Intimate Exposure (14 page)

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Authors: Portia Da Costa

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: Intimate Exposure
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“Lift your skirt now,” he instructed, slowly withdrawing his hand but keeping it close in case she did indeed tumble. “I want to see your bottom, your belly and your thighs.”

Vicki took a moment to center herself and settle the roiling urges and sensations within her. It was difficult, but after what seemed like eternity yet could only have been a second or two, she was able to lift her skirt for him, as she had done earlier, right here in this room. She gathered up the satin carefully in her fingers, holding her head up proudly, meeting Red’s glinting eyes.

Okay, so I’m not the perfect submissive. But you’ll just have to live with that if you want to lay your hands on me.

She didn’t articulate the words, but she knew beyond doubt that the man before her understood them.

Once again, Red prowled around her, pausing here and there to press his fingers to her flesh as if testing it for resilience. He slid the back of his hand up her thigh. He cupped a bottom cheek and gripped it firmly, forcing her to fight a huge desire to squirm. He briefly passed a hand between her thighs, playing delicately with the black cord that dangled from the love spheres and making her gasp out loud. Done with his exploration, he brought that same hand close to his face, first studying the shimmer of her silky fluid, then breathing in its aroma.

He sighed as if the scent were Dior, and just when she thought he was going to take a taste, he held his hand out to her, pressing it to her lips.

Vicki sucked on his fingers, tasting her own intense, foxy flavor.

This is what you do to me, you devil.

She savored the salt, the musk and the strange sweet pungency.

“I need to punish you now,” he said, his fingers still in her mouth. “I’d like to beat you quite hard. I want to see your beautiful bottom blotched with crimson and see you wriggling about, clutching yourself and crying.” His other hand curved around the flesh in question, gripping again. “I want to see you in so much torment that you’re quite beside yourself. And then I’ll beat you some more…and after that, I’ll fuck you.”

Vicki groaned around the obstruction in her mouth. His words were almost as potent as the acts he described, and in their own way, unbearably arousing. Against all rationality and reason she longed for the pain and almost fell to her knees to kiss his feet and to beg him to begin.

Red withdrew his hands and gave her a long questioning look. It was if he was asking for her consent, but without articulating it. Vicki bowed her head in the most infinitesimal of nods.

“Leave your shoes on but remove your dress. Then take up a pose across the back of that armchair, will you?” He nodded towards the deeply upholstered black leather chair. “Stretch your arms out in front of you. You may grip the seat if you wish.”

Breathing heavily, Vicki unzipped her black dress and stepped out of it, kicking it away. This wasn’t the first time she’d been completely naked in front of Red, yet suddenly, and without all logic, she flushed with embarrassment. It seemed ridiculous when he’d seen everything and done so much to her body. And yet her cheeks flamed with a simmering blush of pink. Moving cautiously, she walked the few steps to the chair and took her position.

It was difficult, though, perilously difficult. The way her body was draped across the cool, sleek leather pressed the love spheres agonizingly against the root of her clitoris. And pressing her breasts against the chair back only exaggerated the bite of the nipple clamps. She dug her teeth into her bottom lip to stop her groans.

Heaven help me. We haven’t even begun yet.

Every sense in her body seemed hyperaware. She could see the fine grain of the leather in the chair seat. She could smell a whole cornucopia of odors. The perfume she’d applied earlier. The strong, raunchy smell of her own arousal. The deliciously spiced scent of Red’s intoxicating cologne.

And she could hear the small sounds of his preparations. Him removing his jacket, and the swish of the fine cloth as he threw it across one of the other chairs. His steps to and fro. The rustling as he removed his tie and rolled up his sleeves.

The jingle of his belt buckle and whippy pernicious snicking sound as he slid it out of his trousers’ belt loops.

She almost moaned again, remembering the way the blond man had used his belt back in the Salon. And she had no doubt that both Red’s punishment skills and his sheer physical strength were far in excess of those of the prettier, younger man.

After the freeing of Red’s belt, there was silence again. Heavy, potent silence. She sensed his presence behind her and imagined him sizing her up, calculating angles, trajectories, degrees of force. She imagined him studying her naked buttocks and the crease between them. She imagined him noting the copious moisture of her arousal shining on her inner thighs and soaking the little black cord that hung down there.

“You can still stop this if you want to. What I said back in the gym still applies.”

The words came right in her ear and Vicki almost leapt up in the air. How the hell had he moved so close, and done it without any sound? His breath drifted against the back of her neck, followed by the delicate touch of his lips in the lightest of kisses.

“I don’t want to stop it,” she said, her voice so tiny that she could barely get the words out.

He kissed her again, the contact heartbreakingly tender. “I adore you,” he whispered, then whirled away, ready to take up his position.

Vicki closed her eyes, her senses whirling, heart going thud, thud, thud. Suddenly she wasn’t fearful. Not in one iota. No amount of pain could touch the preciousness of those three words.

I adore you.

The words repeated inside her head, but in her own voice. Her own voice speaking of the man who, even as she trembled, was flexing his strong left arm.

Even when the first strike came, feeling as if he’d whaled her backside with a solid oak beam rather than an elegant leather belt, the gigantic pain it produced could not drown out that simple invocation.

Hit me again! I adore you! Hit me again!

The silent cry was heard. The blows fell. More intense, more all-encompassing than she could possibly have imagined. It was as though her bottom had been struck by lightning, set on fire and then beaten again with that great plank of wood.

Vicki couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t think. She could only feel and hear those simple words. Hear them even over the clamor of her own moans and cries and wails.

And then he was no longer hitting her. But the pain in her bottom was so gigantic that it was difficult to tell the difference between a strike and a hiatus.

“My beautiful girl,” came his soft voice in her ear again. She smelled the scent of his sublime fragrance and the fresh male sweat of exertion. “Your tears are adorable… I knew you’d be glorious when you cried.” He kissed her again and made her hiss through her teeth when he drew the backs of his fingertips against the boiling heat in her bottom cheeks, scraping the tips of his nails against the punished flesh.

“Nearly done now,” he murmured, increasing the pressure of fingers and making Vicki fight not to whimper and squeal. “You may touch your stripes if you wish.”

Clutching at her bottom cheeks, and amazed that it felt like warming her hands on a brazier, Vicki worked her hips and thighs, moaning not only from the pain, but from the slow, roiling sensations inside her. She was close. So close. How could she feel so great a desire to come in the midst of such torment?

Had O felt like this? Some clear, cool part of Vicki’s mind searched what she’d read in the great novel, but she could only recall an odd neutrality and detachment in the protagonist’s feelings about her suffering. Not once had O reflected this wild, unstoppable, all-encompassing emotion. This beautiful sense that for the first time in her life she was fully and completely alive…

Cool hands prized hers away from her bottom.

“Ready now?”

Unable to speak, Vicki nodded. She was ready, willing and able to do anything and experience anything for this man right now. She had no idea what the future might hold, but in this instant, she adored him…and much more.

I love you, Red. Do your worst. Do you best.

The blows came again, and the pain was ferocious, worse than before. But Vicki found herself riding it like a high sweet wave, her spirits soaring as Red’s belt whistled down. She lifted her hips to meet each strike, her sex fluttering, almost there, almost coming…

“Oh, God…that’s enough! To hell with this!”

Red’s voice sounded strange and hoarse, not like him at all. Somewhere in the crimson haze, the beating had stopped. The leather belt landed softly on the floor, and there was the rustle of Red almost tearing at his linen.

Then, oh dear heaven, the most astonishing sensation as the love spheres were dragged out of her. The very quick of Vicki’s body clenched in a huge, hard orgasm, but in the very second before it could resolve, she was entered again, filled, stuffed to the brim, completed by Red’s magnificent penis pushing into her, right to the core.

There came the sound of a high, silvery scream, an unearthly cry, her voice, wailing out and rising up and up and up as her spirit swept up to the vault of heaven on a swell of perfect pleasure.

The last thing she remembered, before the overload took her consciousness, was reaching behind her to clasp Red’s muscular hip as he thrust and thrust. Then hearing him shout out too as his body jerked and he spent himself inside her.

The words were beautiful yet profane, a roar of triumph.

Later, much later, after a blur of pleasure and fucking and orgasms and almost throwing their bodies at each other, Vicki lay in the darkness beside Red.

And yet it wasn’t quite dark. Pastel moonlight shone through the fluttering gauze curtain, casting the whole room with a flickering unearthly light.

I should be exhausted. I should want to sleep and sleep and not move for a month.

But she didn’t want that. The body of the man in bed beside her still called to her. More than his body. If his eyes snapped open now, she’d see the light in them, the gleam of intelligence as well as desire. If he touched her now, drawing his long fingers over her skin, there would be tingles of pleasure, and of pain where he’d beaten her, but there would also be a different kind of contact.

It was insane, but she wanted it all. She couldn’t comprehend how it had happened so quickly, but it had. She was hooked, lost, besotted. Goddamn it, she was in love with Red Webster.

How had that happened?

Silhouetted by the moonlight, Red stirred, smiling in his sleep. Had he picked up on her vibes? Did he think it was funny? He was a deep man, so much more than she’d initially thought him, and even though it was obvious he cared for her in his own playful and convoluted way, there was no way he’d set out on this adventure with anything more than a passionate but temporary interlude in mind. That much he’d specified, and she’d gone along with it happily because that was what she’d wanted too. Then.

But this was now, and she had to savor every second with him. She wouldn’t sulk. She wouldn’t fret. She wouldn’t lie here thinking of what might have been. Reaching out, she put her hand on his shoulder in an affirmative action.

Wake up, Red. Give me more of what I want. And I’ll give you more too.

She didn’t speak, but the touch was enough. He rolled towards her.

“Vicki?” Even in the dim light, she could sense him about to speak again so she forestalled him, plunging forward for a kiss. Twinges of pain surged in her abused haunches, but the ache seemed oddly detached somehow, contained. It didn’t affect her thoughts, her actions, her heart, except in that it reminded her of how it had come about, and the deliciousness of submission. But she was in charge now, and she plunged her tongue into Red’s mouth, tasting the faint residue of his minty toothpaste. Delicious.

Not quite sure how she wanted him, but eager to have him in any way, she lifted her leg, bending her knee and draping it over his thigh so she could press her pussy against him. A swiftly risen erection told her he was right on the same page, and she rocked against him, massaging his stiff length with her heat and her wetness.

“Oh yeah, oh yeah…” It was barely more than breathing, a rumble in his deep chest, but she fell upon the words as if they’d been the ones she knew she’d never hear. He punctuated them by clasping her at the small of her back, scrupulously avoiding her bottom and the stripes he’d wrought there, and holding her close to him and swirling his own hips reciprocally.

Their lips met again, and they kissed and rubbed. Rubbed and kissed. It was all so slow and easy, and their bodies adjusted almost without any conscious effort to each other’s leisurely surges and the sleek voluptuous friction of flesh against flesh. They were fucking without actual fucking, gradually piling on sweet layers of pleasure.

But eventually, lovely as the closeness was, it wasn’t quite enough. The tips of Vicki’s breasts tingled and her sex surged, announcing it was time for a luscious escalation. As if he’d heard her body, or at least just felt her pussy ripple, Red broke the kiss and said “Again?” his mouth still feathering against the corner of hers.

“Again.” She pressed hard against him, molding herself against his cock so closely she swore she could feel every feature of his intimate topography with hers.

In the low light, she eased her face from his and looked at him. Without the filter of his spectacles, his eyes were filled with heat, almost luminescent, brimming with wonder and passion and questions.

“We need a condom, sweetheart.” His breath ruffled her hair, yet she seemed to feel it in her heart too.

“Indeed we do.” Of course they did. It was essential. Yet something primal in her wondered…

She blinked hard.

Don’t be absurd, Vicki.

“Are there any left under the pillow?” she asked, adjusting her position to fish about for the stash he’d secreted there earlier. She found a familiar foil package, in fact a couple. She’d thought it ambitious that he’d put so many there, but somehow they’d got through most of them. “Bingo.”

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