Intimate Exposure (9 page)

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Authors: Portia Da Costa

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: Intimate Exposure
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“Yes, I get that.” She couldn’t take her eyes off his cock, though. It was starting to thicken and rise in a way that took her breath away.

Vicki had never slept around, but she’d made love with one or two boyfriends in her time and had always subscribed to the “it’s not the size that counts” credo. But now, watching the magnificent rise of Red’s erection, she began to waver.

A cock that size would make a difference. Especially if, as she knew in her heart, Red knew exactly how to use it to drive a woman crazy. Good Lord, the man was an unrepentant sensualist. There could be no doubt that he fucked just as skillfully as he spanked.

“In which case, you should also get that your insolence is inappropriate.”

The words were soft, yet they tolled around the airy Modernist room like a bell. Vicki swallowed, feeling his spell bind her again. Her heart beat like the wings of a panicked bird, and her thoughts did too. It was difficult to keep a hold on them when, in the chair across from her, Red had started caress himself slowly and lazily. She took a deep breath, afraid that if she didn’t maintain some kind of grip on herself, she’d just fly apart at the seams.

“Y-yes, I’m sorry,” she whispered, straightening in her seat, suddenly feeling as if she had to present herself correctly. Just like the girl on the screen. Red hadn’t asked her to do anything yet, but it was coming. God, how it was coming.

He gave her a long, steady look, almost peering over the top of his glasses as his large, deft fingers continued to move. Then his head inclined, as if he were prompting her somehow.

“I’m sorry, master.”

Now it was her own words that made her feel faint with desire and longing. She’d named his status, making the clichéd title real.

“Good.” There was note of contentment in his voice as he peered down at his own groin. Was he admiring himself or merely monitoring his progress? He continued to study his cock as he spoke again. “Now remove your robe and then come over here.”

Vicki slid the wrap off her shoulders, unfastened the sash and pushed the panels of patterned silk from her body. Shrugging it away entirely, she rose naked from the deep chair and took a step towards Red.

Only to have him stop her with a raised hand. His right one. His left still worked rhythmically, back and forth.

“On your knees, my dear. And be careful of the carpet. I wouldn’t want you to burn your pretty white skin.”

Drawing in a deep breath to center herself, Vicki sank down to the floor, then began to crawl as elegantly as she could across the carpet. She focused hard on its pattern of black chevrons on pistachio, not daring to look up.

“Stand,” he said when she reached him. Disappointment surged through her. As she’d crawled, she’d been anticipating the flavor and texture of his cock, longing to suck him.

“All in good time,” he said, and when she stole a glance at his face—something that was probably forbidden now—he was smiling knowingly.

Damn you and your mind-reading tricks.

Her body and her heart might be obeying the unspoken code of conduct, but her mind remained free and defiant, despite her subservience.

“You have to obey instructions, Vicki, or the game doesn’t work properly. I thought you understood that.” He paused and made soft sound of satisfaction. The fabric of his robe rustled against the weave of the chair as he adjusted his position. “Now, are you ready to follow a few commands?”

She nodded.

“Good girl. Now stand up straight, shoulders back… That’s it. Show off those adorable breasts of yours. That’s better. Now look at me.”

Vicki obeyed, or at least tried to. Her eyes kept skittering from his face to his groin, and she bit her lip from the effort of trying to control herself.

“My eyes, Vicki. Not that.”

Red’s voice was quiet and solemn, but in those strange eyes he’d instructed her to focus on there was laughter. He was having a high old time with her, ordering her about, treating her like a bad girl and pleasuring himself into the bargain.

He doesn’t actually take this entirely seriously.

Knowledge gave her equilibrium, the strong center she needed. She schooled her face into a mild, biddable expression, but beneath that she smiled too, laughing inwardly, just as Red was. In the fiery depths of his eyes there was recognition. His intuition, balancing her own.

“Now stroke your breasts. Both of them at the same time. I want to see those gorgeous nipples really stand out.”

As Vicki did as she was bidden, intense sensations streaked through her body. Her clitoris leapt, just as if she were touching it too. Delicious tension seemed to balloon between her thighs, and the need to spread her legs and move from one foot to the other became almost unbearable.

No, don’t give in. Don’t let him maneuver you into disobeying him.

Fondling her breasts and feeling rude and provocative, Vicki held herself otherwise quite still. It was a question of maintaining a good form. As if she were some prized pet, exhibiting herself for the chief judge in a show.

Red pursed his lips, as if he were trying to stop himself grinning. The fact that he was struggling too made him all the more exciting.

“Well done, my dear.” The slight unsteadiness in his voice was like a secret thrill, stroking her clit. He was moving just a little in his chair too. Not exactly exhibiting perfect form himself.

“Now put your foot up on the chair arm, and touch yourself between your legs.”

This time his tone was level. He’d clawed back his total control, and with breathtaking speed. Now his voice was light and cool, his eyes narrow behind his glinting spectacles. His demeanor was sterner now, rock steady even if feigned. The fact that he was still stroking himself, rubbing at his cock quite fast, made his ability to command himself, as well as her, even more impressive.

Oh, he’s so much further ahead in this than I am. He’s done this for years. He can dominate a woman as easily as he breathes.

Summoning a massive effort, fighting for her own control and balance, Vicki placed her foot on the arm of Red’s chair. The action produced a whisper of coolness between her legs, but when she slid her fingertips between the lips of her sex she found an inferno, a simmering lake of moisture. She was so slippery her fingers slithered about, and she had to concentrate to maintain contact with her clitoris.

“Rub yourself a little.”

She obeyed, unable to stifle a gasp. She was hovering on the precipice of orgasm. Biting her lip, she circled the tip of her finger around and over the tiny bud of flesh. She barely needed to tease and tantalize at all. Release was barreling towards her like a great unstoppable wave.

As her sex quivered, she groaned, unable to contain herself.

“Have a care, Vicki.”

So quiet. So ominous. So thrilling.

She dug her teeth right into her lower lip, combating the urge to come with a small, self-induced pain.

“That’s better.” His voice sounded milder now, and kinder. He would never ever need to shout. It was all done with subtle and skillful understatement. He was a prince amongst masters, rare and exceptional.

having an orgasm was now becoming a far greater agony than any kind of spanking or other punishment. She almost wanted to plead with him, with her eyes, but her bone-deep stubbornness wouldn’t let her.

Red was no longer actively caressing himself. He was more relaxed, more at ease, and as he sat back, his amazing cock cradled casually in his hand, he looked beyond Vicki to the scenario on the screen.

“Mmm… You’re missing this. It’s very good. Do you think I should allow you to watch too?”

I don’t give a damn. Just let me come.

But she remained silent.

“It’s okay, you can speak, Vicki. Do you want to see what’s happening?”

No, I only want to look at you. For as long as you’ll let me.

“Yes,” she squeaked, disturbed by her thoughts. She was becoming fixated. “Y-yes, please. If that’s all right.”

“We’ll watch it together, then, shall we?” His eyes as good as sparkled, filled with the very essence of devilment.

Vicki almost swayed and was forced to set her foot back on the carpet. She felt as if she were rocking on a ledge, everything in her ready to jump. This man was dangerous, exasperating and secretive. He should carry a public health warning.

Yes, do have a care, Vicki. Remember this is just fun. A man like Red Webster is a disaster zone for a woman’s peace of mind.

But the inner warning claxon was sounding. She was already in dangerous territory.

“Vicki, are you all right?” His voice was almost sharp with concern and completely out of his role.

“I’m fine,” she snapped back, still unsettled. She brought her head up boldly, vowing that he must never, ever realize how profoundly susceptible she was becoming to his charms. “I just need to sit down. Can we get on with this?”

Red studied her for a moment, his glance flicking to her eyes, then her mouth. Gauging, monitoring, assessing.

Finally, he smiled, as if satisfied that the game could proceed. Vicki was amazed that she’d managed to hide the Tilt-A-Whirl of her own emotions, but it seemed that she’d managed to fool him.

“Of course you must sit down. I know just the place.” His sensuous mouth quirked, as full of mischief as his eyes were. “Come here.”

He took hold of her arm with his warm elegant hand and began to maneuver her into position. Guiding her carefully, he faced her away from him, then made her part her legs and squat across his thighs.

As she waited, the soft inner skin of her own thighs tickled by the hair on his, she felt him searching in his robe pocket and pulling something out. A moment later, after a series of small movements behind her, a small foil wrapper fluttered to the carpet.

“Now, let’s get comfy, shall we?” he murmured into her ear, and without further ado, he took her firmly by the hips and moved her until she was poised over his condom-clad erection.

With a breathtaking precision—a nudge here, a hitch there—he slowly and relentlessly lowered her aching pussy down onto the great prow of his penis.

Oh God, oh God, oh God!

The stretching and adjusting seemed to go on and on and on. He’d looked big, but he felt…oh, he
enormous. She could almost imagine that he filled her up completely inside and that there was room for nothing else. That he was possessing not only her body but her entire spirit. Her soul.

Careful, careful, careful. Remember. Just pleasure, just fun.

“There, how does that feel?”

“Like I can’t breathe. Like I’m going to split in two.”

“Well, I’m flattered, Vicki, but if you’re uncomfortable, you don’t have to stay.” He was teasing, but she also sensed a note of seriousness.

“I’ll stay.”

“That’s good.” His breath was hot against the back of her neck, and as he adjusted his position in the chair, the slight movement seemed to ricochet around inside her. “Now watch the show.”

Watching an erotic floorshow was suddenly the last thing she wanted to do. She’d said she wanted to stay, but a part of her wanted to flee the room, take out and examine her feelings and give them a damn good talking to.

She was insanely attracted to this impossible and perplexing man, probably the last one on earth with whom she should get involved. This was a weekend fling, as casual as casual could be, and afterwards they’d go their separate ways. Red had said so. She’d agreed. Simple.

“What will it take for you to relax, Vicki?”

Large hands settled on her body. One cupping a breast, the other sliding between her legs. His beard brushed against the side of her face, soft as he pulled her back against him.

“Just go loose, sweetheart. Let me pleasure you. Watch the screen.”

His low, sweet words calmed the insane whirl of her thoughts. There was nothing to be gained by fighting the enveloping sensuality. Why worry about anything when she was sitting on a man’s lap with his imposing and very fabulous penis lodged deep inside her?

And his hands were working magic, making wonder.

Observation had told her that Red was left-handed, but he seemed to possess exquisite skills and demonic talents with both his hands.

Slowly, sublimely, he began to play with her nipple, gently circling, twirling, strumming until liquid jolts of sensation shot from one site of pleasure direct to the other. A zone where he was manipulating her with even greater and more tantalizing precision. His fingers were long, but moved with a surgical delicacy, exerting exactly the right amounts of pressure and friction on her clit.

He was teasing, teasing, teasing. But in the best possible way. Vicki’s spirit rose and drifted upwards in a dreamy haze as her body began to bear down in an attempt at the impossible. Which was to work Red’s sublime cock ever deeper into her body.

He didn’t thrust. He didn’t have to. His presence alone was dynamic. Lights blossomed in her head and she acknowledged her own act of disobedience. She wasn’t watching the action on the television as she’d been instructed. She was her own show. With Red.

It was almost too much. A stimulus too far. Red Webster was an erotic force that tested the limits of the senses. Vicki kept her eyes closed and laid her fingers over his. Not to encourage him or guide him. There was no need. Everything he was doing was perfect. All she wanted to do was to caress him in return and pay homage to the powerful muscles and sinews that pleasured her.

Her own inner muscles began to tighten around him. Her sex was gathering itself, on the brink of some mighty cataclysm. She was almost there, every nerve screaming for release.

Then he kissed her, and the featherlight touch of his lips against the side of her throat tipped her over.

She orgasmed violently. Intensely. Almost painfully.

As her flesh beat and clenched around him, she was dimly aware of his hand sliding down from her breast to her hip and holding her tightly.

Still climaxing, she heard herself shout and moan and whimper as his powerful hips lifted beneath her, pushing, pushing, pushing, until suddenly, he too cried aloud and arched up convulsively out of the chair.

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