Intentional (27 page)

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Authors: MK Harkins

BOOK: Intentional
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Don laughs. “I needed something huge for that big ego of your husband’s! He never stops bragging about you and Colton. Enough already!”

Jeannie smiles warmly at me and rubs my arm. “Try to ignore him—he’s just jealous!”

I’m so grateful that Don was okay about moving their law firm to Seattle. When Jeremy asked him (probably more like pleaded), Don shrugged his shoulders and said, “Aw, heck, a city is just a city, Seattle, Sedona…they even sound alike!” I laugh to myself when I remember that conversation—the two cities couldn’t be more different.

The party is in full swing. I’m looking around for Cade. Where is he, anyway? I am so happy that we were able to salvage our relationship. It was uncomfortable and a little rocky for a while, but we got through it. Cade and Jeremy even get along! That was the most interesting friendship to develop. Once Cade understood that Jeremy
was innocent of all wrongdoing, they forged a slow, cautious friendship. Of course, Jeremy is very careful to never leave me alone in the same room when Cade visits, or when we go to watch Hard Reign perform. Jeremy keeps a watchful eye on Cade. Especially since Cade hasn’t found a girlfriend yet. I don’t think he’s even dating. I keep reassuring Jeremy that Cade’s feelings for me are now platonic, but he always shakes his head. “No, Mattie, I don’t believe that, not for one second. I would never get over you. Ever.”

I smile. “That’s because we were meant for each other. Soul mates. He’ll find his—hopefully soon.”

I look down the driveway. Finally! Cade has arrived. He’s brought someone—a girl! Oh, I hope she’s nice. I look closer. It looks like he’s scowling over at her. Are they fighting? He comes to the door. I pull it open quickly. “Cade! I’m so glad you made it!”

Of course Jeremy appears out of nowhere. He says, “Hi, Cade. Who’s the girl? Did you go out and get yourself a girlfriend?”

Cade and his mystery girl both say in unison, “
!” They look at each other. I see the side of Cade’s mouth tilt up; he’s trying not to smile.

He says, “Please meet my agent, Laurel Lawson.” She smiles up at us. “So pleased to meet you. Cade and I were just discussing the launch of his music career.” Oh, that was the conflict in the driveway. I look at Laurel; she is absolutely stunning. She has beautiful, long golden-brown hair. She’s tall, around five feet nine. Her face is round and a little exotic.

I put out my hand and say, “Hi, I’m Mattie.” I see her eyes widen slightly. She recovers and looks over at Cade. I wonder if she’s looking to see if there’s a reaction from him. He’s ignoring her and asking where the big boy is.

Jeremy answers, “Right here!”

“Ha ha!” We all laugh.

We have a packed house within an hour. I’m so glad all the guys from the band could make it. Of course I get my big hug and kiss from Scott, as usual. Jeremy always laughs when this happens. Scott and Jeremy get along really well. They like to joke and laugh together. Scott always gets away with his constant flirting with me. Jeremy just goes along with it. He’ll say, “Bastard, she’s mine!”

Scott will respond, “Not if I have any say in it!” Scott has been known to toss me over his shoulder and shout out to whoever will listen, “She’s mine! All mine!” Boys!

If Cade were to do the same thing? There would be fur flying. I don’t think Jeremy will ever be totally comfortable with Cade. I try to reassure him, and he listens, but I don’t think he will ever get over seeing us kiss like that. I guess I can’t blame him—I never even saw him kiss Sarah—just the thought of it put me over the edge.

I can’t help but to watch the interactions unfold between Cade and Laurel. There is tension between them. I’m trying to decipher what type of tension it is. Is it angry tension or sexual tension? They stand apart for most of the party. I can tell that they are trying not to look at each other, but as I watch, I see them both glance at each other ever so subtly throughout the party. I see their unguarded looks come and go swiftly across their faces. I smile to myself. Oh yes. Definitely sexual tension.

The End

Coming Soon—Unintentional
Cade’s story


To Tiny Doran for buying me my Kindle. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have read hundreds of romance novels. Also, I’m sorry for referring to your character in the book as a “slug.” I didn’t mean it.

To my own Mattie. Thanks for working so hard on the cover. When you’re old enough, I promise you can read all about Mattie, Jeremy, and Cade.

To Jean, Becca, and Julianne. I took a little from all of you for this book (Jean – your determination. Becca – your independence. Julianne – your vulnerability) Thanks for being great daughters.

To Big Doran: Thanks for all of your support. You have endured countless frozen meals with grace. You have persevered through challenges in life that would have toppled the strongest of people. If everyone had just a tiny bit of your faith, this world would be a better place.

To Elore (Laurel) – Your sage advice throughout the years has been invaluable. You are an inspiration to me.

To Weiners (Jeannie) – You have never betrayed me! Haha. The times in my life I have laughed the hardest was with you. Thanks for that!

I would also like to thank Lindsay from CreateSpace for her insightful editorial evaluation. I loved your ideas, and if they weren’t implemented properly, I take full responsibility!

I want to thank anyone who reads this book! I had a great time writing it—I hope you had fun reading it!

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