crying because of our fight? Was
I crying because Ash just walked out of my life forever? Or was it
because of the mean things he said to me?

I covered my face with my palms and willed
myself to stop. Crying over someone who didn’t care about me was
stupid. I shouldn’t have gotten involved with him, and not for as
long as I did. The relationship dragged on until my heart got
caught on the line. It was the dumbest decision I ever made and I
would regret it forever.

The door opened behind me then slammed

I flinched at the sound and lowered my hand.
I immediately stopped crying but the tears were still in my eyes.
Before I could turn around, I was snatched.

Ash shoved everything off my table then threw
me on top of it. He yanked my legs around his waist then he dug one
hand into my hair as he aggressively took my lips with his. The
second his lips touched mine, my thighs squeezed his waist.

Ash kissed me hard, like he was trying to
hurt me with his lips. He sucked and kissed, and then his tongue
darted into my mouth and found mine. He breathed hard and grabbed
my tits with one hand.

I had no idea what was going on but I didn’t
stop it. We clearly both wanted it, and I missed him so much that I
didn’t care about anything except having him. My feelings were
deeper than I realized, and I knew I was attached to him in a way I
promised I wouldn’t be.

He yanked my dress off without being
delicate. It stretched as it moved past my shoulders and my hips.
He flung it across the kitchen and it landed on the tile just in
front of the sink. Then he removed my bra and panties. My heels
were still on and he didn’t move for those.

He pulled his clothes off with lightning
speed, like they were on fire and would burn his skin in just a
moment if he didn’t do something soon. His long cock appeared once
his boxers were gone, and he dragged my hips to the edge of the
table, where I ate breakfast every morning, and then shoved himself
inside me.

“Oh god…” My head rolled back when I felt
him, and my nails immediately dug into his forearms as I held on.
The extensive stretching was somewhat painful but felt so damn
good. He filled me to my max, and that feeling of fullness was
worth everything.

Ash moved his hands under my thighs then
pushed them back as my ass hung over the edge. He thrust into me
hard, shaking the table with every movement he made. He watched my
tits shake, and he gripped my legs forcefully as he moved his

The sex was even better than it was before,
and I wondered if I’d fallen asleep on the couch and now I was
dreaming the whole thing. All the anger and aggression inside of
both of us was spilling over and we needed to release it somehow.
And this was the perfect way.

My hands moved to his hips and I pulled
myself toward him as he thrust into me. We moved in sync, trying to
take as much as possible. I panted as sweat formed on my neck and
chest. He continued to stretch me because my body could never
acclimate to him, but it felt so good.

Ash released a moan deep from the back of his
throat, and it came out more as a growl than anything else. Then he
grabbed one leg and pulled it against his chest before he yanked me
closer to him and leaned far over me. He felt even fuller at this

“Ash…” My head rolled back because I loved
how amazing he felt.

His eyes were glued to mine as my heel rested
on his shoulder. The sex-crazed look in his eyes was sexy and
terrifying at the same time.

I dug my fingers into his hair and kissed him
as he continued to fuck me hard on the table. I wouldn’t have been
surprised if he broke it with the way he was treating it. I brought
his lips to mine and kissed him as he pounded into me, balls deep
inside me. I knew I was on the verge of a powerful orgasm. It’d
been forever since my last one, and my body prepared for the
imminent release. “Fuck me harder.”

Ash increased the speed to a frightening pace
and rammed into me like my pussy was a sex toy that could be broken
and replaced. He released another moan as more moisture pooled
between my legs. “Such a tight pussy…”

His words set me off and I came, feeling his
shaft grow more pronounced as I constricted around him. I hadn’t
come in so long and he gave me exactly what I needed. “Yes…” My
hand gripped his ass and I dug my nails deep inside.

“Fuck…” He released a growl before he tensed
slightly and released. He kept thrusting into me as he came, making
my pleasure last as long as possible as he filled me with his

I could feel his warmth inside me, and I
could even feel the weight of his seed. It was sexy in a way I
couldn’t explain. Knowing I was packed with his essence was a turn
on in itself.

Ash remained inside me as he scooped me into
his arms then carried me into my bedroom. He lay me down while
remaining on top of me, and then he turned on his side and pulled
me close to his chest, still semi-hard inside me.

The sex was amazing, and even a little
violent, but this was even better. I hadn’t slept with him in
nearly a month. Feeling his powerful chest against mine was exactly
what I wanted—needed.

This was a mistake, and I knew it was a
mistake. How could I move on and date other men when I was still
stuck in this situation with Ash. I couldn’t keep sleeping with
him. How was that fair to Brad? How was that fair to anyone?

But I was weak and had a slip up. Like
someone on a diet that eats a brownie when they know they
shouldn’t, I caved and took something I desperately missed. Ash was
a drug to me, and it was hard to quit cold turkey. The second he
was inside me, I couldn’t push him away. I needed him so much. I
would never have the strength to fight him—not when I loved it so


When I woke up the following morning, he was
still there.

His eyes were open and he stared at me. His
gaze was unreadable, and I had no idea what he was thinking. His
arm was still around my waist, exactly where he left it the night

I wanted to say something, to apologize for
last night since I didn’t stop it. But words failed me. I couldn’t
even open my mouth to speak. Under his gaze, I was totally

Ash moved on top of me and pressed his mouth
to mine. His movement was quick and unexpected, and he kissed me
slowly. Neither one of us had brushed our teeth the night before or
that morning but it didn’t seem to matter. He separated my legs
with his then inserted himself inside me.

I needed to stop this from happening. I
needed to grip his hips and steady them. But like last night, I was
helpless all over again. Every inch of him felt so amazing and I
didn’t want to stop. Instead of pushing him away, I gripped him and
pulled him further into me.

“I miss you.” Ash spoke into my mouth as he
kissed me.

“I miss you too.” Emotion caught in my throat
as I spoke. I didn’t realize how attached I was to him. Hearing
those words made me ache. All I wanted was this—all the time. I
wanted to wake up to him every morning. I wanted to have brunch on
Sunday. I wanted this—forever.

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